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About babiker

  • Birthday 10/07/1996

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    I travel way too much.

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  1. Basically this . I don't know why one can not find this basic guide anywhere on the new site. It might be buried in some post here in the forums, but I think it should be somewhere on fuwanovel.net for visibility.
  2. I more or less was, only through discord have I returned to grace the land
  3. Pretty sure there are little to no restrictions over here on advertising your own game. We've had VN devs in the past loading this place with discussion about their VNs. I remember blacksands entertainment in particular making a thread every week or so at some point about their game. But that's really what a lot of us are here for: To talk about VNs. As long as you're not overspamming the forums, any advertising from your part will be more than welcome. I'm sure I'm speaking for a lot of us here when I say we'd like to see you talk a bit more about your games Inverse. I think you only post about your games when they release/ are near release. Questions like: What inspired you to make this particular VN? Are ones I'd be very interested to have you and other developers answer, even if it may seem like ya'll are just promoting yourselves when you do. It could just be that I'm a fan of yours and that I have no qualms with shamelessly promoting my own stuff
  4. My favorite suggestion thus far Nah, it's pretty different. Removing all VNs but on efrom existence will have a profound impact on everything, from the dominating country producing VNs to the very nature and culture of the medium. Your choice would affect the past, present and future you want to live in, not just your favorite fap material at any given moment.
  5. Yo. You might recognize me as one of your old followers. I was really looking forward to this VN, and I recall you being quite active over here, sharing the development of your characters and everything. When you suddenly disappeared for a while I feared the worst, that this project had failed that you abandoned it all together. I'm glad to see that you managed to salvage something from all your work, and I hope you find success in your new endeavor. After hardship comes ease friend
  6. Yo, it's been quite a while since I last posted anything here... But hey, good to show up every now and then Me and my buds at FuwaFM just had a long podcast about this topic, and I am interested in hearing what ya'll would pick. If it were left with me and me alone, I'd probably pick Rewrite. Imo it's not only one of the best VNs out there, it's a very good example of how to use the medium right. The way all of its routes tie into one another and how the plot is different yet connected to every other route really shows how unique of a story a VN can tell. The podcast itself was more of a game, with a long list of all of the VNs the four of us are at least somewhat familiar with. We get to remove VNs from that list one by one, and the last VN standing is the winner. We also added the shield mechanic, which allows a member to stop a VN from dying, permanently halting the killer's ability to attack that particular VN again, although others can still kill it.
  7. I'll second the languages thing. You also might want to consider something like "VN dev position"? Something like "VN developer", "VN artist", "VN music composer" or something. Or maybe just give it to the devs cuz who cares about the rest of the team amiright. Feels a little over the top, and people do sometimes put it in their "rank". But it would be helpful for those who want to ask questions directly to professionals or ask for help in creating their own VN. This way devs (like say, InvertMouse) don't have to remind everyone that they're VN devs every time they want to post something relevant. It would also be pretty cool B)
  8. How can SolidBatman ever recieve a score other than a perfect 4/10, which he himself bestowed upon his favorite visual novel
  9. I'm expecting it's just gonna look better. One thing I'd like to see is to have our own community scores But yeah, this sounds interesting. Looking forward to the final product
  10. Uh, I really don't get the extreme pessimism over here... Key just released Harmonia a while ago, a Japanese VN that was released in English before Japanese. If you don't call that making something new, I don't know what is. Why is everyone pretending Key doesn't make anything original at all anymore
  11. I'm... Kind of sad my thread was merged with all these other threads. Honestly, who the hell decided it was a good idea to merge every single thread that even mentioned Trump? Mine was titled "Trump is America", and was about an article that mainly pointed out how Trump's attitude and personality mirrored your average oppressive dictator, dictators that America has supported to keep it's foreign interests intact. It had little to nothing to do with Trump's election, which is what this thread has become. Just because multiple threads are talking about the same person, doesn't mean they're all the same topic. This move was done in poor taste, and I hope it doesn't happen again. I'm now reluctant to make any new thread related the US politics, in fear that it's just going to be awkwardly buried here...
  12. Well, I do have to admit that the writer exaggerated quite a bit on what Trump would do if he became president. I do highly doubt things would get that bad before he's stopped. But I wonder how much he can get away with without getting kicked out of the white house. He has already broken most lows when it comes to the front runners for the presidency. And I do agree that America falling apart would have implications on the entire world- And probably the end of the current peace. But then, what would happen? Would another super power become the world's "police"? Or would nuclear world war break out? Well, America falling apart won't happen over night, so I assume I probably won't know the answer to those questions anytime soon... But all empires and states must come to an end : >
  13. An article about how Trump is, to Americans, what America has been to the rest of the world Mainly posting this here because I know politics interests quite a few people around Fuwa. I found this article to be ironically true, well written and rather unnerving. I particularly loved the small paragraph about Hitler. Here are a few quotes:
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