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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/16 in all areas

  1. The visual novel community is incredibly diverse and spread out across multiple locations, so much so that it sometimes becomes hard to know what kind of people we're dealing with. Well no worries, because me and a team of highly trained professionals have spent 32 years studying this community and have cataloged all of our findings in order to give people the ability to always know the type of player they are dealing with. Each category is followed by what we believe to be their typical call* when roaming through the inter web, so if you hear any of these, you know what you're facing ahead. *Some of these sounds may or may not be mating calls as well. 1 -The Hipster Elitists "Muv-Luv Alternative is a 7/10 game. It has great moments, yes, but overall it isn't all that impressive. IMHO it does not deserve very high a place in the hallmark of VN's." 2 The Steam Casuals 3 - The Lolicon "I skipped every route in Hoshimemo for Mare's route and it was clearly the best part of the whole story, really spoke to me on a personal level." 4 - The Hebephile "I don't like underage girls that look too young, only ones that are like 14, I'm not like those disgusting lolicons." 5 - The Moege Crowd "I nominate Imouto Paradise for next year's Academy Awards." 6 - The Anti-Moege Crowd "Having killed anime back in 2006, moe is currently on the cusp of destroying visual novels." 7 - The Translator "This visual novel is completely butchered, they clearly should have used 'thank you' instead of 'thanks' in this sentence. 0/10" 8 - The OELVN Developer "Today I bring you a kickstarter for Sakura Highschool Doki Doki Adventure Mk 2 where you play the role of an average highschool student who suddenly finds himself squished between the breasts of his kawaii osananajimi and Senpai. Who will he pick to be his bride? (hint, it's both). Plz gib m0ney." 9 - The Anti H-content "I not fapping to 2D girls, I love them in a romantic sense not sexual, and in my opinion sex kills all romance and I am strongly against any kind of sex for many reasons, I am especially against 2D porn and I find it to be discrase for 2D world. Which is also a part of my 2D girls>3D girls opinion as 3D romance relationship is all about sex not about real love which as I believe doesn't even exist in a 3D world and couldn't exist." 10 - The Undefined "Everything you said is completely and utterly wrong. This is also a part when I said to Ren about being so blinded by 3D world that he is not capable to really see Anime World. 3D world is the one that is shaped by the 2D world and not the other way around, it has always been so. For as long as there was this 3D world and we humans have started our evolution with technology there have been a stories and those stories ware as important part of evolution as is technology, if technology gives us possibilities stories give us ideas of how to use those possibilities.It's stories and legend that had put rules into an empty world and with it created society and morals at first but later everything else as well including emotions too.Everything that we have in this 3D world started from an idea from a story, it was what one at a time might consider a fictional story but due people being fascinated by that story they try to realize it and by realizing they create something new in this empty world. Some examples of this would be aristocracy, it was at first only a story or an idea of out there being superior people who should led and rest who should fallow but by repeating that story, by out there being people who ware fascinated by those stories, those who tried to realize it and those who started to believe in it eventually aristocracy was born as one of first orders in a wild empty world in other words it was born as one of first socaityes. Latter diplomacy was no different. Another example closer to our time would be emotions, to summarize it down let's choose only love as an example. There have been stories about love far into the past but only did in last 50-100 yeasr had it started to become realized. Nowadays talks about love and romance as something that exist in this world is normal, but that wasn't so just in a recent past. as for how recent past that could wary from 50 to 100 years as not all countries and regions had been evolving at a same time and even now we have more and less advanced countries. But regardless of that if you look into the past there was little to no mention of love as something that has been taking seriously. People ware mostly just getting married based on their statuses, in low and middle class of people women would look for someone who has a steady job and is capable of looking after a family man would look foor woman capable of doing chores around the house and looks might pay some role as well but personalities very little and love would hardly even be mentioned. In fact in a lot of socaities it would also be common thing for parents to just decide who will their children get married to. In higher class of people wouldn't be much different, people would be getting meried for bisnis purposes. The most of love that would be even mentioned would have been some small romantic act such as maybe giving a flowers or something, and people would have considered just taking a liking to someone apprentice to be falling in love. This has only changed in last 50 or so years only because people have optioned far more freedom, secure lifes and offcourse because love stories have become much more common and where broth to next level and people started to believe in those stories until it become a norm. But as everything else in this world love too it is still far from real and noting more then fake and delusion, that is why always when one story gets realized it only opens a path for a new version of that story more complex, expanded and more real to come into view and to try to get realized. And now for the first time in history we have Anime. But as it's technology that gives as possibilities we can't advance furder then technology allows as, and as technology has but barely started it is still not at a level to gives as a possibility to create something real like in Anime worlds therefore we can only advance stories to get closest to real thing as possible little by little and by realizing those stories to get our world closer to having something real in it. Technology will eventually gives a possibilities to create a real worlds once when we get to the point where everything in this one 3D world is under our control witch is the purpose of existence of this world, to become a seed from with a new worlds are born. Anime are most advanced stories that we have ever had in this world, they are for the very first times the stories of something real, of real worlds with real emotions. I think it is so ironic to call this world we live in a real world when everything in it is fake and it is anime world that has real things in it. And offcourse anime it self is constantly advancing to new highs. So now all we need is technology to create those anime worlds, now it comes a time for us to evolve into gods. This Shitty 3D world only exist for the sake of Anime worlds and chosen few geniuses who will evolve into gods and create new worlds in an image of perfection in an image of anime. Offcourse there is far more to it but I think I had blessed you with my presence enough for today. Also perverts are just animals who fallow their instincts and failures in evolution therefore no different from worms." Or, alternatively, when provoked: "You people are joke who think that just being from japan and being an otaku makes you a true otaku. Being true otaku means understanding anime culture and it's worlds and dedicating your life to otakuism. Anime characters are pure and would never do anything primitive like sex. Anime characters are far superior to real life humans far deeper and more complicated and something to be worshiped not used as fap material. You don't even understand that yet you call yourself an otaku." Thank you for reading the findings of our research, don't forget to leave your on the way out.
    8 points
  2. Hail the lolitrains.
    5 points
  3. Hi. Just in time for the game's release. http://reviews.fuwanovel.net/2016/04/27/root-double-before-crime-after-days-xtend-edition/ I couldn't find a decent promo image in English. I have no idea what that's saying but hey, whatever. I give this game 3/5 stars. While I think it's a bit overhyped and overrated, it still has some good stuff going for it and some of you people who are huge zero escape and infinity fans might like it anyways.
    4 points
  4. TastefulSardine


    ごきげんよう. Hello, everyone! Long time user of fuwa walkthroughs but that's about all my exposure to this site. I've read quite a few VN's already, and my top three would probably be MLA, Grisaia, and Umineko. I've been studying japanese for about half a year now(self-study) and I'm interested in reading untranslated VN's. I've already read Miu's route in Dracu Riot and am transitioning into Aiyoku no Eustia (the fully translated common routes make the task a lot easier). I'm pretty awkward like everywhere and bad at organizing my thoughts so everything I say will probably be a jumbled mess. I'm a fluent English speaker so I'd like to help translation projects as QC, editor, or even TLC(if I'm even good enough.) I have no experience in hacking but I would be willing to learn(everybody's gotta start somewhere). I'm currently learning Java but that's about all my experience with computers.
    3 points
  5. look at the tags on the season pass
    3 points
  6. Narcosis

    eroge sales- 2016/03

    The sad, sad state of modern eroge industry.
    2 points
  7. There's a girl with a monocle. There is no way in hell I won't support this. Even if she weren't wearing a monocle, my personal views and limited logical capacity mean that a Japanese company releasing a title in the West before Japan can only be a good thing. All in.
    2 points
  8. The pretty sprites with E-mote + heterochromia heroine + nekomimi heroine + 18 content patch = I will buy this so hard.
    2 points
  9. Well, I already backed it months ago, so the review had no chance to influence my decision to buy it anyway. Root Double is also a title that most likely fits my taste so I'm probably more tolerant to flaws it might have. Besides that, the title has more than enough good ratings that it can be considered a good title. But I always appreciate a more critical review because they often emphasize the true flaws of a VN, and usually I find it easier to tolerate those if I'm prepared for them. Too glowing reviews can raise unrealistic high expectations which inevitably leads to disappointment. Ironically, a critical review can therefore result in a more pleasant experience than an all roses review.
    2 points
  10. This posts triggers me. Basically, you're judging the VN out on the two first hour of reading? Didn't you think the whole writing mess at the beggining was intentional because it revolves around Gethel who is a REAL MESS of a girl? It doesn't matter anyway, you probably only or didn't reach the opening so try to get to finish one route instead of making hasty judgements.
    2 points
  11. Entries that didn't make the cut: - The Majikoi crowd - Guys who make an account to ask for a translation and never log in again after being told off - Yuri fanatics - The "I've made this account to ask for porn"-people (notable quote: "I want VN with Big BOOBS that have English translation .")
    2 points
  12. I can not believe my eyes, but YouTube actually listened to everyone complaining about their unfair system and made a huge change to it: http://youtubecreator.blogspot.com/2016/04/improving-content-id-for-creators.html TL;DR version: Whenever a video gets claimed by someone and is being disputed, ads will still keep running on that video, but the money will not automatically go to the person who made the claim anymore as it used to happen, instead it will be kept aside until the dispute is over and then returned to the person who wins it. They also invested in building teams to prevent abuse of the system in the future and anyone who does is subject to having their tools removed. This is a HUGE game changer for content creators as they used to get fucked over by false claims and lose all their money during the dispute process. This still doesn't prevent DMCA takedown abuse, but it sure as hell is a way to discourage false content ID claims, and that is a big step in the right direction in my opinion. I'm not sure if anyone here follows this sort of copyright drama, but I personally find it interesting to see how the copyright landscape is shifting in recent years. Anyone have any thoughts on this move by YouTube?
    1 point
  13. Higurashi's no Naku Koro ni's original graphics were considered "trash". And if no one had bought the game in Japan because of it, the graphics would've stayed that way. Would you doom the next Higurashi-level OELVN to failure because it couldn't be sold on Steam? I think what you want isn't content curation, but a higher bar for Greenlight success. Maybe even force Greenlight campaigns to fundraise using a backer model (perhaps gather a set number of pre-orders that would be charged if the project was Greenlit, with the funds held by Valve until the product was released). That would force Greenlight users to be more choosy since they'd actually have to put money behind their votes.
    1 point
  14. Valmore

    Fate/Grand Order

    I refuse to pull the gacha until @Rose blesses my phone.
    1 point
  15. (click the banner >.<) Link to only see VNs that are on sale
    1 point
  16. A barber named Fred, of course.
    1 point
  17. You could always trade away 3 of those initials for a UR of your choice once the seal Sticker Shop comes out. I'm personally hoping, oh so hoping, to get 1 UR when I draw for August Rin UR, because even if I don't get her, if I get any UR, I'll trade my two Smiles and that new one for Maid Rin (one of my all time favorite URs). My teams are at the point where I can benefit in some songs for replacing my initial Honoka since she's only a PL, so trading her away for a stronger scorer isn't much of an issue. As for my song ranking... I got 908th place, that's just barely T1. I remember back in Kitty Rin, which was also a Smile event song, I got 200th in song score, and now I can barely get top 1000. I really need some new cards.
    1 point
  18. Nope, need to finish I/O first. And probably struggle to the end of Grisaia, I want to be 'vn obligation free' for E17.
    1 point
    1 point
  20. I still didn't get around to play the first part of your game (too busy with my own stuff at the moment) but I backed you guys since the premise seems really interesting to me. Wish you the best of luck with your campaign and I hope you'll make it!
    1 point
  21. You should at least do Ayaka's route as that is the best route by a major consensus It's something very special for a moege
    1 point
  22. I don't know how anybody thought this was real.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. And the world it at peace once again 9.5/ 10
    1 point
  25. AaronIsCrunchy

    Birthday thread

    Happy birthday to both @hsmsful and @Monmon. I hope you both have excellent days \ /
    1 point
  26. Shy Poinu is best Poinu For my second choice, I'll nominate Kuroshitsuji
    1 point
  27. Decay

    Tokyo Babel Released!

    The prologue's disjointed writing is due to the circumstances of how Gethel has trapped Sorami. Her entire world was in flux, at that point. The writing reflected that. Once they make it to Pandora, things become much more consistent and "normal." There are some issues related to what you were complaining about, like how the game will switch from action to comedy and back from time to time, but generally speaking the format for each route is slice-of-life character building and training -> first combat encounter -> celebration and another brief SoL sequence, w/ maybe more training -> action action action action. The balance and pacing can feel a little off at times, but I wouldn't necessarily qualify it as a "mess."
    1 point
  28. Mugi

    Fate/Grand Order

    Event has been extended by a week, and I freaked out when I saw who the free servant was This event is 10/10 Also been trying to trade for a decent account with Angra on it, no luck so far. No one wants Gil + Iskandar
    1 point
  29. But while I'm here, I might as well vent just a bit: I think the most disappointing thing about this game is that it's really a step back in maturity. Aselia dealt with the inherent gray morality that comes with war, the helplessness of the soldiers who fight them, and featured a cast of 'expendable' characters who you valued all the more for being just part of your little war-orphaned family. Seinarukana goes back to Tried and True High School, and features the usual cast of childhood friends and magical royalty. The villains are over-the-top omnicidal maniacs, and once again we have that forced style of 'I don't have to tell you anything about my motives, Main Character', which is something people just don't do in real life. "Why are you killing billions of people! What possible reason could there be for that?!" "I have one, but I don't feel like telling you until you're strong enough to stop me." That is infuriating, because it's the cheapest trick in the book for creating pointless misunderstandings. It's not even a trick! It's a cop-out! It would take 2 minutes to resolve this conflict with a simple explanation, but noooo, you're going to gleefully attempt genocide and laugh about it, and try to play the 'greater good' card later and expect it to hold weight, as though you weren't a sociopath in chapters 2-8. That being said, I'm quite enjoying Seinarukana.
    1 point
  30. I'll nominate one of my favorite animes, the great, the mighty, Gosick
    1 point
  31. I only know a few titles of historical anime, which are Gintama, Sengoku Basara, Arslan Senki, and Kingdom. If anybody know nice ones, please recommend.
    1 point
  32. Umm, their latest update is a little weird ... " News about the physicals and other items on the Kickstarter will come out later this month. " Are they aware that April has like 2 days left? Later this month, as in a whopping two days from now, or has Sekai Project magically warped into May already? At least we have gotten, ( a little weird and cryptic), update saying that they will address the physical rewards at some point. Hopefully they have some good news on that front once the update comes. But come on, these updates are getting a bit comical now. They so vague and non-detailed...
    1 point
  33. Flutterz

    Fate/Grand Order

    Apparently we get a free 4* caster for completing all the main quests, so chop-chop And don't forget about Angry Manjew from the FP gacha, so if you're like me and have 300k FP, now's the time to use it.
    1 point
  34. Arcadeotic

    Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday @Monmon and @hsmsful Haven't talked to both of you that much, but hey, whatever Congratz
    1 point
  35. ittaku


    Welcome and good luck! Learning Japanese good enough to be TLC is a long and arduous, yet very rewarding, process and I wish you all the best and hope you'll give back to the community you've just joined in whatever way you can.
    1 point
  36. babiker


    RAGNAROS THE FIRELORD I was pretty happy I got that, he was definitely the coolest legendary in the set, if not the best in terms of performance. I'll probably have trouble trying to fit him into a deck that does hi justice, but I'm looking forward to playing some kinda reno control paladin in wild
    1 point
  37. littleshogun

    Birthday thread

    Happy birthday @Monmon, and hope you got well in upcoming year.
    1 point
  38. 12kami

    Birthday thread

    happy birthday @Monmon and @hsmsful
    1 point
  39. That's a lot better, but that's still really weird. I could see a teacher addressing their students by their last names only (seen that happen before myself, although I don't think it was that common), but it'd take a very specific type of person to address their students with Mr/Ms. I guess "odd" or "cutesy" would be what I'm thinking of. Is it Mr./Ms. [first name] or Mr./Ms. [last name], by the way? The latter would be a lot less strange. Well, that's pretty disappointing I don't get why they're trying to take on complicated issues like terrorism and segregation if they just end up saying, "That's bad, m'kay". Everyone knows terrorism and segregation are bad, it's obvious. The security, convenience, and privacy problem is a lot more complicated with no objectively right answer, so I'm a little miffed that they included it, honestly, if they handled it like you say they did. Admittedly, the VN was released before the Snowden revelations, but still, that's not much of an excuse to gloss over something so complicated. Did they handle any of those themes particularly well? Okay...reviews are one person's thoughts and opinions on something, ya know. You might have no problems with it, while Decay obviously did. There's no reason to suddenly reverse gears and start advising people not to buy it, just don't let hype alone be the reason you buy something, because it will usually leave you disappointed. I can count on one hand the number of times I went into something hyped and came out saying, "I wasn't disappointed in the slightest!".
    1 point
  40. The Super-saiyan Learned Japanese purely to play porn games and has played hundreds if not thousands. Also includes super-saiyans in training. Significant overlap with The Hipster Elitists.
    1 point
  41. Well, this won't be the last time someone tells me I'm not in their top 10 list.
    1 point
  42. Kawasumi


    yup, got herald, which is nice i guess lol. Ill just be playing c'thun decks anyway
    1 point
  43. Who could forget such classics as this Or this? Or perhaps this ? (Editor note: Please don't actually play any of these if you value your sanity and brain cells. Please. I'm begging you.)
    1 point
  44. If they're making this a "Steam-first" release, it's highly likely that either there won't be H-scenes, or they'll be throwaway scenes with no value purely to place a check in the feature checkbox for the JP market. I can't say I'm thrilled at the prospect of JP eroge developers designing games for Steam release.
    1 point
  45. I got really scared after I finished Amane's routes. I mean, It's so scary what human can do to survive.
    1 point
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