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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/16 in all areas

  1. I've waited almost a year for this. Finally. I'm sure it'll be glorious. Now then. This year, I'll celebrate Easter by sharing my genuine and honest opinion of many Fuwanovel members. Mostly those I happen to remember. You can also request it yourself if I don't mention you by default. A fair warning, whilst I don't often think ill of someone, there are some I might. A thousand apologies. Besides that, I also have a little game (some of you may remember it, I tried it our last year, but due to circumstances, was unable to finish it). I've updated it a little (though most characters are still out of date), and this time I do have the solutions! If you've been pinged in this post, you're probably in there, unless you aren't. Can you find yourself? Each image represents a member (or two). Can you guess them all? GUESS WHO: Anything you say about this must be in spoilers. Many things can be seen as clues, so I'm adamant about this. Besides that, onwards to opinions. These are in a brainstorm thoughtspill format. Not coherent. Too bad. For you. OBJECTIVE OPINIONS OF FUWANOVEL PLEBS: Most of those people are in the egg. Some people in the egg aren't there. This all said, here's the solution, but be sure to at least try first. Even though some are pretty much impossible to guess. EGG SOLUTION: Now I'm off to have lunch and realise I forgot something really important. Happy Easter, people!
    12 points
  2. That said, what happened to rains? He did return but not to this thread and didn't mention Cyr. They fell out, I guess We're doing fine. I've stabilized with work and stuff. Cyr's busy with her last semester in school. We ok
    7 points
  3. Holy shit, I actually had fun with this one. Review here
    5 points
  4. Flutterz

    Horse Racing

    Whores racing? :^)
    5 points
  5. Jade

    SHAFT Fate Extra Last Encore

    \ Forget about that other Fate Stay Night movie, THIS is something to Hype About FATE EXTRA ANIME IN 2017!!! http://fate-extra-lastencore.com/
    4 points
  6. Maybe those textbook doodles explain why Japanese peoples are creative.
    4 points
  7. 3 points
  8. Makudomi

    Horse Racing

    No, no. They're doing horse girls all wrong.
    3 points
  9. 5 languages including, engrish, google translator, ATLAS, LEC and bing.
    3 points
  10. This the most tsundere shizzle I ever seen.
    2 points
  11. Welcome back. You remind me when I made introduction thread with my post number at 41, while yours at 23 posts. As for usual word, hope you could had fun here and don't hesitate to asking something you had difficulty in playing VN or sharing anything about VN that you know.
    2 points
  12. Aye. A year of equal devastation and opportunity. As the world was recovering from the apocalypse the year before, those with the prowess to lurk without mercy got to read lots of posts while the weak were busy getting drunk and making Harlem Shake videos.
    2 points
  13. I like people that like me. I'm uneasy when people I like don't like me back. That's an interesting line of thought that expresses a truth of human nature. However, it is worth asking: why? We end up shackling ourselves to the caprice of others. If the goal is intellectual gain and the pursuit of truth, we should select our companions not by their attitudes toward us but by the value of their companionship. Often what we need is not someone who will compliment our mistakes, but someone who will point them out and show us the path we hadn't considered. I revisited that PM. We had a useful discussion and I don't regret it in the slightest. If anything, I think we came to an understanding, which is rare on such topics. I'd rather see you chime in on controversial topics more often than hold your tongue for fear of offending someone. I like you, but I don't have much interaction with you because you tend to stay in the background in the conversations I participate in.
    2 points
  14. We don't expect you to be purely objective. It helps to be able to look at all of the qualities of any given game and to give it its dues where it deserves it, even if you don't like it. Or to be able to dissect the flaws in games you love. But ultimately, reviews are based on your personal opinions, and at least going by what Ryechu always told me, we actually prefer it if your own personal opinions and feelings on a game take the highest priority in your evaluation, as long as you justify it. That's how the GGN games got such high scores and Little Busters got such a low score. Ikikoi is a VN that is widely panned by the community. "Ikikoi is the greatest VN ever made, screw the haters," or something to that effect stretched out to 1000+ words, isn't particularly informative or interesting to read. "Ikikoi is a great game despite its flaws, here are its flaws and why I don't mind them, and here's why I especially love this game" is something we'd be interested in posting. "Ikikoi isn't even flawed, but misunderstood, allow me to explain that what people see as flaws are actually strengths for this brilliant masterpiece." You're some unholy abomination but fine, you can write that, too! If you like Ikikoi but your review is "Ikikoi is a bad game because of all of these flaws, I liked it but all of these qualities only make it a 4/10 game, objectively speaking," then that's just boring in my eyes. I personally don't want to see anything like that. Anyways, I hope that paragraph of nonsense makes sense. SolidBatman can feel free to tell me if I'm way off base here. I wasn't ever really briefed very thoroughly on the guidelines, however. I was just sort of brought in and started doing my thing, and apparently that's what they wanted? I don't really know what bats means when he says overly wordy for example. edit: And when we say "don't pull any punches" we mean "don't water down your words in fear of hurting people's feelings," not "tear into every game."
    2 points
  15. NO BUMPING! I'd be really jazzed if ChuableSoft was their new partner. The president that I talked with on Twitter seemed like a chill dude, and it's nice to see a company actually going out of their way to get their stuff localized. I know nothing about the average quality of their VNs' writing, but the art is pretty nice-looking, and that can sucker me into checking something out. Their interest in the west merits a purchase as a reward for their effort, IMO.
    2 points
  16. Delivered as a poem, 5 lines to a verse, 15 verses in total. ... No? Okay, I'll leave now
    2 points
  17. Actually talking about Ley Line for a bit, the first game's translation has been practically in a finished state for pretty much a year now. I'd be surprised if it takes longer than a month or two from this point to make it onto Steam. What's left to be done with it? They also started progress on the sequel before they stopped tracking progress entirely, and by this point that may be almost done as well? Hopefully we actually see a fast release schedule for this series. And congrats to Kohaku for actually managing to get paid for this. ~~~ Gonna bump the thread to talk and speculate about the next major convention MangaGamer is attending, Anime Central. According to MangaGamer's announcements page, they've already slotted in two announcements, including a VN from a new partner. Since I was so good at predicting ImoPara 2 (what an amazing prophet I am), I will now bestow upon you all my next prediction: Watashi ga Suki nara "Suki" tte Itte! from ChuableSoft. Remember last July when the president of ChuableSoft was engaging english fans on twitter, asking us what we'd like to see from them? And we basically got him to get in touch with the major VN publishers here? Basically, I'd be surprised if nothing ever came of that, and it's about time for an announcement to be made. I suspect that it may be MG's new partner announcement at Anime Central. Let's wait and see. edit: Or I guess I'm NOT going to bump this thread. Thanks for nothing, nazi mods.
    2 points
  18. 5 languages? September release? Yeah, sure. I am 99 years old, I'll turn 100 tomorrow. I'm not that dumb to believe it, unless it's machine tl(maybe a bit polished) or bad translation. Otherwise the guy(s) should already work translating games, with that speed.
    2 points
  19. Clephas

    Do you like Japan?

    This is a question I wonder if many people here have asked themselves... do you honestly like Japan, as a country (whether you've visited or just look in from the outside)? My own feelings are... mixed. Japan has a pretty fascinating culture that is essentially a scrapbook of various elements drawn from cultures that contacted it that were then evolved based on what the people of a given era wanted/needed. However... the country itself is pretty problematic looking at it from the outside. Political corruption, resurgent nationalism, toleration of organized crime, and the tendency to ignore all 'domestic issues' by those outside the household in question (including the police) are all reasons to be ambivalent about Japan. However, the closeness of police to people's lives (the kouban system), otaku culture, and the traditional aesthetic values of Japan are pretty interesting. We all have our reasons for the way we feel about Japan, if we feel anything. If you'd asked me fifteen years ago, I would have unhesitatingly chosen option 1, but the more I studied, the more I realized just how many problems the country just fails utterly to deal with. That said, if you asked me the top three countries - other than my homeland - that I'd be interested in living in, Japan would still be number one. Why? I got addicted to hot springs after a visit to one in Arizona, and studying history is one of my major hobbies. Pretty hedonistic of me, eh?
    1 point
  20. Welcome back niku (for meat? xD) glad to have you back
    1 point
  21. Has a suspicious understanding of Pokemon trivia Has a fondness for defeat **** (e.g., the Raidy series) ?!
    1 point
  22. Critic is one thing but flameing and calling names is not okay.
    1 point
  23. like i said i dont hate you. you just piss me off, just like i piss off most ppl as well . hate requires effort and i cant be asked to care, thats not about you i just dont care almost everyone and since the strokes iv cared even less then before there's a few ppl i have shown the effort to talk to but thats it.
    1 point
  24. Welcome back to the wonderful Fuwa forums! Hope you're here to stay and that you're well yourself
    1 point
  25. Welcome (Back)!
    1 point
  26. Dude you should have called this 'Tiag's roast thread' instead cuz lol those descriptions
    1 point
  27. We've only been talking about ramen for eleven hours, how could I have known? Anyway, I don't see any interesting panels on the schedule today, and I've already spent a few hours on the show floor (including plenty of time ... erm ... having friendly chats with MG and Sekai Project), so it looks like I've survived another con without buying a figurine or a dakimakura. There was a rather nice Tohsaka Rin figurine, which was really, really tempting, and SP had a few Grisaia dakimakura covers, which it turns out actually aren't tempting to me at all, which is something of a relief, but it looks like nonetheless I retain a few tattered shreds of dignity.
    1 point
  28. Maitetsu doesn't actually "focus" on ero-content as all the game's ero is unlocked and played through the main menu. They have a shit ton of it, but that's just Lose wanting to make a bunch of loli diddling scenes, rather than them wanting to make a game focused on sex. Also I feel like people are blowing out of proportion what impact this game being on steam will have. A good number of the casual people that stumble across it on Steam won't even know an 18+ version is out there. Also, most likely they'll just censor out every instance of loli nipples, and leave in the bath scenes, because in all honesty nobody is going to stir up major shit about them being naked. I'm willing to bet Prisma Illya has dirtier loli stuff than the story of this game.
    1 point
  29. Welcome back? XD
    1 point
  30. Tiago only mentioned peeps who were already well known during the Glory Era of Fuwanovel, 2014 - mid2015, where Fuwanovel was brimming with ideas, torrents were still alive, and Ren was successful with his games. Currently we're in the Gentlemen's Agreement Era, where no new things are happening and we're all just trying to get along daybyday best we can. @my opinion. Pretty much : P If I didn't become this 'thing' after losing my drive, I'd probably have left the site already.
    1 point
  31. I'd like to have real ramen from a ramen restaurant someday, sadly Tallahassee isn't nearly as diverse in its dining options. Instant ramen, cup or package, is awesomely delicious, but at a price. The stuff is saltier than @Decayreviewing a terrible eroge. But it's that salt that makes it taste so good. It was my go-to bachelor chow back in the day. Now I'm too damned old to be eating that stuff very much, if at all.
    1 point
  32. It's quite simple, really. Other people are a commodity to me. It's not like I don't care about them (I wouldn't be here if that were the case) - they're tools to increase my happiness. I'd love nothing more than to be able to be perfectly happy while completely alone... But unfortunately, I'm not Hajun. Nice post. I always kinda liked you, if anything. <3
    1 point
  33. Actually yes, Astraythem is the game from them I would want the most, but I imagine they'll start by selling their most recent product.
    1 point
  34. Choice is obvious, you can't eat a ring (or if you do it won't sate your hunger for long)
    1 point
  35. I actually read chapter 7 + Faris's ending a while ago, but I was too busy with Valusia and forgot to post anything. And I guess now is the time to make mad dash to finish, as it's only few days to the release of Tokyo Babel.
    1 point
  36. Thank you guys for the interest. I have chosen Kawasumi. I will potentially keep doing this in the future if everything goes well.
    1 point
  37. Here’s the first part of the ‘name train’ using Snow Halation quotes. This was just a trial run to test our coordination and also not to waste the suggestions that have been mentioned previously in another post. Credits for the Snow Halation (English Version) name train: 6) I♡School (Eli) – luckyssl 7) I♡Music (Maki) - Lucina 8 ) I♡Idols (Nico) - Kotocchi 9) I♡Dancing (Rin) - artonico 10) I♡ μ'sMemb (Hanayo) - Zehel 11) I♡Everyday (Nozomi) - papabird 12) I♡HardWork (Umi) - Anna 13) I♡Singing (Kotori) - Hpulley 14) I♡μ's (Honoka) - Byaaakuren 15) μ’sic4ever (Honoka) – Lumineon I've asked Kintolesky before the start of event for his participation and explained to him why I'm doing this but his reply was he wasn't interested. There is no point forcing or blaming him if he doesn't wish to participate but of course, it would be great if he did. Therefore, we had to come up with another solution which was to start the 'name train' from Rank 6 onwards. Umi's and Hanayo's line/quote were awkward due to the character limit so we had to make some modifications. Don't worry, the Top 4 players have agreed and will join in later on, on the last day of the event, which we have a surprise for all of you. We hope all of you would like it. Until then, keep a lookout and good luck tiering!
    1 point
  38. I honestly think DxD us better than the rest of the anime you listed. Just do it. You won't regret it.
    1 point
  39. Flutterz

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    Maybe I should try matchmaking too
    1 point
  40. Chikan (public molestation) is an integral part of Japanese train culture.
    1 point
  41. Flutterz

    The Last GM Standing!

    Cyka blyat my teammates are fucking dogshit
    1 point
  42. 1. Those multiple times Yuuji considered ignorance to be a perfectly valid excuse for gross generalization in his godawful internal monologues. "All "big" women are shopping in a certain way. But I'm not an expert in this sort of thing." "Students at this age have got nothing but homework and masturbation to fill up their free time. But I'm not an expert in this sort of thing." Well, if you're such a non-expert-at-this-sort-of-thing, then kindly shut the fuck up. I mean... um... stop this train of thought the fuck up. Whatever. 2. That one time Yuuji (and the writer) couldn't figure out whether his superiors value him. At different points in the story, he describes himself as an extremely valuable asset and a worthless disposable dog. Alright then! 3. That one sequence with EEEEEVUL cannibal orgies and the notion that tasting human flesh (even unwittingly) somehow makes one beyond help and/or salvation. They're all GHOUUUULS now, Amane. So, you know, don't feel bad about abandoning all of them. And try not to think too much about all the stashed food Kazuki hogged. 4. That one time Yuuji couldn't make up his mind about conventional medical treatment. When it comes to Sachi, medical science is obviously worthless... but sure, let's send Michiru off to a hospital, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hurt. 5. The whole thing with Yumiko's dad, wherein barely legal teens play the stock market (or something). Gawd, that part was so awful, I've done a pretty good job at erasing it from my memory. That entire sequence after Yumiko's dad arrives at the school? That's what I am referring to. 6. That one time they blew up the fucking school. Really? REALLY? 7. Michiru's "GOOD" ending. Ugh. 8. Sachi's final decision point and its completely random consequences. Huh. I guess thought really is material. Who knew? 9. Those several times I nearly dropped the whole thing even before the first decision point. The common route eventually turned into the most excruciating piece of slice-of-life I've ever read. I couldn't wait for the repetitive and pointless torture that stopped providing any new insight into characters' personalities and motivations after the first hour or so to be over. 10. Those seven and a half million times Yuuji was being a reprehensible douche. Worst protag ever? Worst protag ever.
    1 point
  43. Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort and Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete comes to mind
    1 point
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