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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/16 in all areas

  1. It started as a porn game genre and still is a porn game genre with some games with just less porn and some odd ones without porn at all. Also love how you say that EVERY eroge artist doesn't give a shit what's behind the mosaics when some certainly do like Hamashima Shigeo. (Clock Up aritist)
    4 points
  2. Well, whenever I see Rooke in a thread, I immediately think that his post is about prose. I was proven wrong in this thread, but it's still an association I commit most of the time. Also, about this... We pronounce it in-ven-to-ry, but we're not really a country of origin for the English language. I guess its because of how syllabic our own national language is.
    4 points
  3. I don't buy into the idea that pornographic sex scenes enhance romance. What it does do is deliver a certain kind of cathartic gratification as they deliver a sort of payoff for the buildup that came before. Standard charage h-scenes are cheap way to deliver a climax for a relationship arc, one that requires little thought or creativity. Other kinds of h-scenes in non-nukige titles, such as rape scenes, instead are a rather cheap and uncreative way to evoke sympathy or anger from the readers. This post sounds judgemental as all hell, but really, I have come to enjoy the unique formula of relationship-building and sexual payoff that eroge offers. However, I am under no illusion that these elements offer some kind of depth that can't be provided elsewise, nor are h-scenes usually the best way to accomplish what they ultimately aim to do. Instead, they've ended up scratching an itch many of us have come to have, and I suspect it's the same kind of itch that readers of erotic fan fiction have, except they deliver that payoff within the original story itself. As for the words MG used in their interview, they can't just say "a handful of porn scenes doesn't actually devalue the entire work" when you consider the sheer number of people who feel exactly that. These people aren't exactly lying to us when they say that a single pornongraphic scene can poison the entire well. You can't just say "NO, YOU'RE WRONG!" when most people probably think that way and will never change that way of thought. This even goes for most otaku. You gotta respect their feelings on the matter and find ways to serve them instead. I wonder how many potential customers MG has lost after they've stumbled onto their site and saw what it contains? For all the shit we give SP, the division of all-ages and 18+ brands was a really smart move, and is something I've been saying MG should do for years.
    3 points
  4. And I need you guys to help me judge the first chapter . Now hold on a second .Before you see this as a pain in the ass to do and skip it for something more fun ,I'm begging you here .I'm not asking for any comprehensive summary of how you found it .If i can't get your attention in the first few paragraphs then that's my fault .If you do read it to the end just tell me what you like/dislike most . Now without further ado...... Oh the name of the book is :The Modern Day Legend Of Gideon . I've also posted it on scribd so here you go https://www.scribd.com/document/330163020/The-Modern-Day-Legend-of-Gideon-6 .It goes all the way to chapter 6.
    2 points
  5. Heh, I have something slightly similar now I think about it. I measure the duration of some events in 'Shreks', Shrek being a 90 minute film (more or less). I have been known to describe exam lengths as '1 and a third Shreks'.
    2 points
  6. I forever associate LeAnn Rimes' 'Can't Fight The Moonlight' with spaghetti bolognese. It's a double whammy of pain really. Not only do I have to listen to LeAnn Rimes, I have an insatiable craving for spag bol
    2 points
  7. Well... http://imgur.com/UIQmnxi http://imgur.com/Q1uJVTC http://imgur.com/mIt3oGl http://imgur.com/ClhlJMb http://imgur.com/MZquNbu http://imgur.com/Ql18IVp http://imgur.com/cBGV1ol http://imgur.com/UyQEOvh http://imgur.com/hPQVUXq I have more, but need to take more pictures. As you can see, I'm a huge fan of her.
    2 points
  8. Advertising is what you're missing out on with no publisher. To compensate, you need to find partners who will help you promote your product. Talk to MangaGamer and Sekai Project about carrying your title in their store. Talk to press outlets and fansites that cover visual novels (Fuwanovel, LewdGamer, Siliconera). Talk to Reddit about allowing you to post occasional updates, or if that's impossible, partner with a well-known user who will champion your game for you. You don't need a publisher to succeed, but realize that you'll be responsible for all the duties a publisher would perform for you.
    2 points
  9. You are all wrong of course. The best girl is none other than Sakurai Mifuyu. Who the fuck is that you ask? This girl of course!
    2 points
  10. For my first ever attempt at a review, I did not want to try anything too ambitious. So it is that I present you Secret Agenda, a (very) short but sweet kinetic novel/nukige by GDIdoujins This game has a rather unusual premise; It is told from the second-person perspective of a mysterious woman addressing you/the nameless male, whom she is seducing I personally felt that this writing style works really well with the central theme of femdom, but I can imagine it feeling strange to a lot of people. The same applies to the extremely thick and descriptive prose, which spends most of the VN talking about things like the smell, attitude and (misplaced) expectations of her partner and how satisfied she is knowing that she has complete control over him. This kind of writing created some rather extreme expectations for me. the sex scene, unfortunately, did not really meet those expectations, as it felt rather tame and consensual for femdom. overall though, it'll still make for a great fap, even if you're only a little into femdom The only two real downsides of this VN to me were the rather forgettable music (though it was not really grinding or distracting for me either) and the lack of sound effects. now generally, sound effects in nukiges are not that good anyway, so I didn't exactly miss them here, but some moans would certainly have been nice. The two things that really make this game worthwhile though, are it's art and voice acting. Artwise, I love it. The CGs (there are no sprites or backgrounds) are rough, yet elegant and colourful. it's what really drew me in to try this game out and it created a great atmoshpere, which I always care a great deal about. The H is pretty decent as well, though it's nothing really amazing. The English voice acting, albeit as thick and exaggerated as the writing, is very good, very sensual, and overall, just HNNNNNNGGGG all the way. while this game is extremely short (30 minutes max) the quality is undeniable and you can get it for the price of 2 dollars through the dev's patreon, with a release planned on nutaku as well My verdict: don't hesitate to try it. If it sounds fun to you, it won't dissapoint
    1 point
  11. Some people here already know that I hurt my knee falling down the stairs a while ago... what most of you don't know is that the stuff they have me on (non-narcotic pain drugs, sleep pills, and antibiotics) in combination make me a zombie for most of the day... I sleep around twelve hours a day, am fuzzy for two to three hours more, have to do rehab exercises for another two hours, and I spend around four hours of what is remaining working. Needless to say, this doesn't leave much time for anything else... which is why VN of the Month is so far behind. Normally, by this point I would have played through at least four or five of the month's VNs, and I would probably be considering which one - if any - was worth the VN of the month rating... as it is, it has taken me a little over seventeen days to finish just two VNs from April's releases. I'm basically venting my frustration right now... since I lose money with every day I can't work at full capacity and I go a little more stir crazy with every day I can't go out and get some fresh air without using crutches. For the first time in almost nine years, I actually had to use up my entire pay for a month for bills and food (the medical bills being the highest, obviously). Needless to say, I'm in a sour mood. If I seem harsh toward the remaining VNs this month, please forgive me. It is really, really hard to concentrate outside of work right now... and I'm actually having to reconsider a lot of my plans for the rest of the year based on the costs I project for the rest of the next few months. Nothing pisses me off more than being unable to rectify everyday money problems (which is why I work so much normally).... Anyway, that's enough moaning from me for now. The two key points are that the above are the reasons VN of the Month is so far behind and I so rarely post, despite the fact that I'm technically 'online' (I rarely if ever shut down the fuwanovel tab, lol) all the time. If I'm slow to respond, it is because I'm not myself, not because I'm not interested in doing so.
    1 point
  12. Forte

    Hi Fellas! Forte Here.

    Hola, amigos. I'm Forte and I'd like to be your acquaintance. I'm XY years old and live in Z country. I have a brother and 5 sisters. Wait, why did I tell you how many siblings I have? Well, even though this may be my first time to actually post here, I've been visiting this sites for about 12 months. I used to stalk my friend's chats and posts. Not that I know him personally, but his preferences greatly match with mine. Even though I don't know what he's like in the real world, I believe he or she's a nice guy like me. Yeah, it must be so. But unfortunately, he or she seems to be dead. I mean, his/her account does. For the last 6 months or so, he never showed up in this forum. Ultimately, it leads me to a decision, "I'll make an account for myself." Hmmm, what should I say next? Ah, my hobbies. I like reading books, watching films and soccer matches, playing RPGs and board/puzzle games, and talking nonsense. I've been playing VNs for I don't know how long, maybe 4 years? Since I've only know recently what a VN is, I don't remember which VN took my VN reading's virginity. I didn't even think those simple reading visual thingies a game. But after some research, VNs are actually more, more, ummm, anyway it's different from reading a book. One thing for sure, I'm an anime otaku and I've watched more than 60 anime shows so I think I'm able to listen and speak Japanese. Unfortunately, my writing and reading skill are hampered by those Kanji hieroglyphs. I've actually translated some anime shows to my native language. So if you know a good short or medium VN no one/group has it translated, you can tell me. I MAY translate it if I have the time. Actually, I'm making some VNs myself, or to be more exact, writing some scenarios to be made into VNs. Those projects' titles are "Solia Symphonia", "Mundus Bearer", "Unattainable Zygkrecia". But my daily activities don't give me enough time to keep them progressing at a regular pace. Furthermore, maybe it's quite ambitious of me, but I want to make it trilingual. To make things worse, I suck at drawing and programming. I'll need some help at making them into VNs once I'm done writing them. Ok, now about my future plan. I'd like to stay in Japan in the future, if possible, in the near future. Going to Japan is easy enough, sure, but I want a guaranteed life. Unfortunately I chose to quit studying in college when I was still on my fourth term. So I'm only a high school graduate. If you ask me what I excel at, I'm not even sure about it myself. Maybe I'm quite good high school physics (mainly on mechanics) and mathematics, since I tutored many students for about 3 years. But each country has their own curriculum, so I wonder if high school physics and mathematics in my country is the same with the one in Japan. Any advice on how to get a guaranteed life in Japan as I am now? Ah, I almost forgot. I heard that there's an underground movement here for getting VNs through P2P file sharing. I want to join, ah, let me rephrase it: "Let me join, please." I think that's enough for my introduction. I hope we could be good friends.
    1 point
  13. Looks like it. It's fairly amusing to see people wandering out treating this like a win, when all they've done is eliminate the production of a cheaper option (and possibly even forced the price point higher. $40 would have been high for the deluxe version when backers were getting it at $20.) I can imagine a few people would have bought the cheaper option, then just downloaded the CG gallery off the internet. A decent saving right there. And to think, all that vitriol was aimed at the developers not because they were ripping people off, but because they had produced a cheaper version for customers. People should learn to think before they rant.
    1 point
  14. Valmore

    Fate/Grand Order

    Scandinavian Smile Protected: Okay, no really:
    1 point
  15. I forgot where did I see that, but he is always posting those kind of tweets / talking about those kind of things so its not a big secret anyway. For example when 働くオトナの恋愛事情 got cracked he said something like " I wish all those people who download our games would just die" / "If foreigner countries just let us to arrest those people, eroge industry would be so much cleaner and better, they are killing this industry" etc. He is famous about those things. They are blocking all of foreigner ips at their web sites for 7-8 years as well, but some other companies do it as well and there is a different reason for that. About the all ages thing, there might be some different reasons too but probably he just wanted to release their games at steam. He is trying to sell all of their eroges (18+ and japanese ones) at steam because of denuvo + steam DRM security but couldn't get accepted so far for obvious reasons. To be honest I think even himself doesn't know what is he doing, for example he announced offically that Purely Cation will use Denuvo which caused a big shit storm in all platforms, but there wasn't any sign of it at the game itself and it got cracked at the first day of the release (it was using some other strong security though), this was their second "uncrackable" game which got cracked at the first day btw. After the big Juukishi scandal he is definitely losing his customers' trust with those kind of lies, but seems like his hatred about pirates / foreigners is more important than it. He is not posting anything about this topic for a month though, I guess someone finally make his mouth shut before things go even worse. Its because akabesoft's manager is reporting those people to police and get them arrested, If I'm not misremembering they got 10-15 people from twitter when 働くオトナの恋愛事情 got cracked. Those people were sharing the crack's link though, I'm not sure if playing the cracked version is enough to get arrasted but probably he just wanted to be safe than sorry.
    1 point
  16. Naoe

    Some Musics c:

    Alright, just thought i'd show some demos of the music for my VN. http://puu.sh/oSRes/d8a90aa65c.mp3 - This one will be the theme. http://puu.sh/oSR44/331f0a9213.mp3 - This is the theme for the protagonists little sister. http://puu.sh/orcmt/65b1b0ce01.mp3 - This i'll use for something I dont know, but it's gonna be in there! It's actually pretty amazing I managed to get this much on my own. Maybe i'll show some more in the future. Hope you like them so far!
    1 point
  17. you dont get to decide what is art and whats not.
    1 point
  18. madvanced

    Counter-Strike Thread

    Sad that it was a tie, but definitely my best game in a while. ]
    1 point
  19. Isnt this a personal preference really? Like, I have seen really bad h scenes in my time that still enhanced the romance in relationship for me. I can still agree on the way that h scenes are portrayed in most vns make it seem like porn for obvious reasons (like the camera angles and the way they interact with eachother while doing the act). But for me, it actually works, especially if they have really good afterglow scenes, it seems like the characters really connect on another level. Or maybe I just really love porn, who knows.
    1 point
  20. Naoe

    Some Musics c:

    its the main theme. and they are my work. like i said its the only thing i can do lol.
    1 point
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, my memory is a bit spotty, but did the price (for kickstarter backers) just go up by 10 dollars? I'm going to laugh very, very hard if this is the case. EDIT: My chuckles being directed at the community, in case it wasn't clear.
    1 point
  22. *5/10 Update* Sorry for the long wait, everyone, and thank you for the feedback so far. Since we've received a number of similar questions, we decided to address the most common ones with this update. Removal of DLC for General Sale First of all, we've decided to abandon the DLC plan we initially announced, in accordance with user feedback. As of now, the version of the game available for digital download on Steam at release will have the Sound Mode and CG Gallery intact (previously the Deluxe Edition), and is planned for general sale at $40. For this reason, the words "Deluxe Version" will also be removed for clarity. Changes to the Rewards Section Due to the removal of DLC and announcement of the game's pricing, the some pricing changes have been made to the Rewards section, most notably the following: ・A digital copy of the game - as described above - will be offered to backers who pledge $30 or more. ・An early bird offer will be available to the first 100 people to pledge $20 or more. These people will be able to get the same rewards for a reduced price, though this will be limited to 100 places only. Regarding an 18+ version/patch Although we had initially planned to release an all-ages version of the game (which, to clarify, was released on consoles in Japan), we now promise to release the 18+ version as well, following strong support for its production. Since there are a number of technical issues surrounding its development, it has not yet been decided whether the 18+ content will be in the form of a patch or a complete 18+ version. We (Frontwing) are working with AKABEi SOFT2 to resolve these issues. We would also like to assure that those who pledge and receive a digital key as a reward will be able to enjoy the 18+ version for under $10. Developing this may take some time, so it will come out after the all ages version has been released. We'll continue working hard to fulfill your requests. We'll keep you updated on any new progress. --The PR team -------------------------------------------------- They are learning What a time to be alive.
    1 point
  23. Makudomi

    Some Musics c:

    Good stuff. I have a weakness for chiptune music, haha. When you say "the theme" what do you mean, exactly? Title screen BGM, recurring "main theme" of the game, or something else? Sorry, just curious how you intend to implement the songs you've got. Also, who is your composer? Or are these your works?
    1 point
  24. The value of sex in VNs is that, done properly, it enhances the romance. It's the climax to romantic buildup. MangaGamer's statement has truth to it. The Western mindset is that porn by its very nature devalues the work. That porn is not art and art cannot contain porn. This assumption is baseless. Porn works quite well in many stories: Song of Saya and School Days, just to name a few. The integration of hardcore porn and story is what makes Japanese eroge unique as a genre and as an experience. Not to mention the age-gate that porn enforces tends to discourage the childish JRPG-style storytelling that Japanese games have become somewhat infamous for. You can't pander to an audience that you're legally forbidden to sell to.
    1 point
  25. Record of Lodoss War, episode 4, RG Veda, cold Papa John's Pizza, a green polyester couch, cheap gray carpet, a wall unit AC.
    1 point
  26. Uhh, sure, I'm in. My spoils of war from my one month trip to Japan. Dreaming of going back with every passing day. And this last one was just a good deal. I have other stuff, but this was just stuff I happened to have pictures of. Not home at the moment, so I can't grab my other stuff. Oh yeah, and since this is a grisaia thread, I found this on display while I was walking around in one of the buildings there.
    1 point
  27. My hard copy collection is small, but I'm still proud of it. (I haven't actually read most of the Hirameki games, but they look good on a shelf). Not pictured is my hard copy of Mangagamer's original Higurashi release. Never did get my hands on Kai, which is annoying. I also have around 40 digital VNs between Steam, MG, and everywhere else. Quite a few came from those cheap nukige bundles they've offered on other sites, which says a lot about my collection.
    1 point
  28. Eclipsed

    VN Collection Post

    Here's my VN collection Everything else is, uh, digital.
    1 point
  29. Had a lot of fun reading Grisaia no Kajitsu, but haven't done any of the others yet. Yuuji is clearly best girl, and I will fight anyone that disagrees with me. Even though you'll probably win because I can't hold an argument
    1 point
  30. AaronIsCrunchy

    Some Musics c:

    The last one reminds me of something like Paramore, only in chiptune form. Fun times. But yeah, these are really neat! I'd have thought them more suited to RPG, but it'll be interesting to see how they slot in!
    1 point
  31. Wow, joining the forums and instantly posting Vert pictures. We clearly have a true fan on our hands! Eclipsed, your wish was granted.
    1 point
  32. ...This is the first time I've heard that you do these stuff. Guess I'll follow it so I can give comments on it.
    1 point
  33. It seems there are people insane enough to want to (re)play Extra as soon as possible. Interesting.
    1 point
  34. Grisaia was a mistake.
    1 point
  35. Man speaks the truth, though
    1 point
  36. Marcus

    VN Collection Post

    Whoa, I have never seen so much Grisaia stuff in one place before! Here's my most recent PC collection pic (for some reason I don't take photos of my console VNs): As should be apparent, my focus is almost exclusively on English releases. There's just something I find appealing about owning them in physical format whenever possible. Will probably take another pic after Anime Expo as that's generally a good time to snap up what is still missing.
    1 point
  37. Are you just an expert at everything, because you seem to have this notion that you understand how the entire business model works in the game industry and beyond. I won't say you're wrong, but just consider the possibility that it's absolutely retarded to remove features that are integral to the game. It's a visual novel. Remove the visual aspect, and you take away the whole point of the entire game. All this reminds me of is that stupid "preorder tier shit" that Deus Ex Machina did on Steam not long ago. Pay more money, and get more features! This is why I hate Kickstarters for video games and visual novels, because all it really is is a preorder for something you don't even know will turn out to be that good.
    1 point
  38. The dub ruined this anime and it's amazing.
    1 point
  39. So, yeah this is what I look like. :3 Labcoat! Fox pelt... Unshaven! Dramatic pose! The white streak! :3
    1 point
  40. People play Neptunia for the story? Shit is filled with cliches and "seen from a mile away" predictability. What kind of pleb would enjoy this? I only play this game to check out kawaii anime girls and their pantsu by making them jump a thousand times.
    1 point
  41. I personally don't want sex scenes in any visual novels I play. I get that sex sells and it's going to happen, but I view characters in a way that they should be respected. I'm not saying put a ban on the H-content, but I at least wish that every game had an all ages version. Then again, last summer when MoeNovel brought over If My Heart Had Wings they decided to do some censorship. That was kind of cool, but they ended up over-censoring the game to the point where even hugging was cut out... Not cool man, I need the hugs...
    1 point
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