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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/17 in all areas

  1. Yeah, SeaBed is gem, one the best VNs I read last year. It's pretty hard to categorize or even explain properly, but SeaBed is a cool exercise in psychology and very atmospheric story. A mystery, but not really. Adults living with their problems. And even though the game is Yuri that's never the focus. In fact if someone were to pick the game just expecting yuri they would probably be disappointed. (Unless they'd fell for the it's other wonderful qualities) But that said, even though I really took a liking to it I can see that SeaBed is not really for everyone. Some might find the dreamy, diary-like narration boring, but for those looking something different, little unusual SeaBed can be an amazing experience.
    4 points
  2. While the final cause of my chronic insomnia has been a subject of much consternation on my part, the answer was none too subtle last night. Indeed, something weighed heavily on my heart, compounding the recurring problem of Arby's-induced arterial blockage. If I were to own a cat, would it ever catch on to my laser-pointing diversions? As any former or current participant in this activity can attest, it is very entertaining, such that one should enjoy it in the absence of concerns that it may someday become infeasible. I ruminated on this question after recalling this gif that tangentially addresses the matter. In other words, may I consider the feline mind analogous to that of a dog who, in a like manner, readily fetches the stick only to endure the same Sisyphean struggle moments later and without cessation?
    3 points
  3. VNDB link Has anyone here read it? I remember someone praising it and wishing it would get translated. Whoever that was, it looks like you're getting your wish The translation is being done by Conjueror and the editing by gare (link), so that makes me happy.
    3 points
  4. Why would I? Why would you? Why would anyone? I mean, you don't have to ask for permission to watch or enjoy a given thing, not even to your parents. Especially if you're over your country's adulthood age. Plus, there are some things that are personal, i. e. privy to the general public.
    3 points
  5. JRPG has a ton of vocabulary you can learn and is completely free. Mechanics are simple: destroy monsters by typing the readings of the kanji/word above their head. However, once the game determines you've learned a word, it won't show you the reading again, thus forcing you to remember. Each area has harder and harder kanji, up to JLPT N1. I have fun playing it when I'm bored.
    3 points
  6. Zakamutt

    What is ebihime?

    I... don't see what's so triggering about that writing either. It looks quite good to me.
    3 points
  7. I recommend the list that Clephas made, if you're OK with it being an eroge.
    2 points
  8. Avoid it, it's an incomplete mess... the fatal attraction is an expanded and completed version of that game.
    2 points
  9. Got it. At first I thought it was a game about kami characters or divine themes...
    1 point
  10. Hmm... among the shows I have on my shelf at the moment, I would probably show them Another. Pretty cool mystery/ horror show. Tokyo Ghoul would be my second choice. (Well, assuming I hadn't already introduced them to it, which I have.) Anime is pretty different from the TV shows adults in the west usually watch, so it is only natural that they will look at the first few episodes of basically any anime with some scepticism. If you actually want to introduce your parents to anime, I'd say the best thing to do is to open with why you like anime, and then show an example of something you like. You might not be able to get your parents hooked on anime, but you can at least make them understand a bit more what it is you like about it. That's what I did. Me and my Dad were watching Sword Art Online together a few weeks back. He didn't understand everything, but he seemed to enjoy it.
    1 point
  11. OK & i apologize for being a little off topic :).
    1 point
  12. why absolutely you can not. TAKE THAT BACK! jk of course. thank you very much, i love this picture. ^ ^ just to stay on topic and not get banned, i also recommend watching howls moving castle with them.
    1 point
  13. Can i say i love your profile pic awesome choice btw :).
    1 point
  14. Try New Generation. I also am not overly impressed by the earlier titles; they're just boring. The girls are too flat and uninteresting to really care about, and nothing interesting happens except that it's girls-only pizza night. Which I like, but it's not enough. New Gen is better. The characters are more interesting, and the story is also better.
    1 point
  15. I'm not so sure about Evangelion. At age 15 when I watched it, it hit hard. It was grandiose and spectacular, but the mecha genre accommodated the story poorly. Though some things were very well done -like the very start of the show, those UN tanks waiting for the angel, the various conspiracies, the way everyone handles power, etc, etc. So, Evangelion was a good story but over the course of the show they (mainly Anno) lost their way and couldn't convey it properly. The toxic relationships often found in Evangelion belong to a very aged state of the art of psychology, at the Freudian stage probably, and I'm afraid that psychology has avanced immensely and left far behind the Freudian hurdle. After all, most Freudian assumptions were built upon either prejudice, narrow-mindedness or just misconceptions. But hey, would you rather tell a dark story or a hope story? Evangelion had its very small dose of hope. As for Lain, it was probably too much for me. I prefer milder approaches to a mind screw. Steins;Gate and Virtue's Last Reward work for me.
    1 point
  16. Funny to see you guys defining "boys animes" for his father and "girls animes" for the mother, as the woman would like drama and cute stuff while men would like action and thriller. When I say funny I mean sad to see how we still define what men/women should like in 2017.
    1 point
  17. Yeah more like if they would be. Also, Sabi had a good suggestion I think, since my very first anime movie I saw was Laputa, wich my father showed me when I was little, and we went to see Howl's Moving Castle in theater when it came out. Usagi Drop is cute, I found it kind of boring but yeah why not. I'm not convinced by Psycho Pass tho, since I really didn't liked it, but I'll look into the others, since I don't know them. Classics of the 90s like CB would surely work that's true.
    1 point
  18. I started a few years ago playing vn on your list, and yersterday, I finished the list. Tier 1 Symphonic Rain, Sharin no Kuni, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, Umineko no Naku Koro ni, Ever 17, Remember 11, Rewrite, Rose Gun Days, Little busters !, Clannad, Danganronpa. I really recommend the vn of this list, especially Ever 17 (best vn I've done so far) and 07th expansion vn. You should watch the anime for Clannad, because it's really well done. Tier 2 CHAOS; HEAD, Cross channel, G-Senjou no Maou, Majikoi, Swan Song, Kara no Shoujo, Hoshizora no Memoria, Katawa Shoujo (), Muv Luv Alternative, I/O, Deardrops, Higanbana, Ef (I found MLA so overrated tho, but I don't really like action-oriented vn, so yeah) Tier 3 Katahane, Planetarian, Narcissu, Comyu, Grisaia no Kajitsu Tier 4 Sekien no Inganock, Eien no Aselia, Dysfunctional Systems, Kikokugai- The Cyber Slayer, Eden. Shitty tier Tsukihime : Characters are bad, music and art are horrible. Fate/Stay night : Because it's so overrated, even more than muvluv and steins;gate. Utawarumono Ugly tier Zanmatasei Demonbane, YU-NO : seriously, I find the art so outdated that I can't possibly enjoy these vn. Only worth for the gameplay tier Eien no Aselia, Sengoku Rance (ok for the sex too), Daibanchou. Other vn that I can't talk about Forest, Steins; Gate, Fault: Milestone (1 & 2), World End Economica, Hanachirasu, Ayakashibito. You probably don't care at all about my point of view, but I wanted to give it anyway.
    1 point
  19. I wonder how the whole recoupability thing will work. Well, seems like this could be bad, could be good, could really be pretty much.... anything. Overall I like the idea, though.
    1 point
  20. seventhfonist425

    Fate/Grand Order

    lol, Jeanne is one of the worst 5*s in the game. It's probably for personal reasons.
    1 point
  21. JLPT is short for Japanese Language Proficiency Test. It has 5 levels, starting with the easiest at N5 and going up to the hardest N1. You can think of it as the European A1-C2 levels if you wish. The only difference here is that JLPT is about literacy more than anything and it has predetermined kanji and vocabulary for each level (you can see the list here here) whereas the European levels are a more broad evaluation of your skills in all the fields.
    1 point
  22. I personally like chiitrans the most. Some people prefer other programs. It's just preference, really. If you want a Japanese grammar guide, go with Tae Kim's. It is the most complete grammar guide out there, and it's free. If you already know that much, getting into some easy VNs with text hookers should be a walk in the park tbh. Just find a few you think look nice and give them a try. Reading natively written Japanese text is one of the best ways to improve, so I highly recommend getting into it. Best of luck.
    1 point
  23. The closest I've ever come to that before was emotional numbness, which I'm definitely not feeling right now. I just...don't care. That's never happened to me before, in regards to a family member getting seriously ill and possibly dying. In the past, I cried a lot and got really depressed. Yep. Didn't really notice it as much when I was a kid, as I could pretty easily entertain myself and block out the worst parts, but as I grew up, it became more obvious just how awful of a person she could be. I'm actually amazed her own children even speak to her. I once had a nightmare that my entire family was being mauled to death by tigers while I ran away. I think I woke up screaming. I had some really messed up nightmares as a kid Thanks for the sympathy, and the story. I feel pretty much the same way you described at the bottom of your post. I don't want to deprive her of any happiness she gets from seeing her grandkids (that's all she does anymore besides sit in a chair and watch TV), but her personality makes spending any longer than a day around her very, very hard.
    1 point
  24. Silvz

    Action + Romance

    Tokyo Babel is definitely what you want here. Seriously, you won't get anything better than this to fulfill your requirements https://vndb.org/v9205
    1 point
  25. Alpha's Adventures is now over 100% funded!
    1 point
  26. solidbatman

    What is ebihime?

    ebihime is a good EVN developer. If you enjoy EVNs, you'll like ebihime. If you dont like EVNs, move along
    1 point
  27. Huh, that's a nice little surprise. I bought this a while back, but never got around to reading it. Guess I'll just wait for the localization then. @Kiriririri, did you read this yet? (If so, thoughts on it?) EDIT: Kamige confirmed. \(゜ロ\)(/ロ゜)/
    1 point
  28. I totally get you, I was never close to my grandmother on my father's side and pretty much never saw her until two thirds of my life had past. My siblings and my dad would visit her once in a blue moon and she seemed decent, except I could never understand a fucking word she said because her first language was Korean and she barely could speak English. Which stressed both of us out, since neither of us could understand what the other was saying. I learned later on that she wasn't the most stable person, she came from a life of poverty and my biological grandfather just kinda swooped in, knocked her up, than left. So, she had to raise my dad and his brother by herself, which if the drunken ramblings of my father are to be believed, involved screaming, bamboo beatings, and harsh punishments for trying to get a part time job to help feed the family. I did gather that recently, until she had a stroke which prevented her from moving very well, she would beat her and my er - (is step-grandpa a term? well anyways my dad's stepfathers') dogs and she still had a habit of screaming. Oh and apparently the reason I never saw her before my teenage years was because she was against my dad marrying a non-korean, so that was nice. Although she apparently did visit us a handful of times when I was super young and tried to make me take a bath in near boiling water, while my Mother wasn't paying attention. I still make the effort to tag along with the fam whenever they go to say hello at the retirement home she now resides at. I still don't really understand her and I don't think we could have ever been close, but she knows she doesn't have very much life to live and seeing her grandchildren is one of her few pleasures left. As much as I talk shit about not caring about other people, seeing the complex look of happiness and sadness on her face (since she doesn't know if this will be the last time she will see my family before she kicks the bucket) is quite gut wrenching........ although I wish she would stop complaining about my hair.
    1 point
  29. Vokoca

    What are you playing?

    Finished the Fate route in F/sn. I don't have much to add since my last post about it - maybe except for the chuuni parts being really enjoyable. Each fight has some sort of a twist to it that it gets to explain, which is what makes chuuni interesting in the first place. Each time I see a well written chuuni fight, I just think back to Senshinkan and that very unfortunate last part of the VN.... what was Masada thinking? The fights up to that point were great for the most part, but past a certain point he ran out of things to explain and the fight scenes became an absolute snorefest. Gahh, I really do hope Dies Irae doesn't have that problem. Anyway, back to Fate. The Realta Nua replacements for the h-scenes kind of go both ways - the first h-scene before the Berserker fight gets replaced with a scene that's actually way better than the original, if only because of the weird amount of production value that went into it alone - but at the same time it kind of felt like they were stepping around the fact that this still somehow was a h-scene in some weird way anyway. It gets especially obvious with the second one, where the scene might just as well have ended with "THEY FUCKED AFTER THIS, BTW!" and it wouldn't have made any difference. In the end, if nothing else, the Fate route has some good chuuni in it, and it's also a nice introduction to the story. What isn't so nice though is the flowchart - it does get unlocked in the Extra menu after you clear Fate for the first time.... but it only lets you replay isolated scenes. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? This is probably the stupidest decission I've ever seen in VN design, and it makes me question why the flowchart even is there in the first place save for a mere structure visualisation you can't do anything with anyway. Just... why. After so many re-releases you'd think they would get at least that right... but I guess they just took the PS2 port and slapped a (in retrospect even lazier) widescreen modifier on it. At least Higurashi with it's plethora of re-releases had something unique for each one, from new sprites, OSTs, OPs, entire game systems, to different plot structure and even story arcs - but what does the Vita Fate port have? Three new OPs that were just outsourced to ufotable anyway? For fuck's sake, at least milk your cow properly, Type-Moon, this is embarrassing. On a side note, I found it funny how beating the Fate route presents you with a white screen that says "Try again from the night of the 3rd day." In English. Now I can understand the chapter titles be in English, but why the hell was a hint that tells you how to progress in a language a lot of the readers don't probably even speak properly? Why...? Why Nasu, why? I hope a bunch of people got stuck because of it, at least that'd make it pretty hilarious.
    1 point
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