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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/16 in all areas

  1. I think the mouth being open is more a part of the facial expression than displaying that they're talking.
    6 points
  2. ^this If you're going to stalk a girl, at least keep at it until you learn something about her. You're already a stalker, but if you give up you're also an incompetent stalker.
    2 points
  3. "MoeNovel wanted to make KonoSora a game that “even 12-year-old French girls could enjoy.” I find this hilarious every time I read it. France is a very liberal country; the film Nymphomaniac: Part 1, which featured close-up, unsimulated sex, was rated as suitable for twelve-year-olds there. French girls are not the issue.
    2 points
  4. First, I should say that this starts out like a first-class nakige in classic non-Key style (which means no loli heroines with weird speech patterns and less than six heroines total, lol). I generally am fond of Applique for giving me Tasogare no Sinsemilla and the Arcology series, but when they screw up, it is usually in a way that should have been blatantly obvious as they were doing it. The protagonist and his daughter (yes, his daughter) are a great combo, and their past is one of one bit of tragedy and despair after another. The protagonist's personality is one I can definitely enjoy vicariously, and Millia (his daughter) strikes a perfect balance between 'genki' and 'emotionally scarred'. The choice of an 'onsen town' as the main setting was excellent, and things were really looking hopeful... ...until the common route ended immediately after you dig into the protagonist's past. Now, I'm all for tearful revelations and the like... but someone with the protagonist's past doesn't just come out and spill the beans only a few weeks after getting to know a bunch of people. That was unrealistic based on his personal setting, to say the least. Worse, the other characters' reaction to it was... weak. Making it worse is that, while you've gotten to know Misaki (the supposed true heroine) a little bit when the split occurs, you've barely scratched the surface with the other heroines. In other words... I went into my first path not caring one bit about the heroine I was supposedly going after. It was like seeing someone setting up a beautiful stained-glass mosaic... and then filling the last few pieces with concrete. To be honest, the haste with which they progressed the last third of the common route is game-breaking for me precisely because the protagonist and his past are looming in the background. Based on this alone, I can say this isn't going to beat Akeiro, though I thought it might compete for VN of the Month when I first started it. I might just update this post if I decide to drop this one... I'm going to finish the path I'm on, and if I don't feel satisfied, I'm dropping it. Edit: Based on my experiences in Honoka's path, I'm going to continue playing, but the problems with the common route and its pacing still apply.
    2 points
  5. Monmon

    Tokyo Babel Released!

    Loving this vn atm...but but Belial really looks like Dojima from p4, i cant unsee it.
    2 points
  6. As someone who's watched GameTheory for like a year now, I am very, very saddened by these 2 latest videos. The bottom line is: There's no secret flawless formula to dating, just meet people you can feel comfortable around and form bonds with them. Don't assume it's a set of specific choices that will magically make them fall in love with you like in a game. Yes, there are some things you can do to make people like you more, but love will come as long as you're not a jerk about it. As for me, I am happily married to my anime pillow. Also don't spend your money on dating books and online courses. Seriously. Don't. You're better off spending your time watching random shit getting crushed by a hydraulic press.
    2 points
  7. Shoujo City is a dating simulator game for Android, developed by me. It's not a pure VN, but rather a mix of RPG+VN. You have ten days to try and win love of a girl by giving her gifts, playing games, or going to regular dates. While talking to a girl, each dialogue choice affects your intimacy score. Each girl has a different personality and requires a different approach. Gameplay video: Even though the game is released already, it's still updated with new features and locations on a regular basis, so if you have some suggestions on improving the game, feel free to post. ) Shoujo city: iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/shoujo-city-anime-game/id1128360282 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.laikastudio.shoujocity Shoujo City 3D: http://shoujocity.com
    1 point
  8. - VNDB - English patch - Miu's route completion translation project Ahh, Dracu-riot. My favorite from when I started reading VNs. I remember how this was the game, which made me start to learn Japanese, and thus finished it when just Elina's route was translated. But now that it has been almost fully released, and a lot of other people are going to play it, I'm making this thread for that reason. I hold an extreme amount of bias towards this title, and as I played it for the first time, it completely enraptured me with its entirety, and it still is to this day my favorite moege. Now that I am replaying it, it still holds all the charm it once had, and I still hold extreme bias to it. As per Yuzusoft's art style, the characters look good, the H-scenes are amazing, and the colors are vibrant. Never have I loved the character cast so much in a moege than in Dracu-riot. The protagonist is self-insert, but like in HoshiMemo, it's not completely self-insert. That's probably enough of me gushing about it. I'll finish my thoughts below on a later date. Now I'll continue Rio's route and probably die from heartburns. It's pretty damn good. Go play it.
    1 point
  9. come at me with stuff, plebs and no. no shitty oelvns or any recently translated stuff. talkin bout untranslated releases
    1 point
  10. Kaguya

    Tokyo Babel Released!

    No. People and terms are under "lore", weapons are under, well, "weapons". Again, you will unlock all of it once you finish a route. A little "extras" section will appear in your menu and everything will be there... It's pretty standard for VNs, lol.
    1 point
  11. Kaguya

    Tokyo Babel Released!

    Yep, both are there. The encyclopedia covers people, weapons and terms used in-game. You'll unlock both after finishing a route (bad endings don't count.)
    1 point
  12. Duyy

    The Last GM Standing!

    Oh good, some of us will become girls.... Can't wait to see how that turns out.
    1 point
  13. Constructive. Take a chill pill, come back again on Tuesday, and consider yourself warned for trolling and abusive behavior - yes, even mods are people.
    1 point
  14. Just noticed my comment was removed... Good job mods. Instead of removing clickbait bullshit you remove a comment that had to do with the translation group behind this project. I see fuwanovel is still as shit as it was a few years ago. I seriously thought it had gotten better with the removal of torrents but I guess I was wrong. The problem are the shitty mods and I'm pretty sure Nosebleed is at the heart of it.
    1 point
  15. Aww hell yeah, user interface thread. First rule of UI: Shizzle's gotta be shiny TO THE MAX. Buttons gotta be shiny, background image gotta be shiny, characters in background image gotta be shiny, sound effects gotta be shiny, et cetera. Here's an example of PRIME SHININESS. They even got floating shiny animated stuff all over the place. Shiny is bae. Here's some more shiny, yo. It ain't as shiny as the first shiny, but when you open up the config and all that, there's some legit shiny in that faded background image, and buttons enter BLUE SHINY MODE when you hover your cursor over them. And we ain't even got to SHINY SOUND EFFECTS because I don't know how to make webms with those. But them sound effects gotta be high-pitched, not too long but not too short, et cetera (because I ran out of stuff to say). YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE SHINY. Actually, that's the only thing I can think of. I don't care what else you do, so long as shizzle's shiny.
    1 point
  16. Funyarinpa

    The history of Japan

    Why hath thou forsaken me
    1 point
  17. Well I should just get new glasses already
    1 point
  18. Update time: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hNQ-u36mto5xgYT_zPGikLGbu95XwrF5fx9m0KnGJac/edit#gid=0
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Valmore

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    Not yet, no.
    1 point
  21. いいえ。
    1 point
  22. It's actually been long enough that I remember pretty much nothing about Dracu-Riot! other than Elina being the most yummy heroine ever Why isn't her emote a thing yet?
    1 point
  23. having a character mouth open just because it's talking would look weird, characters should exteriorize expressions with their sprites, including the mouth, not what they are "actually doing", having the mouth open should mean something like being angry, expressing happiness or surprise but not the reflect of an action they are normally doing.
    1 point
  24. Arcadeotic

    Birthday thread

    Happy birthday to @Ryechu and @Arkamondal Ryechu - Haven't really talked to you, but I do see your influence every now and then. Happy Birthday. Arkamondal - Liked your topics very much, looking forward to more. Once again, Happy Birthday
    1 point
  25. Orange


    It's still around 4,000-ish lines, he's not going to finish it in a weekend. Oxford Comma guy said 2 months so I'd stick with that estimate for now.
    1 point
  26. Its not Maruyu Senpai~~~~ I just hope we wont need daihatsu for the next event....My Iowa.
    1 point
  27. Buddha Senpai


    what? another kaga!? *brain implodes after an intense retrospection on my identity as a carrier* anyhow, welcome!
    1 point
  28. gonna link some of my favorite japanese bands, you might like it.
    1 point
  29. So, the second vid is out: While I do understand that both the past video and this one don't exactly bring new discoveries to how you should date, I think it highlighting the important parts of what you should and should not do to get a real grill is very enlightening, and self assuring. I personally think I'm going to take Huniepop, and games like it, more seriously after watching this. I never considered giving gifts to be a big deal for example (I thought it was just a cheap way to get a grill), but now I understand both how important it is and how to do it right. Whether you look at it the same way or not, I would like to ask if you think the same can be said about the popular VNs in this community. The kinds Matt brings up as an example are mostly dating sims, which aren't really the same as your average Japanese VN. The latter tend to have more story and less mechanics, it's not as simple as getting to sleep with a girl. The methods used in things like KEY VNs in particular feel a little... Extreme and unrealistic. It's been a few years since I last read Clannad so I don't remember it too well, but I recall thinking "who dafak does this irl, these silly fapanese VNs" I suppose it would require me to read VNs in a whole new light in order to come to a satisfactory conclusion, taking them a lot more seriously than I usually do. But what do ya'll think? : >
    1 point
  30. Clephas

    Genius protaganist

    The Akagoei series Hyper Highspeed Genius Hello Lady (though it is also a chuunige)
    1 point
  31. I feel visual novels are usually too nonsensical to provide any realistic portrayal of love. I might end up loving the characters. But I can't actually think of the story and the love development as realistic. To be honest. I think Visual novels are even worse to at reflecting real life than dating sims are. Even the thought of it is so far out there. I find it hard to point where it stands. Although I think the concepts of dating sims are overly simplified as well. I do have a certain lack of faith that some people might understand this. For an average sociable guy I guess it won't be much of help. But a person who has never understood social settings. Or perhaps never really had much normal social contact with people. Perhaps It would be in some sense worthwhile? If actually dating sims makes people understand some social concepts, I can't say they are useless. Hopefully the people playing will have some hobbies or interests to talk with other people as well. Rather than just talking about dating sims, or the weather. Alright. Then I'd just say. "Then I'll give you Flutterz a glass of cognac." And you will be like:
    1 point
  32. Mr Poltroon

    Genius protaganist

    Sharin no Kuni and G-Senjou no Maou both have beyond capable protagonists. The former has one where being superior is quite literally his job.
    1 point
  33. Might sound weird, but I wonder if the video is onto something I haven't actually played any dating sims as far as I can remember, aside from vn's in general. But if you believe the statistics from the video and the concepts it spurs. The sims does actually promote the basic concepts of dating. But not in that you should try to imitate how dating sims work. But rather understanding the concepts that dating sims have and the similarities they have in real life. The nuances of language, communication and relations to others. Knowing the difference between saying "how's it going" compared to "hello". "Do you like the taste of beer?" means more than just liking beer. Rather, saying yes to it. Would mean yes I'd like to drink with you as well. These should be might obvious for any functioning human being. But I am afraid for some people they aren't. That sims have a value is based on that those statistics in the video are actually legit/good.. Their reliability aside. Actually talking to people is the only way to will actually become good at it. Also trying to randomly use dating advice without knowing how your actions work. Frankly is retarded.
    1 point
  34. Because of the Audrey Fan Club, I have now found myself playing Huniepop for the first time. I started at around 8 PM last night. I wasn't able to make myself stop until midnight. That is so far past my bedtime it's not even funny. Curse you people for getting me hooked on a gem-matching game with cute girls. This may be even more addicting for me than Puzzle Quest was. Additionally, I'm really looking forward to the Destiny content patch landing in 10 days. Prison of Elders was my favorite Destiny release (I don't even know how many times I killed Skolas...), and I have a regular 3-person group to play with now, so we should have a lot of fun with it. The 6-person raids are just too much cat herding for my taste, and my group already does a lot of PvP together, so some fresh 3-person PvE content is pretty much perfect.
    1 point
  35. Arcadeotic


    Come on, KoiChoco anime wasn't that bad It had Michiru in it, no way it can be bad
    1 point
  36. Well since I've been using this site as a lurker for awhile now, I thought I might as well contribute something I'm able to do. A lot of people have been initiated by this in the medium of visual novels so it should be familiar to most.
    1 point
  37. A little contribution from me:
    1 point
  38. I started to do these as well, so I'll be editing this one post as I gradually finish these Alternative Kindred Spirits banner Alternative IMHHW banner
    1 point
  39. https://vndb.org/v5841 ~~~ I fucking had to. edit: gonna edit this thread with stuff that i come up with instead of mass posting lol
    1 point
  40. Your opening post has warmed my heart. Good thing I went by to take care of some business. Anyway, I'd interact with you more, but I'm kinda going home at 1AM in the morning and waking up at 5AM to prepare to go to class. Yes, it's mostly a four hour sleep schedule on average. Again, it's because theater has started once again and it's screwing up my whole schedule. I go home everyday with the fear that I might get mugged, but I don't get mugged. Probably because I'm usually bigger than them. So yeah. Pretty much. Life got me again. I'll be a cool kid and finally finish the second Ace Attorney for you after my theater activities. Then I'll observe you as you state all the good things about Ace Attorney in a biased way. Also, you wake up at a time where I'm in the middle of college. Regarding your comments about most of it applying to Shiko, goddamnit man. I have not pegged myself to be a Shiko too. I will now reevaluate myself and think about how I should reinstate my status as a fag. Thank you for opening my eyes, Tiag. A late happy Easter to you. I do enjoy these threads.
    1 point
  41. @Shikomizue - What the hell's with your voice, man? I'm fond of you, but for some reason, I don't quite know why, I seem to have you pegged for being a bit thick or slow. I think it's because you're one of those people that let me win or can't be bothered to fiercely fight back when we start an exchanging of ripostes. But I really do like you, because I like people who like me (clearly superior taste) and I believe you like me. Most of what I said here applies to @KosakiFag, except the voice and except that I barely interact with him. Once every couple of weeks, at the most? And @Cyrillej1, too. What the heck have you guys been doing? Getting lives? @babiker - It's because I don't remember. You were one of the first members I was really fond of. That's all I remember. I don't remember why, or how, or anything at all. I keep making a point of reading everything you post in case it sparks my memory. So let's put it like this: I liked you, but I don't remember why. By that logic I shouldn't like you any more, but you haven't done a single thing that'd make me dislike you, so in all technicality I'm neutral with a positive bias. Or something. I was guessing most people would mistake sanah's for Steve's, BUT SINCE NOBODY TRIED TO DO THE EGG, I HAVE NO IDEA. I didn't quite get if by being on the egg you wanted my opinion...? The people who I put on the egg were completely random. For instance, I haven't interacted with shcboomer. In fact, from my point of view he's more of an urban legend or something, hardly ever seen him. @LiquidShu - I seem to remember liking you, and I certainly think you're nice. Your previous Yuuji avatar's probably helped. I think you were in a similar position to @Fred the Barber, I occasionally chatted with you on some random Coliseum of Chatter thread and I came to find out our tastes were rather compatible. Kept an eye on your posts since and that's about it. With Fred it went a bit further in that he's more talkative than you are, so I see him more often, interact with him more often, but I'm fond of both. Presuming you're asking me for my opinion, I'll give it to you. @Kurisu-Chan - Always had some issues understanding your English. C'mon, how many years have you been on this forum? You gotta English better than that by now, surely? I remember being rather fond of you, back when we interacted often in the Unlimited Chatter Works thread and later, Fuwachat. You also seem to have a bit of a short fuse, or if not, occasionally you blow up. I'm terrible with that kind of people. Somehow, completely unbeknownst to me, my words only seem to aggravate said people further. These days I'm more or less neutral, but when I very very rarely pop into Fuwachat, I'd rather x100 you were there than some random folk I don't know. <3~ Or something. Sheesh. Keep at it. Yes, one of those seldom games where most stuff went smoothly. I remember it had something to do with you. I don't remember what, but I do remember you were the first to completely identify the people on the egg. Since then I haven't seen much in the way of people trying it out.
    1 point
  42. Cool, I shall post it then \o/ I like the 'or lolis' part hahaha Disclaimer: Monshiro is 18! and... not a loli in... Link is for the Calendar images https://mega.nz/#!0pBW3AhY!nE2qM2Yvcs9QQAivth691f4Y-c5eLDNlTLm8IKRrBv0
    1 point
  43. Again though it's probably just a momentary thing in one or two specific scenes and the reason it's there is probably because there's people who enjoy it. All those 3 games you listed mostly exist for the sake of catering to people's fetishes, so it shouldn't surprise you that sometimes they'll have scenes that may not be your cup of tea, but you just gotta put up with it sometimes. If I could I'd also get rid of boobjobs, I hate boobjob scenes, it doesn't work in real life and always kills the mood for me when I see a scene with one, but I know a lot of people like them so I just have to accept the fact they're there and move on. As for the factors that go into making peeing scenes arousing, in this case it seems to be mostly pleasure derived from the embarrassment of someone wetting themselves. If I may add my input, I personally prefer the scenes where they pee on their partner to assert dominance.
    1 point
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