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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/14 in Posts

  1. Uhh... let's see... there's some snowflakes (and one giant one), and a girl wearing a scarf because it's cold outside. And that's supposed to be a visible puff of breath (not cigarette smoke). It's kind of plain and simple, but I like the feel of it. It's not too distracting or anything.
    5 points
  2. Admittedly, this is an attitude I despise in vn players, so forgive me for the attitude, but hey! This straight woman doesn't want to constantly read sex scenes aimed at guys, and otoges aren't translated very often or have the same level of story! People playing in public want options, too! Could you not tell a 20-year-old woman to "grow up" because she dislikes sex scenes in vns? There are reasons for it. Not only that - this may sound like a concept, but bear with me - if the original author writes the additional scenes, there's no censorship and it follows their intent. The important question here is whether the original authors wrote the vita content, but someone working for Frontwing certainly did or approved it, and I'm frankly getting sick of the VN scene's utter dependence on sex scenes when a hell of a lot of the time they're simple opportunities to fap that believe it or not can be replaced.
    3 points
  3. I understand. Out of all possible people, you probably weren't expecting me to make one of these. First of all, don't delude yourself. I'm not writing this next to a fireplace with snow coming down outside with hot chocolate on my secretary and the dog sleeping at my feet. I'm in my cold room with the dog barking at the door, probably heard some kind of noise outside, with no drinks or sustainment of any kind and rain is pouring down outside. At any rate, here you go, my very own Christmas Message to ya'll. Merry Christmas. -Mr. Poltroon That ended up somewhat short, didn't it? Let's make up some more stuff on the spot. Like... like... oh yeah. My experience on Fuwanovel and stuff! I found out about Fuwanovel, and Visual Novels, right around the start of this year. What introduced me to visual novels was a very enjoyable game for me, by the name of "To the Moon", I highly recommend you play it, never know when my hitmen might knock on your door. Right around the same time, and purely by coincidence, I also found out about the Phoenix Wright series, another excellent group of games I suggest you play, for your own good health and whatnot. To the Moon showed me good storytelling that could come from this media, while Phoenix Wright showed me the comedy that would later become the reason why I play Visual Novels (I know, terrible reason, though perfect match for a terrible person). While searching for more, because people always want moar, moar, moar, I found out about this website. The first Visual Novel (at least in a truer sense) I played was Ever17. I was very scared, since I am a victim of the altogether too common irrational fear of the unknown, you see? Anime didn't have all that much of a good image in my mind at the time. I later found out my image was spot on, at least relating to nukige. Having thoroughly enjoyed the first game, I proceeded to play the sequel and prequel, and this is where I first used Fuwanovel. I used a walkthrough for Never7, and the first I found was the Fuwanovel one. Moving on, Fuwanovel became my place for walkthroughs. No, I had no idea I could download them here. Wonderful. The first VN I downloaded from Fuwanovel was Little Busters, and for a while, the only one. I fear the unbeknownst to me, I'll remind you once again. Keeping with that logic, I stuck with All Ages titles for a good 5 or 6 titles, it took me nearly a year to get through these. Of course, All Ages eventually ran out (at least those I was interested in), forcing me to try my first "eroge" so to speak, G-Senjou no Maou. Quite a challenge, considering it was my first contact (of my own volition) with pornography of any kind . You may choose to believe this or not, but I'm simply not very interested in matters of copulation. What a terrible topic, moving on. I eventually reached Grisaia no Kajitsu in my quest for mighty loot. I adored it. Like, really, to the point where it made me make my first post on the forums. I always make an account even for one time searches. Simply a pet peeve of mine, disregard it. You can check my first topic here, where you'll notice I was trying to keep any and all warped personalities under wraps. https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/4111-greetings-equally-addicted-human-beings/ But that's enough about Fuwanovel, it's not like any of you care about that old thing anyways, right? Let's address myself now, I'm sure you're all itching to learn about my own life, asking questions like, "How much further can he boost his ego?" I'll show you: I'm a 28 year old man with a job at a local sports club (management side, don't ask me to do exercise, pls) which is rather well connected to my family. Great 'friends' with the chief, actually. Two sisters. Two parents. Exempting the older sister (that hater ), we all live together. My family is a fairly happy one, but I've come to think, just how different is it from other, perhaps more normal, families? It's pretty much a free-for-all around here. If an argument starts, younger sister uses up all opportunities to take a jab at the parents, the parents argue with each other and I attack everyone. If we all sit together to eat, making fun of everyone and everything is the norm, usually at someone's expense. And the main thing? The heavy, heavy use of sarcasm. Don't think I'm a wrinkled old grumpy man, this is how I was born and raised, and to be honest, it's plenty fun. I don't know what kind of image that gave you, probably a despicable one, but we're all happy people. I'm a natural pessimist, which when coupled with my usual personality does not produce good results, but what can one do? This makes me what I consider to be a horrible person. Makes fun of everyone, but doesn't get involved himself. Takes a jab at everything, even what he agrees with. Avoids any kind of responsibility, using "I think" and "Perhaps" to escape certainties. A craven to no end. This is who I am, and I'm well aware of it. My family is well-known as a funny one, myself included. That one guy who's fun at parties, but you might not be interested in getting too attached, might you come to understand what's beneath the funny surface. But this is who I am, and I know it well. Self-improvement seems fake and hollow to me. Being yourself seems the best way of life, so that's how I do it. Now... Let's tie this all up with Fuwanovel and finish up. I'm sure at this point only a couple of you have read this far, but worry not, I wasn't expecting anyone to really read this anyway. Fuwanovel is the only forum where I've stayed this long (not even a year yet, huh?). The reason for this is how I haven't been reprimanded much about my manners. I strongly feel that if I can't be myself, I've no place here. And, to be honest, I'm totally fine with not having a place anywhere, I know I'm not a person who's easy to get along (especially on a bad day, lovely). Strangely, though, Fuwanovel hasn't shunned me away like I thought it would, so it's certainly a happy surprise. In the end, thank you everyone, for making me happy (so self-centered ) and letting me feel at ease here. There's a courtesy kind of thanks, and then there's this kind of thanks. They're different, and especially when coming from me, one of them is pretty rare. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a fantastic New Year, because I do care about the seasons, for believe it or not, I too am human. :xmas: EDIT: Because I really have nothing better to do (lies, it's all lies), I have made this for your laughing at me pleasure: https://soundcloud.com/tiago-varela-3/sets/christmas-message/s-4tn1T
    2 points
  4. *ahem* Do you like to write? Do you want to contribute to the VN community? If so, being a writer for Fuwanovel's blog might be right up your alley. The blog has been in a sad state of neglect for quite a while; I am currently the only author writing articles with any regularity. With your help, we can change that. I am looking to take on new writers, and I'll be damned if we can't make this baby grow into something beautiful. First of all, I want to make our news coverage much better. I'm just one (moderately lazy) man, and catching everything just hasn't worked out. With that said, I'm also very interested in interviews, opinion pieces, analysis and anything else VN-related that would interest our readers. I'm all for inclusivity (blame me being Swedish), so I'm looking for pieces touching on not just the more mainstream titles, but also for otome, girl's love, boy's love, and original English language visual novels of all kinds. I make two exceptions: one, reviews - that department's headed by solidbatman. You're more than welcome to send him a PM if you're interested. Two, VNs that are pure porn (nukige). I don't have anything against them personally, but they're really not helping the current Western stigma of "dating sims" all being straight-up porn games. With that said, this mostly applies to news coverage; analysis/opinion on the subject could still go through depending on the concept. If you're interesting in joining my team, send me a PM with an example of your writing and what you'd like to write about for the blog. I'll accept articles you've previously written, but the ideal would be something that could go up on the blog straightaway. If your writing checks out, you'll be put through a probationary period where you have to write one article every two weeks; if you keep it up, you will become fully part of the writing team. As editor-in-chief, I'll be working with you on what pieces to write. I'll also be editing your articles for flow, grammar and so on. I hope to hear from you soon.
    2 points
  5. A lot of people ask me: 'How can you list a VN with a protagonist who is fundamentally amoral, psychologically-challenged, and generally just out of sync with humanity so much?' There are a number of reasons. One is the very reasons listed above. Shigure Sora is probably the most inhuman protagonist I've ever encountered in a VN. I say inhuman because his psychology only occasionally resembles that of a human being, for better or worse. He's the type that can honestly look at average humans wistfully without being a hypocrite, because he really doesn't have anything in common with them, for the most part. One of the things I can't help but like him is that he is fundamentally honest. Does that sound weird, when talking about a protagonist who is so obviously amoral? However, it is true. He knows himself for what he is, and he never tries to fool people by pretending to be what he isn't (except a normal human). When others protest, he honestly can't understand why they think him stating fact is putting himself down. He doesn't understand love, and he states frankly that that is the case. The closest he gets is obsession and possessiveness, and that is what the heroines tend to misunderstand as being love. He states that clearly, but it is the people around him who misinterpret his words and actions. It is actually fairly hilarious sometimes how completely people fail to comprehend him. The other aspect that makes me love this VN is the setting. To be blunt, the demon hunters in this VN are so different from what you see in most similar settings that there might as well be no resemblance at all. They aren't 'just normal people' who rose up against the demons or people who have sworn to protect humanity. If anything, they are just as dangerous to humanity as what they are hunting. The Hunters basically kill demons because they hate them instinctively. Demons kill Hunters for the same reason. Both sides are essentially the same, with the only real difference being in individual capabilities and closeness to humanity. Hunters are just as likely to kill humans as Demons, and the only reason they pretend otherwise is because it is sometimes convenient for extorting funding out of human organizations and governments. In other words, there is nothing even vaguely resembling 'a good guy' in this mess. There are two sides intent on obliterating each other, and humans are only occasionally caught in the middle. Last of all, it is just fun to read how the writers philosophize through the characters. I thought I was reading a Japanese Chaucer at times, given the way characters suddenly start speculating on aspects of human nature, relationships, and morality.
    2 points
  6. Maybe Majikoi or symphonic rain. *Thumbs up*
    2 points
  7. I've always wanted to learn this brokengrish language thing that's commonly used in some VN translations, but I wonder if my japanese is good enough to learn it from there??
    2 points
  8. Chapter 3 of Honoka-chan no Taion~ Umi-chan definitely has her yuri goggles turned on
    2 points
  9. xAzure


    Not really good with this kind of thing. I decided to join fuwanovel forums because someone told me a certain person was searching for a translator for Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm. It was one of those visual novels I've wanted to read ever since it was announced due to its gorgeous art and some other reasons, so I obviously wanted to help him. I have been studying Japanese for a fairly amount of time already and I've translated a lot of random stuff from time to time. I'm actually one of those translators that likes helping people learn the language a lot. Most of the stuff I've learned over the past years I owe it to Ixrec from Amaterasu translations, so I believe helping others just like how I received help from him is a must from my end. I can't really tell if I am going to be a very active member here, since I already have a lot of stuff I want to do and I'm usually a very busy person but, I'm willing to help anyone that actually makes a serious effort to learn Japanese, so don't hesitate to pm me about stuff like that. Christmas is almost here too, so merry Christmas to all of you. And here's a Yaya, because Yaya is too awesome. Edit: No longer taking on any active translation project.
    1 point
  10. To the Moon is beautiful, I didn't play it, but got really hooked on a playthrough in youtube. It's nice to know about yourself and how you came to know Fuwanovel! Merry Christmas, hope you enjoy the holidays
    1 point
  11. Not that it's a particularly rare feat. Even now, he seems to have difficulty discerning a normal, well intentioned post from the vile scum that's usually posted.
    1 point
  12. Well, if it makes you feel better I hate Eri more than I hate Nozomi. But Nozomi sexually harasses the girls, I can not approve~
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. In nearly 60 minutes the drawing starts here http://www.hitbox.tv/Ezeefreak ... If you particpate come and join, If not you can also come but it wouldn't be that exciting i think... So see you all later...
    1 point
  15. You have no idea how long I was trying to find out where all that Nico was coming from... xD
    1 point
  16. While I started out as a Nintendo Fanboy, I've since then moved to PC (Which in my opinion is quite frankly a lot better than the other choices due to various circumstances), but have as of late begun to play on a PS3 due to it's exclusives. But... PC is still my favorite.
    1 point
  17. Koi ga saku koro sakura doki might be up your alley. The common route has been fully translated and two heroine routes are expected to be released sometime this month. I found the common route enjoyable and its concepts refreshing (the artist was also involved in Mashiiro Symphony, so 10/10 for that). As for the heroine routes, you'll either enjoy them wholeheartedly or have a "da fuk" reaction. https://vndb.org/v10304 Also agreeing on the recommendation for the Majikoi series. They're a lighthearted series with fighting elements that are so absurd it borderlines supernatural; although the agave routes for both series haven't been translated yet, the heroine routes along with the prologue routes have been translated. One of my favorite series of all time along with the Grisaia series (although the third installment of Grisaia was a bit lackluster : /). https://vndb.org/v1143 https://vndb.org/v6245 Enjoy! Also, I'm thinking of contacting the current "translator" for Hatsukoi 1/1 to help translate that. It's a good novel with some flaws and plot-holes(some routes for the heroines were so disgustingly bad I had to stop midway), although there aren't any supernatural elements relevant. The art is extremely good, so I'd keep an eye out -- the determination of translation depends on how many units I'll be taking next year in regards to University work. "Decent" as it was, I can say I enjoyed reading it, which is why I want to translate it at some point. (=^・ω・^)y= https://vndb.org/v9124#main Happy Holidays! (⁎˃ᆺ˂) and good luck with Finals!
    1 point
  18. Project Updates! 10/12/2014 New minor characters ready! and a promo art: At this stage, I'm looking to release a demo late December 2014 or early Jan 2015. Although further development of this game is dependent of how popular the premise is on social media. To all Tumblr users, here's a December giveaway for you! Even if you're not a Tumblr user, the link has some screenshots of the game if you're interested to check out! http://champignonkinoko.tumblr.com/post/104313221565/photo-collection-demo-sneak-peek-d-journey
    1 point
  19. That I did not. Dammit, I'm too tired to deal with being trolled. That was perfect, by the way, 11/10 for my stupid reaction. Derailing is now over. Goodnight.
    1 point
  20. You realize i was trolling right
    1 point
  21. It's from Grisaia no Kajitsu...I took a screenshot of a CG...you've been commenting a ton in a thread about it...I've never even seen the anime...I...I just give up. I can't deal with this/10. The image looks slightly stretched.
    1 point
  22. Just finished The Dark Knight Returns, in which an aging Batman comes out of retirement to kick all kinds of ass. It's like The Dark Knight Rises, only good. In fact, its my favorite Batman story ever. Its a shame Frank Miller is batshit insane, but he wrote maybe two of the most enjoyable Batman stories with Year One and Dark Knight Returns.
    1 point
  23. Flutterz


    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! What was your first VN? According to some people 172 is short... Have a moe:
    1 point
  24. As Ezeefreak said, the Da Capo series. I didn't like the first one but Da Capo 2 was amazing, huge improvement. For D.C 2 a portion of the story takes place during winter, perfect weather to read right now. Kanon: KEY's first work and its a winter setting as well. AIR: Also by KEY except it takes place during the summer so I'm not sure if you're in the mood for a summer setting visual novel atm XD. Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two I would have recommended Katawa Shoujo and Umineko except KS is lighthearted but no fantasy/supernatural elements and Umineko has fantasy/supernatural but not lighthearted/high school setting >__>.
    1 point
  25. I would also recommend Majikoi. If you'll read it slowly maybe the Patch with is released when you arrive at Miyako's route ... It isn't exactly Supernatural / Fantasy in the meaning of the words but i think you'll enjoy it. And I think you could also start the DaCapo Series. I just read the first one but it fits your description very well -> lighthearted SoL high school romance with a bit of fantasy/supernatural ... Edit: I don't see Clannad on there. Okay it is not really lighthearted but I think you would also like it because, except for a few exceptions, we have a similar taste...
    1 point
  26. No 18+ version with initial kick starter? Ha! I suggest pushing through a free rogue fan translation of the other games and this can fall flat on its face. I don't trust this project anymore
    1 point
  27. This entire issue is a clusterfuck as I've said before. It's a mess. Nothing is happening as it should. I am horribly disappointed with this. I am however willing to back sekai project. I may not be happy with Frontwing at the moment but I believe in what Sekai Project wishes to do. The fact they tried to give us what we want but got countered by the rights owners who likely were worried about western reaction to sex/nudity/violence as well as wanted to try and find a means for extra profit. This is a cash grab regardless of whether that is the main purpose...if they perhaps give backers a voucher/or 75 percent off discount for the 18+ version (the cost ends up being about the same as the initial cost for the prefundia goal they had originally) it wouldn't be too much different. If they do this. Personally I think the only way that they can possibly make it succeed is by giving backers if not both games then the option of which one they want...or hell a patch available on their website a la sunrider. The idea of having them separate I admit is complete bullshit (at least their reasoning) it's totally cash driven motive. So because I want to trust Sekai Project I'm going to give this the benefit of the doubt...I also don't think there is any chance in hell after this recent revelation about the plans that it can make the goal anyway so my money will likely just come back to me. Censorship is always bad. Always no ifs and buts. However they are saying they will have two versions...this isn't censorship. (admittedly the wording is a bit vague and needs to be more concrete). If they censor aspects of the all age versions text then yeah it will be censorship and I will not be supporting as long as they don't do that then fine I will try and see how little money they actually get...admittedly I won't back until around the last minute probably so Frontwing can see how poorly this decision will go. I want to know if this one time try at kickstarter in its current state is a won or done deal.
    1 point
  28. xAzure

    Japanese Help Thread

    You should probably remove Alice and just leave it as 'prez'.
    1 point
  29. O.K., this is my final submission. I cut back on the snowflakes and polished things up as best I could. Original: Test: Good luck to everybody participating. :xmas:
    1 point
  30. well but the point here is that they removed not only the h-scenes but parts of the plot itself (not sex-related), back to the h-scenes many vns have the option to turn them off, just as simple as that, give the player the option and for me this is worst because they are doing it just to grab more money, I don't believe the argument of them having a cautious attitude towards releasing adult content in the West and either way censorship is always a bad thing, it doesn't matter why they are doing it, then again this is just my personal opinion.
    1 point
  31. Eroge is adult content to begin with calling it anything else is pointless and sex scenes Lets talk about all the smut romance novels that wome indulge themselves in that are much more vivid and explicit then the content in a eroge. If you cant handle the content as originally written then dont read it not everyone looks at H-Scenes as reasons to fap. Eroge is orginally intended for an adult audience hence why it normally comes with them scenes.
    1 point
  32. And they are trying to release a product here, not even that they are trying to crowdfunding it!!! We are not Japan, that mentality they are taking is just plain stupid.
    1 point
  33. Dammit. I'm out of the running already
    1 point
  34. Welcome to the forums...
    1 point
  35. Eclipsed

    Hello (´・ω・`)

    Welcome to the forums Vario
    1 point
  36. Flutterz

    Hello (´・ω・`)

    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! You should read Clannad, Air, and Kanon. Have a moe:
    1 point
  37. Welcome to the forum
    1 point
  38. Welcome~ Doesn't it feel good to leave the shadowy life of a lurker for the light of posting?
    1 point
  39. http://www.noppin.com/portal_shoppings
    1 point
  40. No, that would significantly decrease my chances of victory, unless the judging committee consists of either 1) people who really like crappy pancakes, or 2) me.
    1 point
  41. Ok, this isn't going to be pretty, but here are the results, as promised: 80 responders total. The mean and median age was 20, and the mode was 19. There were 59 males and 8 females, and 13 who were inbetween on a linear binary gender scale. Of those inbetweeners, the mean value was 3.92. The most common first language was english, with 38 counts. It was also the most common second language, with another 38 counts. The missing 4 counts are presumably because of the subtext of the question, meaning while they know enough english to have taken my test, they did not know enough to qualify themselves as fluent. The majority of survey-takers are learning japanese (44), and 63 elected to take the fun page. Now the answers start to get a little fuzzy, since none of these questions are required. Remember, we're starting at 63 total people. The ARRAYFORMULA-INDEX-MATCH-MAX-COUNTIF,COUNTIF (read: mode) VN was Rewrite, however there were 32 unique responses (of 60 total responses). The average willingness to accept a shoddy translation was 2.4, but remember that's on a 1-5 scale, with 1 being the minimum. Only a single native english speaker put greater than 3 in the box, and that person was also second languaging in english, so.... Most people took the math question, but only 6 got it correct. FYI, the correct answer was 42. While there were a decent amount of fluent JP speakers, none of them seem follow VN staff. The graphing of everyone's political compass was rather typical of young 20 year olds. Also, all the "extreme" responses (Greater than |5| on any axis) were native english speakers. As for everyone's favourite genre's, of course it's Moege followed by Nakige. "Other" consisted of stuff like a couple "Mystery", a few "Kamige", 2 "Chuunige" and a shitton of blanks, and the graphs "Other" takes those blanks into account. And the driving questions had no conclusive correlations that I bothered to look for, but here's the raw data Oh. And can't forget Shitting Dick Nipples https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2plZpgOUkj4 Thank you to submitter number 20, it was entertaining
    1 point
  42. How tsun. Of course we care. <3 Goodluck once again~! And have a merry Christmas season.
    1 point
  43. This was the sole deciding factor in my vote BTW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSaDPc1Cs5U
    1 point
  44. Depends on your needs. I use some compute intensive software on a daily basis, fast and reliable hardware saves time and trouble. I don't upgrade every year or every time a new product comes out though, gotta do a simple CBA first, I'm still using a SNB quad core on my mobile workstation, the 14% faster 47mq won't justify the price.
    1 point
  45. Here is what i purchase. P.S i also purchase Mc Donald (There is also Mc Donald in Japan, so i guess it's related to Japanese) like a few minutes ago.
    1 point
  46. Ryoji

    Muv-Luv (Extra/Unlimited)

    Muv-Luv (Extra/Unlimited) Shirogane Takeru is a typical high school student with a lazy attitude and a love for the virtual reality mecha battle game Valgern-on. Even though he didn't really wanted it, he is popular in school mainly due to his daily fights with his osananajimi (Sumika) attracting too much attention. His life takes an unexpected turn when he finds a girl (Meiya) he doesn't remember ever meeting in his bed one morning. Whom later revealed to be the heiress of one of the biggest zaibatsu. She immediately moves to his house and starts changing his life for the good with her one-track-mind and unlimited resources... ***How this Walkthrough will work*** This Walkthrough will be presented in 2 Parts.. Muv-Luv Extra: ***(Extra) Ending Guide*** There are six Routes in Extra. Sumika, Meiya, Tama, Sakaki, Ayamine and Marimo. There is no forced order for the routes and you can play which ever of the girls you like. They are all fun. Here is a detailed walkthrough for each. Sumika Meiya Tama Sakaki Ayamine Marimo Muv-Luv Unlimited: ***(Unlimited) Ending Guide*** Click New Game on the main menu and select 2) Start Muv-Luv Unlimited Unlimited Common Route Unlimited Sakaki Route Unlimited Meiya Route Unlimited Ayamine Route Unlimited Tama Route Unlimited Mikoto Route Unlimited Yuuko Route This walkthrough is based on info attained from Assembla with minor adjustments made by me.
    1 point
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