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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/16 in all areas

  1. Look. Today's the 10th of March. 10+3=13. M is the 13th letter of the alphabet. We're in 2016. 2x6+1=13. Again. It's a Thursday. How do you say Thursday in japanese? Mokuyoubi. Yep. An M again. If that's not enough to convince you, consider this. This is the 61168th post on this sub-forum. 61168 = 13 x 13 x 2 x 181. Again, 2 M. And 181 is the 42th prime number. 42, as everyone knows, is the answer to life, the universe and everything. Therefore Muramasa is the answer to life, the universe and everything and you should vote for it.
    4 points
  2. The moonlight washes away the darkness of fuwa where evil lurks... I am the crescent moon! Kaguya reporting in for the third time today, stifling free speech once again!
    4 points
  3. How many times is this gonna happen to us innocent people on fuwa? how long will this tyranny go on? i say NO MORE! let us gather together to fight against those who would oppress us. This is a community of free speech! how dare they! a million angry faces to them. not really though. i kind of understand why it was locked as someone said something a bit offensive on a sensitive subject matter. something i also didnt condone. it was my first thread to get locked and its an odd feeling to be attached to something so controversial and have almost no part in it. i just posted once my point of view on the subject and then others joined in. keep in mind that this is not a revival of the thread that was locked. just sharing some feelings here for no reason.
    3 points
  4. The moonlight washes away the darkness of fuwa where evil lurks... I am the crescent moon! Kaguya reporting in for the fourth time today, stifling free speech once - Oh, wait, this thread is fine. Bummer. Our number one rules are respect and civility, so we'll close some threads like that from time to time. Nice to read feedback on it.
    3 points
  5. Makudomi


    2 points
  6. Hnngghh Anyways, yes Yuzusoft's titles are mediocre at best if you're not that into moege and such Their character design is rather good, art is solid and they use a neat sprite system which changes the sprites abut 4-5 times per line, thus making them feel much more alive. I really can't say much about Yuzusoft in the end, as I've only played Noodle Works, ,Dracu-riot and the trial of Amairo, but even by those merits, I must say that Yuzusoft indeed is one of my favorite moege producers.
    2 points
  7. Alright, so I'm still running into the problem I did way back when I first bought Steins;Gate. Seriously wtf. I bought it from JAST a while ago and the files you see on the left most side are the files I got from the JAST website (in the second SS). When I run setup.exe it asks for the data.bin file to be inserted (ha can't do that cuz digital download [first SS]). Was never able to figure it out the first time I tried. Also let's take a moment to appreciate that Inori hnggggg
    2 points
  8. I use my blog like a public diary, for whenever I feel like extensively rambling about anything and wanting to have those thoughts visible for all the glorious online lurkers to view at their leisure. Most of the time though I just use this forum and the What are you Reading/Playing/Watching threads for the nice n' easy quick thoughts of my related activities, cuz extensive ramblings are, while fun, very, very taxing to me and I applaud all the people who are able to write up nice sounding reviews like Decay&others or phenomenal4/10 essays like bats
    2 points
  9. Don't worry, it's just a part of how we balance Fuwa's salt levels. We can't have them going too low, or we'll lose part of our soul.
    2 points
  10. There was a consensus to ban them between all the GMs (Beato aside, she doesn't really get involved in this type of thing), by the way. We did it because the guy is straight up a troll who did nothing but post inflamatory remarks in his entire post history. The conspiracy part gets me laughing - since I did state I was going to ban them on fuwachat and a pm convo with like, 50 other members. But hey, if I had a penny every time someone says I'm abusing my authority I'd probably have like, 15 pennies or something, so that's neat \ /
    2 points
  11. Down

    In Support of Our Cause

    I would abuse the ACP access and change Nosebleed's name to 勃起 for the lulz but that would probably cause the accidental deletion of half the database of the forums. A pity.
    2 points
  12. Even if that was true, your name is still more offensive than "erection". Overall, this is not a very compelling argument for the case you're making. I would rate it 3/10 I suggest saying something like "nosebleed means xXpu$$yslayer69xoxo in Tibetan", and maybe then you'd be in the 6/10 category.
    2 points
  13. I'll just repeat what's likely been said many times before: posts to the colisseum of chatter shouldn't show up in the sidebar. Let people who like that stuff follow that forum for updates on new threads.
    2 points
  14. I'm no translator but I'm looking to expand this project and break its chains out of Hongfire because things are going slow and Full translation with the current team seems impossible so since no one will make this project known i figured Id spread the word. Credits to SakurKoi Hongfire Translation Project page http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/444734-CM3D2-Text-Translations
    1 point
  15. Our poll finished the other day and after several months of being humiliated, Steins;Gate has finally won the vn club's poll. We'll take a few days to give everyone a chance t get stuck into it then we'll start our first impressions. And just to address allegations made by a certain barber; No, me making Time Travel this months theme to get Steins;Gate into the club is not proof of a conspiracy, my blackmailing of Kosaki is though. "The universe has a beginning, but it has no end. —Infinite. Stars, too, have their own beginnings, but are by their own power destroyed. —Finite. History teaches that those who hold wisdom are often the most foolish. The fish in the sea know not the land. If they too hold wisdom, they too will be destroyed. It is more ridiculous for man to exceed light speed than for fish to live ashore. This may also be called God's final warning to those who rebel." The story of Steins;Gate takes place in Akihabara, and is about a group of friends who have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down. The characters must now find a way to avoid being captured by them.
    1 point
  16. Summary The year is 1908. The 20th century is still young. An unfamiliar 20th century - in an unfamiliar world. This is a world that experienced a 19th century very different from our own. A world filled with innumerable steam-powered "Engines." The unnaturally rapid development of this steam civilization has left the world's skies shrouded in grey... and its seas dyed black. "Sea" - Once, the word suggested an expanse of blue. Today, it refers to something dark and putrid. The former harbor city of Marseille in the European Kingdom of France looks out on a sea as black as any other. But these particular waters are home to something that can't be found anywhere else on Earth... A massive artificial island, solid and imposing as a fortress. A city in its own right, but also a school; a place bursting with life and color. Its formal name: The Marseille Offshore Academia. In the spring of 1908... A single young man appears within its walls. After declaring his intent to wage war against its powerful Governing Council, he introduces himself in this way: "Nikola Tesla. 72 years old. I'm a transfer student." "Students of the Marseille Offshore Academia. My hundred thousand young friends, cursed by fate." "...I will save every last one of you with my own two hands." And at the summit of Château d'If, a bell rings out. The Bell of Gahkthun, announcing that the time of rejoicing is at hand... Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order In Gahkthun it's rather easy to get to the end without actually getting a bad end. There are however these "Exercises for Readers" that can get you a bad end and unlock extra side-stories usually with the minor characters, who don't get much screentime otherwise. Gahkthun is completely linear with only one Good End. Ending Guideline Chapter 1: "Enemy of the World" Chapter 2: "A Dog's Destiny" Chapter 3: "Fire-Forged Steel" Chapter 4: "The Message in the Melody" Chapter 5: "Ornamental Sunshine" Chapter 6: "Shining Clown" Chapter 7: "A Day of Mistakes" Chapter 9: "Beyond the Gate" Chapter 10: "The Sword of Love" Final Chapter Part 2: "And Until Your Final Day" Attribution This walkthrough was made by my own information playing through the game and experimenting myself
    1 point
  17. So, yeah, we're not "stuck" in our ways anywhere, but i can see where one can infer that: we have ONE guy doing 90% the translation and editing. And about 4 more people helping out when they can. (Don't count me in the Translation/Editor Man Count, I'm just the Programmer/Tech Guy that does some heavy lifting, I personally don't touch the translations at all) But people are Busy and things have definitively slowed down to a crawl. Basically, we don't have manpower, and we don't want to do CM3D2: Google Translate Edition™ either. So if you can actually gather more Translators/Editors, that you know, can actually Translate/Edit instead of guessing, you're welcome to join us and get this ball rolling. I Personally see no point in starting another project instead of contributing to the existing one, and start over when there's something already. We're just a bit picky on who can help or not.
    1 point
  18. ATLAS is a good machine translator. LEC is also pretty capable. When ATLAS was released it was state of the art. Sophisticated parsing algorithms, complex dictionaries, many options to configure. It's sad that it doesn't really get updated anymore, but it's still a very good tool. I really don't know what people are expecting when they use a machine translator... magic? Are those people also believing that one day we will be enslaved by an artificial intelligence? Sorry, but that is Science Fiction (with an emphasis on fiction), just like a machine translator who can translate like a human could. This will never happen. It's simply not possible. ATLAS is pretty good. It wont get much better than this. Don't blame the software for not living up to unrealistic expectations. What do you mean?
    1 point
  19. You will never escape the clickbait. We're all gonna be taken over like a virus and turned into clickbait thread makers as well.
    1 point
  20. Funny thing, when you're kids, you're dumb. In middle school the two people who made fun of me and my best friend the most usually went with the "gay" taunting route. We're talking late 80's here, so we're not anywhere near sort-of-understanding mode yet. Many years later we're all friends on Facebook. My best friend lives in Seattle with his wife and kids. I live in Tallahassee with my wife and kids. The two main teasers? One is gay and the other is transgender. Maybe it really is those who don't know about themselves that use it to lash out the most. Anyway, you grow up and usually everything is cool, because you all realize how stupid you were as kids.
    1 point
  21. My PM box is going crazy thanks to Mr. Mojii, who admits to being the banned katakana whorebitch, bothering myself and 9 other members with a PM titled "DuDE DELETE DAT THREAD RIGHT NOW" He/she/it is claiming the evil kaguya banned him/her/it for no reason, because kaguya is a big meanie who bans people without even warning them. Rule-abiding board members are being spammed with this because " a revolution or something to make the admins realize what kaguya did. hes the one who should be banned" is being plotted. I'd like to think there is some kind of rule against spamming unrelated people by PM to incite mod revolution. Call it being an adult if you like. Please deal with this appropriately.
    1 point
  22. Hello, Currently the TL team in HF is working on one personality and it's 50% completed. There is also other personality but they haven't done anything yet due to not enough members to do the remaining personalities.
    1 point
  23. End of the World sounds pretty nice actually
    1 point
  24. And here's a handy-dandy fetish chart for the H-scenes
    1 point
  25. Freaking clickbait... Valmore and Ren are like, the illuminati of Fuwa, secretly plotting their next clickbait thread that will make people like me angry Damn you!
    1 point
  26. A vote for Baldr Sky is a vote for Trump. In these trying times, the establishment is all we have left to hold onto. Vote Muramasa 2016.
    1 point
  27. Rooke, nobody can seriously believe you, of all people, are pleading for a vote against the establishment. Sharpen your political rhetoric I voted Muramasa btw. But I don't really care, I'm just happy SakuUta won the QF loser bracket by beating WA2's ass.
    1 point
  28. Baldr Sky is doing a lot better than before, when it was behind 45-55. There's still 18 hours left, plenty of time for people to realise a vote for Muramasa is a vote for the Western Translation VN establishment, whereas a vote for Baldr Sky is a vote for the struggling, outsider. Screw the establishment! Right, folks? If you agree, vote for Baldr Sky
    1 point
  29. I love games that are easy to mod Made my Kud a proper hat and replaced the stupid hat hair with the style I'm using. Now if only my spritework wasn't garbage (the side sprites are a work in progress)
    1 point
  30. Yes, restricted pokemon are the legendaries that aren't allowed in the Battle Maison or on regular Battlespot (all the cover legends and the events basically).
    1 point
  31. Zakamutt

    In Support of Our Cause

    If you change my name to Zakabaka for a week, I will be absolutely livid. I am not baiting or challenging you in any way by saying this ...where was I? Oh yes, I can only hope I don't have to have an injection around my motherfucking eyeballs at some point, though having diabeetus mellitus type 1 actually probably makes this more likely than for most other people. Drat! At least I have a new way, however faint, of connecting with other people. Consider your cause joined in the most half-assed manner possible.
    1 point
  32. I used to write an what you might at that point in history call an emo blog about random shit in my life, mostly whining about being depressed and failing at life and in school. I set it to not be indexed by Google. I think it had like 800 entries or something of varying quality, with wildly varying subjects and quality, before I called it quits and moved to a new one (which is linked in my signature and is an attempt to write things that are a bit less shitty, but still on the same track fundamentally). I consider them to have/be fulfilling their purpose - amusing myself and perhaps a few other readers who know me on the Internet - so I'm perfectly okay with any suckitude involved. Other people blog for more constructive reasons; you may want to be one of them.
    1 point
  33. I've been doing my VN blog for over a year now (two and a half if you include the VN of the Month and Random VN threads). My advice is... decide what you want to blog on in a general sense in advance and put it up as your mission statement from the beginning. I write on the Japanese VNs released every month as well as VNs I draw out of my backlog... as well as generalized otaku posts. In other words, it is an otaku blog. I honestly never saw the point in reposting other people's content, because my blog is intended to be informative and occasionally speculative on things not touched on or hardly touched upon in other otaku blogs rather than a rehashing of other people's content (deliberately, at least). I rarely include anything from my personal life outside of the otaku sphere, because it isn't relevant to the purpose of the blog. In other words, set down your purpose and keep your posts relevant to that purpose. I generally read the comments for the first week or so, then I stop paying attention to the post unless someone quotes me to get my attention (thank Tay and Nayleen for that function). Make up your mind on whether you want to polish your content or just release it as you pull it out. I generally post my comments on VNs immediately after I finish the VN or within a day, usually as a rough draft written in the Fuwa text box on my blog. However, a lot of people choose to polish their posts in a word processor for some time before posting. It's your choice, ultimately.
    1 point
  34. Okay! Here we go! Baldr Sky vs Muramasa! Everybody needs to get their butts over there and vote Baldr Sky. Every time one of you votes Muramasa, Beelzebub snuffs out the life of an angel. And that angel will be reincarnated at some point in the future as a spirit both mischievous and cruel, a spirit who will torment your descendants mercilessly. Yeah? Got it? Good!
    1 point
  35. Generally each blog post I write must meet all of the following criteria: Be of interest to me Be of interest to my readers Disseminate an idea or promote a cause that I think is worthwhile Provide original content that isn't available elsewhere I later came to the sinking realization that certain types of content drive much more traffic and are far less effortful to create than others. For example, reblogging popular content (like mainstream news sites do) is relatively effortless for the amount of traffic it generates. Honestly, I'd recommend just creating content that you yourself would want to read.
    1 point
  36. perfect time to use it if you ask me.
    1 point
  37. Drama going on, and I'm not even a part of it. What even is Fuwa anymore?
    1 point
  38. I hit the delete conversation button and it stopped for me.
    1 point
  39. That's what you get for marrying the apathetic goth teenager.
    1 point
  40. https://vndb.org/v/all?q=&fil=tag_inc-133~1974.tag_exc-136.tagspoil-0.olang-ja&rfil= there u go. this excludes the multiple protagonists.
    1 point
  41. Kaguya

    In Support of Our Cause

    I'm not even joking, next clickbait you're getting banned :/
    1 point
  42. Alright so the fullscreen bug has been confirmed by Dergonu to be fixed now with a new build. If it happens to someone else with an old build let me know so I can send a new one. Thanks for the help guys, it means a lot to me!
    1 point
  43. Can confirm. Tested this out with a To Love-Ru game. The Amazon-fulfilled option didn't list international shipping, but it said it did ship to my address when I went to the next step. If it doesn't, it still should tell you when you select an address while checking out.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. TL;DR Loli/Pedophilia is a sensitive issue, and Tay actually has legal reasons for his enforcing the policy (read: there's no personal anti-loli belief going on as one might think). So he simply asks that you keep these types of discussions* off of Fuwanovel. You can review those rules here. *Because they are a part of the traditional VN heritage of Japanese games, we acknowledge that mature, focused discussions of “loli” characters and routes within a visual novel are valid, and we will allow them within the Visual Novel discussion boards, but beyond those confines, Fuwanovel is just not the place for this topic.
    1 point
  46. Confession: I used to be a bully back in middle school. One time i had these 2 kids that were a lower grade than me fight each other just for my enjoyment. I ended up getting suspended when someone snitched on me . I also did lots of other things of which i am not proud of to my lower peers. I cleaned up my act after seeing a presentation along with other guys that were troublemakers like me by the father of a kid who comitted suicide after suffering from bullying for years. This was set up by the school of course. Overall what's been done is done, but this is a time in my life that i want to forget about. I eventually ended up apologizing and making friends with one of the classmates that i bullied, and he brings this up every now and then to make me sad inside. In other news today a homeless man was masturbating in the train that i was riding home in today. NYC is the best!
    1 point
  47. Well, the interviewing chapter of my life is coming to a close. Today I heard back from the fourth and final company with which I interviewed: another "no thanks", leaving me with two offers. It's weird. The two that gave me offers were certainly the two I was most interested in, so I should be fine with it (and I mostly am), but it's still pretty crushing to hear that somebody doesn't want me. So, at this point it's just a matter of making a final decision and hammering out details like start date (which won't be until April). Also, in case you missed the other threads where I mentioned this and somehow care: I'll be presenting a panel "Getting Started With Visual Novels" at SakuraCon in a couple of weeks. If you're in the area and want to support and/or harass me in person, please come by!
    1 point
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