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  1. This probably will only matter to a select few of you, but I figured I should probably give an update on what has happened to me and why I just dropped off the face of Cyber-Earth, both here on the main site, and on the Skype groups. Well, first off, please let me clarify that I have no intention of leaving the site. I still love Fuwanovel just as much as I did when I first stumbled in here, as the lowly pleb that I once was. However, I am sure that my long string of inactivity has probably left some of the people who know me thinking I am either slowly dying and distancing myself from the community, or that perhaps I just don't care, and have surrendered myself to the 3D realm. Both of these trains of thought are not exactly right. Well, to put it simply, I have just been under a great deal of stress over the last six months or so. First off, I dropped out of University, as I wish to switch over to college and take IT. Second, I have been unemployed ever since and no job has given me the light of day. I currently have one thing hanging in the air precariously, but I have a pretty high degree of pessimism as I am currently basing all future outcomes on previous ones. Last main point; I've been in a really dark spot due to the stress of being unable to find a job. Everyone has been very understanding in my life, and I can't thank them enough for that, but I've just felt so useless due to being a very unproductive member of society. The only thing that really keeps me from caving in is the loving support of my girlfriend, without whom I am sure I would be completely and utterly defeated and on some kind of watch list. So why does this matter? I have always been very vocal about my personal feelings and the like in various threads, with the Confessions thread immediately coming to mind. How is this any different then what is already public knowledge? Well, all of this extra stress has started leaking into my writing persona. Until now, my writing persona and my real life persona have been one and the same. I act the exact same way I do in real life, and I have no shame in saying that. The problem is, I don't want you guys to start seeing me differently. I want to remain that friendly feels guy that some of you guys seem to somehow tolerate. I mean like, yeah, I do get around to posting every now and again, and I do check in on the Skype groups whenever I can. I just don't stay active because I usually just get bogged down shortly after. Again, I just don't want you guys to start seeing me differently. So yeah, I am going to cut this short. This is not a goodbye. This is not even a notice of a temporary leave. This is just letting people who might care, even just a little bit, know what is up with my fading in and out of the community. So yeah, sorry for taking up your time with my real world problems. As I have said many times in this post, just letting you guys know why I am so ded. ^^''
    8 points
  2. Now I know many of you are reading that title and either saying, "Bats, there are already histories of Fuwanovel written by other members! What makes yours any different?" History is history after all. I have wanted to do this many times, and right now is a good time I think. Fuwanovel has a ton of new members, members that are post-Aaeru, post- Vax, post- Ryoji, post- torrents. Fuwanovel today is vastly different than what it was just 2 short years ago. I have been browsing the dankest of visual novel websites, Fuwanovel, for 3.5ish years now. I feel I am an a unique position to tell the story of Fuwanovel as I see it. Many of you know that I used to be a global moderator. Even less of you likely know that I also used to be a site administrator. For that reason, I got to see many of the changes happening to Fuwanovel behind closed doors. I was a part of some of the decision making that led Fuwanovel to where it is now. So, this post will be all about that jazz. This post will not be white washed. It will not be some Fuwa Propaganda. I have made many mistakes in my time on Fuwanovel, and in my eyes, so have other people. Please do not report this post, or censor it because you think I am insulting people. I am keeping this as respectful as possible. Now that the breading of this historical sandwich is in place, how about a little background as to why I joined Fuwanovel. Back when I joined, on November 20th, 2012, I had read but two VNs. Katawa Shoujo and Analogue: A Hate Story. Analogue was what got the ball rolling, and after an RPGFan.com suggestion, I decided to read Ever17. I found a particular site that offered VN downloads, however they were multi-part .rar files. Screw that. I am a lazy solidbatman who wants one download and one only. So, I continued my search, found Fuwanovel, and downloaded Ever17 from the old front page. If you are very new, and don't know what Fuwanovel used to be, let me explain. Fuwanovel, until somewhat recently, offered pre-patched torrents of visual novels. These were portable, download and play VNs with minimal effort required from the user. Aaeru's goal was to make playing VNs as easy as possible, and this was well before Steam VNs were even a blip on the radar really. Sure, one or two existed like Analogue, but it was nothing compared to what we have now. These pre-patched VNs did not always work, but generally, results were fine. Back to me now, I did not actually join Fuwanovel upon downloading Ever17. That did not come until I was enjoying Ever17, and downloaded Never7 to follow up with. Unfortunately, Never7 had a sound issue, and I was unable to solve it on my own. So, I joined the Fuwanovel forums in what I still think is the best introduction post ever written. At the time, I was planning on just messing around a little bit, getting my help for Never7, and moving on. Instead, I found a helpful, extremely friendly, tight knit community eager to spread their love of visual novels to anyone willing to listen. I was still friendly back then too. I quickly took part in anime discussions, gaming discussions, and generally helping people out whenever possible. Fuwanovel was a baby still, only being formed in August 2012, and was just gaining its footing. To this day, I still have not sought help for my Never7 problem on Fuwanovel. I eventually found my way into Steve's teamspeak server, and with his encouragement, I finished Clannad. Early on, I actually was friends with Steve, and enjoyed talking to him. This was before either of us were moderators. We had many a good discussion about various anime and VNs, and I quickly learned that in his teamspeak, no link was a the only kind of safe link. He also learned of my distaste for sexualized lolis, and was constantly posting things to trip me up into looking at one. Much fun was had on his Teamspeak, and eventually Tay popped in to ask us if we wished to become moderators. This may have also been around the time as the IRC room AMApocolypse. Snotsuku, a resident troll, decided to intice everyone into spamming the forums with AMA threads. Oddly enough, this marked my early encounter with Zakamutt, as he and Kendjin both were slapped on the wrists for their actions and Snow faced a temporary ban. I do remember helping Tay and Ryoji sort that mess out (it resulted in a dedicated IRC thread, and the beginnings of the Games and Chatter board) but again, I don't remember if I was a moderator yet. Notable members that become moderators with me were Steve, Down, and Luch. Luch, while quiet, helped many people with technical issues resulting from downloads on Fuwanovel. Down is Down and is still what I consider the gold standard for how a moderator should handle himself on a large forum. Steve and I, well, our relationship began crumbling at this time. We both had very very different ideas on how Fuwanovel should move forward. If memory serves, on of the first messy staff arguments was over a NSFW loli image being posted. Another early argument was over whether or not the forums should have links to pirated localized VNs. The loli debate pitted Steve and Aaeru against Ryoji and I. Ryoji and I were similar in that we were crass, loud, filled with profanity. Steve was... Steve. Condescending, and the type to put his fingers in his ears and go, "Not listening!" His walls of texts failed to address issues raised, which only served to make Ryoji and I even angrier. Aaeru just did not seem to understand at times what was going on, or was too timid to jump into the bloodbath. I was extremely disrespectful in those arguments, and absolutely should have carried myself better. Tay came in, reached something of a compromise that was begrudgingly accepted by both sides. Arguments between Steve, and I continued over everything. Spam posts, loli images, piracy. It was a mess. Again, my anger typically got the best of me, and Tay, or another moderator would swoop in and attempt to resolve the situation. I stopped going to Steve's TS and began hanging out on the IRC chat room. It was there the birth of Kaguya was witnessed. From spammer to global mod. Not before getting banned from the IRC for abusing frodo the bot. Kaguya was a crazy spammer. We even caught him liking his own posts to boost his reputation. Baby Kaguya just did not give a fuck, and that was part of his appeal to some I suppose. I don't recall if Nosebleed ever hung out in the irc room. He can let you know if he did. Regardless, some shapign up happened and suddenly boom, global mod. Now something interesting happened somewhere in that time frame that resulted in me being promoted to an admin. Ryoji left Fuwanovel after basically shaping the forums. I don't think it would be wise to really get into the specifics, but it was not really a good situation. I volunteered to take on the admin spot, while in the back of my mind knowing it would be a temporary promotion. The first thing I did was finally clamp down on sexualized loli images, and pirated links on the forums. This once again led me to bump heads with Steve and Aaeru. It took me an entire day of arguing with Steve on his TS before he finally agreed to put any sexualized loli images in spoilers and label them NSFW. He also agreed to keep them only in his loli thread. It was exhausting arguing with Steve. Things were going somewhat smoothly, until Fuwapocolypse 1 happened. Aaeru kind of vanished around the same time, causing a massive headache for poor Tay. I found myself completely useless in the situation. I believe the problem was that Aaeru had pirated the forum software, and it finally caught up to use with a take down. Tay managed to raise some funds, and we purchased the legit copy that we use today. Nayleen was a huge help around that time, so I stepped down right about the same time he became an admin. I decided I no longer wanted to be staff for Fwuanovel. My constant fighting had helped nothing, and I just wanted to be done. At this time, the original Fuwanovel blog, VisualNovelAer was sort of dead I think. There was the random post now and again, but it was dead and social media outreach was smallish. Aaeru's disappearance left Tay high and dry, and then came the second Fuwapocolypse. At issue was the fact Tay had been threatened with legal action. With Aaeru completely vanished, IP holders went after Tay for being in charge of the site. This resulted in Tay having to lay low for a while and severely limit his itneractions with the site. Cybersteel took over hosting the server and Steve became admin. That was a disaster. Steve asked me to come back onto the staff to balance it out a bit I guess. I reluctantly agreed, only to find the same old issues at play. Steve was unwilling to listen to anyone but his little echo chamber, which infuriated me, leading me to go off again and again before finally asking to be relieved of my mod powers. It took 3 hours of arguing with Steve just to get off the mod team. -End Part I- I will work on this more, adding more detail as I find some older posts with some of this action, and remember things better. For example, Grisaia and Clannad getting western releases caused some issues, and so did the final Loli Battle (which resulted in Steve finally leaving Fuwanovel and Sanah becoming the new defender of Fuwa Lolis ) The rebirth of the blog, the birth of FuwaReviews, the death of torrents, and social media stuff will be covered in Part 2 when I do it. Also look forward to irc explosions, Original Ren's appearance, and other more member centric focused stuff. Maybe I'll even get into Aaeru nearly killing Fuwanovel for good. Was kind of swept under the rug for various, good reasons. I have made my fair share of mistakes with Fuwanovel. I've been too adversarial at times, disrespectful, and just mean. I fully admit a lot of my strong language is uncalled for. I also admit that I think of plenty of people on Fuwanovel as entitled, ignorant, fools with too many ideals and not enough practicality. I am also aware that many of you likely feel the same way about me. I'm fine with that. I can dish it out, and I can take it.
    6 points
  3. So this time I will review this doujin freeware kinetic visual novel created by Keinart Lobre which I enjoyed it a lot and I thought it needed a review for how good it was. I'm kinda lazy so this will be a pure text review and nothing more (sorry maybe I'll add some pics in the future xD ) The story follows the life of Ciarán Endyein and his friends, Ciarán is in last year of high school, a few month from graduation. He spend his time doing jokes and pranks with his friends Ziva Shani a wanna be psychologist transfer student girl that constantly tries to psychoanalyze Ciarán and his long time friend Ausse Ealdwine a pervert guy who only thinks about women all the time. Ciarán is what you can call a pragmatic person, one that is constantly saying witty comments or full of irony, teasing his friends, doing crazy stuffs, starting speeches for no reason which always end in a comical way, he calls himself the Joker or clown of the class along with his friends. He reminded me a lot to Morita Kenichi from Sharin no Kuni and that's always a good thing because there is a serious lack of those types of characters in visual novels. He is also a writer, he usually writes things in his little notebook that is always carrying around with him and because of this Ziva is always trying to analyze the reason behind that. Little spoilers ahead: The story really begins when he tells his friends some story about certain figure that he bought and got lost in the middle of the delivery and someone sent him an email about it, a really weird blackmail email which is not clear if it is actually a threat , some kind of joke or actually someone crazy writing nonsense. End of spoilers In the process of finding the real culprit behind that email Ciarán meets two new characters, a little girl (the loli) called Claire Argyris which is an airhead, a bit shy, constantly lost in her own world, saying things out of place but that from time to time will leave Ciarán speechless because she is not what it seems and last Luce Aurea, she is a kinda a tomboy but not to an extreme, I don't want to reveal too much about this character or Claire either. (There is another character but I can't say anything about him xD ) So far you might think that this is your typical visual novel, some slice of life with comedy but there is more than meets the eye, aside from the excellent comedy (yes it is actually really funny, most of the time with good humor) and the good pace that this novel has because it doesn't get boring through out the 10 or more hours that the novel last, there are times when the characters have this conversations about life, happiness, things they want to be, expectation from others, a bit of philosophy in the middle that reminded me a lot to subarashiki hibi WARNING: RANTS ABOUT SUBAHIBI AHEAD (if you don't like to read bad things about it don't read it.) XD this time it made sense and it wasn't forced than your throat in the most boring and weird way with scenes that went on and on and on just to get to the freaking point >_> END OF THE RANTS. The characters are well developed and all of them are very interesting, all of them with their own motivation and purposes, they are not there just to fill the gap, for example Claire is not the "loli" type just because the writer wanted a loli type between the girls. The music was good I think there are like 33 tracks and some of them are really good and stuck with me even after I finished reading the novel. About the art it was good too, maybe it lacked on the GCs a little bit but it is understandable, still the few once that you will encounter are really well done and they are in my opinion perfectly placed for moments that really deserve it. The sprites of the characters are good too, the artist is Bonkiru he is really talented ( image not from the vn xD ), so you can expect to see some good art. After reading the novel I had to re-read it again, yes it is that type of novel where you need to read it a second time because you discover new things that you missed the first time(specially to make sense some parts of the plot) and since I read it in Spanish the first time I did it in English the second, which brings me to the language topic, the translation was done pretty smooth, there were some jokes here and there that they didn't translate 100% but they were still funny. Overall I think this is one of those few exception to the OELVNs, it doesn't try to copy or mimic the Japanese visual novels, it's not about a Japanese boy (thanks good!) and even if the main character is in high school you wont find the cliche plot from the jap vns, it's also not a harem, yes even if it looks like one it is not. Right now is on BETA but the developer is asking for some help (he needs proofreaders) so maybe you want to wait until it's release or read it right now, either way I'm sure it wont disappoint you. Link to the thread of the novel
    4 points
  4. I'm voting Muramasa and Dies Irae personally. Those two need to be translated even if the tournament won't necessarily make that happen.
    3 points
  5. Thanks for doing this Bats! I hope my post (like a week ago) partly motivated you to do this. Its always nice to see people's reflections on the past. And you certainly played a fairly important role in this community in the 3 odd years you've been active. Also, Please elaborate on this. I generally find all things concerning Aaeru fairly interesting as she has always been fairly enigmatic to me.
    3 points
  6. I wonder, what position would translation quality be in if they asked that question again after the Flowers fiasco? Maybe people needed to be reminded of how important TL quality is because MG has generally been doing a pretty good job lately. Translation is one of those things where when it's good, people tend not to notice or even think about it. They only notice when it's bad. It's still a sad reality that the average consumer appears to not care, as we've seen examples of time and time again with VNs.
    3 points
  7. Lol, legit every time a thread like this gets made at least 1/4 of the posts are "Learn Japanese". While I would like to say there is an easier way, honestly their isn't. Machine translators are terrible, fan Tls are slow/unreliable, so your best option as a VN fan is to eventually bite the bullet and learn Japanese. I just hope your interest in porn games are strong enough to motivate you to learn an entire language ;P. (Honestly though, learning a language is always a good use of time. Even if it is for porn games.)
    2 points
  8. I picked this up mostly because @KosakiFag is such a big Alicesoft fan that I wanted to see what all the hoopla was about. One thing that tipped me over the edge for this release was the ability to skip all the rape scenes - which probably sounds like anathema to most of the people in this thread, but deal with it; I'm a wimp that way. Anyway, about the game. H-scenes are fine and all, but I'd probably pick up a more straightforward nukige if that's all I was looking for. Nonetheless, I find myself playing the game for pretty long stretches (actually longer than I would a more typical VN), and the reason is of course the gameplay elements. I find I really enjoy these simple optimization problems, and I especially appreciate that the dice are fixed. I have no desire to reload over and over again to get a better dice roll, but I will happily reload once to make a better decision on what to do with the dice/points/etc. I have. The mechanics are a little under-explained, but the only ones I didn't get yet were Libido and Brutality. Re-reading arunaru's post on the MG staff blog explained Libido quite clearly, so now I regret not pursuing raising that up higher, sooner . And I'm planning to leave Brutality at 0, so that's fine too. I'm only on day 10 or so at this point, but it's quite a lot of fun. I'm about to attempt the first castle raid and am curious to see what that's like.
    2 points
  9. A-5 should be the conclusion. It's already been beaten to death for after-story material, VERY FEW which are canon....
    2 points
  10. Dergonu

    One thousand lies Review

    Currently in the beta proofreading this. I haven't gotten far, but I love it already. It's really well written and the art is stunning. It seems really promising.
    2 points
  11. Kind of a disappointing list IMO. Only 2 VNs that interest me White Album 2 and Aiyoku no Eustia. Why are so many of the requests things that have been already translated I want new stuff not things I have already read before or things that are so old I just have no interest. This could be a disappointing year for official english VN releases. Oh wait it always is. How about some VNs made in the last few years with HD graphics and preferably have no gameplay(just read and make choices).
    2 points
  12. Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no (this fits perfectly, since a lot of the VN is the protagonist bringing happiness to lonely/psychologically-abused/vulnerable girls)
    2 points
  13. I saw the title of this thread on the sidebar, immediately checked to see if it was a Pulltop game, saw Fiddle linked my post, can now die happy.
    2 points
  14. It does, in my opinion it's the most realistic route, it has humor yeah but it gets serious too, don't worry. No problem, i don't mind answering
    2 points
  15. hopefully, they move on to other projects, I love the majikoi universe but you need to stop at some point.
    2 points
  16. "We're sorry the game was disappointingly short with a shitty cliffhanger ending and choices that didn't matter. Don't worry, this will all be rectified two years from now when we charge you $25 for the next four hour installment!" Oh, joy. Well, they announced the free patch since then, so that's good. But again, how substantial is that really going to be? I doubt it will address most of the complaints. Just a tip to Love in Space, people want their choices to matter when they're making them. Having your choices only affect what happens in the next game isn't going to make anyone happy.
    2 points
  17. A is a series of games with more routes for characters that didn't get them on Majikoi or Majikoi S thus far there's A1 all through A5, it is said that A6 will be made but nothing is known for sure. Though at the moment only A1 and A2 are being translated, what the future holds who knows though, i'm hoping all of them will be translated eventually
    2 points
  18. Fuck my shit right up, Uchikoshi-senpai http://gematsu.com/2016/03/zero-time-dilemma-participants-announced Participant names and Japanese VAs: Carlos (Tomokazu Sugita) Akane (Miyuki Sawashiro) Junpei (Suzuki Tatsuhisa) Q (Toyosaki Aki) Eric (Ishida Akira) Mila (Sakamoto Maaya) Diana (Noto Mamiko) Phi (Omigawa Chiaki) Sigma (Ono Daisuke) Zero(? - guessing on this one, there's only nine names in the article) (credit to GSR on NeoGAF) If you know Japanese: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201603/08100824.html ~~ TRAILER s h i iiiiiiiiit http://www.spike-chunsoft.co.jp/zeroescape/ h o l d m e
    1 point
  19. Clephas

    Amaekata wa Kanojo nari ni

    First, this VN is by Giga. Yes, Giga, the same people who did the Baldr series. However - and I have said this repeatedly in my comments on other non-Baldr Giga VNs - the second Giga steps outside of hard, complex, violent sci-fi... they get third-rate (except the visuals). The best non-Baldr VN I've even tried to play by Giga was Harvest Overray, and even that was only just above average for a charage with a central story (though the humor was the best of Giga). In fact, if you ignore the visuals, every charage they've made other than Harvest has been just below the charage average. This one doesn't escape that trap, unfortunately. To be honest, I thought from the description on Getchu that they might have actually made something worth playing this time (despite the crappy character profiles). Unfortunately, what I got was a surprisingly shallow VN, whose best content is based entirely in parts (not the whole of) the heroine routes and where the rest stinks of potential but never quite manages to make it live. I really and honestly thought I would like the characters... after all, if there is one thing Giga seemed to be capable of doing outside of its visuals and the Baldr series, it was a halfway-decent characterization, right? Right? Wrong. I honestly couldn't believe how shallow the characterization is, especially in the common route. The best you get in the common route is a vague, archetypical idea of what the characters might be like (Kanae being the most obvious). Unfortunately, the heroine routes basically say 'what you saw in the common route is mostly just a bit extended here'. Tomomi's path had some moments... but the other heroine paths were a patchwork of poor character development and a sudden shift to the 'endgame' after a relatively short bit of story progression. Is this a kusoge? Not necessarily. I've played much, much worse charage in the past and not criticized them this viciously. Unfortunately, I'm also not in a charitable mood at the moment, because I was hoping this would wash the Kadenz Fermata flavor out of my mouth so I could play Tsumi no Hikari with a calm, reasonable heart. This is basically a very, very short charage with a very minimalist approach to... everything. When carried out properly, a 'minimalist' charage can sometimes be better than a longer one. Unfortunately, the failure to properly develop the characters (especially the protagonist) in the common route led to me being unable to care very much about the heroine routes. This made for a very 'rough' and 'slapdash' experience, at least in my (biased at the moment) opinion.
    1 point
  20. ittaku

    A good Machine Translator?

    As already stated, there is no such thing as a good machine translator. One of the biggest problems is even calling them machine translators. They are only electronic dictionaries with rudimentary grammar deconstruction to figure out what verb conjugation is being used. It's used as an aid for someone who already understands some Japanese to begin with to aid with unfamiliar vocabulary, kanji, etc. Those who don't know Japanese and try to read/watch/play things in Japanese use text hookers and friends initially thinking this is going to be the godsend. Usually it doesn't take long to realise that what you're looking at doesn't remotely turn into even a tiny semblance of what's written in Japanese. Sorry, but true, good, machine translation is decades if not centuries away since it would need true artificial intelligence - and despite anything you read, we haven't even begun making real progress in that area.
    1 point
  21. It doesn't exist. Chiitrans and AGTH are not machine translators but hooking tools that link to machine translators like ATLAS, google tl, bing...
    1 point
  22. Yeah...armpit is simply just amazing. Ahhh Senpai~~~~ i started less than 6 month myself. But i`ll consider kind of lucky since i already got some of rarest ship. But the pain when i was farming Urakaze still haunt me time to times. more than 600+ Sorties, 700+ buckets consumed just for Urakaze.
    1 point
  23. Who is Junpei? That emo boy 3rd from left? o_O The character design really could be better...
    1 point
  24. Deep Blue

    One thousand lies Review

    It's really hard to talk about the novel without using the spoiler tag and I made sure of not spoiling anything but yeah I do agree that one particular part was a bit too much yet there is an explanation for it. It goes without saying that the novel is not perfect but I praise it a lot because it does something different without trying to mimic or copy cliche stories that we have already seen many many times specially on EVN, and it does so with some amazing characters and some really good dialogues between them, some of the conversations between Ausse and Ciar are too damn funny, the part with the reference to katawa shoujo I was laughing out loud and I don't usually do so, add philosophy and a real drama to it and you have an excellent visual novel that you don't find every day.
    1 point
  25. Funny thing is, the completed chinese patch for WA2 is full of translation mistakes. I did a comparison in the past, looking at the chinese and japanese scripts side by side (they're not mistakes that influence the overall story much, they're things here and there). Yet, it's still one of the most loved VNs in their VN community. I believe someone here mentioned it before, but it just goes to show that as long as some people enjoyed the translation, it's not worthless.
    1 point
  26. There are some really good bastuds in Corpse Party There's mister ex Principal hamering everyone's faces in Then there's the ridiculously cardboard-esque MC Satoshi But if you want to rip your hair out in pure frustration and agony, there's this motherfucker Oh dear god are some characters in Corpse Party annoying as all hell
    1 point
  27. All these people complaining about the licensing top 10 like they're actually gonna be translated. Seriously, it's just a survey. Just like the tournament, nothing is officially confirmed to actually be released just because it made the top 10. I imagine MangaGamer is gonna try to get the licenses, but nothing is confirmed until there's an official announcement.
    1 point
  28. Yuuko

    Amaekata wa Kanojo nari ni

    Yeah I played one route of this before I quit. Even the art sucked imo. Luckily it was short so I didn't end up wasting too much time.
    1 point
  29. Ok, I WILL give this month a shot. This time I'll finish the VN. Maybe. Hopefully. Possibly. Let's do this!
    1 point
  30. I'm going with Dies Irae and Muramasa Those two look like I'd enjoy them more from Bladr and Eustia
    1 point
  31. I agree with you, this novel was really...bland, first giga vn that I read and I'm sad to see something like this (im leaving all the good stuff for later)
    1 point
  32. Finished chapter 7 of Princess Evangile and once again I'm surprised how much I enjoyed this chapter. I swear Konomi's like an adorable Michiru... let's just hope whenever that fandisk releases she'll have a better route than Michiru Anyway from sidenotes: 1) In light of Ayaka's pick for additional learning material, did anyone else think "Could have been worse, she could have picked 50 Shades of Gray" ? (though considering how hilariously badly written that book is, Konomi reading that out loud may have been even funnier ) 2) Maybe it's just because I'm also working on finishing Tsujidou-san no Virgin Road at the moment, but it's kind of weird that Ayaka talks the same way as Azusa.
    1 point
  33. the message error box is not telling you a whole lot just that the program failed to star/run the other error (those weird characters) you need to change your pc into japanese format not just the system locale
    1 point
  34. mitchhamilton

    Are traps cute?

    he did post a progress picture though. its not much. NSFW LINK! i think.
    1 point
  35. Well that's how taste is. I guess I can add your show to the "others" recommended list, even though I've seen it myself and wouldn't include it in my own list. EDIT: Done. I've changed the category to explain why it's others. I feel similar for example about One Week Friends - a wonderful show and while the ending was pleasing in its own way, I did not feel ultimately satisfied since >spoilers go here< damn still no spoiler tags. I'd still recommend watching both shows, I just wouldn't give them that ultimate tag.
    1 point
  36. master therion from deus machine demonbane
    1 point
  37. I more or less expect an equivalent amount of effort to go into translation as went into writing the original game.
    1 point
  38. Dergonu

    My 1000th post!

    Haha, wow, thanks mitch
    1 point
  39. Nice to see Dies Irae/Baldr/WA2/Eustia/Rance in TOP10, a bit sad that Eushully/tone work's didn't make it. Will I get some kind of prize for guessing right? Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica ears = music spirits = well, spirits? double = hmm, could be a combo, spirit + human or it could refer to different VN Also, it's all-ages + episodic = nice sales on Steam. The word spirit gave it away PS. Don't need to thank me for announcing it first ^^'
    1 point
  40. Step 1: Make a Steam account Step 2: Read Katawa Shoujo Step 3: Buy VNs on Steam Step 4: Accidentally read a Sakura game Step 5: Reformat hard drive, and drink vodka until you forget Sakura game
    1 point
  41. Sharin no Kuni and Ayakashibito have amazing antagonists. Kuki Youkou is just amazing.
    1 point
  42. FUTURE Electronic goodies~
    1 point
  43. ME3 gets a bum rap. People were angered over the ending, but take that issue away and it was a pretty solid instalment. It had more RPG mechanics than ME2. It had just as much story as ME2 (which was one big recruitment drive, really. Head writer left after ME1.) Shooter mechanics were better than both of the previous games. It wasn’t nearly as buggy as ME1. Choices didn’t change much but it did change your experience through the game. All in all, ME3 is a better RPG than ME2, and a better game than ME1 (ME1 was the best RPG.) In comparison, Sunrider Liberation made hardly any improvements. Situations are completely different, tbh.
    1 point
  44. Watched Boku Dake 9 yesterday
    1 point
  45. Lucy -The eternity she wished for- Summary In the near future, androids have become the way of the norm. Emotionless husks of metal have become a part of human society, much to the dismay of the boy. The robot he found at the dumpsite though, this one was different. It laughed, it cried, it smiled, it has dreams, just like a human… Lucy The eternity she wished for is a Visual Novel, about a boy and an android. You play as the boy, who faces decisions and moral dilemmas in this near-future world. This is a story that has touched many hearts and continues to have a strong impact on those who partake in this compelling journey.' From: Steam Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order There are only 2 main ends to the game (and one extra ending) and from all my testing, they all depend on the very last choice you make, so if you want to go blind into it, it's a fairly safe thing to do because the last choice is quite obvious. The vast majority of the other choices in the game are mostly for unlocking CGs and specific scenes, some of which unlock achievements. Since there's only one major path to take, I have designed my walkthrough so that you can unlock the most achievements with one single playthrough. I will mark all the choices that unlock an achievent with underlined text. If you wish to do your own thing, you'll have to replay the game later to get the remaining achievements. Route Guideline True End Forgotten Memory End Achievements This is a guide on how to get every single achievement in case you can't discover some or you missed one or two during your playthrough. Extras Below is a guide on how to unlock every extra Attribution This walkthrough was entirely written and tested by me. Please link to this post if you want to use it on your website.
    1 point
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