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  1. And the surprise winner of ACen is JAST USA, because at least nobody expected anything from them.
    6 points
  2. Sorry for the wait folks: VisualArts/Key: Working on getting that audio fixed up and uploaded. Anyone have suggestions on where to put just pure audio? They had a ton of security to prevent people from recording so i got the best I could. Sekai project: First video youtube decided to flip for whatever crazy reason. Should flip to normal soon™.... MangaGamer
    5 points
  3. Visual Novel Translation Status (05/21/2016) Okay, for the title this week I decided parodying this song from 1969. As we could see, Sachi was hypnotized Yumiko and Sachi said 'Come on, Sakaki-san... What are you?'. Well, there's much more choice in term of what you want to become in term of animal though, but Yumiko decided to became a dog (Well, it's the writer choice anyway, and in game Yumiko said 'bitch' so I guess it was appropriate). After my comment on VNTS Header Image this week, welcome to my VNTS Review for this week. As for Leisure itself, not interested but anyway, there's a good news for everyone that waited for Meikyuu (It will be released this summer) and Rakuen (Translated 35% as of now). Well, the Anime Central announcement this time was surely would bring everyone with high expectation down. Okay, maybe Kyonyuu Fantasy (Or Funbag Fantasy for localization) was quite decent (Bookwormotaku like this nukige) and Fata Morgana fandisc should be good for anyone else who want to read more Fata Morgana after finished reading it, but 4 out 6 six announcement was turned out to be hardcopy from already existed title, so this is quite letdown (Although if I said the box might attract the people who want to collect the packaging though). Although the earlier announcement was letdown, Mangagamer also announce that they'll release Tatarigoroshi on June 24th and Umineko on July 8th. I only look forward to Tatarigoroshi (If only to patching the voice), while Umineko was already had the patch with improved sprite and voiced to boot (And I kind of didn't click with new sprite from Mangagamer). I think since Anime Center announcement was majorly from Mangagamer, so I'll conclude Mangagamer section here. Oh, for last word I think I better look forward to next week update from Mangagamer to made up this letdown. For more announcement, Sekai announce one doujin VN called 2236 AD which the premise might sounds interesting, although kind of vague. For more update, other than Grisaia series Sekai also had nice progress from WEE Episode 3 which touched 82.49% as of now. Other than that, there's not much interesting although if you want to knew the round up Darekoi and Memory Dogma had some nice progress (More than 10% progress) while Sekai also want to launch Princess Knight using Indie Go Go (At least they learned not to using Kickstarter in case the project failed I supposed). Okay, this week instead of Anime Central, actually interesting news mostly came from Fan Translation. Astral Air progress this time was crazy (1.6% progress from last week, and for the progress it was at 78.76%), and looks like this summer we'll get boost in term of progress according to Chuee. Koiken Otome, they had 100% editing and 86.71% QC this week, which mean it shouldn't be long time before they release the patch (Or maybe next month hopefully?). While both of those 2 news of course good, we'd also face the problem from Dracu Riot side. As we knew, the team right now face some real life issue so maybe they need delayed the first rough complete patch (Although they said it'll be at the end of June, I'm still willing to wait until end of July). For last roundup, Tsui Yuri as of now had 22% translation progress and 2% edited. There's no translation progress from Bishoujo Mangekyou, but the QC was already started and it was at 3.1%. And for last update, we had Majokoi translated at 1.9% and edited at 1.6% (Also Majokoi team got another new 2 translators there. Hope it'll be speed up the translation). Oh, and actually from last week Mari's route at Libra was not 20% translated, but 25% translated. I think that's all for this week, and see you next week. PS - Since Decay mentioned his worry about Angel Beats translation project (Not that I'm interested as of now), here's the translator response in regard of Angel Beats localization announcement from Key at Arcadeotic post (Thanks). It mean that they'll try to continue for new as long as they didn't get hit by C&D or DMCA claim as for now. Although the translator word was more likely they wait until Key make official announcement. Well, let's see it for later though.
    3 points
  4. Woah...I've only heard of two of these. Xreaper's got you covered for obscure unique-ish works. Also the BGM is stellar.
    3 points
  5. Black Sands Exclusive: Bakasura, The Flesh Walker Legend has it then once every 3000 years, a child of Nibiru is born with flesh. These children become super predators with hyper-concentrated muscle tissue and understone instead of bone. Their flesh allows them unparalleled speed and unlike the others before him, Bakasura has survived. Unlike on his world, where the planet was incinerated every 200 years,Earth is much calmer. His reign as a wild Asura has been long and all the ancient fear him for he devours both the ancient and the living. It is unclear if he has any instincts other then the hunt but one thing is for sure, avoid at all cost.
    3 points
  6. Rewrite+ was just announced for an official english release: http://anitay.kinja.com/visual-arts-announces-plans-to-release-rewrite-in-the-1778000315 With the anime coming soon, this seemed kinda obvious.
    2 points
  7. I'm not sure it exists, but it's entirely possible to tell a story with images, sound effects and music alone. In VN format it'll probably end up looking like a prettied up slide show, however.
    2 points
  8. Granted, perhaps this announcement could mean Charlotte gets some sort of VN? Wouldn't be unheard of. Though it'll probably be for the PSVita which would suck.
    2 points
  9. I'm sure the people working on the Angel Beats patch are pretty salty (unless they were bought out I guess). This is why you don't translate titles from companies that have entered the localization world. Also, I can't help but glance at that "Jun Maeda plans to do more with Charlotte". Please, don't. Seriously, just don't, there's so many great things you could invest your time on. One can hope I guess, but Kyonyuu Fantasy is so far off from what I expected that it really disappointed me lol. Seriously we don't need more games in this genre, there's so many great fetishes to explore!
    2 points
  10. I will never understand these hostage analogies. Who wants the games? You. Who pays for the games? Also you. Who gets a cut for being the intermediary? Them. What's the problem? If enough people pay for the game, want the game, they release it. Else they don't. Most of the time kickstarters and indiegogo's even offer more rewards for those willing to spend more money for them. Kickstarter assures a company turns in a profit, regardless of the game's sales - EDIT: Which in turn assures the intermediary remains in the game, contacting more Japanese companies and bringing more stuff over, faster than any of the 3/10 Fan Translation Teams which deliver anything after years of slow progress. It also gives the fans more merchandise, cheaper prices, and more info and control over the direction they take (via Prefundia, for example - Some vehement complaints suggestions have changed a company's mind in aspects that, if they hadn't made a kickstarter, we wouldn't even know about until release. Muv-Luv's initial 'editing of the existent release' turning into 'pretty much retranslating the game' or Sharin no Kuni's "devilish" DLC policies being done away with). I don't get the supposed disadvantages of Kickstarter... What does it matter to you which black hole the money gets sucked into? If enough people want the game, are willing to pay for it, they'll get it. But if everyone kicks up a fuss over things that don't matter (a company whose sole objective is to make profit is being greedy? Better call the papers), nobody gets anything. EDIT: Of course, failure to meet the conditions imposed on the Kickstarter with no valid justification is good enough reason to stop backing a particular group. "Fool me once..."
    2 points
  11. I read that whole thread while drinking my morning coffee and was able to put delicious salty tears in it. I never miss these threads, it's always so entertaining.
    2 points
  12. Oh happy days Well... It could've been much better I'll say my 2¢ on the fandisc when I actually get around of playing it, but it wasn't an 'announcement' per se, when it was already kind of announcement Never cared about hardcopies ever, so these are kind of eh to me Kyonyuu Fantasy is definetly one of those nukiges I actually am interested in (aside from Bishoujo Mangekyou), so this was a pretty good announcement overall.
    2 points
  13. I'm a fan of the Kyonyuu Fantasy translation. Now @Arcadeotic won't have to hear me telling him to TL it. Other than that, 4 physical editions, a fandisc, and a nukige that I have wanted for a while now. In overall, not a great day announcement wise. Announcement of the day for me is Kyonyuu Fantasy and I could care less about any of the other announcements.
    2 points
  14. 2236 is the most interesting announcement of the day imo. It's amusing how MG announced four hard copies in anticipation for selling a ton at AnimeExpo, and AX just now completely changed the rules for how adult content is sold, completely shafting them.
    2 points
  15. I can't be the only person who is absolutely pissed that they are doing an indiegogo campaign for princess kaguya. I do not even care about the game but I think it's a dick move to announce a game last year and then demand an indiegogo campaign for its release a year later.
    2 points
  16. To celebrate my 1000 post on the Forums, I took a picture on my normal position, in which I usually use my laptop And here's without the hand Sorry for the excessive twirls on my hair, I was born with them
    2 points
  17. Some people here already know that I hurt my knee falling down the stairs a while ago... what most of you don't know is that the stuff they have me on (non-narcotic pain drugs, sleep pills, and antibiotics) in combination make me a zombie for most of the day... I sleep around twelve hours a day, am fuzzy for two to three hours more, have to do rehab exercises for another two hours, and I spend around four hours of what is remaining working. Needless to say, this doesn't leave much time for anything else... which is why VN of the Month is so far behind. Normally, by this point I would have played through at least four or five of the month's VNs, and I would probably be considering which one - if any - was worth the VN of the month rating... as it is, it has taken me a little over seventeen days to finish just two VNs from April's releases. I'm basically venting my frustration right now... since I lose money with every day I can't work at full capacity and I go a little more stir crazy with every day I can't go out and get some fresh air without using crutches. For the first time in almost nine years, I actually had to use up my entire pay for a month for bills and food (the medical bills being the highest, obviously). Needless to say, I'm in a sour mood. If I seem harsh toward the remaining VNs this month, please forgive me. It is really, really hard to concentrate outside of work right now... and I'm actually having to reconsider a lot of my plans for the rest of the year based on the costs I project for the rest of the next few months. Nothing pisses me off more than being unable to rectify everyday money problems (which is why I work so much normally).... Anyway, that's enough moaning from me for now. The two key points are that the above are the reasons VN of the Month is so far behind and I so rarely post, despite the fact that I'm technically 'online' (I rarely if ever shut down the fuwanovel tab, lol) all the time. If I'm slow to respond, it is because I'm not myself, not because I'm not interested in doing so.
    1 point
  18. So, I thought I'd make this because it seemed like a fun idea, to see if we can co-operate under pressure and without knowing each other that well. If this dies with no one joining then... I'll just go back to my corner of friends and play... But if you haven't left already, if you don't know what this game is, take a look here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/341800/ And here's the manual: http://www.bombmanual.com/ Available as a PDF or webpage, you could even print it out if you wanted. So how will this work? Well, all you need is: A Skype account. (and/or a Discord account) This game involves talking y'know? Discord will primarily be used for group calls. Skype can be used for solo or group calls as well, but I've heard there are problems with group ones, so to be safe, I'd like to use Discord for those whenever possible. A mic. It doesn't have to be the best in the world, we just need to hear you clearly. To not feel shy. [Insert "Just do it" meme here] If you want to join, make a post stating what role(s) you want to play and I'll list you as Defuser, Expert, or both accordingly. Then I will add you to the Skype group/send you the invite to the Discord group. (You will of course have to give me your Skype username for Skype) Um... I haven't really thought of anything else. The schedule, if we'll have one, will probably revolve around who joins. If you have any suggestions as to how I could make this better, let me know. Members Eclipsed: Expert Flutterz: Expert LoganW: Expert Shikomizue: Defuser and Expert Waiting List Funyarinpa: No time right now. Kingdomcome: Setting up HTC Vive.
    1 point
  19. If the box is sealed with some wrapping, they usually won't tear that wrapping open. But they can (at least here they do) open the box the package comes in to check if there's no dangerous goods inside (by dangerous I'm talking about guns and stuff). Usually the procedure is: If there's nothing explicit on sight, then it probably passes. So idieally the CD box is wrapped with non-transparent material. If it's not then you might want to re-consider. But like Down said, ideally you want to know how exactly do they handle packages.
    1 point
  20. Non-loli content is less likely to be an issue. Regarding customs, you should try to fish around the internet regarding how they deal with packages in your country. Your package may get stopped for taxing, but that doesn't mean they'll open it - more than often they'll just look at the invoice or ask you for one. And I doubt anime titties are very visible through X-ray inspection.
    1 point
  21. Nice progress so far! Good luck on your exams!
    1 point
  22. Eclipsed

    Amnesia: Memories

    Amnesia: Memories Summary A story that takes place in a fictional world... It was the 1st of August. That morning, when she awoke, the heroine found herself without any memories from before August 1st...... Everything, from the sort of life she lived, to the relationships she had, was a blank...... A young boy named Orion appeared in front of her, referring to himself as a "spirit." Under Orion's guidance, the heroine began the struggle to regain her memories. She searched her house for clues about her everyday life, and received a message on her phone... What was displayed on the screen was an unknown name to her. Now, she is asked to meet with him, a boyfriend whose name and face she doesn't know. In a position where who to trust is uncertain, the heroine must move in a way that her memory loss remains undetected by her partner. Because of this, the story becomes tangled in complex ways. With no memories of "him," our heroine will write a new love story starting today...... Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order There are 5 hero routes: Ikki, Kent, Shin, Touma, and Ukyo. To unlock Ukyo (Joker World), you need to get all other Hero's Good Ends first. Then start a completely new game. Route Guideline Ikki Kent Shin Touma Ukyo Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on https://welcometowonderland.me by the lovely Amnette with some adjustments made by me.
    1 point
  23. Regarding Re:Zero @Ceris @havoc
    1 point
  24. Ya know what's nice? Not making any progress. Yup, there was no translation nor editing progress to speak of whatsoever. As for me, I had my final exams this week and they'll continue the next week too. As for my editors, one had a move to a new apartment, and other one is busy with uni exams. I'll try to get some progress next week, but who knows about these things. I certainly don't *sigh* Well, at least QC has begun, and is progressing at a respectable pace, so that's great. There also was some QC progress last week, but I forgot to put it up. Sorry 'bout that. Anyways, the progress: Translation: 7/8 script files finished (~83%) Editing: 9,2% QC: 3,1% Proofreading: 0% Till next week.
    1 point
  25. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wordless_novel In all technicality, they do exist, or at least have a historical precedent. But I don't think a wordless VN has really anything to offer.
    1 point
  26. If their partnership with Waffle was about licensing their most recent nukige I could be somewhat happy, but Kyonyuu Fantasy? Meeehhhhh.
    1 point
  27. [nitpicky mode] I should probably clear up something. Holding someone hostage is when a person is taken from someone else, and held against their will until certain conditions are met. As a guarantee or blackmail or some such. If you want to apply it to an object, it would be something taken away from someone else and held until certain conditions are met. Sekai haven’t taken anything away from anyone, the game isn’t the community’s to demand. ‘Hostage’ is one of those emotive words people misuse when they want to make someone’s actions seem worse than they are.[/nitpicky mode] That being said, it’s only smart to be choosy over which kickstarter campaigns to support. But to be honest, I’m incredibly unmoved by the ‘I want this product but I won’t back it to get it. How dare they employ a business strategy I don’t agree with!’ argument. The world is full of products people may want but they are unable to obtain, for one reason or another. One more added to the list because of philosophical or moral differences isn’t going to make me cry great soppy tears for those who miss out.
    1 point
  28. Seriously? You see nothing questionable about this? I really regret backing Karara now as it seems quite obvious that was a huge mistake. Sekai Project is bloody going to indiegogo and kickstart every single one of their japanese vn products and while that decision is theirs to make I myself do not agree with it. The success of their karakara indiegogo campaign is obviously to blame for this. Had that failed they likely would not have decided to do this. I am a huge reader let's say that a book is announced for sale but a release is not scheduled immediately because the author needs to finish it. One year later after the author has announced they've finished it instead of releasing it they hold it hostage behind a kickstarter or indiegogo. You want this book you are going to have to back it. People have been waiting for this release and the publisher has been giving information on its progress for over a year and never mentioned of its release contingent on a campaign that may not even succeed now. Because this is what Sekai Project is doing. They are essentially saying the game will not be released unless you indiegogo/kickstarter campaign. It does not help that it comes down to expectations. The majority of their adult titles have not had a kickstarter/indiegogo campaign. People expected this to especially be true of a game announced a year ago that they've been showing english screenshots for, website of, information about its release 'coming soon', 66 percent translated, etc...when really that is a blatant lie because now the game is only coming if the indiegogo succeeds for it. Indiegogo is sketchy itself because of the way people collect money. If Sekai Project is doing this to determine limited releases of the title then my entire argument is out the window. Since I am not currently sure how it is going to be organized and can only speculate based on past releases via kickstarter/indiegogo my expectations may be subverted. If Sekai Project announces an indiegogo campaign but mentions that the game will be coming regardless of whether it succeeds (and essentially uses it as a glorified pre-order system with a way for people to get extra content and physical editions and that type of thing) then I would begrudgingly be okay with it. If however the game is contingent on a successful campaign to being released then yes I will call them out on it. What if Mangagamer and Jast pulled this? I think people have gotten used to Sekai Project's bullshit antics that they think it doesn't matter. How will anything change though if we become accepting of conditions which are simply not something we as fans should expect. If Mangagamer and JAST tried this stunt people would outrage but because it's Sekai Project people have gotten used to it. That itself is dangerous thinking. If Sekai Project wishes to take the kickstarter and indiegogo approach for all of their Japanese visual novels (and some OELVNs) then that's fine. Hell the title in question I have no real interest in to begin with however I can't make an exception just because it's a title I don't want. It's the indiegogo campaign, however, that is something I'm personally not comfortable with them doing and so I'm boycotting the purchase of their kickstarted/indiegogo attempts. I'm not saying I won't buy the games if they succeed in their campaigns I'm merely saying I will not be backing any of these campaigns. If this means some products don't get made then so be it. What difference will one person make? Probably nothing but at least I will hold true to my convictions on the topic if nothing else.
    1 point
  29. Eclipsed


    KnS all the way.
    1 point
  30. It is utterly beyond me how someone can be disappointed by the lack of moege being translated. This is like Stormfront idiots going "WHITES R UPPRESSED BWAAAA" man, lol. There's more than enough moe stuff coming out already, moege is the last thing to complain about. Impressive that Euphoria is getting a limited physical edition lol That said, I'm hyped for Higurashi and Umineko! Con-fucking-gratulations Gangamamer for releasing only two episodes of Higurashi in a whole damn year. I'll be a second-year at university before they even get to work on the "extra" arcs they promised to translate at this pace. For fuck's sake (I'd probably have pirated the fuck out of the original TL already, but Vokoca discouraged me and also that one only has PS2 graphics).
    1 point
  31. Yes, for the longest time, actually I aim to always make you proud, dad While Kirie is a himedere I've grown to love, Shizuku is still miles better
    1 point
  32. I definitely know the feeling of exams taking away from your porn games.
    1 point
  33. Kelebek1

    Japanese Help Thread

    He's just following on the meaning. They're stupid because they still have wishes in this age. In a previous age they wouldn't be stupid you assume, otherwise you wouldn't specify "this age." So, useful in previous ages, not this age -> "outdated."
    1 point
  34. Checkmate Mangagamer. Fucking check-fucking-mate. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!
    1 point
  35. Summary of this event so far
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Wow, Seireki 2236? Never expected that to happen, but now I have double a reason to read it. It seems like one of the most interesting recent games, judging from what hadler had to say. Ponkotsu no Akuma is meanwhile one of the most boring nukige I've ever tried to read, not sure why ppl care about it in the west, tbh. Edit: oh, it's because it has the same artist as Nekopara, I see... I didn't even notice xD
    1 point
  38. Hopefully MG will announce a nice gameplay title from Alicesoft, instead of a nukige with basic gameplay elements.
    1 point
  39. I mean, I believe it, I just don't see the proof for a "100% confirmation."
    1 point
  40. Sekai Project first 100% confirmed Anime Expo announcement: https://vndb.org/v17515 If this really is the big 18+ title they had in mind, well, I'll pass. Won't pledge even 1$, don't really like Sayori and her art.
    1 point
  41. I don't see any, maybe the page is bugged? Now, time to wait for MG panel, to get trolled again. EDIT Maybe creating new subsidiary for SP and calling it SP Indie or something would solve some issues with fans. I bet SP could be leading indie publisher!
    1 point
  42. No idea why, but I'll always recommend Tenkiame.
    1 point
  43. You are right for this line. They have a spiteful tone here. In this day and age, to hold on to your wish... They're saying that wishing for stuff is outdated. Again, it's spiteful
    1 point
  44. Y'know, I never thought of you as a guy who plays CoD.
    1 point
  45. WinterfuryZX

    Food Porn Thread

    There's nothing more local than this. Rosa di Parma (Parma's rose): Tortelli d'erbetta :( Erbetta, or perpetual spinach in english, is a peculiar variety of swiss chard with large leaves) Anolini in Brodo (Anolini in overcooked beef broth): Caval pist (crushed horse) :
    1 point
  46. Chapter 1 has been edited and released! Link to the PDF (Thanks so much to @AaronIsCrunchy for helping out with the editing, I really appreciate it!)
    1 point
  47. 1 point
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