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fuyopon last won the day on October 19 2023

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About fuyopon

  • Birthday 01/12/2001

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    BL in any media | Horror | Books | Translation
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  1. This may help, it's a filter with the "incest romance" tag and the "pink hair" trait on it
  2. I personally use KrKrextract (version, it's the only that worked for me). If you have any issues repacking, just reply here
  3. Actually finishing Blood Domination right now, literally! It was way better than I was expecting. I wanna read more, like I used to, mmmm...
  4. just updating this, since I have a notification on it: I'm playing way more now, so I'd say around 3 hours a day? It depends on how busy I am, but I try to read at least 30 minutes, ideally 1 hour daily
  5. Man, I haven't said anything in a while huh... Well, I haven't been reading as much as I used to, but I'm currently going through Blood Domination and Umineko (episode 6) I'm still finishing Uzuki x Izayoi's route but I've been enjoying it a lot!
  6. Ayeee so excited for this one~ It's a cute artstyle too
  7. This banger just dropped so I've been listening to this non-stop Hiiragi Kirai and Flower are a match made in heaven fr
  8. Loved higurashi! I found CLANNAD and Iwaihime both a bore, but for different reasons: I just played CLANNAD after many VNs, and I find it underwhelming and messy, especially when I don't care for the whole "family" theme throughout the whole game. For Iwaihime, I just found it bad overall lol. Bland "mary sue" protagonist and not very interesting cast, too many descriptions where some gore could be added and meh conclusion due to the two previously stated issues. Hope it's just my opinion and you enjoy it tho! ---------------- I've been busy with life but managed to advance on Umineko and finished What's your wifi password? It's a short, silly OEVN about you being bored, looking for the wifi password of your friend's place and instead finding her brother. It's a wholesome talk
  9. Alrighty, it's been a long time since I last talked about what I've been reading! I finally resumed Umineko last week! I keep a daily log on Notion, so I'll just: DAY 41 (DEC 9) — Episode 2's "???" + beginning Episode 3 DAY 42 (DEC 10) — Episode 3 Read 30 minutes today, but nothing to share here!
  10. Been listening to these non-stop The first one is relatable to my current mental state lol The original is great too!
  11. Welcome to the forums!! I hope you enjoy it here Looking forward to hearing more abt your project!!
  12. Interesting! Well, Little Busters is definitely a comfort read to me: it deals with the topic of friends and found family, as well as fear of change. It's mostly comedy for the common route, but it's pretty touching on all its routes and the Refrain/True Route gets me emotionally invested every damn time. It also has some weird mystery that I enjoyed. The House in Fata Morgana is another one I enjoyed and helped me in times of need, but it's a bit on the heavier side... it's a gothic (in looks and content) romance and tragedy, and deals with the lives of the people who inhabited this strange mansion over the centuries... All in all, it truly helped get out of my trauma shell and gave me more strength to deal with what life throws at me, even if it's still difficult. Finally, there's Marco & The Galaxy Dragon. While Fata Morgana was heavier, this one is the light and comical story most people think of as something to distract yourself with. You know Guardians of the Galaxy? It's the first thing that comes to my mind when I watch the first scene, but imagine that but they come back to Earth looking for a treasure. It's whacky adventures with magic and shit. Pretty fun, would recommend! Since you are already reading through Higurashi, I won't recommend it again, but that one also made me bawl my eyes out and helped me oh so much too
  13. Nah, I feel you on this one. I like it when the writing has a point to it, but it doesn't seem to be the case for this one. Sure, she's an edgy teen who thinks others are trash—like almost any teen—but the pretentious writing makes me feel not care for her. She just sounds very emo (lol)
  14. This is an old review, but back in July, I reviewed Synesthesia, a sci-fi adventure game by Spire Games. Have you played it? What did you think of it?
  15. Back in August, I played the demo for BRXKEN INSIDE. It's a psychological horror yuri and around... 1 hour? It's still a demo, after all. Check it out here and let's discuss! What are your expectations for the full release?
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