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  1. 5 points
  2. So yeah, this was the VN I had finished last when @solidbatmanwas looking for more reviewers. It's more polished. Review is up! Feel free to discuss, ask questions, pour on me. Etc. Just remember who's watching your every move, though. Overall, great translation of a piece that does do the best of what you typically expect from the genre.
    4 points
  3. I have a gift copy of Tokyo Babel sitting on my Steam account, waiting to be given away. However, I want to give it to a community member as part of a contest or a lottery-type thing (no purchase necessary, lol). Unfortunately, I suck at that kind of thing and I don't have the energy or time to act as a referee, so I need both ideas and volunteers to umpire this thing into existence. Ideally, I would have liked to have obtained four or five other VNs on Steam (preferably on sale so I don't have to empty my Steam Wallet), but there aren't any really good VNs on sale at the moment, lol. Anyway, if any of you can come up with an idea or ideas for a contest that can be easily and fairly carried out as a Fuwa community event, I would love to hear them. PS: As runner-up prizes, I have the Sega Classics pack 5 (Phantasy Star jrpg series from the Sega Genesis, as well as a few other games) and Nekopara Part 0.
    3 points
  4. Yuuko

    Favorite VN sprites

    Something like this?
    3 points
  5. I am not really sure if this is the right place, but I will give it a shot. I was always a bit disgruntled by the lack of decent translation of this song, so I decided I could try and make one of my own, with the help of the translations that did not seem right with me. Sources: http://www.lyrical-nonsense.com/lyrics/sayuri/sore-wa-chiisana-hikari-no-you-na/#page=English So, here goes: I was the only one, Who was at your side, In both past and future, Seeing your sadness and happiness, All of it. I believed that growing up, Meant becoming kinder, But I am still the same as my childhood self. I want to protect you, Even if it means facing darkness, That awaits me in the future, In this city, where everyone but us, Was blinded by the snow of complacence. You are like a scar, Carved deep into my chest, This song that has always brought smile to your face, I shall reclaim it. Clocks in every room, Are all a little bit off, We're always Like misaligned cogs, whose words never meet. Pretending to be a hero, You cried all alone, But before I could brush your cheeks, You have fallen away from my reach. This world of false dreams, That seeks to crush you, In claws wrought of dark prayers, This hand extended to save you, Grows twisted and cold. For my own sake, I try to struggle, towards a faint ray of light, Please show me the way, to the future in your song. I want to believe, There is a kind and safe place, That will protect you. That place, Being devoured by sadness, Is a bad dream, covered by pure white snow. You are like small fire in my heart, Shining brightly through the scar on my chest. Please smile... Your song has awakened me, Like a beam of light, Shining through the gaps, Of darkness of this world. I was the only one Who stood by your side.... END This is my first time doing this, so dont be afraid to pummel me with critique. After all, that can only help me to improve. Thanks to: Chronopolis (script errors correction)
    2 points
  6. My absolute favorite:
    2 points
  7. Pretty good review of Princess Evangile man!
    2 points
  8. So I have a great announcenment. The Steam Greenlight for One Thousand Lies is a go! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=660334350 I wasn't really planning to do this at the beginning but a lot of people told me to try it out and that it would be cool to see the game in Greenlight, and here we are! If you liked the novel or just feel generous, I would appreciate your votes, and also share around online so everyone finds out. The support until now has been great, a lot of people seems to like it and we are close to the one thousand downloads. I never expected this much, and for that I love you guys <3
    2 points
  9. "how clephas ate the world" fanfic contest
    2 points
  10. Haruka is a funny game. I love Alicesoft as a company in general. http://reviews.fuwanovel.net/2016/04/05/beat-blades-haruka/ This is my first post as part of the fuwa reviews team. How did you like it?
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. I'm definitely going to have really, seriously mixed feelings on this VN when it is done. The problems with the common route still apply, but some of the heroine routes make up for the problem. I'm not going to say this is going to be another Tasogare no Sinsemilla... that possibility never even really existed. For better or worse, this VN has serious pacing issues near the beginning (yes, the heroine routes are longer than the common route), and the difference between even the non-true heroine routes is a bit sharp, based on my experience with Yui's, Honoka's, and Koharu's routes. First, Honoka's route is straight-out the best of the non-Misaki routes. I say it is 'the best', but that is mostly because it strikes the best balance between the heroine and the protagonist and their problems. Unlike in the average charage (it is questionable after playing this route whether this can be seriously considered a charage), there are multiple points of drama, and the actual story (non-ichaicha/H) is fairly extended. I was actually impressed by this route in the sense that I haven't encountered one like it in a while, but that just emphasizes how 'patchwork' this VN feels as a whole so far. Second, Koharu's route... for better or worse, this is a lot closer to a charage route than Honoka's, in the sense that the drama is very self-contained, mild, and it is over relatively quickly (in the larger perspective of the route as a whole). Unfortunately, this just points out how much better Honoka's route was, both in detail and in general. This is what I mean by the VN feeling 'patchwork'. There are seriously good points to this experience, but then there will be long stretches of mediocrity or intermittent moments of brilliance with the same. It feels like it was written by three separate writers at times, lol. Third... Yui's route. Yui's route is a lot closer to Honoka's, in that the conflicts involved are more serious/have more serious consequences. Again, this tends to contrast with Koharu's route, which felt bland and drama-less in comparison. So far, the biggest common point between the three paths is that the protagonist is a bit clingy and if the girls didn't already love him, he'd probably be stalking them (seriously, this was my thought as I played). That said, I liked how natural (in terms of the plot) the relationship-formation stage was in all three paths, though the paths themselves tended to feel a bit drawn-out. Now, on to Misaki's path... and the wrap-up.
    2 points
  13. For those of you who don't actually follow the blog religiously as you should, posted an update.
    2 points
  14. http://i.imgur.com/CurFvUD.gifv
    2 points
  15. If anyone has any questions or comments regarding the Majikoi A-1 Translation Project, feel free to post them here. Please stay on topic. The project can be found here. Related: If anyone has an image similar to the one that is in the thread(for S) but for A-1, please post it here, so that I can swap it out.
    1 point
  16. It's a game that is now on Steam! It can be obtained over here - http://store.steampowered.com/app/436300/ It has full voice acting. Like over 2.5 hours of it. It's English of course Thanks guys
    1 point
  17. [WARNING] [This entry will have massive amounts of bias in it. If you don't want to hear me gushing about Dracu-riot, I'd suggest you turn around right now. Also spoilerz. You have been warned] Mera Azusa is your average responsible petite girl, whose also a huge closet-pervert. She is the dorm leader and also the only human living in the dorm. Azusa starts out as this reliable senior to Yuuto at the start in her route, but their hierarchy evens out as the route progresses. In the end of the Common route she does get a rather amusing ending to start her route, and it does a play a small part in her route, this being Yuuto's so-called "pedophilia", and as the result Azusa becomes Yuuto's partner, as a senior. Although this builds the groundwork for their relationship, this issue isn't touched any more than the start of her route. Along the starting parts of the route you get some tension from the presence of hunters and some extremely funny moments from Azusa's extreme blushing and over-reactions. Yet still the starting part is pretty much just pure comedy and slight progression not in the relationships but in the story. The threat of the terrorists from the mainland is steadily rising, but kind of blends midst all the SoL. As the route progresses, the two of them start to notice their feelings for each other. The way they notice each other really reminds me of Rio's route, albeit a little toned down. The steadily rising confronting feelings between the Hunters and the vampires is starting to reach boiling point when the Hunters start to arrest vampires without and with IDs. The SoL is really hefty and it drags on before the final event before dating starts. Enter Giordano. Honestly, the final confrontation with Giordano in the school is a really good one. And they show how vampires are valuable as well, as opposed to the Hunters' look on things. At the final moments before Yuuto gets heavily injured, Giordano says some cryptic things and RIOT. The confession in this was actually pretty good, at least better than in the majority of the routes in Dracu-Riot! The start of the dating was really weird and confusing. I got some mixed signals from it. And they jammed so many H-scenes in a short amount of time. The ichaicha was good but not the best by a long shot. Overall, the dating part was sub-par, below average. Following is about the final part of the route. Spoilers. The ending ties some ends, but leaves something to be desired, especially about Ougi's future. Overall, the route isn't bad in moege standards, but definitely was the worst main heroine route in the game. Still, it brought a nice story, so it wasn't bad in my book. And of course, Azusa's as cute as ever.
    1 point
  18. Yo! I need a team that wanna play this wonderful game with me, hopefully its possible to find 2/3 individuals that plays this game regularly so we can do stuff on nightmare and cataclysm. Also if you dont have it, get it. Its the funniest game I have played in years. LETS BASH SOME SKAVEN HEADS
    1 point
  19. I always preferred the whole "Enter your name and let RNGesus do his thing" kind of contest. I don't mind the more creative ones that we have seen around here, but I can't help but feel that's over-complicating things a bit. Either way, I want in
    1 point
  20. I really think you guys are reading too much into that. The writers decided that they wanted a consistent boke (funny man) to round out the comedy, so they picked Michiru. Her entire role in the common route is to be as stupid and ridiculous as possible, and Yuuji is a great tsukkomi (straight man) to her boke. The others just enjoy messing with her to see just how stupid and silly she'll act. They don't really seriously bully her, as they don't really hate her or wish her serious harm in any sense of the word. In her route (SPOILERS),
    1 point
  21. Suzu Fanatic

    Favorite VN sprites

    Based on my avatar's name, it should be a clear choice There are a few others, but I don't have the VNs installed to track down the sprites =/ (there's a rare and beautiful smiling Tohsaka Rin sprite in F/SN, and a few other sprites I can't recall)
    1 point
  22. Pan de Peace also has a lot of yuri vibes, if you're interested.
    1 point
  23. I can't believe that no one has posted this yet
    1 point
  24. Assuming it's up for debate (or at least up for salt), we should probably have a thread elsewhere to talk about the merits of putting numbers on Fuwa Reviews. I would certainly have things to say about that. But I don't want to hijack Valmore's review's thread. Good review, thanks, Valmore. One additional thing that I would find useful is info about the mechanics of routes. That's one thing that's always a mystery for me going into a new VN, since it seems like every game does it at least a little bit differently, and sometimes the departure is radical. Sometimes things are straightforward (Princess Evangile; Majikoi), and sometimes things are not (Katawa Shoujo; Steins;Gate; Clannad). Sometimes the straightforwardness is off-putting (PE), and sometimes it is not (Majikoi). Sometimes the confusion is annoying as hell and mandates a guide (Katawa Shoujo; Clannad), and sometimes it is only somewhat annoying (Steins;Gate is mostly fine). And sometimes the structure and choices are not overly obvious, but work very naturally anyway (G-Senjou). These days, after getting burned enough times by the confusing ones (so many times seeing the Dead End in Katawa Shoujo, and so much salt about the true end in Steins;Gate...), I kind of like to know up-front. Anyway, other than that one little thing, the review told me everything I needed to know.
    1 point
  25. This is insanely overrated. Routes felt like they were strung out for way too long, the main girls were rather meh and the overarching plot is laughable. On the other hand, we have cute girls doing cute things. Hmm. Great review tho
    1 point
  26. I might actually pick this one up just to see what it's about. What's interesting on their website is the stretch goals for their sales on Steam. Never seen this before without the crowdfunding platform. Edit: Before I purchase, I was wondering if anyone knows who translated it?
    1 point
  27. Have people do something so they can enter and after that RNG
    1 point
  28. I knew you and I had different tastes, but damn. The Grisaia common route was approximately the funniest thing ever. Different strokes for different folks, though.
    1 point
  29. Essay Contest - "Why You Should Give Valmore The Copy" as the theme, then give it to me. Kidding - randomizing sounds best to me.
    1 point
  30. Jade

    Birthday thread

    I'm still YOUNG ya old man Thank you ya damn Heretic Thank you 12
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Nothing beats Liar-soft to me, even Gahkthun whose overall art style I don't find as pretty, has pretty good sprites. Games by Alice-soft also have pretty sprites, and Mahoyo.
    1 point
  33. Vorathiel

    What are you playing?

    Grisaia. Amane route. I'm right after the rain How long till this segment will end? Everything without Makina is just booooooring, even if idea is interesting (and that segment had great ideas behind it!), writting is dragging on so much, it just kills pacing.
    1 point
  34. Maybe they meant 5 different fonts.
    1 point
  35. chaosfirebit

    Birthday thread

    Sorry I late but Happy Birthday @Dergonu
    1 point
  36. We are starting from scratch, but one of the members of the previous translation group is giving us an helping hand on some things.
    1 point
  37. Sorry for all the newbie mistakes. Thanks for your help!
    1 point
  38. hahaha i always get ship that i dont want...no offense. But Yamato,Prinz and Shioi are exactly like that. and funny thing is i dont get the ship i want except for Bismarck lel.
    1 point
  39. Hid 12 posts here... Please do realize that advocating what may very well be a crime is against the rules and can land you severe punishment (both in real life and here.)
    1 point
  40. RinXD

    Hi, newcomer here!

    HOLY LOLI A newbie i don't have to recommend Muv -Luv too
    1 point
  41. madvanced

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    @hsmsful@Dergonu@Zebhra@Funyarinpa Calling out some of the asmr squad.
    1 point
  42. The tool itself is a way to stop people from accessing the site for a certain amount of time. The way it's used is up for the user. Your post makes sense. It's why I don't criticize Nay's way of modding - I think it's perfectly valid. Still, if possible, I'd like people to stop being arses over saying they're not welcome. It's not like I never ban anyone. It's just that I prefer seeing if we can work things out before doing that... And I don't really think that's wrong. One of the advantages of being a small community is that we can pay attention to all the members, and make judgments afer familiarizing ourselves with the situations that led to the trouble-making and the nuance in the whole issue - and I think it'd be a waste to throw that privilege away. Things aren't black and white, and a kick in the nuts isn't always the right way to go about rule-breaking. Of course, it also depends on what the member is doing. Certain transgressions would just get someone banned, yes. Ugh. I suck at writing text-walls. Hopefully this managed to explain what I think about moderation better. If it didn't, rip me
    1 point
  43. Alright, played this for like... half an hour? When the devs said this was a resource management game... they weren't kidding around. Like, I actually struggled to get started early on because there's a LOT of elements to take in. I might even start a new game because holy shit the first one was hell initially. Basic run down of the mechanics: You scout a girl and put her on a sidebar where all the girls you have are listed. You can drag the girl to several places on a map to make her do different actions. These are all the actions you can do with your girls: Stream online (earns you money) Do a photoshoot (earns your girl fans) Scout (gives you the ability to get one more girl out of 3 random ones) Do a strip club show (Earns talent for your girl) Go to the mall (Earns your girl style points) Go to the adult store (Lets you buy random items) Go to the liquor shop (lets you buy alcohol) Go to the cigarette shop (lets you buy cigs) Go to the spa (clears the girls' stress levels) If you're thinking: "Holy fucking shit what are all those things", that's okay, because that's how I reacted as well. All of these are a variable in your game and they factor in what your next move should be. Oh, and did I mention you have to physically click on stuff to collect it? Yes, that's right, you need to click on the cash to get it, and each click is $1 without any upgrades, meaning if you earn 50 dollars you need to click 50 times to collect it. You can also hold down the mouse button, but I found it to be a bit slower. But we're not done yet! Each girl has the following attributes: Hourly wage (increases the more talent/style they have). It's LITERALLY hourly, you have to do the math and calculate how much you're going to end up paying for the girls after 24 hours. Fans. Basically the amount of fans they have, the more they do the more money they'll earn online. You earn fans by doing photoshoots, which you have to pay the girls for. Fetishes. Each girl fills a specific fetish type and you have a pie chart with the amount of fans that like each specific fetish, so you want to invest on the girls that fullfill your fans' fetishes the most. Cigarette and Alcohol consumption. Some girls drink, some smoke, some do both, some do none, and the frequency degree varies from "Sometimes" to "Addicted" and you NEED to keep it in check. Stress. The more work you put them through, the more stressed they get, until they reach the point where they can't work anymore and you have to drop them off at the spa. Items. Girls can hold items and the items do different things. Well that's a lot of stuff isn't it? BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. These are just the basic mechanics, you need to grow your business in order to make the big bucks, and in order to do that you have to save money to invest back in the business. Here's all the things you can do in that end: Increase the amount of girls you can have on the sidebar (you start with just ONE) Increase the amount of money earned Increase the amount of fans earned Increase the amount of money earned per click Increase the amount of fans earned per click Increase the amount of talent earned per click Increase the amount of style earned per click Auto collect stuff every X minutes Increase each buildings' capacitiy (no upgrades means a building can only hold 2 girls at once) And you know what the best part is? The clock is constantly ticking! So you do need to think quickly, although not doing anything will NOT make you lose anything either, it just means you're wasting time (there's a 21 day deadline to meet). I'm probably leaving out some stuff due to the amount of mechanics involved, but if you're llooking for a serious management game, this is actually not half bad. The one thing I'm uncertain about is if there's any sort of reward at the end, because so far all I've done is click around and earn all dat sweet cash. I'm sure there will be SOMETHING. Also still haven't gotten Audrey on my scouts which sucks. Well, that's it for now, I'll waste more of my time on the game tomorrow.
    1 point
  44. Flutterz

    Hi everyone!

    1 point
  45. I haven't actually heard that before, though I suppose it's possible... The theory I prefer, though, is that everybody in this thread has the causality switched: you don't know the names for those colors, and therefore you don't perceive the differences. It's an interesting angle of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, and there have been a number of studies backing up this specific example of it, in the last decade. Basically, if you start teaching yourself the names for more specific shades of color, you'll become able to perceive the differences between those colors. In cultures that have many words for a range of colors, where your language has only one broad word for that spectrum, everybody in that culture is able to perceive those differences, and you might literally not even be able to see the difference (I unfortunately can't find the article that had a rather shocking example of this, with some African tribe that had lots of words for shades of green, and an image where I literally could not see a difference between any of them, but according to the study some > 80% of the group surveyed had no problem identifying the different shade...). Anyway, there are tons of articles about this, many of them focused on how a lot of ancient civilizations don't have a word for blue, notably Greeks; people love to cite Homer's "wine-dark sea" as an example. Egyptians created a blue dye, so they had a word for it, but pretty much everybody else who was around at that time period didn't even have the word blue; so the sky was gray, or bronze, or some other weird color to them. Here's a passable article I found from searching around: http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/hoffman_01_13/ Setting aside the actual physical condition of color-blindness (red/green, blue/yellow, or whatever exotic variety), people here who are saying they are "sort of color-blind" probably just haven't put in any effort on learning names for a larger variety of colors. Learn the names, and the perception will follow. Edit: here's a much better article to illustrate both the language focus of it and the overall weirdness of it: http://arstechnica.com/science/2007/05/language-influences-color-perception/
    1 point
  46. Eclipsed


    Dracu-Riot! Partial Patch (Common + Elina route only) Summary "...Fine, since this is the least I can do. I'll be taking care of you from now on. Best regards, newbie." The story begins with Mutsura Yuuto accompanying his friend on a holiday to Aqua Eden, an artificial island city paradise where anything is possible. However, his holiday plans are laid to waste when a girl he meets gets kidnapped. Trying his best to rescue the girl, Yuuto himself unfortunately gets captured as well. The city's Disciplinary Committee luckily arrive to save the day, but not before the unthinkable happens: the kidnapper is revealed to be a vampire and transforms Yuuto into one too! Feeling guilty about the incident, the kidnapped girl Yarai Miu (who also is a vampire) decides to take Yuuto under her wing. As a vampire, Yuuto can no longer leave Aqua Eden; forced to abandon his previous life and with nowhere else to go, he takes up Miu's offer and decides to enroll in a special school for vampires on the island - and thus, his new night life begins! Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order There are four heroines and one bonus route: Miu, Azusa, Rio, Elina, and ???. You may play based on your preferences. The bonus route is unlocked after completing at least one route. Route Guideline Game ends after common route if you do not lock onto a heroine's route by then. Yarai Miu Mera Azusa Inamura Rio Elina Olegovna Obeh ~~ Bonus route (must complete at least one other route first) Attribution This walkthrough was created and formatted by Eclipsed based on information from seiya-saga.com.
    1 point
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