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  1. You could place it where the download buttons used to be
    6 points
  2. Lexyvil

    Mother 4

    For those of you who don't know anything about the Mother series, it's a series of quirky and fun RPG games that originated from Japan since the NES-era. They are quite very popular over there and here too. There are three games that have officially been made, but Mother 2 was the only American release (which was called Earthbound) and the protagonists of Mother 2 and 3 can be found in the "Super Smash Brothers" games as Ness and Lucas. Mother 3 never officially came out in America but the fanbase was strong enough to support its popularity and there has also been a fan-made translation that looks superior than what would have normally been the official translation--if there were one. The Mother games were directed by Shigesato Itoi. He claimed a few years ago that Mother 3 would be the last one in the series. During an interview, he stated that he would not mind if fans were to make a fourth game, and so a group of people decided to give it a shot. Now on to the main topic; Mother 4 is in production and has been for a few years now. The interesting fact about this game is that it's being made by Mother fans, and they try to keep it true to the primitive games by keeping similar aspects (especially the music). The new trailer was previewed a few weeks ago and so far, it does look very promising: If you haven't tried any of the Mother games, I suggest you start with Earthbound or Mother 3~
    5 points
  3. I still see the links of the torrents :/ http://fuwanovel.net/torrents/%5BFuwanovel%5D%20Sharin%20no%20Kuni%20Himawari%20no%20Shoujo
    4 points
  4. edwd2

    HCGs Questions '-'

    I recall a quote that translates to: "there's mosaics in front of your eyes but none in your heart (imagination)" It is said that those who play enough will gain the ability to see through mosaics.
    4 points
  5. EDIT: I'm currently working on a project since April 2015, and I might contribute to three more projects afterwards, therefore I'm not currently looking to compose for anything else for the time being, but feel free to contact me if you need a song or want to reserve my time for any project in the future~ I will bring this thread back to light when my hands are free again. I've been playing the piano for almost 7 years now, and I've been toying around with different composing tools and still looking for the better ones (I currently use FL Studio). To improve and to test my limits, I'm willing to compose for any project that requires a tune, preferably for either a game or a video~ This is a song I created within the game "Mabinogi". It is an MMORPG that I used to play for a few years that contains a composition feature, and I won a winter music contest that won me an illustration book; the contest was being held on the community forums of Nexon. The reward was sent by mail by the game's company. The contest's rule was to compose a song that had to be played in-game but I ended up not just composing the song, but made somewhat of a music video related to a mini-story that also includes in-game content: Hand-chimes (within the game) were used for the contest and it's the only instrument I made the song on for this video. This is another song I made for what was to be the first stage in a 8-bit style top down shooter. And for different variations, there's a non 8-bit version here and an HD version here. These are the only samples I have available for now. I will probably edit this post whenever I get more to share~
    3 points
  6. I fell into this trap, and i like it...
    2 points
  7. madvanced


    I'm already past the point of no return, my brethren. When I ascend to the rank of Wizard, I shall master the ethereal powers pertaining to the control of gravity. Said powers will be used for Eros. The flipping of skirts and the bouncing of breasts shall be my call. Let us all follow this lonely path, full of struggles and hardships.
    2 points
  8. I'm going to be a silly and suggest the retro group play a Disney game. Like one of the Magical Quest games, or the original Castle of Illusion.
    2 points
  9. Do you even Oney, bro?
    2 points
  10. My apologies. English is not my first. Even though once they release it. Sounds better now?
    2 points
  11. Mr. Meogii


    Hey Fuwa! I've been thinking a lot lately. Mainly on how I will be able to contribute to the community. This was hard because I'm not particularly good at the technical side of visual novels and I'm not a translator either. However, recently I've been making signatures for other users here and it turns out that I really like it. And So I thought why not make a "signature thread" for all the users here who would like signatures. All you have to do is let me know what you like by following the requirements below. 1.) Pm a link to your favorite picture 2.) If any text is desired, please pm the specific text with the picture. 3.) Do me a favor and post back your signature here so everyone can have a look at it 4.) If you by any chance cannot think of an image but would still like a signature, Pm and i'll try my best. 5.) Give Honest Feedback. I need to Know if there was something you did not like. Speak Ya mind! So at the end of the day we'll both be happy with the transaction. Here is a link of my work . Link to Za Album : Please take a moment to review the rules concerning Signatures. Thank you Signature and Avatar Guidelines No explicit nudity (genitalia and female nipples are in this category) No pornography (this includes implied sexual acts and bodily fluids) No gore (disembowelment, dismemberment, torture, etc.) No offensive content (profanity, hate speech, offensive symbolism, etc.) No seizure inducing GIFs (or GIFs that make people's eyes bleed in general) No signatures exceeding 400 Kbs in filesize
    1 point
  12. Flutterz


    So apparently a bunch of (read: 3) people in the confessions thread wanted this to be a thing but for one reason or another didn't want to do it themselves, so being the gracious person I am I decided to do it myself. In case you don't know what a wizard is and how you can become one: So, are you a wizard (or a wizard apprentice if you're still under 30)? If so, which spells do you know/want to learn? If not, how does it feel knowing you're doomed to a bland and uneventful life of a muggle? I am still an apprentice but once I become a wizard I want something simple yet effective like a fireball to BURN ALL THE HERETICS!
    1 point
  13. The second season of Haruhi was an abomination compared to the first IMO. Mostly due to Endless Eight being the most ridiculous, un-enjoyable time-waste created in anime. I suggest you do not even waste your time with it.
    1 point
  14. What was wrong with Harukoi otome? it was a very sweet, cute, absolutely adowable, wittle, vn. with characters that, I have cancer........
    1 point
  15. Check your game folder name. I think you used some weird character that the game couldn't read, hence this error.
    1 point
  16. Down

    What are you playing?

    Tsubaki's is by far the longest, so if you don't intend to play it they'll be fairly short. Play them before the true/Haru route though.
    1 point
  17. They're not really that long. It's been a while though so I can't remember the exact length.
    1 point
  18. Yeah, changing locale is a must if you want to play VN.
    1 point
  19. My Valentine Card of choice
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Writing thoughts is a bit bothersome. I'll get to it, but for now you'll have to manage with just my notes (these were taken as I played):
    1 point
  22. HMN

    What are you playing?

    congrats. you're the 2nd person ever that i've seen on the forums who actually liked yumiko's route. those H-scenes were totally awesome
    1 point
  23. Got Yumiko's good ending in GnK
    1 point
  24. BookwormOtaku

    Game of Thrones

    Maybe I should check out Sesame Street again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhWUFXvaZjo Got to give them credit for not going for the obvious jokes until the end
    1 point
  25. The second you mentioned Key I figured out the second part ;( the amount of times I've fought over Key having bad graphics is to high. I know you said it was where Key started but is there any other reasons you recommend this specific Key title over other Key titles? I normally hear about Rewrite, Little Busters, and Clannad when I hear people talking about Key so this feels like an odd choice of recommendation. I've actually seen this title from JAST before but I hadn't played it. If Shiny Days is coming out in a few months would you actually recommend me waiting for it and then starting with that one? Or should I read School Days first? Thanks for such an in depth review I tend to avoid games with very dated art but after reading that review I think I could look past the art and give it a few hours of my time to see if it is worth the read. As for the Yu-no suggestions would it be worth waiting for the remake that is coming out this year or do people think it isn't going to be as good as the original?
    1 point
  26. ...T-This secret PM club... Damn it. I need to find a comrade.
    1 point
  27. I would think it's more of a non-love route for the boys instead of full-blown BL. Like, getting to know each other more or smth.
    1 point
  28. There aren't any costumes, iirc. I have them all, and I'd only recommend on getting Additional Content 1 - 3 if you're a grinding maniac. If you just want the story or cute girls, don't bother. You won't need to exceed level 99 anyway. But if you want to go full fag (like me) and go to level 999, then be my guest. Download Additional Contents. <3 You can download Peashy and Plutia as well. Plutia's nice. You would trade Nep for that region-locking girl? Why I'd never... I thought you were a comrade!
    1 point
  29. Took a little over 3 hours, I had a ton of bad luck and ended up losing on purpose to help someone else get closer to the SR first. time to continue grinding JP
    1 point
  30. Because life would be boring if we all agreed on who was best girl. Neptune is great and all, but Blanc is better
    1 point
  31. crunchytaco


    Does that make Steve Carell the grand sorcerer? My hero when I was 18.
    1 point
  32. Flutterz

    Hello late

    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! You should start your own club, you could call it the Yuri-Yuri Hunters! (dunno if you've read enough of Little Busters to get that reference) Have a moe:
    1 point
  33. It requires the sacrifice of 12 baby hamsters. I think the main reason it hasn't been created is because the design team is focused on the new layout rather than paying attention to the old one which will end up being discarded. But don't take my word for it.
    1 point
  34. Just let them ask where the torrents are and let the mods tell them the torrents are gone.
    1 point
  35. Sorry, the special effects are too much for me.
    1 point
  36. Would you sell your soul to be able to read it in English right now? Cause I know a guy who knows a guy...
    1 point
  37. Basically, if there's h-scenes and it's not an OELVN, it's gonna be censored. For the Japanese creators, it's either censor the genitalia or risk getting arrested for making "obscene" content. Apparently the mosaic makes it not obscene... Yeah, from what I've heard, they don't exactly add a lot of detail before they put in the mosaic, which makes sense because people won't see it anyway. No point in putting in additional effort after people can tell what it is.
    1 point
  38. The only person in possession of the original, uncensored image would be the artist(s). If they even drew that far in the first place. Most artists won't actually draw further than sketch-phase on censored bodyparts, just to save time.
    1 point
  39. Nosebleed

    HCGs Questions '-'

    Eventually you'll let the mosaic grow on you.
    1 point
  40. Did I miss it, or was this not posted yet? https://youtu.be/N-nCErVn15I I keep throwing money at the screen but nothing is happening.
    1 point
  41. This is just my personal opinion, but try doing it like this: Yukie - Chris - Miyako - Wanko - Momoyo Momoyo includes epic stuff, certainly worthy of that final route feeling (even if you have Agave), Wanko route should be done at the later stages, definitely. The other three may more or less depend on what you feel like, though you may regret doing Miyako first.
    1 point
  42. Here are the posts so far for the VNs I've played from March. In order: Anekouji Naoko to Gin'iro no Shinigami; 11gatsu no Arcadia; Valkyrie Runabout. Enjoy!!! http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/blog/blog-46/cat-64-giniro-no-shinigami http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/blog/blog-46/cat-68-11gatsu http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/blog/46/entry-420-valkyrie-runabout/
    1 point
  43. Apologies for the tardiness: Are you ready Otakus? "Aye Aye Sensei." I can’t hear you! "AYE AYE SENSEI!!!" Ohhhhhhhhhhh... Who’s the greatest dragon we all can agree. "Gan-ga-ma-mer!" Sugoi and tsundere and moe is he. "Gan-ga-ma-mer!" If darkness and eroge be something you wish. "Gan-ga-ma-mer!" And gigantic melons repeatedly squished. "Gan-ga-ma-mer!" READY! "Gan-ga-ma-mer!" "Gan-ga-ma-mer!" "Gan-ga-ma-mer!" GAN-GA-MA-MER! AH AHH AHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHH...
    1 point
  44. New Fire Emblem 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94CCxVMltQY Attack on Titan in May https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUuuU5SiKOc Also this. I want this so much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=0fS24IxelBA
    1 point
  45. More fuel for you
    1 point
  46. soooo now its official guys, "Grisaia no Meikyū" gets released as an 60min OVA on April 13th & for "Grisaia no Rakuen" goes that a regular series is planned, with the first episode airing on April 20th. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2015-03-11/the-eden-of-grisaia-the-labyrinth-of-grisaia-anime-april-premiere-dates-unveiled/.85779
    1 point
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