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  • Birthday 10/05/1990

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  1. Well for Summer 2004 I watched Shikanoko (My Deer Friend Nokotan) along with Legend VTuber and Mayonaka Punch.
  2. What a daring confession there. What I can say about that is while technically speaking you can get Reflection Blue if you're googling enough, it would be more proper to wait until Visual Arts released Reflection Blue even though we don't know when it'll be happen yet. That aside, someone was already answer the difference with Reflection Blue has more routes compared to the original Summer Pockets. For more elaboration, original has Tsumugi, Ao, Kamome, and Shiroha routes while Reflection Blue add new heroine Shiko along with the routes for Shizuru and Miki (Side characters in the original). Technically there's also Umi's route with Umi herself is very important side character in the original, but there's a reason why I mentioned her route separately. PS - By the way I prefer the opening for the original Summer Pocket, but since Reflection Blue keep the original opening video in the Gallery, there's almost no reason to not to chose Reflection Blue when it come to Summer Pockets, doubly so if we look on how both are all age in the first place.
  3. Visual Novel Translation Status (21/07/2024) Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and as for the title because we have magical girl nukige Angel Tear I parodied the magical girl anime with explicit contents, Gushing Over Magical Girl, by changing 'Magical Girl' with 'Angel Tear', and it should be noted both works are have magical girl having sex. For this week, let's just say that overall this week is another plain one even though it has Angel Tear which supposed to be quite interesting if only for the magical girl nukige that is rarely translated. Other than Angel Tear release, we also have Sekai manage to release Nekonin ExHeart Spin. Oh yes, we also have Nekonyan revealed they have another three secret projects, which make it five new secret projects. Let's see what I can write in regard of this week. Once again we have Angel Tear released, and it's magical girl nukige about Yuuri who is an ordinary high school girl suddenly recruited as the magical girl Angel Tear. As per magical girl stuffs, of course Angel Tear job is revolving around fighting the demon in order to protect humanity, and as the super heroine she obviously has some people who've been gushing over her. Obviously the demon need to be intelligent in order to fight the Angel Tear, and so the demon decided to laid the trap after Angel Tear let her guard down because she was ran out of energy. Seeing Angel Tear has very nice body, the demons make full use of her body by contaminate the men around her with the only way to save them is with sex. Thus began what would be Angel Tear's big problem, because she also need to serve the man who've been gushing over her sexually with some of them lying about being hypnotized. Go get Angel Tear if you want some magical girl nukige, and have fun. Cherry Kiss announced their next nukige in which it's not from their usual partner (Miel) but instead it's from Orcsoft, and I can only say it's about the MC who want to have sex with his best friend mother for the obvious reason. That, and it'll be released on August 9th later. PQube released Ryuusei Fantasia, and I can only understand it's otome game about the male idol with the female MC became the producer. At least it's nice PQube made it available on PC unlike Aksys and Idea Factory who only made their otome game available only on console, so get the game if you want the otome version of Idolmaster. Sekai manage to release Nekonin ExHeart Spin, and I admit it has nice art despite I would like to see them localize longer Whirlpool VNs if possible. For the VN, it's about the new MC of Nekonin Kikumaru who just lost his grandfather suddenly visited by a cat-earred ninja girl during the wake. Afterwards, the ninja introduce herself as Touka and mention her task to protect Kikumaru. From there, Kikumaru's life start to get a bit turbulent, especially with her sister turned out to be tanuki-earred ninja. Go get Nekonin if you want more catgirl, and have fun. For fan translation updates, we have Taima Seiko Alice is at 40% edited, Akagoei 3 is at 87.94% edited, Ushieta is at 86.5% translated with Yui 1 is at 88.6% translated, and Karenai Sekai is at 24% edited. Lastly we have Nekonyan revealed their three other secret projects on their Discord (No progress report on those new secrets though), which mean we have potential five new title announcements from Nekonyan at Otakon later, although whether the announcements will be interesting or not we'll see. That's all for what I can write in regard of this week, and see you next week.
  4. Welcome to Fuwanovel and sorry for the belated greeting, @deoxysans. In case you need some KEY VN recommendations, perhaps you may try something like Little Busters or Summer Pockets if you need something lighter (For them) and still not playing it yet. I hope that you'll have fun in here.
  5. Visual Novel Translation Status (14/07/2024) Welcome to this week VNTS review, and because we have Hookah Haze release with the premise is similar with Coffee Talk, I made the parody of Coffee Talk by change 'Coffee' into 'Shisha' with shiha is another name for hookah, so we have 'Shisha Talk' as the title. As for this week, while usually we got a breather after AX, this week is quite plain seeing there's no much happening. That said, there's still some news to note, such as the release of Hookah Haze and Sekai revealed the progress for two of their projects. With that done, let's see what I can write in regard of this week. Last week I did miss some updates from AX, so let me try to round it up here. At AX, Mangagamer did announce the release date for one of their VN, with said VN is Steam Prison fandisc and the release date for it will be on November 28th later so feel free to note the date if you want to see more Steam Prison. Also actually Denpasoft did announce Kurikuri Click 3 with the VN decided to be a bit meta with the single heroine being gravure model who also is a succubus (For the info the VA of the trilogy is gravure model), and looks like the announcement is too underwhelming so much nobody add the English version entry on its VNDB page. Aniplex had the biggest announcement that I missed last week, although said announcement is the plan to localized second part of Tsukihime Remake, which would be involve a lot of waiting seeing Nasu probably still thinking on how he resolve the character that he add in the first part while also adding more new characters. For the reminder, second part has the remaining three routes along with the new route for Satsuki, so it's very easy to say Nasu will spent very long time writing it if the first part is any indication. Cherry Kiss was just released Sexcalibur nukige, and well feel free to get it if you want to see on how the MC do his revenge quest to the leader of the female knights who destroyed his hometown by raping her. For Hookah Haze, once again the premise is quite similar to Coffee Talk with the MC as the manager of hookah lounge listened to the problem that his customer tell with him provided the fitting hookah, which in turn it's also similar with Valhalla with pixel arts and all. For the premise, once again it's about the MC Toru (By the way he looks like the female and good looking at that) who is sick and about to die was asked to manage hookah lounge by his doctor in order to make the most of his remaining time. In the lounge, Toru got three unusual girls as his customers with he soon find out the three girls have bottled up problem, and it's upt to Toru on how he'll help the girl. Go get Hookah Haze if you're into the VN that has pixel arts like Valhalla, and have fun. Sekai did reveal the progress for their projects that they've been planned to be released on this year, Amairo Chocolata 3 and Akaneiro, and surprisingly they have good number of progress. For Akaneiro currently it's been in programming with they already completed both of the translation and editing work, while for Amairo Chocolata 3 currently it's been at three quarter translated. Lastly for fan translation updates, we have Akagoei 3 is at 82.96% edited, Shinzou Translation's secret project is at three quarter edited, and Karenai Sekai was already fully translated. That's all for what I can write in regard of this week, and see you next week.
  6. Well like mod Clephas said this feature seems like to be quite annoying, especially if one need time to either thinking or open the walkthrough so that they can answer the choice right in case the timed choice really affected the story. Thankfully though there's no much VNs that apply this feature, which is for good reasons with the few VNs that apply it are usually mystery or thriller like you mentioned above. Oh yes, other than the VNs that you mentioned, according to VNDB Danganronpa and Schoold Days (Also IxShe Tell) also applied this feature, although I don't recall if it's true or not. That's all for what I can comment in regard of this topic.
  7. Welcome to this week VNTS Review and sorry for be very late here. As for the title, I'll tell it at PS below. Anyway, as we know we have AX several days ago, and as for the announcements let's just say that it's still quite lukewarm even though I knew I shouldn't expect much more of it anyway. That said, there are some interesting highlight when it come to this year AX, so at least it's still quite noteworthy to a degree. Overall, this week is an almost interesting one thanks to AX, and let's see what I can write in regard of it. Before going to AX announcements, let me write the updates for this week. First of all, we have the company plan to release Knight Case File sometimes in this year, so feel free to note the release time in case you want to play it. For fan translation updates, we have Akagoei 3 is at 81.48% edited along with 15.96% in QA and Karenai Saku is at 81% translated. Last but not the least, we have Floral Flowlove is fully edited, although it should be noted that said update is not outright confirmed by the staffs themselves with it only appear in the progress bar of their site, so we may need to wait until Nekonyan fully confirmed about it, probably at Otakon in which they're planned to attend it and possibly announce their secret projects. For AX announcements, first of all we have both Aksys and Idea Factory announced four Switch only otome VNs. From Aksys, we have Mistonia and Uchronia. For the former, it's about a girl who lost everything decided to take the revenge to everyone who had been wronged her, while for Uchronia it's about the sheltered girl who live in the floating city encounter the amnesiac handsome man who involve in the incident related to the hidden truth behind the floating city. Aksys also already have the release estimation for both, with they will release both sometimes in the next year. From Idea Factory, we have Senjou no Waltz and Teminara with both coincidentally have the female MC cursed in different way (Senjou no Waltz MC is wielding the cursed sword, while Teminara MC was said to be cursed). For the release plan, like Aksys they'll also release both of their otome VNs sometimes in the next year, so yeah four Swith only otome VNs to look forward to in 2025. Mangagamer announced two title, with the first one is related to the princess knight nukige that Shiravune released, and said title is The Alchemist & His Battle-Scarred Homunculus. For the premise, it's about the alchemist who has been betrayed by his kingdom because he didn't like to using homunculus as tool of war. One day, he find discarded female homunculus with her use for war is already over, so the alchemist decided to take care of her even with he know the age span of the homunculi are quite short. The second announcement is Rose Guns Days, in which as we know it's been available in English ever since 2015. That said, it came with the updates, although said update is unfortunately not adding the voice (So no Yukari Tamura as Stella or Daisuke Ono as Philip), but instead it's just graphic update into HD which may be necessary for high spec PC. Anyway, RGD is obviously redundant to me, but at least it should stop people spam Mangagamer survey with it. Speaking of HD update, we have Sekai decided to re-release Nekopara series into HD, which sounds like desperate milking because the series itself is already have good production value. Then again, maybe some fans still want to play Nekopara in higher definition for some reasons, so if you really want to play (Or maybe replay) Nekopara Volume 1 in HD then you can wait for it. For more important news about Nekopara, we have Nekopara After (Or as I call it Nekopara 5) was currently in production and set to be released in next year. We also have them announced the last part of Amairo Chocolata trilogy with they tried to have it released in at the latest December 31st, and let's see if the release is also has available English text or just has Chinese only translation. Lastly, they have plan to release Akaneiro sometimes on this year with it somehow already in programming despite the last update of it is still at halfway translated, so let's see if they can fulfill it (Also hopefully they meant English translation and not Chinese only translation when they bring that announcement at AX). Lastly we have JAST bring the most announcements at five, although three of those (Seira, Hanamaru 2, Cornelica) are just nukige so only two are noteworthy. The first announcement is Dead End Aegis fandisc which is the fandisc for dark magical girl VN Dead End Aegis. This should be good fandisc for the fans seeing that it mean they'll going to see more Metawo's good arts with he also drew new suffering magical girl. The last announcement is Daiteikoku, which as we know is Alicesoft VN who mainly work with Mangagamer in regard of Rance series. For the premise, it's about a man who is a playboy tasked to rebuild a ruined army with the man do it very successfully so much he attempt to take over the world. From what I hear, it didn't have good reception in regard of the story and gameplay compared to the other Alicesoft VNs, so maybe I need to temper my expectation. JAST also mention that it's still at the early stage of work so it may take years for the release, and good for them for being honest. That's all for what I can write in regard of this week, and see you next week. PS - For the title, because we have Sekai give us update in regard of their desperate attempt of milking Nekopara along with JAST announced Daiteikoku, I decided to combined both so we have 'Neko Para Vol. 5 Innocent Sin'. For elaboration, 'Nekopara Vol. 5' is obviously points toward Nekopara After, while for Innocent Sin it's from Persona 2 first half that featured Hitler as the antagonist with Daiteikoku also feature Hitler as the cute girl (Her name in Daiteikoku is Retia Adolf though).
  8. May as well revive the thread a bit by mention JAST recently manage to get Daiteikoku license (Yes it really happen), and apparently it'll took some years before it'll be released (At least good for them being honest on this).
  9. Well, June 2024 is pretty bad so much I consider BL VN as VN of the Month lol. Anyway, out of four listed releases, only Trap Yuri Garden that has clear story so it's quite fitting to consider it as VN of the Month despite it's being BL VN. I'll try to comment on the releases below. Hanagane Kanade Gram - Actually this could be fitting for VN of the Month, although it's already too late seeing it's serial VN focusing on one heroine in each chapter with it already in Episode 3. I don't really know if the story is continuous or not like Nine series even though VNDB listed each part as sequels, although from what I see apparently the story is more leaning toward pure slice of life despite the premise offer some mystery with the heroines have superpower based on Minor Arcana (Wand, cup, pentacle, and sword). Iwakura Aria - The VN from Mages with currently is released in Switch only, although looking on how they operate we may have it on PC later. The graphic is as unique as Fata Morgana, and looks like it's GL story with some tragedy and dark element. There's also plan to release this in English later, and for now there's no release estimation for English version announced yet. Yuri Trap Garden - Once again I call this as VN of the Month even though it's BL VN, and the reason is simply because it has clear story. The premise is about Iori who enter all boy school with the rule all students must crossdress, and Iori is obviously vehemently against this by dressing as boy. Seeing one student rebel against the rule, the student council president Mikage decided to expel Iori while insulting him, leaving Iori with no choice besides took a lady lesson in order to be fit in the school. After one week lesson, Iori show some good result so much Mikage become awestruck and thus become the main heroine, errr... hero. Looking from the companies past pattern by releasing more than one VNs with the same setting, I expect they'll release more VNs to be focused on the other characters beside Mikage. That's all for what I can comment on June 2024 releases.
  10. 22/7 - Usual idol anime with Aniplex backing it so at least it has some fame, with the idol group for this anime will provide the ending song for ATRI anime. As for the anime itself, it's the gathering for the eight members with each members will get focus episode with the lingering focus is the group will receive the task from mysterious talking wall who even the writer don't really know. Speaking of the writer, one of the writer is Rental Girlfriend writer where he still has some restrain. As for the costume, while it's not as flashy as usual idol costumes (Or AKB48), ironically it make the costumes looks nice for being simple looking one. HealGPC - It's about the MC Nodoka who is quite weak thanks to her just recovered from her illness at her childhood, and she was chosen as Precure thanks to her resolve to not let the illness on the princess of the Healing Garden, Latte, getting worse. Obviously at first Toei didn't make HealGPC with Corona in mind, although soon enough HealGPC becoming too close to reality so much Toei stopped its airing for seven weeks, and starting the trend where Precure airing time will be out of schedule until HSPC (2023 Precure). It also should be noted that Nodoka situation is basically cause people to be related with her, especially when Corona is spreading at that time. Bofuri - It's about a cute girl, Kaede, who is invited to play VR MMORPG, and since she didn't like to get hurt she pumped her whole status points into defense with her become Stone Wall. Obviously the developer didn't really expect Kaede to beat any bosses with imbalance status (She never pump strength or agility status), so they made her received the equipment with broken skill had Maple won the battle. Unfortunately for the developers, Kaede find a way to beat the boss and thus earn her the broken skill, so the developers tried their best to nerf her only to keep failing and failing. This series is more or less about on how Kaede keep breaking the game and circumvent the nerf to keep being feared by the other players despite Kaede herself is mostly clueless about it. Runway de Waratte - At the first chapter we have the story on how a former child model is looking forward to the promodelling in French only to be failing because of her height which don't increase much since her childhood, so obviously there's a lot of story potential to explore on how the child model overcame the situation. That said, the author was prefer to have male MC in his work, so we have the male designer as the MC starting from the second chapter. While the former child model is still important, it definitely soured my mood when I know the Bait and Switch of the MC. My annoyance on the switch aside, actually it's quite interesting series on which touch on the modelling series, doubly so when the usual shonen series is like to have battle. Koisuru Asteroid - It's the story about the girl, Mira, who meet up with the boy at her childhood, Ao, with Mira make a promise that she'll find a nameless star and then name it Ao. Several years later, Mira find herself reunited with her childhood friend, only for her to face the harsh reality with Ao is turned out to be the girl. I admit that it's like Runway de Waratte when it come to Bait and Switch, although at least knowing the manga was published in Kirara it lessen the chance for the bait to become annoying. Other than the beginning, there's no much talk on it besides that it's another CGDCT and the main writer, Yuka Yamada, was one of STPC (Astronomy theme Precure) writer back in 2019. That's all for what I can comment in regard of Winter 2020 anime.
  11. Welcome to Fuwanovel, and no much to say other than I hope you'll have fun in here. Also feel free to ask for VN recommendations if you're need it.
  12. Well honestly in the recent time I've seen more of April Fools events in the manga and anime scenes, although turned out there are surprising amount of April Fools VNs. Other than those three, there are the other two that are particularly stick out to me, Shakadou-san no Jun'ai Road and Seventh Coat. For more elaboration, Seventh Coat is the April Fool VN for Fata Morgana with the developer change the genre from fantasy to science fiction, while for Shakadou VN it's the parody of Tsujidou with Shakadou (One of the antagonist in Majikoi) as the MC. Note that the developers for both put some efforts into those VNs, with Fata Morgana writer tried to make Seventh Coat writing as good as possible while Minato-soft hired Hanakana of all VA to voiced the main heroine of Shakadou (Kugenuma Sakura). I think that's all for what I can comment in regard of April Fools VNs.
  13. Visual Novel Translation Status (30/06/2024) Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and because we have Tsukihime Remake release with it has vampire I may as well made another parody of the famous franchise with the vampire, The Twilight Saga. As for the 'Restless Dawn', it's because we have Shiravune announced Clock Up VN with the English title 'The Restless Sleep and the Lone Wolf', so I made the parody of Twilight's last part, Breaking Dawn, by changing 'Breaking' into 'Restless', so we have 'The Twilight Saga: Restless Dawn' as the title. As for this week, there's a bunch of releases with the most awaited Tsukihime Remake release, so in theory this should be the exciting week, although to me there's no particular interesting releases. Other than Tsukihime Remake release, we also have Shiravune being active after almost a month didn't show much activities. Overall, this week ended up being an average one to me, and let's see what I can write in regard of it. Visual Arts released Switch only Planetarian Snow Globe, and I can only say it's redundant release since we already have PC version of it available in English. Speaking of redundant, Aniplex released Tsukihime Remake, which admittedly it's the biggest release for this week seeing it's the remake of Type-Moon very first VN with Nasu wrote many new stories into the remake, and the graphic along with the good animation of the opening video courtesy of ufotable certainly didn't hut. That said, the reason on why it's redundant is not only we already have it in English for a year, but also it's because Aniplex just release it for Switch (And PS4) while the fan patch is only available for Switch version. I know Valve would like to take their time to reviewing Tsukihime Remake before finally approving it, but it's still too bad there's no more info in regard of PC version from Aniplex yet. In the end, I can only say that good for anyone who only has PS4 and been waiting for the release. Aksys released Radiant Tale fandisc, and as expected they release it only for Switch users. Speaking of otome VN, PQube revealed they about to localized Bustafellows 2 which if I remember it'll be continuing from the prequel true route or something like that. It's also worth to mention that unlike Aksys PQube plan to have the Steam version of it as well, so good for otome fans who only have PC. Oh yes, they also mention it'll be released sometimes in 2025. Speaking of upcoming release, Sekai planned to release Nekonin exHeart Spin on 15th later, so feel free to note the date if you've been waiting for it. Nekonyan just released Aoi Tori Steam version two days earlier than the planned date, on the last June 26th, so you can now get Aoi Tori on Steam which is good for Nekonyan after their initial build of it was rejected while Purple Software did put some pressure Nekonyan to release it in last April. For this week fan translation, we have Chusingura is at 47.86% translated with Chapter 2 is now fully translated with the remaining work (Editing, TLC, QA) being worked on, Taima Seiko Alice is at 70% translated, Karenai Saku is at halfway translated, Majikoi A Plus Disk is at 9.68% translated, Akagoei 3 is at 15.79% edited along with 15.96% in QA, and Ushieta is at 82.5% translated with Yui 1 route is at 70.1% translated. We also have a fan released Tenshi no Oshigoto translation patch, with the VN is basically the fan fiction from the fan group who like to write their version of Shiri's route ending from Kanon. While the release should be good for Shiori's fans, I'm more interested with the fan group who turned out to be Alcot's predecessor before they're established the company in 2004, so in a way it's one of Alcot's very first VN before they develop several more VNs for across 20 years with their last VN is recently crowdfunded (And upcoming) Clover Memory's. This week we have Shiravune being active again after seemingly calmed down for almost a month. First of all they decided to delay Shukusei no Girlfriend 2 release date to at the latest September 30th, although in exchange they also announced the last game of the trilogy so we may have simultaneous release at the same date later. They also released two nukige at the same date, Nyonin Island and Real Eroge Situation 2. The former is about the former black company employee who somehow tasked to manage an island where there are no other male alive so the MC has the bad luck living with the family of the three female who has very big breast, while the latter has the MC live in the very realistic depiction of living in eroge with one particular realistic situation is the MC popular classmate (Female) turned out like to masturbate to the MC's fetish diary (Another thing to note it has nice graphic). Go get either nukige (Or maybe both) if you've been waiting for it, and have fun. Last but not the least, we have Shiravune announced the aforementioned The Restless Sheep and the Lone Wolf (Or if we prefer Japanese title it's Nemurenu Hitsuji to Kodoku Ookami), which as we know is another VN by Clock Up so obviously expecting some disturbing sex scenes is a must. That said, from what I hear apparently the sex scenes are not as disturbing as Maggot Bait or euphoria, although those may still be quite disturbing. For the premise, we have an insomniac assassin who must kill in order to have good sleep meeting a particular woman in one of his mission. Said woman turned out held many secrets, and she managed to bring the good sleep to the assassin. By the way, it somehow slipped into Steam, which make this VN become historical for being the Clock Up VN available on Steam even with Shiravune understandably removed most of the contents. Oh yes, Shiravune also announce the fandisc as well, although I chose to just talked about the main game. That's all for what I can write in regard of this week, and for the next week I'll also comment on the possible AX announcements. See you next week.
  14. Late to answer here. Anyway, both are technically good VNs and I'm sure you already tried both. That said, in case another person somehow got stuck in choosing between two VNs, then Amazing Grace should be better choice when it come to saving the money (And HDD), and it has mystery as the bonus. Technically Mashiro Iro is not bad VN by any mean (Especially if you like charage), although it's a bit more expensive compared to Amazing Grace, and not to mention you need to technically buy Sana Edition to call it as complete.
  15. Late to say this, but better late than never. Congratulation on the release which is very nice to have it earlier instead on the planned July 7th, and it's nice to see now we have two Miagete side stories available in English with the sex scenes remain intact which would never happen had we trust Pulltop to do the translation job. Now if only we have some dedicated people working on the original Miagete censoring work, because the current team is kind of wishy washy on their commitment to doing it (Then again they may have some business besides translating VNs). PS - By the way, this VN is pretty clearly showing on which fetish that Pulltop have (Threesome), which to say I didn't dislike it at all, although obviously it's not something that should be showed to their good 12 years old French girl customer base.
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