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  1. 8 points
  2. I won't have to deal with this, because I'm not planning any children. You should do the same. They say stupidity multiplies with each next generation.
    7 points
  3. It's that time of the year again... #flatisjustice
    4 points
  4. https://vndb.org/v2253
    2 points
  5. Here is a neat reflection of the series on Alicesofts' official YouTube. (at least I think it is)
    2 points
  6. I'd probably have the whole fanbase of Nekopara on my door, as cats are the only possible "children" I'd have. I have to say that I thought this was an eroge, and would probably read it. "YOU are the dad of a hot chick whose boyfriend is coming over. She is your piece of heaven, your perfect breed, and since your wife died, you only have daughter-chan to live with. Now he wants to steal her?????? And, what... he is BEAUTIFUL? YOU have to deal with your feelings for your little girl AND her kareshii. Do you want it INSIDE or OUTSIDE? I mean, "him"." I took some liberties here, but yeah, it could totaly work
    1 point
  7. I agree with Narcosis. Both of these VNs have quite a lot of SOL scenes. Rewrite is basically SOL in the common route, with little hints that something "grand" might be happening behind the scenes. And the common route in really long, comparing in length with Grisaia's common route, I think. FSN has a lot of SOL scenes, to the point that they actually get pretty boring at some points. And they continue throughout the whole story, excluding maybe the second half of UBW and the final third of Heaven's feel. Honestly, if you're tired of slice of live, I can't recommend either of these.
    1 point
  8. I would steal the boyfriend Shota NTR is a thing?
    1 point
  9. And all of them are equally laughable cringy. There's this one too, it's a game about a girl finding bombs in tons of weird places so she goes around diffusing them. It's not a VN but it makes even less sense than the others!
    1 point
  10. There are many games like this one on the ps1, ps2, saturn, etc . Some are not full mv but pictures and some animated scenes here and there, others are just pictures with actors. Some of the saturn have h-scenes... kinda. There is a pc game where you can play the whole VN as a vn with drawns or with real people including the h-scenes, it's not really an obscure game or anything but I can't remember the name now And no, the ps1 and ps2 games don't have h-scenes as far as I know. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28590567 <------ this one is a classic on the ps1 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23757446 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22560902
    1 point
  11. As it turned out in the end, the thing they released today is a patch that adds the h-scenes to the Steam version but deletes the additional scenes. And yes, you need to play both versions to get the full experience, though apparently the h-scenes aren't very important, depending on who you ask. Also, I don't think it's released for anyone but backers yet.
    1 point
  12. The order is not enforced anymore in the Realta Nua PC version, since each route is a separate file, like episodic novels. It's not really recommended though, but yeah he can do it if he wants.
    1 point
  13. Now i'm intrigued.
    1 point
  14. Help us unpaid fan labour, you're our only hope! :3
    1 point
  15. Oh wow, a Japanese FMV game? It's a real thing? And now, the only important question: does it have h-scenes?
    1 point
  16. Nekaun

    Dracu-Riot! Kernel 32

    I was playing Dracu-Riot! for a while already. When launched for the first time it popped "unrecognized kernel32 module./NM." I managed to fix this issue with windows 8 fix patch. After recent windows update, fix stopped working and reapplying it wouldn't solve the problem. I've tried reinstalling game and restoring old windows version but none would work. I'm using japanese version of game (no translation), Windows 10, japanese locale is set. I'd appreciate any help. Also sorry if I messed up place to create topic, it's my first time posting here. Edit:Managed to fix
    1 point
  17. MaggieROBOT

    Most Hated

    The "rape out of love" part is actually something that plagues 18+ josei manga and otomege to a less extent. I once read a VN called Monochrome Heaven that had a hero that "raped the MC to show her that she's his" and she pretty much agreed with time. This is actually kinda sad, seems like she was brainwashed, but the game not even once adressed it like a problem. Needless to say, I hated this guy. One that bored me... I guess I could say Rondo Rondo from Comyu. She's just there to be the token tan girl, her H-scene comes out of nowhere and goes nowhere, she's not even a heroine and everything involving her is just plain uninteresting! And she just kept appering in two out of five routes like she's important! It seems she's just in the game to trigger a important fight in the last route, but even then I found this to be extremely dumb!
    1 point
  18. Yuri isn't really my thing but this art style really got my attention
    1 point
  19. I should note that I've been following this series since I played the third game two years ago, and I'm going to rehash some of my feelings about it as a whole. The first three games of the Sangoku Hime series had a number of good and bad points, even if I don't compare them to the Sengoku Hime series, which has been refined a great deal more due to it already being on its seventh installment. Pros 1- Male sprites are... badass cool, in general. Insanely detailed, actually impressive, though they contrast greatly with the more moe-type female sprites. 2-Ginga, the protagonist of the first three games, is a pure warrior general, with his abilities almost as extremely designed as Lu Bu's (Ryofu Housen), with high tactical and military skills (insanely high) and relatively low intelligence and politics skills. This actually makes him amongst the five most powerful frontline generals in the game. In addition, Ginga's psychology and life, as it was described in III, is just... cool. 3- First-class prologues and endings. For the first three games, moe-bait was avoided assiduously outside of the romantic side-episodes. The prologues of these games were great intros and the endings were powerful, emotional, and sometimes even inspiring. 4- in 3, at least, you could alter the fates of certain doomed individuals (in particular, the Sun family), though this often cost you others. 5- Numerous unit types, all with their own unique abilities and uses. 6- Absolutely perfect portrayal of Cao Cao's feminized character, both in personality and in art (She makes Karen from the Koihime Musou series seem pathetic). Cons 1- Way too much sex, way too many 'romantic' side episodes with random female generals. This was also the case with the early Sengoku Hime games, but the amount of text and time spent on h-scenes actually outweighs the main story of each path. 2- Almost nothing in the way of the story after you 'settle in' (conquer the first two or three provinces, reach the story's first turning point after the prologue). 3- Romantic elements mostly feel forced. 4- Illogical handling of public order system and conscription (this is common to 4 and 5 as well). 5- Game difficulty skyrockets about one third into the game, and resource management is made insanely difficult by random bandit attacks stripping your treasury. Hard to Judge (for both) 1- 'Architect' skill system, which allows for you to improve your characters by using points gained from battles, training, and political actions, allows you to customize story generals to some extent. In 1-3, this meant you could turn any character into an all-powerful demon lord, but this has been greatly nerfed in 4 and 5. 2- Elemental affinities are just an unnecessary complication... and generally too much trouble to bother with, since you have only a limited number of actions per turn to move troops around. For 4 and 5 Pros 1- H-content and romantic side-episodes have been greatly reduced in number, thus reducing fatigue. 2- More 'directed' story campaigns, which don't leave you trying to fight enemies on all sides without being able to secure a buffer of resources and generals. 3- Toutaku (Dong Zhuo), after being feminized, goes from a nihilistic dickhead to a Reinhard Heydrich-Class possessive yandere (If you betray her by stopping being hers, she tortures you horribly so that your last thoughts are of her, so making you belong to her even in deaht). 4- Akito, unlike Ginga, is a more flexible character, though less exhilarating as a protagonist. As a generalist, he is actually an excellent general, though his starting troop class is the somewhat mediocre light cavalry. 5- Improved story to gameplay balance (massively improved, in some of the paths. 6- Lu Bu now has a measurable brain, so she is actually useful outside of battle... though she isn't as cool. Cons 1- Cao Cao's makeover. To be blunt, the new Cao Cao, is so... stereotypical. 2- Nerfed Architect system. To be blunt, the architect system is one of the few advantages you have over everyone else, in a game where strategic options are limited in the first place. The degree to which it has been nerfed in these two games is ridiculous, considering the turn limit. 3- Weakened story generals. While this isn't true of all of them, most story generals are weaker than their counterparts in 1-3. This is especially marked with Cao Cao, the Sun Family, and Guan Yu. Since they are the only generals you don't have to bribe to like you, this can be irritating. 4- Male sprites are now moe-bait. 5- Endings and prologues, while still decent, no longer have the impact of 1-3. 6- The mouth movement gimmick in these games sucks donkey ass. 7- Sun family personalities are now moe. (blech) 8- Troop class advantages, other than that of the sorcerer (which curses enemies so that all damage they receive is doubled) are nerfed. 9- Stories now start later in the history (meaning that you miss a lot of the best parts). 10- 5-specific bug where Akito's Architect grid resets after the final turning point in each story path, thus eliminating a ton of hard work. Moreover, where other characters inherit their Architect grids across multiple playthroughs, he doesn't... which is weird, since he is the protagonist. On 5 specifically I've already expounded on the gameplay above, now I'll go over the story. I've played two of the six paths in this game (the sixth being Ryofu Housen's path, which branches off from Toutaku's). The two I played were Toutaku and Cao Cao... Toutaku's path is a masochist's wet-dream, since the protagonist is essentially in a controlling relationship with a possessive yandere who generally loves and is possessive of everyone who serves her or lives under her rule. Considering Toutaku not only raised but educated the protagonist (in multiple ways, including sexual and more mundane meanings), her being dominant wasn't a surprise. However, the sheer one-sidedness of her possessiveness was awe-inspiring at times, especially toward the end. There are also times in this path where the faint of heart will probably drop it outright. Akito's role in Toutaku's court is as an assassin, spy, general, tactician, seducer... and torturer. In comparison to the kind-hearted, easygoing guy he is in the other paths and in 4, it was a bit shocking, even for me. I mean, he casually mentions that he seduced a man's wife, had her poison the husband, then killed her afterward... and feels no guilt for it whatsoever, because Toutaku told him to. lol Cao Cao's path is much more mundane, in comparison. It starts right before Cao Cao initiates the campaigns against Yuan Shao (Enshou), thus leaving all the events around the Yellow Turbans and Dong Zhuo in the dust (along with the fun involved). I'll be straight, while the character interactions in this path are frequently amusing and I honestly liked things most of the time, the inclusion of moe-aspects into Cao Cao's personality is a non-starter. Cao Cao's crueler side never comes to the surface in this path, and Akito's hero worship turns to love in the most cliched way possible. In other words... this path was entirely unlike Cao Cao, and thus, I deem it a failure, despite its good points. I also played Choukaku's path up until the turning point... and I dropped it like a hot potato. To be blunt, I found the mewling idealism that suddenly surfaces in that path about halfway to be repulsive (in another game, I probably wouldn't have minded as much... but Zhang Jiao/Choukaku basically closed her eyes to rapine and plunder on a massive scale for years before Akito turns things around, so I thought it was all a bit too convenient). Overall, I give high points to Toutaku's path and intend to go back and play the Ryofu path that branches off from it at a later time... but Cao Cao's path has made me tired. Choukaku's path made a shot at the 'redemption from darkness' thing, but it fell flat to me so badly that I couldn't bring myself to go any farther. It didn't help that they killed off two of your most valuable generals in a path where you only have five story generals (as opposed to the 8-13 seen in the other paths) right before opening you up to invasion from five provinces at once.
    1 point
  20. Canicheslayer

    Most Hated

    Oh i almost forgot one horrible character (from a second-rate VN) : Free Friends' Protagonist. I deny the existence of the concept of justifiable rape. In other words, He's just a "classic" rapist
    1 point
  21. Drafting the story outline, sure, but that's not at all the same and her leading it doesn't mean she does most of the work either. Also I guess I misread your post since you didn't explain that you were just providing the source; it seemed more to me like you were presenting a quote proving your position. In any case saying Sayori wrote Nekopara is just plain wrong. Either way, not all that important to the main topic here I guess lol.
    1 point
  22. And it only takes 1 roll this time Got spooked by shinji at first tho
    1 point
  23. Ranzo


    Greetings Eris Goddess of Strife and Discord I hope you spread nothing but calamity in your wake along with the screams and cries of the countless! So anyway what Eroges have you played so far?
    1 point
  24. I have a minor in Classical Studies but if you asked me to translate any Attic Greek/Latin now I would probably secretly Google it. ( ̄▽ ̄") I sometimes pick up some Virgil or Catallus now and then but it's been awhile since I've actively studied it.
    1 point
  25. Just wanted to say, keep it up! I was interesting in reading this a few years back, so getting the chance to read it in English is great!
    1 point
  26. I'm extremely biased here but KnS2 is a nice read. Has over 50 characters, reiji is voiced, with top-notch art (like really, it's pretty) and bgm. Storywise, overall great plot and I didn't see it coming so well-played ig. Never bored considering that it was lengthy. Most of all, the game has Yukari who is the best imouto ever.
    1 point
  27. Did we read the same VN? I'll answer you, poll person, all 3 VNs are great, if possible, play them 3, just be aware, S;G 0 is the shortest of them, while, if i'm not mistaken, Kara no Shoujo is the longest of them. I don't wanna give you my opinion on them because i don't want to spoil your fun, just...go for them, you can't mistake yourself.
    1 point
  28. Asonn


    フワノベルへようこそ! どうぞよろしくだぜー
    1 point
  29. You just described why I love this series so much!
    1 point
  30. HMN


    フワノベルへようこそ! よろしくお願いしますわ~
    1 point
  31. Yuuko


    1 point
  32. Plk_Lesiak


    Hello there! We seem to have quite an influx of women here lately, that's a really nice thing to see. And definitely, you'll find a lot of elite otaku knowledge here that will easily transform you into an efficient, pro weeb. Have fun and I hope you'll stay with us for a while. ^^
    1 point
  33. Plk_Lesiak

    New Member :)

    Hello there, fellow weeb! It seems the website is here for some time already, should only get more lively as the western VN market grows. Hope you'll have fun around here.
    1 point
  34. Kurisu-Chan

    New Member :)

    We'll bang, okay? Welcome and bienvenue to fuwanovel.
    1 point
  35. PapaRabbi

    New Member :)

    Well hey there friend, welcome to Fuwa! Hope you like it here
    1 point
  36. Reposting this from the other thread: I have a review copy and have been playing it for several days, though not very actively. I am still early in the common route (encountered no choices so far). Some thoughts about what I've read so far: The script contains occasional bits of sexual humor. A woman sending the protagonist a picture of her cleavage to cheer him up hasn't been altered. This is something that would have been changed in IMHHW. I don't yet know if stuff like bath scenes have been changed, if more explicit sexual talk is changed, or how the lead-ins to h-scenes and stuff are handled. The translation so far is considerably better than IMHHW. For the common route at least, it feels like a native English speaker actually touched these scripts at some point in the process. There are still occasional grammar errors and the prose is pretty sloppy. I expect a large level of inconsistency from a Moenovel game this big, so other parts of the game may be considerably worse (or better). As of now though, I'd say this translation is a little below average based on what we typically see from official releases.
    1 point
  37. I have a review copy and have been playing it for several days, though not very actively. I am still early in the common route (encountered no choices so far). Some thoughts about what I've read so far: The script contains occasional bits of sexual humor. A woman sending the protagonist a picture of her cleavage to cheer him up hasn't been altered. This is something that would have been changed in IMHHW. I don't yet know if stuff like bath scenes have been changed, if more explicit sexual talk is changed, or how the lead-ins to h-scenes and stuff are handled. The translation so far is considerably better than IMHHW. For the common route at least, it feels like a native English speaker actually touched these scripts at some point in the process. There are still occasional grammar errors and the prose is pretty sloppy. I expect a large level of inconsistency from a Moenovel game this big, so other parts of the game may be considerably worse (or better). As of now though, I'd say this translation is a little below average based on what we typically see from official releases.
    1 point
  38. I've played the game BTW, I quite liked the twists in the true ending. ^^ You could try an actual slice-of-life with a crazy heroine next time, I think a more down-to-earth story can make a yandere character more effective.
    1 point
  39. Let's see what I could write here, even though I may be wrong here. As for Steins Gate 0, I admit that it's good VN. For more detail, I won't say that it's a big waste of time though but instead it was a nice choice if you want to knew more about Steins Gate. That said, to enjoy SG0 you probably should play it until either Mayuri's or Kurisu's route then you could started SG0 before tackling the true route, because it was more like interquel from what I understand. Oh, and by the way most of the stories were came from Steins Gate additional light novels. From what I saw when I tried this, Kara no Shoujo 2 did have the Seven Deadly Sins theme in the chapter titles, and have very lengthy flashback for the new characters. It was quite divisive from what I understand, but what you should know is that Reiji's and the older characters were take a backseat at the beginning for hours because of the aftermentioned flashback - make sense if we consider that this supposed to be about new characters before they decided to add Reiji's story (ie the main story) that was unresolved in first Kara no Shoujo. It was resolved here at least, but unfortunately it was resolved at the very end of the VN and even then it was very obvious that it was set up as the Sequel Hook. So in short, I think we could see this as the second part of trilogy if you're focused on the main plot only (Just like Phoenix Wright trilogy in which it also borrow some elements from there in regard of the investigations) which mean that it will be resolved in the third VN, but if you want to just focused on the new characters then yeah they're mostly get satisfying conclusion. V3 was supposed to the the final part of Danganronpa, only that it's twist was remind me of Star Ocean 3 infamous twist although it's probably because the creator want to emphasize that he don't want to make another Dangan Ronpa VN anymore, at least for now. Oh and actually it did have an interesting Decoy MC at the first chapter, but at the end of first chapter the Decoy MC was got a brutal forced retirement and we got to see the real MC which is a detective. Most of the fans were dislike that fact, because the creator made the Decoy MC a bit TOO interesting for the series (The reason was because the Decoy MC was an optimistic woman who is initially not a detective compared to the male MC, something that the fans did find that very interesting because it's quite rare to see female MC inside man oriented VNs outside yuri/shoujo ai VNs). In the end, I would still said that it's a good addition though for Dangan Ronpa fans only that it might be bored the longtime fans though, because it was followed Strictly Formula that the franchise have. So after I wrote this, I think you should try Kara no Shoujo 2 as well because looks like you already finished Steins Gate there and Dangan Ronpa might be not good for you. Keep in mind that you probably better focused on the new characters instead of the main plot, because it was obvious that the effort goes there - the main plot still got the focus alright, just not as much.
    1 point
  40. S;G0 is a waste of time, as a fan of S;G it was a big disappointment. Everything that made S;G a great vn was lost in S;G0.Okarin is a wimpy crying guy, even if you understand his reasons of why he is acting that way it just doesn't fit his character. Maho is a great character but is not on par with Kurisu. You get this NVL parts with secondary characters that nobody cares and spent a lot of time developing them... again, nobody cares, it's a big waste of time, like Ruka. Finally, to sum all up, it just doesn't add anything to the plot or the overall story. I will suggest KnS2, the translation is excellent (probably the last GOOD translation I've seen)- The first hours are superb, after that the vn drops out the pace and quality overall and picks it up at the end again. Overall better than KnS, specially because of the voice acting of the main character, a good and solid sequel, so my recommendation goes to this one. Can't comment on Danganronpa
    1 point
  41. Yo people! I'm back! This time, I prepared a list of VN hybrids for everyone who appreciates a bit more than just picking choices and still wants some boy x boy action. This list is rather limited, sadly, but I still manage to find a game to each degree of gameplay you might like! Here we go! I want just some stats rising and manage daily life: Seiyuu Danshi This counts? Yes, it does. Some people just play Persona because of its "Friend Simulator" mode. But unfortunately, Atlus didn't give us the option to date boys in their game while playing with the male MC (actually, you CAN hook up with your childhood male friend in Persona 2, but that game is very different from newer Persona, I still recommend it though). So, how about we, instead of living the life of a high school kid, live the life of guy trying to become a voice actor? That's what this game promises you. But what will you do to make your wish come true? Train a lot? Take tons of jobs? Or leave it all to chance and only date every single guy you encounter? You decide! This game features an interactive map and even have side quests! And the most interesting/different feature is the foreplay mode, you know, a part of the h-scenes BL games loves to neglect, totally interactive here! The game is NOT OUT yet, but their KS was successful and you can play the demo in english already! I want RPG battles: Angel's Feather This game got you covered! It have swords, princes, fantasy aspects, angel magic, map movement, all your good old RPG have! Sure, it looks a bit outdated (it's from 2003 actually), but this is inda charming like that, right? At least for me. It have plenty of romance in the plot and all sexual content is avoidable, if you're not in the mood for it (it happens). Only in japanese for now, but there's people interested in translating this in BL-oriented forums, so maybe we'll have a patch soon? Let's pray! Supposedly, there's an OVA of this, but it's too rushed >.< I want Point and Click/ Adventure style: Bizarre school exploration of Kazuma and Kugayama From doujin circle Sakuraprin, this game may have better porn than exploration. But the horror atmosphere they create, even with 8 bit graphics, is outstanding! Well, they clash a bit with the CGs and sprites, but we can't complain about their voluptuous guys (dem thighs) and fantastic ahegaos. In this game, not only we interact with the creep school scenery, but also with our hero Kazuma. We can raise our affection points with him... poking him. Just don't be rude, guys. And be prepared to CG hunt, because they stuff their game full of CGs! Also, this game is free! I want fast minigames: Chiralmori Nitro+Chiral, the giant of the BL market, wouldn't be out of this list. Before making DMMD fan disc (that also have minigames, but you have to actually read DMMD first to fully appreciate all there is here), they released this short cute game. It's pretty much a glamurous poker and tetris game with TnC and Lamento characters, without sexual content, but can a fan of these series really ignore this adorableness? It's good to kill some time and a way to not waste money in poker. It also includes a typing mini game, but... I have no idea how this works, nor why N+C have such a obsession with typing mini games... I want something really unusual: The Chiral Night Rhythm Carnival How about some BL themed Guitar Hero then? No, seriously. Released back in October, this game contains music from the four major series of N+C and a story mode that put all the boys from those games together, Chiral Cafe style. No sexual content, but still a very fun game! Sadly, there's no sign of a hard copy and N+C site doesn't ship to my country, but there's a demo available in their homepage that contains the intro songs of the four games! If anyone ends up playing, feel free to ask for my high scores for comparison hehehe! I'm not that good though. Anything else? Not VNs, but you can also find your share of BL in Dragon Age or Mass Effect series. Naturally, they have tons of gameplay. Those should keep us occupied for a while, so let's end here! Next time, otome news: and KS campaigns! Until then! EXTRA: If you want a bit more action with gay subtext, try Metal Gear Solid. It's glorious!
    1 point
  42. A lot of mine were just generally crazy, one in particular was an extreme control freak. On top of that, French classes are mandatory in Canada from 4th grade to 9th grade, so I had to deal with those teachers for five years
    1 point
  43. I think he's looking for translated games. (But if it ever does get translated, AsuKimi has my recommendation too.)
    1 point
  44. Not sure if I'm active enough but... there's me! A weird 24 years old nerd girl who loves gaming (huge fan of Shin Megami Tensei and Metal Gear) and chinese power points! Sorry if this ends up being too long but here goes. I know I'm pretty much in the minority here, but I really like finding and reading different things. I didn't really started with otome actually, but with battle shounen chuuniges, and I'm glad I didn't stop there. But yeah, I also like BL and otome. I'm just not into moeges, since there's not enough guys story there and recently I learned to enjoy yuri, since it's so cuuuuute! But I'm open to suggestions, you can recommend me anything, I'll at least take a look! I loved Saya no Uta and Sekien no Inganock, and they aren't exactly targeted for girls. I'm not gonna lie, I like h-scenes just like you guys, but... I usually prefer when I see both participants on screen. I don't really read for self insertion. But this seems to be an otomege thing, since in 18+ otome games you can see the girl. So guess I'm not alone in that opinion. Now, games target at females... Yeah, people usually think date sims first, but if you dig deeper (like I did, since some years back I disliked otomes bc I thought they're all boring date sims), you'll find some good stuff! Of course, romance and power of love are important sometimes, but some galges do the same right? From memory, I can recommend Code:Realize, a steampunk game with an useful main character! The boys are really charming and Van Helsing is so like Archer from F/SN, god I'll die. Bocchi Musume x Produce Keikaku is funny and there's some nice ecchi CGs. And Shingakkou ~Noli me tangere~ is a super fucking incredible christian horror plotge, that's very different from your average BL game. And no, I'm not saying it's good bc "IT'S SO HOT KYAAA!", the execution of the plot is what's good, and play it just for porn, well, some of them are way too nightmarish, disgusting or symbolic, so... don't do that. So yeah, we're different but also alike! Or maybe I'm just weird.
    1 point
  45. Ryoji

    D.C. Da Capo II

    D.C. ~Da Capo II~ Licensed by MangaGamer Takes place approximately 50 years after the original D.C. ~Da Capo~ game. The story revolves around Sakurai Yoshiyuki and Otome & Yume, sibling granddaughters of the original D.C. ~Da Capo~ protagonists Jun'ichi and Nemu. ***Ending Guide*** There are Four main routes, Anzu, Nanaka, Koko and Minatsu. Otome and Yume have routes as well however, they are locked until you finish 1) Anzu or Minatsu's route!! 2) Nanaka or Koko's route!! You must do one of each to successfully unlock Otome and Yume's routes. Then, after all of these are completed, Sakura's route will be unlocked. Trust me when I say, it is worth the effort. Below is a step-by-step walkthrough to help you along. ***Route Walkthrough*** Anzu Nanaka Koko Minatsu ***Bonus Routes*** Otome and Yume's Routes can only be unlock as described above. If you have not completed the prerequisites, you will not be able to continue. Just restart game and you will see D.C. in the Main Menu. Click that and continue on. Otome Yume You must finish all above routes to unlock Sakura's route. Sakura ~~
    1 point
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