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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/16 in Posts

  1. I should have done this earlier while the hype for the game was still going on but better late than never right? I hope this review will shed some more light on what this game is actually about because I think it deserves more attention. You can read this whole review without fearing any important spoilers will be revealed. If anybody wants to discuss or ask about specific spoilers, they are free to do so as long as they use a spoiler tag. Lucy -The Eternity She Wished For- is a remake of a 2010 Korean visual novel that is the result of a Kickstarter project started by M-Vizlab. The project attempted to translate the original game in both Japanese and English as well as rewrite the story and remake the art assets in order to deliver the most polished version possible. The campaign successfully reached its goal and went on to raise a total of 18,155 CAD, meaning several of the stretch goals were reached, one of which included full voice acting in both Japanese and Korean for the main character, Lucy Valentine. About a year later, the game is finally released on both Playism and Steam for users worldwide to enjoy. I have to admit I was very excited when this title was initially announced. Not only because it would be the first Korean visual novel I would get to experience, but also because I have read several Korean web comics and I know just how different and engaging fictional stories created in Korea can get. Does this mean I am a little biased? I wouldn’t deny that, but I did not really set any expectations for what the game was going to be about, so I like to believe my first play through of it was as unbiased as possible and that’s what I’ll try to carry over to the people reading this. The story starts off with you. Yes, “you”, the protagonist. From the get go the game sets itself up for self-insertion by having an unnamed protagonist with the name tag “You”. This is a very curious choice given the events that unfold later, but I guess the creator thought having a self-insert protagonist was his vision for the story, and I have to say that despite my personal disdain for these types of protagonist, this one didn’t really impact my overall enjoyment, especially given that the game is set up so that the characters would never really need to call you by your given name so very rarely does cognitive dissonance kick in. The only problem, and this is a general problem with these types of protagonists, is that the choices they make while carrying “your” name might not actually be the choices you would make, and that may break some of the immersion, but again I think the story handles this fairly well and most people will hardly notice it. So who are “you”? You are a regular student going on about your life in a technologically advanced world where owning an android at home is an everyday thing. The only caveat is that you hate androids in general, and so does the family you live with. While not much is given to the reader about the protagonist, the game does make it clear that they do not like robots, and this is what sets the tone for most of the game and the future interactions you will see. One day, while going home, you decide to drop by the local junkyard, and that’s where you encounter a fallen android amidst all the scrap metal. This android is more realistic than any other you’ve seen and you wonder why it’s even there to be destroyed. Against what you previously said about disliking androids, you decide to take this one home, perhaps due to a sense of pity, but regardless, it’s now your responsibility. And this is when we’re introduced to the main heroine of the game. Although it might seem unreasonable for a character that’s set themselves up as an android hater to take an android home, I think the protagonist’s inconsistent morals are what later make these moments make some sense, so even though I was initially questioning it, I later became to understand some of the reasoning behind it. (Could anyone really ignore this!?) After several comical attempts at talking with the android, you discover she’s named Lucy Valentine and that she’s a multi-purpose android that can essentially do all kind of house work. However, some of her parts are severely damaged and she is unable to move. The following day you take her to the repair shop and drop her off there while you go to school. In school we’re introduced to yet another character, and the protagonist’s supposed best friend, Gears. Gears is an android fanatic and owns several of them at home and he is an incredible contrast to the protagonist, which makes you wonder how they became friends in the first place. Although they might initially come off as the comedic relief character, Gears actually represents one view of the world, the side that wholeheartedly accepts androids. Once school is over, you drop by the repair shop where you’re greeted by Lucy, who’s now fully recovered and jumping around, excited for your return. She calls you “master”, and despite your attempts at making her call you something else (the game actually prompts you to type a name you want), she ends up not believing that’s your name (in my opinion, “Onii-chan” is a wonderful name) and continues calling you “master” anyway. After chatting some more with Lucy and getting familiarized with her new personality, you arrive home, only to encounter your father in the living room. Similar to the protagonist, the father is unnamed and is always referred to as “father” by both the protagonist and Lucy. Much like Gears, the father character represents another viewpoint of the world, one that despises androids and their existence. The father is very adamant when he sees Lucy and thinks she is a worthless robot that could never replace a human being. Despite this though, you convince him to let Lucy stay, so long as you don’t let her affect your grades and you take responsibility for her. After this, the main journey of the game begins. Although I didn’t initially think about it, the game clearly attempts to set the protagonist as someone who lives in between this android hate/love dichotomy, a dichotomy represented by two characters the protagonist interacts with on a daily basis and that Lucy comes to disrupt, and this is essentially the central theme of the game and what most of the story that follows centers around. Most of the main story deals with interactions between the protagonist and Lucy and their relationship. When I say “relationship” I don’t mean a romantic relationship. Yes, that’s right, this game does not center around (or have, for that matter) romance, which is actually something I quite appreciated. Yes, they could have gone for some human x robot romantic plot, but they decided to keep it more grounded in reality and in the setting the story takes place in and focus on other key aspects of human and robot relationships, mainly whether or not an android can fill the same kind of roles a human does in terms of emotions and feelings. The tone of the story is set up very nicely and subtly without going overboard. I never once felt like things were being rushed, even though there was never really any noticeable filler. Each scene is important and reveals something, and even if it’s not related to the actual plot it’s a scene revolving around the connections between the characters, which I truly appreciated seeing. If you think the whole thing is a drama fest though, I'd like to inform you there's plenty of nice comedic relief moments you will witness throughout the day, most of which revolving around Lucy's social awkwardness, and I don't mean to say that she is shy, but rather the complete opposite. (I wish I could look this happy doing the laundry too ) The story also touches upon the dichotomy I mentioned earlier, by having the protagonist make several choices that either lean him towards one side or the other and are also the main causes of both his internal and external (primarily with his father) conflicts. Apart from that, the perspective shifts multiple times, primarily to the perspective of some doctor you don’t really know who seems to be in charge of Lucy before she met you. Not much is told in these moments other than what seems to be the backstory of Lucy when she was still in her development stages. Going any further than this on the story would make me reveal important scenes and plot points, but I think the general outline I gave is more than enough to explain what the game’s main themes and atmosphere are like. The story spans across a total of about 4 hours, the first hour of which I roughly covered before. As far as branching plots go, I was somewhat disappointed with the game. None of the choices apart from the last one actually matter, and the last choice merely has two options, meaning the game really only has two main endings. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s perfectly fine if a visual novel doesn’t even have branching paths, but for a title that seemed to have so many interesting choices to make during its main story, it sure lacked when it came to those choices affecting the outcome. The choices are primarily used in the end game to collect achievements or for pure comedic effects. In terms of characters, the game naturally spends a great deal of time around Lucy and her antics, leaving the rest of the characters as more of a background noise than anything. Lucy is an extremely cheerful girl who I think is very likeable by anyone. Although some people dislike overly cheerful characters, Lucy’s personality does not feel too over the top but rather purely human, with her primary goals being making the protagonist have a happy and easier life. She tries her best every day to do the house chores when her master is not around and she tries to prove herself to his father constantly in hopes that she will be acknowledged. I found myself in love with Lucy pretty quickly and I think that anyone who initially does as well will likely have a great time during most of the story. (You either love that smile or you're literally Hitler) The other character that has a lot of relevance in the protagonist’s daily activities is his father, who’s the main source of all the conflicts in the story and who seems to be really abusive towards his son. It’s somewhat hard to comprehend his actions, even when the game later on somewhat tries to explain itself. In fact, I was genuinely concerned for the protagonist’s safety in his household, but maybe that was the intention as well. Lastly, Gears is mostly only present when the protagonist is confused and needs someone to consult. As I mentioned, Gears loves androids and is very knowledgeable on them, so he becomes the protagonist’s number one choice for getting information on Lucy. He’s also like I said a representation of a viewpoint that loves androids, and he opens up the protagonist to the idea that androids aren’t actually all that bad. The protagonist himself also managed to have some relevance, even if he doesn’t have a name, as he’s the one caught up in this divided world where he doesn’t know whether he should like or hate androids and he’s constantly questioning whether or not what he’s doing is the right thing. Personally I find that this is the most engaging aspect of the story and what kept me wondering if he will succumb to his father’s hatred for androids or if he will become independent and do his own thing. Ultimately, as the main focus of the game, the characters managed to bring out the main themes pretty well and they did often make me question whether or not I was going on the right path. Their interactions are all relevant, none of them feel like filler, and that was probably the most enjoyable part to witness. After you complete the game, there’s multiple achievements to unlock, some of which include extra side stories that attempt to explain certain events in the story. The game really makes sure you take the most out of it and if you missed certain things in your first play through you’ll have to go back and replay it to get the achievements. Moving on to the more technical side of things, the art is another great selling point for this title. As I mentioned in the beginning all the art assets were remade using the Kickstarter funds and boy did they pull it off. For such a short game, the developers understood when to have a CG to capture the moment and I think there isn’t a single important moment I could point to that does not have its own CG. The character sprites are lively and have several different expressions that properly convey their emotions, Lucy being the one with the most attention to detail, honestly almost every single CG with her in it was incredibly heartwarming to look at. Whoever was in charge of this game’s art design really nailed it. (Look at that face. LOOK. AT. THAT. FACE.) In terms of sound, the game does not have a lot of variety to offer, but what it does offer fits perfectly. Outside of the background music itself, which I actually really enjoyed listening to, the game has plenty of sound effects that it utilizes to bring the most out of the scenes. Ironically, the thing I remember the most about the sound is the menu music. I think it’s the first time a song has stuck in my head so much. The voice acting was fairly good. I played the game in Japanese since that’s the language I’m more familiar with and the voice actress did a wonderful job as far as carrying Lucy’s bubbly personality goes. I did attempt to play the game with Korean voice acting but unfortunately it sounded too strange for me to find it enjoyable. I don’t want to comment on whether the Korean voice acting was good or bad since I have almost zero knowledge on the language, but this time I preferred playing the game with what I was familiar with. You can also not play with voices if either of the two bother you. Lastly, on the writing front, the English is a bit stiff. I can't comment on the translation since I don't know anything about Korean, but overall a lot of the sentences feel a tad bit unnatural, not so much that you're questioning the nationality of the characters speaking, but enough to be noticable by those who really value that kind of stuff. Also Lucy speaks in 3rd person. Take that last part as you will, I personally am not a fan of the 3rd person speech in English but at the very least it was applied consistently and if you take into account that Lucy is a robot, maybe you can cut the game some slack for making this choice. In the end, Lucy is a game about building bonds and fixing bridges between characters as well as tackle the issues that a world with hyper realistic androids could bring to a society. Does it deal with a lot of morals and science? Not exactly. I think the story is more about the protagonist and his journey to coming to terms with himself and androids, it’s just that it so happens to have a nice side message on top of being a heartwarming tale. If you want a small yet impactful story about a human and his android, I think Lucy will certainly fit the bill, especially given its price tag. As for me, it was a journey I don’t regret taking or paying for and I hope more people who finish the game feel the same way as well. I found myself completely absorbed in it after a while and I was even caught off guard by the game multiple times, which if I were to elaborate on would completely spoil the story, so do yourself a favor and go try it for yourself. Final rating: 69/69 go read the actual review. If you want to pick it up, the game is available DRM-free for $9.99 on Playism as well as on Steam. The Playism version also comes with a free Steam Key.
    6 points
  2. i think they do. im in the process of acquiring a harem right now. all i need is a tsundere, a childhood friend (usually the first two are one in the same), a girl i made a vague promise to years ago, a senpai, and a girl who doesnt freak out every time i accidentally see her in her panties. i have a few candidates for the last one but ill have to keep trying to see how it goes. ill update you guys on my progress. UPDATE: I got arrested.
    5 points
  3. Cool, I shall post it then \o/ I like the 'or lolis' part hahaha Disclaimer: Monshiro is 18! and... not a loli in... Link is for the Calendar images https://mega.nz/#!0pBW3AhY!nE2qM2Yvcs9QQAivth691f4Y-c5eLDNlTLm8IKRrBv0
    4 points
  4. Actually, as far as I know, the Eternal Heart translation is pretty much dead in the water. Steve comes here to post updates as frequently as I genuinely enjoy English dubs (hint: I tend to loathe English dubs). Secondly, the Meikyuu TL has been taking much longer than SP ever indicated it would, and even then, comparing a paid translation project to a fan translation is so mind-bogglingly stupid that I don't even know why you did it at all. The Maji TL team isn't being paid for their work, so they'll obviously be making less progress than if they were, seeing as how they have to have jobs to live long enough to finish their project and prolong their lives in general. I find the entitlement that's oozing out of your post to be, quite frankly, disgusting and pathetic. You should be damn happy there's a TL project for the Majikoi A's at all, and yet you expect them to work at a pace you find appropriate, even though you can't be bothered to even lift a finger to help? Think before you post next time, and try being less rude to the people that are doing you a favor out of the kindness of their hearts.
    3 points
  5. Hello everyone, I am currently developing a new website called Visualnoveler which is for people to track and discover visual novels. We recently finished implementing a translation status tracker. The weekly translation text version can be found here. An example of how a visual novel translation status page would look like (Astral Air) for example. Here are some sample pages of the current pre-alpha website. Main Features Tracking Visual Novels - You can create your own list of visual novels and compare it with your friends. Discover Visual Novels (Ongoing) - Visual novels are sorted by genres, walkthroughs, translation status, ratings and so on User Profiles - Manage your lists,post status updates or write reviews about visual novels. https://visualnoveler.com/vns https://visualnoveler.com/vns/if-my-heart-had-wings https://visualnoveler.com/vns/clannad Some possible questions 1) Why create Visualnoveler if there's VNDB? If you want detailed information about specific Visual Novels, VNDB is good for that. Visualnoveler aims to provide "easy to digest" information for people who are looking for new visual novels. Visualnoveler provides a new sleek and modern UI for people to track and discover visual novels.. However, since the website is in pre-alpha status, there are still plenty of features not implemented or may break without warning. 2) I can't see anything related to tracking and discovering? Tracking features can only be seen if you are registered in the website. For developers Curious about how the website is built? It is open source and built with Rails at https://github.com/wraithseeker/Visualnoveler
    2 points
  6. All i wanted was to share my happiness over the remastered version of this classic coming out finally after such a long time being desired by many people. I played this classic masterpiece back when i was kid with my older sisters and i absolutely loved it, ever since then and to this day every now and then i kept emulating and playing it but seeing it finally get remastered made me feel accomplished for some reason, maybe it's dumb but I really love this one , it's in my opinion one of the best from the point and click era along with other classics aswell So i felt like sharing my love and opinion of it with all of you and hoping to see other people share their experience with it aswell That's about it, thank you Double Fine for doing this and hope everyone can enjoy it as i did and as i will again.
    2 points
  7. Yo! I finally got to say something positive about a VN for a change. Feels good, man. Link: http://reviews.fuwanovel.net/2016/03/23/kindred-spirits-on-the-roof-2/
    2 points
  8. So where are the forced penetration scenes? I couldn't find any in the screenshots.
    2 points
  9. That was really nice to watch. Just d'awww. Praise the PR team who thought of this. Still advertisement/propaganda though. Must resisttttt and overcompensate.
    2 points
  10. I always thought japan had it's own thing called WcDonald's.
    2 points
  11. a lucas arts point and click adventure? sign me up.
    2 points
  12. Not being a fucking creep, acting like your owed the girl, or acting desperate is how to get a girl. Not these shitty VNs where the end result usually feels more similar to a conquering.
    2 points
  13. She looks like she's about to either kill you, or herself. edit: Or she just pulled the caper of the century and is about to leap off the building in a daring escape.
    2 points
  14. Some of the new Act II art so far.
    2 points
  15. Project Introduction Team - Sun Labyrinth Project Title - Tell a Demon Visual Novel information Tell a Demon is a Visual Novel for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It tells three intertwining stories of love, loss, and vengeance set in the 1920s style post-Imperial city-state of Asher. Player choices affect the outcome, with several endings for each character. Download the Demo or Purchase through: Official Website | Itch.io Staff or Team Members Musician - ProjectTrinity Artist, writer - S. A. Welland Progress 100% Complete Extra relevant information Website - http://tad.sunlabyrinth.com/ (Demo available) GxB, GxG, and BxG possibilities, but it's not a dating sim. Romantic options occur on plot-related branches, rather than designated routes, and it varies with each character's past history.
    1 point
  16. A friend from Japan mentioned this one to me. Very well animated: That "beeping" sound when the fries are being made is the same exact noise in real life. This is actually spot on for how the chain looks and functions in Japan.
    1 point
  17. I read/played Katawa Shoujo. I love it so much, i played the game long time ago, which i ended up bad end. (not gonna spoil it) And then, i try playing it once again, hell i was so happy that i actually go for the Emi route, i was so excited that i finish her route. (The happy end) So, i need something similar to this, but if possible, no magic, no supernatural, no powers or horror or anything like it. I want the genre which includes ONLY ONLY Comedy, romance, school and slice of life. add in music if possible. I did say if Possible, a little supernatural or magic would be fine as long it stays within Key Animation logic. LOL Believe it or not, i did not finish Rewrite nor played the other franchise. I did play Android Lily's day off, Roomies. Enjoyed it alot.
    1 point
  18. TexasDice

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    Well, it's time for another Texas Dice story, I guess. In middle school, when I was somewhere between 12 and 14, I was invited to a classmate's (who was also my friend) Halloween-party. So, on the day of the party, before I left the house, the phone rang and my classmate-friend called me like "Hey Texas, we have a problem. The girls from our class that I invited were followed by some older guys and they won't leave. We could use some backup, in case things heat up." (Rephrase this sentence in your head so that it sounds more like something a middle schooler would say). So, I put on my costume, took the bus and traveled the 30 minutes to his house. When I finally arrived, the guys he mentioned on the phone were getting a stern talking by my classmate's mom, who was in the house the entire time. So I wasn't needed at all and me spending the entire drive there thinking about what the hell I they expected me to do was completely pointless. And that was basically it, really. The party started, there was shitty music, we ate party-food, I got in a small middle-school brawl, we played spin-the-bottle and I kissed a girl. So what do we learn from this story? Not much, I guess. Don't be a white knight, because girls at parties will smooch you anyway? Let the adults solve all of your problems? Black girls kiss way better than white girls? Just pick something.
    1 point
  19. Zidan209

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    I am a kuudere, that probably sucks in social life, but not 100% kuudere though. Confession: i am awful at being serious. I just use kinda high level of sarcasm, do things just for the sake of fun or jokes, and people usualy think that i am doing that even when i m serious. Though, that is the point of high level of sarcasm: the more it looks less sarcastic, the more advanced sarcasm it is. People never know for sure what i mean. But i am not that unhappy about it.
    1 point
  20. That's what I kept thinking, but then I found a reddit post explaining the order, started watching Bakemonogatari and dropped it 2 episodes in because it's trash.
    1 point
  21. It's nice seeing the time/resource management mechanics in this video, to understand a bit more what's behind the curtain. I'm looking forward to seeing a terror mission where you actually have a big crew, though. It seems like the pacing of the time/resource management part is quite a bit different from what I've seen in XCOM 2. XCOM 2 likes to send me flitting around the map scanning things constantly, so I haven't spent time idling (with a small reward) back at my base since the very beginning of the game. Also, must be nice having your monthly income actually get handed to you, rather than having to go fly across the map to find it, and then harvest it for 3 days...
    1 point
  22. Molipa

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    Well I like to think I'm nice but I'm the only person thinking I'm nice. When I meet new people I'm considered as the funny asshole in a week.
    1 point
  23. Do not make these ideas. vndb have an API, which he should use. Scraping the site is ultra-bad idea, both for site and for him.
    1 point
  24. If you can stomach some supernatural elements, Hoshizora no Memoria and Dracu-riot! If you like ojou-samas, Noble Noodle Works and Princess Evangile Then onto the more "normal" recommendations - Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki - Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate - Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa o Hirogete (Has a glider theme, but still has a lot of school SoL and comedy) - Majikoi and its sequel (Little lighter on the romance, but makes it up with its comedy) And since you mentioned music, KiraKira and DearDrops
    1 point
  25. Matt Patt is a very clever guy who knows how to deal with Youtube, considering he's worked there before and also does consultation for other youtubers on how to best manage their channel and their audience. He's primarily an expert in Youtube analytics, and so it's not unreasonable to think he crafted this video in a way that would not raise people's eyebrows that much and was just straightforward towards the lowest common denominator. I much prefer his theories related to games and their lore though, since they're way more creative and leave room for discussion whereas this was just "Hey games can help you get grills!" which just feels distasteful and intellectually dishonest. I'd much rather have seen a segment on how dating sims came to be and what impact could they have on the players and what possible futures may lie in dating sims, but even then that's not so much a game theory is it? Honestly, I'd rather have seen an episode on HuniePop's lore.
    1 point
  26. Tyrael

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    Confession: I wrote another review, please check it out: :) (sorry for the shameless self-promotion but I'm not getting any discussion )
    1 point
  27. Nimbus

    The Last GM Standing!

    I refuse to die by anything short of a Darwin Award winning stunt. Preferably taking a continent or two with me.
    1 point
  28. What if its a megane, senpai whos a nympho?! can such a dream be possible?!
    1 point
  29. LucasArts ruled the 90's. Monkey Island 1, 2, 3 and Day of the Tentacle were great moments of the decade and with all the horrible events of Brussels, this remaster was a blessing, a bliss
    1 point
  30. I'd probably watch a whole season of this, if it was a thing...
    1 point
  31. Googled it; seems like a nice adventure-esque game with a lot of quirkyness I've heard about this adventure/point-and-click games, and I liked them in my childhood, but they don't really appeal to me anymore
    1 point
  32. by double fine huh? thats a good sign.
    1 point
  33. Between a variety of external influences (most notably a girl I'm interested in talking about it passionately, but also @Tiagofvarela's OpenXcom playthrough thread), I decided I should try out XCOM 2. That decision was made yesterday morning. Steam says I've played 14 hours so far. It's very hard to put down. I'm playing it on the lowest difficulty setting right now, because when I started I had absolutely no clue how any of the mechanics worked. I'm absolutely not reloading any saves, though; I live with my mistakes. And I've made dozens of mistakes in the time/resource management game alone; countless more in the main tactical gameplay. I am, thanks to the low difficulty level, still getting along fine (I think). I've lost a number of soldiers, of course, but only a couple missions ago I lost the very first soldier I picked up from the tutorial mission; my only Major, a Ranger, got wrecked in a single round on the first occasion I ran into those acid-spitting aliens. Naturally, those guys have been complete pushovers every time I've seen them since (though that my be in part because I focus-fire them so heavily...). Ugh. But it's fine. I've been rotating soldiers a fair bit of course (injuries don't give you much choice anyway), so although I wouldn't say I have a deep bench, it should be sufficient to get the job done. That said, I guess we'll find out if that's true, since the mission I just started and saved on, before I decided it was time to call it a night, will be my first mission labeled "Very Difficult" At any rate, I'm thinking I'll finish up the playthrough on this difficulty to learn as much possible and then start right up with another one, one or two notches higher (definitely not crazy enough to go to the top difficulty level immediately).
    1 point
  34. Sundae.....yes I'm sure that's what she's eating.... I'll just leave this here for no apparent reason.
    1 point
  35. Ronald:What are you doing? Don't eat that! Random heroine: It's ok, it's from Ronald after all. *sluuuuuuuurp sluuuuuuurp* ( She is eating a sundae)
    1 point
  36. Kaguya

    The Last GM Standing!

    By the way, I thought it was implied Eclipsed would be my general, but Derg is stupid so I guess that's that Shadow isn't bad, anyway.
    1 point
  37. See if you can find the old True Love 95, as that was a VN dating sim where you had to power up statistics to suit the girl you were chasing. It was also quite awesome and long predates all the other sims that claim to have been the first dating sim game. Played perfectly you can literally get *every* girl, H included. It was also my introduction to visual novels over 20 years ago and started an obsession I've been unable to shake off since then (and nor do I want to). Edit: You can play it in your browser even here: http://tss.asenheim.org/true-love.html
    1 point
  38. Eclipsed

    Number Two

    Once upon a time, there was a KosakiFag He was a great Kosaki, and a great Fag He was the number two spammer But would easily avoid the ban hammer He was. He was. HE WAS Then he took an arrow to knee He became busy, and abandoned me Though he would visit occasionally To expect any more would be silly He is gone, so I have to move on I reach for the sky As my post count grows high A year and a half pass by As I finally surpass my senpai As I finally became... the Number Two Spammer. Hi Hi ~~ In Memory of @KosakiFag, the greatest spammer of us all. P.S. Come back and kick my ass soon plx -Your Kouhai, Clipsy-chan #GOML #LOL,THIRDTHEWORSTSPAMMER
    1 point
  39. my top 3 (its hard to choice) 3: Tears to tiara - that real time strategy but it is too easy because exp is still save even if your defeated. the only challenge is the extra boss. 2: Yumina the etherial - random quotes come out after attacking? sweet!!!! 1: duel savior - Mash the keyboard after a good/fair story
    1 point
  40. In general, this game is very forgiving, so don't sweat making highly sub-optimal decisions. As long as you're planting and harvesting frequently, you'll do fine monetarily. You should definitely keep mining whenever you have spare time - getting more and better metals is useful across the board, especially copper and iron for making quality sprinklers. Ahh, that reminds me: don't ship quartz. This was very unclear to me at first, but you can and should refine quartz in the same furnace where you refine your copper ore. Unlike copper, one quartz -> one refined quartz. I believe you need refined quartz to make quality sprinklers. Now, to be clear, you will certainly eventually have more quartz than you could possibly need, to the point that I just ignore it when I see it in the mines. But you'll be surprised at just how much refined quartz you end up using. Flutterz's crop choice advice is right on the money, of course, with the caveat that for those recurring plants, they're only the best if you plant them right at the beginning of the season. Otherwise, I think melons (summer) and pumpkins (fall) are a good idea. And you'll probably have an opportunity to plant those one-shot plants further into the season, when you have cash on hand you can put back into seeds (say, 10th of summer or 10th of fall). You'll eventually want some livestock both to have some income in winter and also for a bunch of the Community Center bundles. In preparation for that, you should buy a silo from Robin soon, so that when you cut grass with the scythe it will stockpile hay. Buying hay is hella expensive, and you won't be able to harvest any in winter (the grass totally disappears overnight between Fall and Winter o_O); I screwed up timing of things and ended up throwing a lot of money away on feed in winter. Also, unlike all other buildings and house improvements, silos are very cheap. Grass grows based on other grass around it, so it's a good idea to leave a decent exposed surface area of it on your farm (but far from your crops, buildings, etc., of course) so that it keeps growing back. Flutterz's advice about artisanal goods is solid too, but you probably won't be able to afford going that direction for a little while, since it takes a fair amount of resources to make even one keg (for instance), and wine takes a long time to ferment. Again, don't sweat it much; I didn't get into the wine-making business until the end of the first winter. Also, some of the community center rewards are really fantastic. Definitely try to complete the whole room that unlocks mine carts ASAP for faster travel, especially since it's pretty easy. Doing all the ones for the greenhouse is hard, IIRC (I probably didn't make 5 high-quality parsnips in the first Spring, let alone know to save them...), but the reward is monstrously useful; I don't think I got it until year 2 spring, and even then I only got it because I was prioritizing it as soon as I knew I should do so.
    1 point
  41. Well, to give a status update, I've started writing and I'm on about 1.8k words at the moment. So far, two people have fallen. Soon, another will follow. I wont give any hints as to who dies or what team they are on, to make it more fun when the actual chapter is out. Everyone can rush see if they died this week or not Sorry to break it to you Valmore, but the yuri bribes wont be enough. Give me your soul and maybe I can do something Thanks though. Always like me some yuri
    1 point
  42. though haven't played enough vn's with gameplay but those i hv played nd liked are.... Kamidori Alchemy Meister Yumina The Ethereal Princess Waltz -------------since you asked best played 3 so i hv ranked those....Tears to Tiara is also one of my fav....
    1 point
  43. 1. Baldr Sky Dive nice action VN and the story also good. shounen shit 2. Soukoku no Arterial nice gameplay and story. love the demon route ( I think I simply love Aoba Ringo in there lol). shounen shit
    1 point
  44. Tyrael

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    Confession: I got a (female) friend of mine to try KS today she likes it It was a good day
    1 point
  45. This reminds me of a "What's New? With Phil and Dixie" cartoon strip by Phil Foglio. The difference is romanticism. You banish a monster in either setting. Where did you get your spectacular weapon? FANTASY: "I had to traverse through the scorched wastelands of Paragornia where I encountered the Succubus Magi of Brahm. After resisting her temptations for hours on end, I was finally able to subdue her with a sleep spell and obtained this mystical wand of a thousand suns with which I vanquished the foe." SCI FI: "Sears. $19.95 plus tax."
    1 point
  46. Ioruko

    best visual novel osts?

    I'm sorry, I just read best visual novel oats? I guess I am just tired I like Rewrite OST and Subarashiki Hibi is my current fav. Umineko is very complex and SUPER HOT D: Just listen to this!
    1 point
  47. Overall goes to Umineko. Nothing comes close for overall variety and performance. As for particular picks:
    1 point
  48. Lucy -The eternity she wished for- Summary In the near future, androids have become the way of the norm. Emotionless husks of metal have become a part of human society, much to the dismay of the boy. The robot he found at the dumpsite though, this one was different. It laughed, it cried, it smiled, it has dreams, just like a human… Lucy The eternity she wished for is a Visual Novel, about a boy and an android. You play as the boy, who faces decisions and moral dilemmas in this near-future world. This is a story that has touched many hearts and continues to have a strong impact on those who partake in this compelling journey.' From: Steam Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order There are only 2 main ends to the game (and one extra ending) and from all my testing, they all depend on the very last choice you make, so if you want to go blind into it, it's a fairly safe thing to do because the last choice is quite obvious. The vast majority of the other choices in the game are mostly for unlocking CGs and specific scenes, some of which unlock achievements. Since there's only one major path to take, I have designed my walkthrough so that you can unlock the most achievements with one single playthrough. I will mark all the choices that unlock an achievent with underlined text. If you wish to do your own thing, you'll have to replay the game later to get the remaining achievements. Route Guideline True End Forgotten Memory End Achievements This is a guide on how to get every single achievement in case you can't discover some or you missed one or two during your playthrough. Extras Below is a guide on how to unlock every extra Attribution This walkthrough was entirely written and tested by me. Please link to this post if you want to use it on your website.
    1 point
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