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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/16 in Posts

  1. I should have done this earlier while the hype for the game was still going on but better late than never right? I hope this review will shed some more light on what this game is actually about because I think it deserves more attention. You can read this whole review without fearing any important spoilers will be revealed. If anybody wants to discuss or ask about specific spoilers, they are free to do so as long as they use a spoiler tag. Lucy -The Eternity She Wished For- is a remake of a 2010 Korean visual novel that is the result of a Kickstarter project started by M-Vizlab. The project attempted to translate the original game in both Japanese and English as well as rewrite the story and remake the art assets in order to deliver the most polished version possible. The campaign successfully reached its goal and went on to raise a total of 18,155 CAD, meaning several of the stretch goals were reached, one of which included full voice acting in both Japanese and Korean for the main character, Lucy Valentine. About a year later, the game is finally released on both Playism and Steam for users worldwide to enjoy. I have to admit I was very excited when this title was initially announced. Not only because it would be the first Korean visual novel I would get to experience, but also because I have read several Korean web comics and I know just how different and engaging fictional stories created in Korea can get. Does this mean I am a little biased? I wouldn’t deny that, but I did not really set any expectations for what the game was going to be about, so I like to believe my first play through of it was as unbiased as possible and that’s what I’ll try to carry over to the people reading this. The story starts off with you. Yes, “you”, the protagonist. From the get go the game sets itself up for self-insertion by having an unnamed protagonist with the name tag “You”. This is a very curious choice given the events that unfold later, but I guess the creator thought having a self-insert protagonist was his vision for the story, and I have to say that despite my personal disdain for these types of protagonist, this one didn’t really impact my overall enjoyment, especially given that the game is set up so that the characters would never really need to call you by your given name so very rarely does cognitive dissonance kick in. The only problem, and this is a general problem with these types of protagonists, is that the choices they make while carrying “your” name might not actually be the choices you would make, and that may break some of the immersion, but again I think the story handles this fairly well and most people will hardly notice it. So who are “you”? You are a regular student going on about your life in a technologically advanced world where owning an android at home is an everyday thing. The only caveat is that you hate androids in general, and so does the family you live with. While not much is given to the reader about the protagonist, the game does make it clear that they do not like robots, and this is what sets the tone for most of the game and the future interactions you will see. One day, while going home, you decide to drop by the local junkyard, and that’s where you encounter a fallen android amidst all the scrap metal. This android is more realistic than any other you’ve seen and you wonder why it’s even there to be destroyed. Against what you previously said about disliking androids, you decide to take this one home, perhaps due to a sense of pity, but regardless, it’s now your responsibility. And this is when we’re introduced to the main heroine of the game. Although it might seem unreasonable for a character that’s set themselves up as an android hater to take an android home, I think the protagonist’s inconsistent morals are what later make these moments make some sense, so even though I was initially questioning it, I later became to understand some of the reasoning behind it. (Could anyone really ignore this!?) After several comical attempts at talking with the android, you discover she’s named Lucy Valentine and that she’s a multi-purpose android that can essentially do all kind of house work. However, some of her parts are severely damaged and she is unable to move. The following day you take her to the repair shop and drop her off there while you go to school. In school we’re introduced to yet another character, and the protagonist’s supposed best friend, Gears. Gears is an android fanatic and owns several of them at home and he is an incredible contrast to the protagonist, which makes you wonder how they became friends in the first place. Although they might initially come off as the comedic relief character, Gears actually represents one view of the world, the side that wholeheartedly accepts androids. Once school is over, you drop by the repair shop where you’re greeted by Lucy, who’s now fully recovered and jumping around, excited for your return. She calls you “master”, and despite your attempts at making her call you something else (the game actually prompts you to type a name you want), she ends up not believing that’s your name (in my opinion, “Onii-chan” is a wonderful name) and continues calling you “master” anyway. After chatting some more with Lucy and getting familiarized with her new personality, you arrive home, only to encounter your father in the living room. Similar to the protagonist, the father is unnamed and is always referred to as “father” by both the protagonist and Lucy. Much like Gears, the father character represents another viewpoint of the world, one that despises androids and their existence. The father is very adamant when he sees Lucy and thinks she is a worthless robot that could never replace a human being. Despite this though, you convince him to let Lucy stay, so long as you don’t let her affect your grades and you take responsibility for her. After this, the main journey of the game begins. Although I didn’t initially think about it, the game clearly attempts to set the protagonist as someone who lives in between this android hate/love dichotomy, a dichotomy represented by two characters the protagonist interacts with on a daily basis and that Lucy comes to disrupt, and this is essentially the central theme of the game and what most of the story that follows centers around. Most of the main story deals with interactions between the protagonist and Lucy and their relationship. When I say “relationship” I don’t mean a romantic relationship. Yes, that’s right, this game does not center around (or have, for that matter) romance, which is actually something I quite appreciated. Yes, they could have gone for some human x robot romantic plot, but they decided to keep it more grounded in reality and in the setting the story takes place in and focus on other key aspects of human and robot relationships, mainly whether or not an android can fill the same kind of roles a human does in terms of emotions and feelings. The tone of the story is set up very nicely and subtly without going overboard. I never once felt like things were being rushed, even though there was never really any noticeable filler. Each scene is important and reveals something, and even if it’s not related to the actual plot it’s a scene revolving around the connections between the characters, which I truly appreciated seeing. If you think the whole thing is a drama fest though, I'd like to inform you there's plenty of nice comedic relief moments you will witness throughout the day, most of which revolving around Lucy's social awkwardness, and I don't mean to say that she is shy, but rather the complete opposite. (I wish I could look this happy doing the laundry too ) The story also touches upon the dichotomy I mentioned earlier, by having the protagonist make several choices that either lean him towards one side or the other and are also the main causes of both his internal and external (primarily with his father) conflicts. Apart from that, the perspective shifts multiple times, primarily to the perspective of some doctor you don’t really know who seems to be in charge of Lucy before she met you. Not much is told in these moments other than what seems to be the backstory of Lucy when she was still in her development stages. Going any further than this on the story would make me reveal important scenes and plot points, but I think the general outline I gave is more than enough to explain what the game’s main themes and atmosphere are like. The story spans across a total of about 4 hours, the first hour of which I roughly covered before. As far as branching plots go, I was somewhat disappointed with the game. None of the choices apart from the last one actually matter, and the last choice merely has two options, meaning the game really only has two main endings. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s perfectly fine if a visual novel doesn’t even have branching paths, but for a title that seemed to have so many interesting choices to make during its main story, it sure lacked when it came to those choices affecting the outcome. The choices are primarily used in the end game to collect achievements or for pure comedic effects. In terms of characters, the game naturally spends a great deal of time around Lucy and her antics, leaving the rest of the characters as more of a background noise than anything. Lucy is an extremely cheerful girl who I think is very likeable by anyone. Although some people dislike overly cheerful characters, Lucy’s personality does not feel too over the top but rather purely human, with her primary goals being making the protagonist have a happy and easier life. She tries her best every day to do the house chores when her master is not around and she tries to prove herself to his father constantly in hopes that she will be acknowledged. I found myself in love with Lucy pretty quickly and I think that anyone who initially does as well will likely have a great time during most of the story. (You either love that smile or you're literally Hitler) The other character that has a lot of relevance in the protagonist’s daily activities is his father, who’s the main source of all the conflicts in the story and who seems to be really abusive towards his son. It’s somewhat hard to comprehend his actions, even when the game later on somewhat tries to explain itself. In fact, I was genuinely concerned for the protagonist’s safety in his household, but maybe that was the intention as well. Lastly, Gears is mostly only present when the protagonist is confused and needs someone to consult. As I mentioned, Gears loves androids and is very knowledgeable on them, so he becomes the protagonist’s number one choice for getting information on Lucy. He’s also like I said a representation of a viewpoint that loves androids, and he opens up the protagonist to the idea that androids aren’t actually all that bad. The protagonist himself also managed to have some relevance, even if he doesn’t have a name, as he’s the one caught up in this divided world where he doesn’t know whether he should like or hate androids and he’s constantly questioning whether or not what he’s doing is the right thing. Personally I find that this is the most engaging aspect of the story and what kept me wondering if he will succumb to his father’s hatred for androids or if he will become independent and do his own thing. Ultimately, as the main focus of the game, the characters managed to bring out the main themes pretty well and they did often make me question whether or not I was going on the right path. Their interactions are all relevant, none of them feel like filler, and that was probably the most enjoyable part to witness. After you complete the game, there’s multiple achievements to unlock, some of which include extra side stories that attempt to explain certain events in the story. The game really makes sure you take the most out of it and if you missed certain things in your first play through you’ll have to go back and replay it to get the achievements. Moving on to the more technical side of things, the art is another great selling point for this title. As I mentioned in the beginning all the art assets were remade using the Kickstarter funds and boy did they pull it off. For such a short game, the developers understood when to have a CG to capture the moment and I think there isn’t a single important moment I could point to that does not have its own CG. The character sprites are lively and have several different expressions that properly convey their emotions, Lucy being the one with the most attention to detail, honestly almost every single CG with her in it was incredibly heartwarming to look at. Whoever was in charge of this game’s art design really nailed it. (Look at that face. LOOK. AT. THAT. FACE.) In terms of sound, the game does not have a lot of variety to offer, but what it does offer fits perfectly. Outside of the background music itself, which I actually really enjoyed listening to, the game has plenty of sound effects that it utilizes to bring the most out of the scenes. Ironically, the thing I remember the most about the sound is the menu music. I think it’s the first time a song has stuck in my head so much. The voice acting was fairly good. I played the game in Japanese since that’s the language I’m more familiar with and the voice actress did a wonderful job as far as carrying Lucy’s bubbly personality goes. I did attempt to play the game with Korean voice acting but unfortunately it sounded too strange for me to find it enjoyable. I don’t want to comment on whether the Korean voice acting was good or bad since I have almost zero knowledge on the language, but this time I preferred playing the game with what I was familiar with. You can also not play with voices if either of the two bother you. Lastly, on the writing front, the English is a bit stiff. I can't comment on the translation since I don't know anything about Korean, but overall a lot of the sentences feel a tad bit unnatural, not so much that you're questioning the nationality of the characters speaking, but enough to be noticable by those who really value that kind of stuff. Also Lucy speaks in 3rd person. Take that last part as you will, I personally am not a fan of the 3rd person speech in English but at the very least it was applied consistently and if you take into account that Lucy is a robot, maybe you can cut the game some slack for making this choice. In the end, Lucy is a game about building bonds and fixing bridges between characters as well as tackle the issues that a world with hyper realistic androids could bring to a society. Does it deal with a lot of morals and science? Not exactly. I think the story is more about the protagonist and his journey to coming to terms with himself and androids, it’s just that it so happens to have a nice side message on top of being a heartwarming tale. If you want a small yet impactful story about a human and his android, I think Lucy will certainly fit the bill, especially given its price tag. As for me, it was a journey I don’t regret taking or paying for and I hope more people who finish the game feel the same way as well. I found myself completely absorbed in it after a while and I was even caught off guard by the game multiple times, which if I were to elaborate on would completely spoil the story, so do yourself a favor and go try it for yourself. Final rating: 69/69 go read the actual review. If you want to pick it up, the game is available DRM-free for $9.99 on Playism as well as on Steam. The Playism version also comes with a free Steam Key.
    6 points
  2. arakura

    Fuwa Korean Learners?

    안녕하세요 For a while there's been a Japanese learning group or three on fuwa, for good reason, but recently for personal reasons I was wondering if there would be any interest in forming a group for learning Korean. I myself am a beginner, in my second semester at college, and there'd be no required skill level to join. It'd be a nice way to get some feedback and daily practice, so I'm attempting to feel out if there's any interest or if everyone's busy learning Japanese ^^ I think as long as we could have like 4+ active members it would be worth trying. Let me know if you're interested. (Though honestly I expect that this might just be a huge failure, lol. Gotta try) If there's interest, we'll go from there with the details. Edit: send me a message on fuwa if you're interested
    5 points
  3. The reason A is so compelling is there is no single story-line. It's basically just a collection of single-route VNs, since you directly choose the route you want without any guesswork regarding vague conversation choices. The routes still have some variance within them, but you know that you're not going to end up in the wrong girl's route. This is something that set Maji Koi apart; while not necessarily unique, it is rare enough to be compelling. The problem with S was that it took the base routes from the first game, robbed them of the mixture of comedic and serious story, and made them essentially short sex-based bullshit. The Margit, Kokoro, and Iyo routes started well, but finished poorly and also lacked any real depth, failing to add anything to any of the characters. Only Monshiro and Tsubame were proper routes(and Koyuki, but for spoiler reasons, I won't discuss the myriad of issues there), and two routes that, in my opinion, could only charitably be called passable can't carry the weight of the rest of the game's failure. This was especially a shame, since from a format, feature, and ease of translation standpoint, S was vastly superior. It had everything going for it, other than the story, which is why, again in my opinion, the game was largely a failure. A preserves those things that made S great from a technical standpoint, and adds back in the story based content, returns to proper character development, and actually put a bit of effort in to the writing. Even the H-scenes are better written than large swaths of the story from the 5 original girls in S. It's one reason I wanted to keep going, and I think it's why the team stuck together. As bad as S was, as annoying as it got, A reminded us why we liked the series in the first place(Koyuki's route played a role in this, as it was story based, but again, due to spoilers, I won't go into depth on this). This is obviously just my opinion, so feel free to disregard it, but I think that A is enough. Are there girls/routes in general I'd have liked to see? Sure. I liked the friend arcs from the first game; Moro's route was excellent, and Capt's was just hilarious. I'd have liked to see something similar for Gen and Kuma. As well as a proper route for Kokoro. However, the game has run it's course, and if it can end strong with what we have in A, then I'd rather it stay like that than to descend back into what S was.
    4 points
  4. Valmore

    The Last GM Standing!

    So you lied? Well, if you want my soul you'll have to fight Mastercard, The US Government, Virgin Records, Frank Cho and The creator of honey mustard for it.
    3 points
  5. I never play more than one VN at once because I want to stay focused on that one VN and finish it before starting the next one.
    3 points
  6. Eclipsed

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    I forgot what I was gonna rant about. A good meal and family bonding time works wonders in cleansing the mind body and soul yada yada ~~ >> Only thing I actually did was SAO: Hollow Fragment. 2 weeks ahead in schoolwork luckily isn't relevant, cuz !!!Spring Break!!! is next week!@# That being said, I'm gonna go on a 'hiatus' from Fuwa 'til then, Midterms and whatnot, pce out y'all <3
    2 points
  7. so far my personal top3 are: • Ikusa Megami ZERO (ancient pantheon, heroic bravery, betrayal & last but not least staife) • Daiakuji (well, lets rape them all until they confess their crimes aka my very own loli-squad starts kicking ass) • Oujo no Abaddon (why it´s wrong to try arguing with nee-chan, btw. tale of a frustrated completionist) edit. zero/ao no kiseki could also be considered a great candidate for glory (more background, more jaeger corps, red costellation, more awesome) but wasnt that sure about its visual novel aspects, though.... nah screw those thoughts... anyway xseed why? whyy??? *sobb, sniff
    2 points
  8. Blueberries are the best possible thing in summer, cranberries in fall, buy all that shit and farm the shit out of it. Make sure to contribute to community center bundles whenever you can, prioritizing the ones that repair minecarts for fast travel and repair the bus to go to another location with the best seeds in the game for Summer Year 2. A stable also helps once you can get hardwood because a horse is so much faster. Don't bother with basic sprinklers but once you can afford to and learn how to make some quality ones. Artisanal goods such as jelly or wine cost a multiplier of the basic fruit/vegetable you put in, so put the most expensive ones per unit you have in there that aren't gold or silver star for maximum profit.
    2 points
  9. Monster Girl Quest Monster Girl Quest Monster Girl Quest 'Nuff said
    2 points
  10. As I recall, you as the player have to go to considerable lengths to "trap" the heroines to prevent them from escaping--presumably to rape them silly until they join your side. That's pretty evil lol. I'm pleased however that you've been corrupted to the point that you staunchly defend the "virtue" of a game--a rape nukige--that you would've surely avoided on principle not 3 years ago.
    2 points
  11. Pretty much what the title says. They can be translated or not translated if you wish. Explain why the three you have chosen stand out among other vn with gameplay. Here are mine. Number 3: Yumina The Ethereal The gameplay for this is really unique. You and your enemy must share audience rating (which is basically SP or MP) to defeat on another. Theres certain colors each character can use before an attack or buff so you have to manage your moves carefully, otherwise you could end up doing nothing. This can also help since the enemy uses the same source of power as you and you can drain it so the enemy cant do certain attacks. But this also means that you yourself are limited to certain attacks as you try to limit theirs. It's a real interesting mechanic that I don't think I've seen in any other vn or game. Thats not all though. There's exploration quests, item management, a giant skill tree. Yumina the Ethereal is great, not just for its character but for its gameplay, writing, funny moments, and genuinely great experience it provides. Number 2: Sengoku Rance While the story is engaging, the main character Rance can rub some people the wrong way. He's arrogant, thickheaded, has a slave that he cares very little for, and he sleeps with mostly anything with a vagina, whether they are willing or not. But to some hes a fun loving, easygoing kind of guy. Of course this is not why it's not on this list. The gameplay is so addicting. You can do so much in 5 minutes and not even realize it. When starting out you have only two turn points to work with, and you realize how precious these are real quick. How will you use them? Go into a dungeon to level up all your non ko'ed generals? Attack an enemy territory? or just not attack at all and build up your defences. despite my limited amount of examples just then, there is a ton to do in Sengoku Rance and something for each game you complete. You can add to the experience in new games as you use points youve earned for completing goals or beating the game in a certain amount of time. While very dated, it still holds up very well. Number 1: Kamidori Alchemy Meister I really cant thank the people who translated this one enough. I can't imagine how long this must have taken to completed as this is not only a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong vn but it has a tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon of items to not only translate, but translate their descriptions. The gameplay can be long but at the same time very fulfilling. As I said, there are a lot of items in Kamidori such as armor, weapons, additional items, buffs, quests, selling, and restoration. Probably a few I forgot. I could go on and on about this one but trust me. Go play it if you haven't already.
    1 point
  12. TexasDice

    Fuwanovel Fight Club

    Anyone playing Pokken? I think it's a lot of fun and deep enough a game, despite of how easy it is to get into.
    1 point
  13. Confession: I got rejected from a call center job, with the lowest of the low requirements. The bottom of the barrel is too good for me. Confession 2: Surprisingly, I'm not upset about it. I think I am actually finally emerging from this funk I've been in. Confession 3: Just feels good to post here again.
    1 point
  14. You're well aware that's not what I meant... I'd much rather have a cravat than a mere tie.
    1 point
  15. Valmore

    The Last GM Standing!

    I'm just here for the potential lewds... and to bribe Dergonu with yuri pics.
    1 point
  16. That was a very good and informative interview Thank you for sharing
    1 point
  17. By my blade I shall mete out death to all whom dare to stand against our glorious leader, Kaguya. Come, fools, and see how I shall paint the land red with your blood! (Was that chuu2 enough? )
    1 point
  18. 2-4 i think,so i can re-read the common route
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Currently playing Kindred Spirits on the Roof. I really like how the "protagonist" Yuna feels really cool, even without trying. How would I explain it...? Whereas other cool characters usually feel like they are pretending or forcing it, she doesn't because she is neither pretending nor forcing it most of the time - she panics and acts embarrassed as much as the next girl, but she still manages to be cool the rest of the time. All of her CG's look cool and that helps immensely. Another thing I like about her is how she fills the usual holes that characters leave in conversation. Let's imagine a normal conversation where a character says something that doesn't make complete sense and makes me think to myself about how it doesn't make sense. Yuna, however, always seems to point out what I'm thinking when she thinks to herself. Maybe a character makes an argument with a hole for the sake of persuasion - Yuna doesn't let it slide.
    1 point
  21. Since I need to know it for the first week, I went ahead and used a random number generator to select Kaguya and Nosebleed's generals. Mitchhamilton is Nosebleed's general and Greenshadow622 is Kaguya's general.
    1 point
  22. 12kami

    The Last GM Standing!

    i join the fray only to kidnap @Flutterz give me Flut and i'll take the roll fufufu
    1 point
  23. Well well araara you just did what I was thinking off doing like 1-2 weeks ago, but was too much of a ダメ人間 to actually do it. Basically I have been wanting to learn Korean as well for the longest time now, not as long as Japanese but close enough I suppose. The fact that on top of already having Japanese classes I might have Korean classes next semester can only make me say yes to your proposal ara :D. Just care for your drunk messages on steam @LiquidShu (/ω\)
    1 point
  24. I'm also reading Grisaia right now, and I'd have to agree with a lot of what Vorathiel says. The common route was pretty bad, I didn't enjoy much of the comedy and the narration didn't do a great job at getting me to care for the characters. I just had to sit through hours of boring interaction between characters I didn't care about. Well, short of Makina - I really liked her in the common route They don't really reveal any of the problems of the characters in the common route, there is no interesting character development, no intriguing events happen outside of character interaction, no sudden drama that turns their peaceful life upside-down, etc. But overall, unlike some other VNs it just didn't pull me in and wasn't engaging - I was reading it for the sake of getting to the character routes. So far I've read Makina's and probably most of Michiru's route, and this changed my opinion about the game a lot. I liked Makina in the common route and her route was as good as I expected - but not surprisingly amazing or anything. However Michiru, while she was kinda annoying in the common route ended up having a marvelous route so far, totally changed my opinion of her and the game. I hope the other routes are just as good.. though from this thread it seems like only Amane's is, and she is my least favorite character lol.
    1 point
  25. 1. Sengoku Rance Superior gameplay which keeps me entertained and it is hard or tricky to get the more special endings/goals. I always return to this game once a year or so. There is something special when I am conquering Japan. You could go for one of the endings or trying to complete the game. Which is a hardcore mess where you most likely are raging over any small detail. Some of the character clears are just painful to get. But just playing the game is easy and you can do whatever you want. It isn't hard either. You decide how much of a challenge you want. I usually decide myself what I want to do and how I want to do it. Just to mix it up and trying to get different units. 2. Kamidori Alchemy Meister I never completed this game. But it was interesting. But the grinding and collecting went on to an absurd amount of level and in the end I dropped it. But it was enjoyable and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys grinding. 3. I want to say Seinarukana here. But I can't I have high hopes for this VN. But I can't say if it is good or not. I enjoyed the first game and what I have heard the sequel should be much better overall. Otherwise I don't have any favorite I could recommend. Played a lot of machine translated gameplay VNs but that was a horror I am not repeating. I can't really judge them when I can't even comprehend a sentence. It doesn't do the story justice.
    1 point
  26. I'm usually playing about 3-5 VNs at once at all times, and that's just because I'm a multitasking maniac, and I feel it suits me more than playing them one by one
    1 point
  27. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3rz4QvYn7-DM2xUa3I0WjhrNW8&usp=sharing
    1 point
  28. Hatsuyuki Sakura: She goes 'pyaa' ; I go 'baww'.
    1 point
  29. 1.Kamidori 2.Madou Koukaku 3.Eiyuu*Senki
    1 point
  30. rainsismyfav

    Kanji Readings

    I learn each reading within a context (sentence or phrase). Makes it easier to remember. Straight rote memorization of every reading of one kanji is just difficult. I get my context through experience or learning books. Imo, learning Japanese is all about exposure. Later on it just becomes 2nd-nature / natural to you.
    1 point
  31. It's hard to pick only 3 because there are many of the good ones.. But if I really had to choose. 1. Kamidori Alchemy Meister 2. Ace Attorney 3 3. Daibanchou
    1 point
  32. I list my top three gameplay VN's according to how much I liked them and not ranked by the quality of its gameplay system. 1.) Koihime Musou One of the first VN's I played but it's still one of my absolute favorites. The gameplay parts are rather light though - it's certainly not a gameplay VN. But the short battle sections were still a nice distraction. 2.) Kamidori Alchemy Meister Certainly the best gameplay VN I've played so far and I really liked the setting and the characters (mainly Serawi). My main gripes with it was that it was rather grindy and therefore very time consuming. 3.) Demonion I played that mainly because of M&M's art, but the dungeon keeper gameplay was pretty fun. It had two gameplay modes, a tower defense part for the dungeon defense and an attack mode to conquer territories. I liked that they didn't make a grinding game out of it and the gameplay parts were short enough that they didn't completely dominate the story sections. Though the biggest problem of the title were the lack of story and character development - it's still a nukige at heart. Fortunately, the rapy parts weren't that much of an issue since the VN was rather light hearted.
    1 point
  33. Zenophilious

    Birthday thread

    Happy birthday to @InvertMouse! I didn't know you were turning 30
    1 point
  34. SakashimA

    Fuwanovel Fight Club

    Confirming: I do own BB. I should have been more clear As for my Steam ID it's YukiOShimA.
    1 point
  35. 1. MGQ series 2. Kamidori Alchemy Meister 3. Danganronpa
    1 point
  36. though haven't played enough vn's with gameplay but those i hv played nd liked are.... Kamidori Alchemy Meister Yumina The Ethereal Princess Waltz -------------since you asked best played 3 so i hv ranked those....Tears to Tiara is also one of my fav....
    1 point
  37. Looking forward to the demo, good luck with it
    1 point
  38. Deep Blue

    Kanji Readings

    learning the readings is a waste of time (imo) because you wont remember them (some kanji have like 7 lol), I don't think there is any logic behind when to use one reading or another and if there is I haven't yet find any book that says so. For example why some words with 見 start with "み" ,most of them with the meaning "look" or "show" etc so you think there is some kind of pattern or logic but then then you have 見学 for example which is written like けんがく...why why is not みがく... why would you suddenly change it to けん, けん is mostly used when the kanji ends the word like 意見 (いけん) so basically sometimes they use on and other kun, are they native jap words and that's why the use kun..? who knows, but with so many kanji is really hard if not impossible to learn the meanings by themselves, it's already really hard to memorize the kanji and their meanings let alone all their readings... Maybe is not a waste of time... but thing is there are some better ways to spend your effort and time when you are learning japanese than learning that. The best thing you can do now is learn vocabulary (this is really important and it serves a purpose) like Tawm suggested and read read read, you can learn a lot of vocabulary by reading not just with cards.
    1 point
  39. It's nothing serious, it's just a concept i came up with after watching some tragedy looper reviews and wanted to write here to immortalize it, no matter how stupid it may look. It's about Umineko, and it's pretty fanfic-ish but i thought about it for a few hours and wanted to organize it in text to see what people think. (INVOLVES HUGE SPOILERS, so be warned.) Plot: Some woman comes up to Featherine in the meta-world calling herself a "drama sibiling", and says she came up with a loophole for the story. It is as follows: "Eva's diary contains the truth, but it may only say that the Ushiromiyas died, without fully saying the details. Maria's jaw found in investigations might be a fake done by someone powerful enough. Ange came up to terms with herself upon finding out that they are indeed dead, but revived them in name only keeping their good memories in her personal golden land." Featherine could've easily destroyed that loophole with a red truth, but let it slide to see what happens. Thus, the "drama sibilings" invade the golden land, starting a battle where the gamemaster team with the most convincing theory takes control of Ange's golden land. The game would have three teams: Rokkenjima Lovers (Beato & Battler), Braintwisting Witches (Lambda & Bern) and Loophole Experts (Drama Sibilings). The goal is to make a seemingly unsolvable tale about the death of the Ushiromiyas using illusions. The gamemaster team wins when the protagonist fails to solve the mystery (who, how and why). The identity of the gamemaster team is hidden at the start at the games so that the protagonist can figure it out through method identification. The protagonist can have the support of any character as the role of Watson, however that support can be deceiving depending of it's role in the scenario. Rules that apply to all gamemasters: Rokkenjima must blow up and Yasu/Beatrice the 3rd is secretly the Ushiromiya head and the default culprit waiting for someone to solve the epitaph. CLUES MUST BE PRESENTED, but they can come up in the form of foreshadowing (being a clue for the protagonist). The detective can't be the culprit and there is only one. Rules that apply for Rokkenjima Lovers: There can be simple serial murders (Beato's influence, things go up as Yasu plans) and happiness gone wrong cases (Battler's Influence, Yasu fails but unforseen circunstances lead to the murders). Battler is the detective and there are only the default 16 people on the island. Everyone but Battler is a optional accomplice or possible culprit, Knox's rules MUST be followed but Van Dine's rules CAN be followed, however THERE MUST BE ONE TRUE CULPRIT. Rules that apply for Braintwisting Witches: There can be almost simple serial murders (Bern's influence, things go exactly as the culprit plans, but it doesn't have to be Yasu) and complex serial murders (Lambda's influence, multiple accomplices and people faking their deaths only to be killed later). Erika can be used and either her or Battler can be the detective. Maximum number of 17 people on the island. Everyone but the detective is a optional accomplice or possible culprit, Knox's rules MUST be followed but Van Dine's rules CAN be followed, however THERE MUST BE ONE TRUE CULPRIT. Before giving the rules, here's the backstory to the Drama Sibilings: Both came from the Western continents, the Male Drama Sibiling (MDS) is a ultraconservative that wishes to use the Ushiromiyas to gain political power in Japan. For that purpose, most of the Ushiromiyas must die only in name (the world thinks they're dead) or mind (memory loss) and Eva must survive in every way to be MDS' representative in the japanese business world. The Female Drama Sibiling (FDS) wants to keep the MDS from gaining political power because of his murderous hatred of communists and sickening loyalty to his old country. For that purpose, she wants to stop his plan of controlling the Ushiromiyas and to make the world believe that he's a murderer. In the meta-world, MDS wants to turn Ange's story into purely drama by not having corpes in the "Rokkenjima Massacre" so that only he can have jurisdiction over her future as a proof of his ownership over the Ushiromiyas while FDS wants the protagonist to believe MDS murdered everyone to make her lie more powerful. Setup game of the Drama Sibilings: MDS hooked up with Rosa a month before the family conference and pretended to be FDS to have a possible contract meeting with Krauss during the family conference. Yasu's riddle MUST be solved before midnight of the first night to keep corpses from showing up. Rules that apply for Loophole Experts: DEATHS CAN ONLY HAPPEN IN NAME OR MIND. APART FROM THE COMMON ONES, MYSTERY RULES DO NOT APPLY. Yasu (and indirectly her servants) and Rosa (and indirectly Maria) are the only optional accomplices. Yasu can only be a accomplice if her epitaph is solved by the culprit. MDS (disguised as FDS) can be used, but only Battler can be the detective. Only MDS can be the true culprit, otherwise there is no culprit and every incident is accidental. Maximum number of 17 people on the island. If Ange is a support, she'll instantly take MDS' side because she'd like a future where her family is alive, requiring certain actions from Battler to make her satisfied with her family only being alive in the golden land. Holy shit, this looks more complicated than i thought. It must be entertaining as a fanfic at least.
    1 point
  40. Okay, I finally finished it, or at least one play-through which is certainly enough for me. But man, that was that dull - its only saving grace is probably the gameplay part which was surprisingly addictive and fun. It wouldn't be enough to motivate me for another play-through, but for the first one it was entertaining enough. I tried to go for Subaru first, which unfortunateley failed since she turned out more as a side character than a full heroine who only joins the team much later on. So I was more or less stuck with Haruka. Narika was pretty much out of discussion since I've probably never seen a girl that looked less like a ninja girl than her. She also had such a high pitched voice that I was almost relieved when she didn't participate in conversations and I wasn't forced to keep my drinking glasses away from the speakers out of fear they might burst. However, for better or worse conversations outside H-scenes were a rarity anyway. That's not to say that the other heroines would have been much better, they were just less annoying. Haruka pretty much had no personality at all and Subaru who at least had the potential for a cool ninja girl was left just as a mere side character. I was actually surprised that a Subaru route was unlocked after my play-through with Haruka. Though considering that Haruka's route more or less only consisted of a few more H-scenes and maybe half a page more additional text, that's certainly nothing special. Except that you have to beat the final opponent with your chosen girl which was a very bad surprise for me since my far strongest character was Subaru and not Haruka. There's also little to no story, since the game mainly consists of the gameplay parts and picking H-scenes. The text and dialogue inbetween is usually just repeated over and over again with the exception of some rare key scenes. And even the H-scenes were overall more tedious and boring than anything else. That's not to say they were badly drawn - considering their age they were fine for the most part even if I did hate the protagonist shadow obscuring the girls. The main problem was that they lacked a decent setup that gets you in the mood. They were just training after all, a mechanical act like making your daily coffee for breakfast or bringing out the garbage, nothing more. No tension or emotional bond to make them more engaging. And if that wouldn't be enough already, you have to play every H-scene three times (!!!) to get the full version of it. I've also seen repeated H-scenes beyond that, so the total amount of unique H-scenes isn't really that high, especially considering that there are only 2,5 heroines. And if you don't play the evil route you can just cut them in half. The overall production values were more on the average side. The title has only partial voice acting and the heroines just 1 - 2 different body sprites. For the most part I was just looking at a few 'hovering' heads talking with each other. Having just played a Yuzusoft title with a highly dynamic sprite and facial expression system, this was almost a slap in the face. On the other hand, most side characters were drawn so I at least didn't have to endure exciting conversations with air, void and emptyness. Despite my not exactly glowing review, I wouldn't go so far to call it a bad title. While it's certainly light years away from something like Kamidori, I'd say it's at least comparable to the Raidy titles quality wise. It's still a lot better than what MangaGamer and Jast were churning out in their cheap nukige days and it's certainly fairly priced compared to what they charge for their cheap nukiges from Softhouse Seal & Co. Overall, I'd rate it a subjective 6.0, but since I only played the good route I grant it a more objective 6.5 since it also offers an evil route I didn't play. This getting a high rating on EGS can probably only explained with the time it was released. Those days, the production values were probably a lot higher in comparion to the average VN than today where it would probably hardly reach a 60 on EGS anymore. So time definitely matters for ratings, especially for those that just rely on artistic and technical merits instead of story and writing.
    1 point
  41. Deep Blue

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    1 point
  42. Actually, the text on the back of the disc release for the Steins;Gate anime does a fantastic job at this, and as I recall, the second one is used in the VN intro as well. I can't decide which of these is better, but I love them both: The microwave is a time machine. He should have been more careful. I was struggling with Gahkthun for a while, but then I realized what the real emotional hook of Gahkthun is, and a concise answer followed immediately: Nikola Freaking Tesla
    1 point
  43. Lol, legit every time a thread like this gets made at least 1/4 of the posts are "Learn Japanese". While I would like to say there is an easier way, honestly their isn't. Machine translators are terrible, fan Tls are slow/unreliable, so your best option as a VN fan is to eventually bite the bullet and learn Japanese. I just hope your interest in porn games are strong enough to motivate you to learn an entire language ;P. (Honestly though, learning a language is always a good use of time. Even if it is for porn games.)
    1 point
  44. No, after those ~2200 there are Kanji that Japanese government decided are above the highschool-level. Jouyou Kanji are the most essential characters used in everyday life. Real Life, that is. They aren't necessarily the most common characters that appear in VNs. Actually, they cover plenty of Kanji you will probably never encounter in eroge (like those used in names of prefectures for example). That's why I wouldn't really recommend starting with them. It will be pretty sad when you will finish cramming those ~2200 Kanji and start a random VN, only to discover that it uses ~250 characters that weren't covered by Jouyou and suddenly you can't understand anything. Oh, and putting them before Kana is simply the most illogical thing you could do, I seriously don't know what the author of that guide-thread linked earlier was thinking. Hiragana and Katakana are the first things you should learn, they are an absolutely vital foundation. As long as you know grammar well, you can read VNs even without memorizing a single Kanji - MeCab and/or JParser can deal with them nicely (and help with vocabulary too). Learning Kanji seriously increases your reading speed, but it's not absolutely essential (unlike grammar). Grammar is easier than Kanji and takes much less time (depending on your talent and dedication, learning it decently during summer break is quite realistic). You need it anyway, so you might as well start with the most vital stuff (you can learn Kanji later, or do both at the same time, why not?). Also, I'd say that learning-while-reading is much more efficient than cramming government-approved list of characters, since you will be memorizing only those Kanji that actually appear in VNs (a lot of them will be from the jouyou list, but not all). Of course, different methods work for different people, so you should pick one that suits you best and stick to it. In the end, you will need both Kanji and grammar. On a final note, most people mentioned this already, but machine translators do not work. At all. Atless, Bling, Gooble - it's all the same shit. Avoid them, unless you like deciphering random gibberish that has nothing to do with original text.
    1 point
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