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Toki ga Tsumugu Yakusoku part 2: Based on a few routes



I'm definitely going to have really, seriously mixed feelings on this VN when it is done.  The problems with the common route still apply, but some of the heroine routes make up for the problem.  I'm not going to say this is going to be another Tasogare no Sinsemilla... that possibility never even really existed.   For better or worse, this VN has serious pacing issues near the beginning (yes, the heroine routes are longer than the common route), and the difference between even the non-true heroine routes is a bit sharp, based on my experience with Yui's, Honoka's, and Koharu's routes. 

First, Honoka's route is straight-out the best of the non-Misaki routes.  I say it is 'the best', but that is mostly because it strikes the best balance between the heroine and the protagonist and their problems.  Unlike in the average charage (it is questionable after playing this route whether this can be seriously considered a charage), there are multiple points of drama, and the actual story (non-ichaicha/H) is fairly extended.  I was actually impressed by this route in the sense that I haven't encountered one like it in a while, but that just emphasizes how 'patchwork' this VN feels as a whole so far.

Second, Koharu's route... for better or worse, this is a lot closer to a charage route than Honoka's, in the sense that the drama is very self-contained, mild, and it is over relatively quickly (in the larger perspective of the route as a whole).  Unfortunately, this just points out how much better Honoka's route was, both in detail and in general.  This is what I mean by the VN feeling 'patchwork'.  There are seriously good points to this experience, but then there will be long stretches of mediocrity or intermittent moments of brilliance with the same.  It feels like it was written by three separate writers at times, lol.

Third... Yui's route.  Yui's route is a lot closer to Honoka's, in that the conflicts involved are more serious/have more serious consequences.  Again, this tends to contrast with Koharu's route, which felt bland and drama-less in comparison.

So far, the biggest common point between the three paths is that the protagonist is a bit clingy and if the girls didn't already love him, he'd probably be stalking them (seriously, this was my thought as I played).  That said, I liked how natural (in terms of the plot) the relationship-formation stage was in all three paths, though the paths themselves tended to feel a bit drawn-out. 

Now, on to Misaki's path... and the wrap-up.


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