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Rose last won the day on November 8 2015

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About Rose

  • Birthday 08/08/1996

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  1. Stopped playing months ago but guess I'll share. GSSR was always weird to me because I mostly only got Servants I didn't care much about at that point in time, leaving me with that empty feeling of "I spent money on this?". Then a couple of weeks/months after, I would happen upon some lore I had forgotten about or some nice fanart and start reading through all the content there was about those characters in the Nasuverse. Now Medb is best girl. Kinda happened with all of them, so money well spent I suppose. Even dupes ended up helping me farm stuff later on so no regrets.
  2. I did a thing. ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ
  3. When it comes to CG usage and all that, Mahoyo tops pretty much... anything. Others I really liked were all of Kuuki's fights in Ayakashibito and the final battle. Actually, most battles in that game were great. Shirou vs Bey is always awesome to read, mainly the final ones in Kasumi's and Marie's routes.
  4. Marie ascended to the throne and her law creates a cycle of reincarnation where everyone has a chance to be happy eventually. "Scary and sad things don't last forever. Everyone can smile again the next day. Everyone can become happy." The little Marie is her sensory, something the one sitting on the throne can produce to serve as their self in the world. Ren is the real deal. The reincarnated ones don't really remember their past lives, they were just acting iirc.
  5. They're not. Well, you could make a case for one or two but not enough to really matter at the end of the day.
  6. No, it's just sex iirc. Amantes Amentes has the extra scenes and they're all pretty great.
  7. I don't even know why but I'm so hyped for this.
  8. Good job with this. I'll link it on the discord so the translators can verify if any of these weren't reported already on the typo channel. You really should hide those with the spoiler thing though, it takes a while to load all these images.
  9. I think I also spent over 500 for Casko so far, but hey I have NP4 Waver thanks to that.
  10. Paid. 8 tickets for Holmes. I hate this game.
  11. Steam code should be on your backerkit. They also extended it to add the artbook as an add-on so go fill the survey.
  12. From r/visualnovels' discord: (ReadingSteiner is one of the translators btw)
  13. You're an outstanding human being.
  14. Uh, didn't receive it. Try again and also give me your ID, just to be safe.
  15. @12kami 912,163,446. I have 30 friend requests tho so I'll need your name.
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