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  1. Agreed on the points above. Also... that name... (the following is stolen from a funny Forbes article)
    3 points
  2. Narcosis


    Why, hello there~
    3 points
  3. Nayleen


    Those people aren't trolls, please stop labeling them as such - they're criminals. SWATing is not a prank, it's a crime. It wastes: People's time, and time is money, especially for streamers Tax payers' money Police resources SWAT teams also break down doors, no-knock, no questions asked. You get guns pointed to your face, and alas your dog if you have one - those are regular casualties in those no-knock warrant situations. It's just a matter of time before this bullshit kills someone. It needs to stop, and the "prankers" need to pay for everything and additionally face jail-time to deter it, otherwise they get off with "some lulz" and probation and it's going to become just as common as DDOSing, which is just as much of a criminal offense.
    2 points
  4. Last updated : January 20th 2016 NOW AVAILABLE ON STEAM FOR FREE! Staff list Active members : Diamonit : Project lead, Plot supervisor, Character design Luna Chai : Writer (Common route), Graphics, GUI DavidA. : Writer (Heroine route) Clestae : Writer (Heroine route), Beta, editor AnotherPlayer : Writer (Heroine route) Suna : Writer (Heroine route) Mac : Character design, PR Sean : Side writer, Character design, PR Reika : Editor Rains : Proof-reader Dizzyworld2 : Lead artist, Female Sprites, CGs Elphaze: Male sprites, CGs Yuuko : Backgrounds, GUI Breeze : Composer Ziassan : Composer UltraKitsune : Composer, SFX Yunyunsae : Composer Zander : SFX Zuka : GUI programmer Jbonesy : Narrative scripting programmer Ian : Narrative scripting progralmmer Former members / Inactive members : Blue wolfie : Composer , Arranger danpc : Project Lead, programmer, composer, idea bouncer Hooves : Character design, idea boucer We, at Fallen Snow Studios, are all very motivated and excited to take part in this great adventure that is the creation of a Visual Novel, and we hope we'll be able to create something you will enjoy reading! Thanks for your time reading this, and don't hesitate to reply to this thread if you have any question, or if you just want to show your support! It means a lot to us!
    1 point
  5. Fuwanovel Mail Call! Service Status: Delayed For those of you on the Fuwanovel forums who aren't aware of what is happening in my life, November 3rd is a big day for me. I will be returning to Japan again to apply for teaching jobs and hopefully find permanent residence in the country once I get hired. Seeing that I plan to be in Japan for a minimum of 2 months, I thought it would be an interesting idea if I were to offer my services in helping everyone purchase and ship visual novels overseas. I understand that the community has a strong passion for PC games, and what better way to spread the love of them than through helping you buy them? If you are interested in being apart of this, feel free to read all of the terms and conditions of the service below and request an order. Please keep in mind that while the title of this thread states that visual novels are the primary service I provide, I am also willing to ship anime, manga, and other electronic goods within reason. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the service and thanks for shopping! Placing an Order: Begin by sending me a private message here on Fuwanovel if you are interested in placing an order. In the private message, state what kinds of items you would be interested in purchasing, be it a VN, an anime, or manga. Keep in mind you don't need to list the specifics quite yet After PMing me, I will do my best to go find the items you want at the best possible prices. After doing so, I will confirm the final pricing with you (including shipping costs), and we will go from there Shipping Information for EMS: http://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/ems/index_en.html Confirming an Order: After the cost is confirmed and you give me the go ahead, we will begin the payment process of the order. All types of payment will be handled through PayPal. Once the money has been successfully transferred into my bank account, I will start shopping for your items and send them out ASAP. I will provide you with a tracking number, at which point all mailing information will be in the hands of the postal service Additional Information: Please keep in mind that I will do my very best to offer you the best deals for the products you request, and in doing so I will be sure to provide you with proper photos showing that the price I am paying for your product is fair and honest. Before placing an order, please understand that you are responsible for providing all forms of payment and shipping costs should you choose to ask for my help. All payments will be completed through PayPal as stated above. Also, please understand that I am not responsible for your country's confiscation laws and/or import tax fees should you choose to ship overseas. Generally speaking, it is never an issue when shipping something from Japan, but keep in mind that if you choose to order something and it is confiscated or charged, I am not responsible for it. Given the fact that the total estimate I will be giving you will not be 100% accurate due to shipping cost fluctuations, I will compensate you for any additional fees you may have given me during the payment process. In other words, I will do my best to calculate shipping effectively. Here is the exact shipping cost of a weighted package, so I will try to calculate your shipping costs around this: 1,400 grams (3 pounds) = 3,200 yen ($32.00) Finally, I understand that this service is based on trust, and as such, I am only able to ask that you do just that: trust me. I swear in good name that I will provide you with a fair and honest rate and make sure you are only spending money that is nescessary for your items. Feel free to ask others who have used the service for testimonies about how it all works! With that, I look forward to seeing some of your orders. If you have any questions and/or something is unclear in this post, please let me know; I am more than willing to answer your concerns. Thanks again everyone, and I hope you enjoy the service!
    1 point
  6. Hi everyone! We, Arashi and Gogo, of the Translation Group "Twin Project" are currently looking for Translators and TLCers (Translation Checkers) for the otome game "Bloody Call" but editors/proofreaders would also be great! We have temporarily put our other translation projects on hold so that we can prioritize the release of Bloody Call and not have our time divided between all the other projects we were working on. Job Descriptions: Translators: (Japanese translators): Job: They translate every single bit of text that they can read and input their English translation. Requirements: They must know how to speak/read the language and know how to translate it into English. Proof Readers/Editors: Job: Check grammar, rephrase what needs to be rephrased, and fix any mistakes. Requirements: They must know how to speak, write, and read English and know how to correct grammatical mistakes. It'll also be good if the proofreader can speak the language it was translated from (though it's not required). TLCers (Translation Checking/Checkers): Job: They are like a translator (in the sense that they have a very, superior grasp on the Japanese language) so they have the ability to translate but are also able to look over script files done by other translators. And check for accuracy and quality of translation. Requirements: The person must have an Advanced-Intermediate level of Japanese. They must know how to speak/read the language and know how to translate it into English. Sign up Process: The only things we ask is that you have dedication and are trustworthy. All the translating/TLCing/Editing, etc will be done through our newly created google pages site: https://sites.google.com/site/xbloodycall/ In order to help us translate, proofread, etc, on the above site you must first get our permission to access our scripts. And in order to accomplish that, you must be an approved member of our group. If you are interested in joining us, please copy & paste the following Application Form into a PM on this site (https://forums.fuwanovel.net) to me, k_arashi or you can send this Application Form to our email at: [email protected] Application Form: Name/Alias (What you would like to be referred to as (when crediting, etc): Contact/Email (How can we contact you?): Timezone/Country (Mention your country or select a timezone from here http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/; This is for the sake of knowing our time difference): Availability (Only free during weekends? Only free at night? Free right now but busy next year?): Your Desired Position(s): How would you rate your Japanese ability from 1-8? (Please refer to the chart here URL: http://futagoproject.wordpress.com/2014/08/21/japanese-skill-levels/): Any other comments/questions, info you would like to say?: You can also join us on either of these sites... https://sites.google.com/site/xbloodycall/translation-access http://futagoproject.wordpress.com/join-us/ http://twinproject.weebly.com/join-us.html NOTES: -Once a member, I recommend you read the "Google Documents Guide for All Job Positions" on https://sites.google.com/site/xbloodycall/in-depth-guides -It’s very important that you send us an email if there's any time that you think you will be busy or going somewhere for a while. -We'll be able to keep track of progress as a team through our shared google pages site, however so that we know that you're alive and well, and continuing to be a part of our team, it'll be good if you could get back to us about any significant progress that you've made. Perhaps, once week or every two weeks? Whichever you prefer. I hope we can discuss this and come to some decision about this (: -If you have any questions AT ANY TIME, please ask them via our email: [email protected] or our Tumblr site: http://futagoproject.tumblr.com/ask Thank you! And if you're not able to help us with the translating process we'd love it if you could spread the word by promoting/advertising this group so people know that we exist and can see that we're recruiting members! (:
    1 point
  7. Alright, so its time to begin pushing my plan forward a little bit here. The purpose of this thread is to lay out my plans for the Fuwanovel Social Media department and what I would like to see moving forward from it. Right now, I am in control of 3 out of the 4 Fuwanovel social media outlets. These are, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. The fourth, VisualNovelAer is in flux right now. So for the moment, there is nothing I can do about that until I know what the plans are for the blog (be it reconstruction or simply adding more writers). So here are the current teams. Facebook: solidbatman, Nosebleed, ryouuuuu, Kaguya (inactive), Tay (doesnt use but access if needed), unnamed (inactive) Twitter: solidbatman, zakamutt, Tay (doesn't use, but has access if needed) Youtube: solidbatman Blog: Tay, zakamutt, god knows who else The Facebook continues to grow at a healthy pace and we will pass 13000 likes within the next month. The Twitter is close to 400 followers. With a bit of work, we can likely surpass the original twitter account. Youtube is still being planned out, but work should begin within the week. What I have planned for the Youtube channel, is to record about 30 minutes of every Visual Novel we have offered. These videos can then be embedded on the download page for the visual novel as a sort of trailer for those who might have limited bandwith, or would like to see the VN in action before downloading. Choices will be done through annotations and unlisted videos to keep from having spoilers. Also possibly being hosted are official Fuwanovel Let's Plays and the Official Fuwanovel Podcast. Both of these are still under consideration and I will await feedback before deciding. The blog is I don't even know. Some needs: Facebook: We need someone able to assist users in tech support questions. I don't have time to go through each comment and post and even less to investigate every issue that pops up. Nosebleed has been doing this as much as he can, but recently everyone has become busy. We do the best we can, but could really use some help. Twitter: Zaka and myself tend to hit all the news we need to on this front. That said, having someone who can TL tweets from VN companies overseas would be a god send. We also need to remove the old twitter account from the front page and replace it with the new one. It won't take any effort to actually do. Just needs someone who has access to the front page. Youtube: TBA Blog: TBA The end goal for all of this is to make Fuwanovel the go to outlet for VN information and news. We've focused so much on hosting VNs, I think its time to actually educate about VNs now and make it easier for people to support their favorite VNs and developers. In the end, I want Fuwanovel to actually be a part of the official western VN community by removing all licensed games, having information pages for licensed VNs (these pages also having a 30 minute demo video), and providing links to purchase licensed VNs instead of a download. I would also like to see Fuwanovel put together instructions for those looking to import physical copies of JP only titles (titles that have been Fan TL'd) and having a purchase link alongside those download links. By using social media to educate and inform, we can perhaps make Fuwanovel a friend to localization companies, and become a resource that isn't hated by those companies. If you have any questions, want to offer any feedback, or want to give us a hand, feel free to PM me or post in this thread. Thank you for reading!
    1 point
  8. The VN cult is treated as an absolute minority by regular gamers, especially outside Japan, where localization of most VN remains just a vague fantasy, and the resulting grudge brewing in the depths of the feisty mind of VN fans threatens to scourge the land. But they are not forsaken, for God help those who help themselves. Fan translators step forward to bring salvation to the damned, and the radiance of hope once again shines upon the world. Yet where there is light, shadow lurks in its wake. While fans find comfort enjoying their favorite translated VN in front of PC, I, hellish the Dark, has awakened from slumber. Soon will there be conflict and chaos, and soon will I witness suffering and isolation, for I have ventured into the uncharted realm of console VN, alone. Meh…I tried hard to create an epic feeling in the previous paragraph, but my writing skill failed me miserably. Well, you can’t really blame me since neither English nor Japanese is my first language. But since I happen to understand both languages and prefer to read VN on gaming console, I guess it’s my privilege to share my console VN experience with you guys, since most, if not all, of you are only able to read VN on PC. This thread is intended as informative, and is by no means about convincing you to switch to console VN. By console VN, I mean either VN ported from PC to console, or console exclusive. Players of console VN are misfits among the already small VN fan base outside Japan. Admittedly, the rigorous criteria for touching console VN turn away most people. You need to own a gaming console (and a Japanese one if the console has region lock), you need to get your hands on those VN games, which are expensive and hard to find outside Japan, and you need to understand Japanese, because fan translation of console VN is out of the question. The first two criteria can somehow be bent, but the third one cannot be waivered, and there’s no text hooker to help you extract the texts and look them up easily in a dictionary. So why do I PERSONALLY prefer console VN? 1. Quality assurance The fact that a PC version VN gets ported to console implies that the quality of that VN is at least acceptable to warrant the port. With so many VN releases every year, console port acts like a convenient filter for me to narrow down my search for good VN. In fact, nearly all critically acclaimed PC VNs that people in this forum love are ported to console, which is more than enough for me since I read VN at a slow pace and it takes me a long time (1~2 month) to finish a lengthy VN. 2. All Age This is about personal taste. Though all age version is frowned upon by many PC VN players, I myself find sexual contents and extreme scenes in VN distasteful, so all age version is welcome. 3. Definite version Console VN ported from PC is usually the complete version of that VN. During the port, exclusive contents are likely to be introduced, e.g. new endings added, new heroines created, sub heroines promoted to main heroines (no more “I want that girl to have a route” complaint), new OPs and event CGs included, game plot revised and expanded, and for old VN, new voice acting and upgraded graphics can be expected. Also, if the VN is released by chapter on PC, these chapters are merged together in console port. Sometimes fan discs are included alongside the main story as well. 4. Ease of play No need to worry about installation error, locale error, runtime error, just insert the disc/cartridge and start reading. You can take VN on handheld console with you wherever you go, while VN on TV console provide an exquisite experience. Imagine reading a HD (high definition) VN on a large TV screen: the fonts are big and crystal clear; the graphics are of high resolution, along with 5.1 surround sound! Maybe it’s kinda silly sitting put in front of TV reading text (strictly speaking, you may also choose to lie in your cozy bed), but the HD experience is definitely worth a try for PC only players. 5. Console exclusive titles Though the overall number is definitely not on the same order of magnitude as PC VN, there’re quite a few console exclusive VNs too, among which are buried some real gems. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Since many players here have limited knowledge or access to console VN, I’m gonna first talk about current generation console ports of some renowned VN titles I’ve read, or VNs that are frequently mentioned and recommended in this forum, and point out the console exclusive content not seen on PC, if any. Note that every console VN is all age, with sexual content and extreme scenes censored. First some VNs by KEY: Clannad This is THE renai VN to read, period. Clannad has been ported to many console platforms since its PC debut. Full voice was added in initial PS2 port. Later it was ported to X360 and PS3 featuring 720p HD resolution and 5.1 surround sound. A paid DLC called “Hikari Mimamoru Sakamichi de” is also available for X360/PS3 version, comprising 16 independent spin-off stories, with each story focusing on one character from the main game. It’s an interesting read if you want to know more about a character’s past story. Tomoyo After This is a spin off featuring my favorite heroine in Clannad, tomoyo, as main heroine. If you’re still hesitating as whether to pick this up or not, please do not take this spin off lightly; it’s definitely unlike the conventional fan disc filled with no-brainer fan service. I repeat, DO NOT TAKE THIS SPIN OFF LIGHTLY. The PSP port features full voice (including the male protagonist) and important scenario revision and expansion that clarify the story. These new contents were later back ported to PC Memorial Version, while the X360/PS3 version are HD ports of PSP. Little Busters I had high hopes for this VN after finishing Clannad. LB is good, no doubt, but still not as good as I had anticipated. It gradually builds up hype through multiple lengthy routes, some of which are not so engrossing to me, and the final climax is simply too short for the sake of all the hype. Just my two cents. This is another VN that has many console ports. Last time I checked, there was only English translation patch for the original Little Busters that has only 6 routes, what’s the status now? Anyway, I assume the most complete version on PC is PERFECT EDITION, featuring everything in the PSV port (full voice, 9 routes, revised scenario, a-chan character sprite) plus one new CG. The latest PS3 port, which was the version I read, includes everything in the PERFECT EDITION and offers HD resolution and 5.1 sound, plus the dungeon exploration in Saya’s route is rendered in 3D. Kud Wafter This is a spin off featuring my favorite heroine in Little Busters, kud, as main heroine. No particular extra content is added in PSP and PSV port. Rewrite Currently it’s ported to PSP and PSV, featuring full voiceover for all characters excluding protagonist, and new CG. I haven’t read this one but it’s definitely on my list. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Move on to VNs published by 5pb: Steins;Gate If you haven’t tried this VN, stop and go reading it now for serious awesomeness. Originally a console VN, it was ported to PC with new CGs, then back ported to PSP and PS3. There’re two console exclusive spin off titles for Steins;Gate, Hiyoku Renri no Darling, and Senkei Kousoku no Phenogram, neither in my opinion is a must read. Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo There’s a PSP port and X360/PS3 HD port. In these console ports the main game remains intact, and a portion of the fan disc, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo, is included, which is a lengthy chapter about the past of the controversial character Houzuki in the main game. This extra chapter, in my opinion, is even better than the main scenario. It vividly portrays Houzuki in his youth, how he came to be what he was in the main game, and explains what his words at the end of the main game mean. I HIGHLY recommend anyone who has only read the main story to try this chapter in the fan disc. Muv-luv Another classic series, but one needs to first read the boring original Muv-luv (both Extra and Unlimited) in order to understand and appreciate the awesome story in the sequel, Alternative. Nothing new is added in the X360/PS3 port of Muv-luv and Alternative, but the gory scenes in Alternative are toned down. Ever17 WARNING: MAJOR REMAKE DETECTED The X360 port is a total remake of the original game. Character sprites are rendered in 3D (though not that pretty), voices are re-recorded, and LeMU layout is completely redesigned. But what I want to talk about is the plot. I only read Ever17 on X360, and after talking with players who only read the original version on PC, I come to the conclusion that only the skeleton of the plot remains the same, while many specific events are rewritten in X360 version, some ambiguous events in PC version are made clearer, and details regarding certain scenes are totally different, even the back stories of certain characters are changed, not to mention several revised or newly added endings. Too bad only few read this remake, or I bet these two versions of plot will divide fans under contending banners, carrying on vigorous flaming war against each other, until all eternity. Akatsuki No Goei This VN is not really my cup of tea, and I dropped it since I failed to grasp what the main plot is after clearing two routes. All three games in the series are merged into one in the PSP/PS3 port; background/event graphics are vastly upgraded and expanded. Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai Virtually no one talked about it here. Guess it’s because there’s no English translation. The PS3/PSV port is based on the enhanced “R” version on PC, and sub heroine Misaki has been promoted to main heroine. A portion of the fan disc is included which tells the past stories of 3 heroines. Cross Channel Personally I do not like this VN since it touches some sensitive topics, and the personality of the protagonist really turned me away, so I dropped it. X360 and PS3/PSV port each has unique extra content. There’s After Story in X360, which is pretty much self-explanatory, and we have Forgotten Story in PS3/PSV, which illustrates the story from the view of several heroines. I read the X360 version. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally some other VNs from various publishers: Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai This title never came to my attention until I saw many people discussing it in this forum. So I’ll give it a try. The PS3 version only adds some mini games, immaterial to the main story. Umineko no Naku Koro ni The PS3 port is incontrovertibly the best version, with 1080p full HD resolution, all graphics redrawn, remastered and new BGM, plus full voice! Grisaia I bet everyone in this forum knows this VN. Currently only the first one in the trilogy, Kajitsu, is ported to PSP/PSV, with the other two being ported soon. No new content is added to the port of Kajitsu. Root Double I love this VN for its gripping story, especially the first chapter (out of a total of 4 chapters). There was never a dull moment in the first chapter, with every moment wrapped up in suspense; you really never know what would happen next. It’s a pity that there’s no English translation, so few people discuss it here. Originally a console VN on X360, this game is ported to PC intact. Later an enhanced version is released on PS3/PSV called Root Double Xtend Edition, featuring new endings and revised story flow. Tears To Tiara WARNING: MAJOR REMAKE DETECTED 4 years after its release on PC, Tears To Tiara received a total remake on PS3 under the title Tears To Tiara: Kakan no Daichi, with fully upgraded graphics and character design, vastly revised plot, and 3D battle scenes. You may regard the original and the remake version as two different games. Under the guise of SRPG, Tears To Tiara is in fact a good VN too, with lengthy cutscenes between each battle. The remake feels like a funny harem comedy at first, but gradually takes on a more serious tone, and demonstrates deep camaraderie from halfway till the end of the story. I found almost every character adorable, and liked one of the protagonists very much. Two console exclusive Tiara games were also released on PS3, one is a spin off called Avalon no Nazo, a mediocre after story of the first one, featuring the same cast. The other one is the sequel called Tears To Tiara II: Haoh no Matsuei. The story of the sequel takes place in the same world and around the same time as the first one, but on a different continent with a different cast. The thrilling and passionate first three chapters showed great promise and really made me tingle with excitement, however the rest of the story felt somewhat lackluster, ruining its potential for another great VN. To Heart 2 To Heart 2 is a classical renai VN that stands as a paragon for all the slice-of-life school romance VN to come. There’s really no gripping story or event, just innocent heroines and casual every day life that sooth your heart. Originally released on PS2, this title received various revisions on PC, but the producer did not feel like letting go of this title quite yet, so the ultimate PS3 version To Heart 2 DX PLUS was born, featuring new heroines, motion portrait (animated character sprite executed well), revised scenario and new event CG. The fan disc is included as well. White Album 2 This renai VN is highly praised in Japan. And after 95 hours of reading, I can personally testify that it's definitely on par with, if not better than, Clannad. You can find everything that could be yearned for in a romance VN, e.g. fascinating characters, beautiful music, gorgeous graphics, and most importantly, highly emotional plot. The PS3/PSV port merges the separately released chapters on PC into one game. Drama CD and official novels once sold separately are now included as extra content that will unlock in accordance with player’s progress. New BGM, new event CGs, and important new scenes are added. Motion portrait feature (animated character sprite) seen in White Album 1 remake and To Heart 2 DX PLUS is applied in PS3 version as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the last part, I’ll go through a handful of current generation console exclusive VNs worth mentioning to PC players. 428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de I was shocked that there seemed to be no one in the forum discussing this VN. Then I realized that it is untranslated, but still, western community appears oblivious to 428. This is utterly preposterous! You’ll regret not reading this marvelous VN. It is so important that I have to say it out loud again: YOU WILL RUE THE DAY YOU SHUN AWAY FROM THIS MARVELOUS VN. Mark my words. There’re many good VNs, but from time to time the plot develops at a rather slow pace and sometimes wears you down to the point that you have to turn away from it for a while, catch some breath, go out for a walk, and then resume reading. 428, by Chunsoft, is not. It features multiple protagonists whose paths are intertwined throughout the game. The story keeps at a steady pace and engrosses you from start to finish, planting all kinds of cliffhanger in each character’s path to make you always want to know more. The graphics are one of a kind. 428 adopts live action stills starring real actors as background and event CG, even cutscenes are live videos too. The main story boasts over 80 endings, all but one are bad endings. Though called “bad”, most of them are actually hilarious joke endings. After finishing the main plot, several hidden scripts are unlocked. These hidden scripts each have their unique style, and their quality is satisfying, to say the least. 428 is the VN to look for if you want a gripping, realistic plot. It received a 40/40 full score from Famitsu and I can testify myself that it deserves this score. It’s first released on Wii then ported to PS3 with HD graphics and sound, making it the best version to enjoy the story. 428 has a predecessor called Machi (PS1 PSP), and a successor called Time Travelers (PSP PSV 3DS). They share similar game mechanics, and transpire in the same world, but in different time. IMO, Machi is not that amazing if you have read 428, while the story of Time Travelers is simply too immature and ridiculous for me to take seriously. Imabikisou This is a horror VN by Chunsoft on Wii and PS3, featuring same graphics style as 428 (real actors and live stills/videos). If you love watching Japanese horror movie, then you can try this out. It takes several playthroughs to reach the true ending. Robotics;Notes This is the third installment in 5pb’s science adventure series, the predecessor being no other than Steins;Gate. After the initial release on X360/PS3, an enhanced version called Robotics;Notes Elite is released on PSV, featuring revised story flow, upgraded character models and new cutscene animation. Robtics;Notes doesn’t quite live up to the hype built up by its enormously successful predecessor, but is still worth a try if you love this science adventure series. Dangan Ronpa This anime style series (PSP PSV) is somewhat like Ace Attorney, featuring both investigation and trial parts, but with a much more unrealistic and darker plot. Its gaming mechanics in trial part is also significantly different from Ace Attorney. The PSV port of this series is officially localized into English, so you can pick up this series without problem. Ghost Trick A puzzle solving VN on NDS featuring wacky characters like those in Ace Attorney. The puzzle solving is fun, and the story turns out to be quite interesting at the end. It has official English localization. Hotel Dusk This western style NDS VN takes place in the 1970s, US. The unique pencil-drawn, dynamic-image art-style is candy to the eye, and I enjoyed the conversation between the charismatic protagonist and other vividly portrayed sub characters. Player needs to go around collecting items and use them to grill a sub character face to face at the end of each chapter, vaguely like Ace Attorney. You’ll enjoy the story if you love the characters in the game, like I do. A sequel called Last Window was released on NDS as well, featuring the same protagonist and game mechanism, but a totally different story. The official English localization for these two games was done so well that I didn’t realize the game is made by Japanese company until I saw the ending staff list. Zero escape A suspense VN with puzzle solving elements on NDS, written by the same author who wrote Ever17. Its sequel is released on PSV and 3DS. I bet many people in this forum already know this series. Both games have English localization.
    1 point
  9. ryouuuuu

    YouTube is Finished

    I was going to say the exact same thing! 8D Don't let a stupid ban keep you from doing what you want! Accounts are easily created you know~ Fight~
    1 point
  10. theres a cock on your wallpaper may want to put nsfw tags on that post
    1 point
  11. lol so much derail .. i give up fluttz you win the interwebz
    1 point
  12. I actually watched those scenes with a giant grin on my face. Shows like Higurashi are a true blessing. There's probably something messed up with me. (♠_♦) I didn't have any trouble sleeping while watching it either. Otherwise, nice wallpaper. I might eventually make a switch to a Higurashi theme for mine as well.
    1 point
  13. Load the cannon! Aim! Fire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEQ04npPnhc
    1 point
  14. That's an interesting comparison, and the part where you point out the different features on some games is definitely a useful resource. Though in the end it boils down to personal preferences (ignoring the language barrier). For example, point 2 is irrelevant to me and I don't see many situations where point 3 really would be massively important, although it's a thing. As for point 4 I already have a bonkers good screen and with the size it has, more resolution likely wouldn't matter anyway. Plus a laptop can be carried around, which is quite convenient. As for point 1 it's not even a matter of tastes I think, you say only the quality titles get ports, but it's actually the popular titles that get ports. And quality doesn't necessarily correlates with popularity.
    1 point
  15. It was one of the first animes I watched and it seriously fucked me up for 2-3 nights....Had the worst time falling asleep. 1 scene in particular (dont remember the details or character names) the the short blonde girl was on a cross and one of the twins was stabbing her over and over and over and over, and the blonde girl was just screaming for her brother. Then the twin got double crossed by the other twin or something and pushed into a hole....I've seen some graphic shit on the net (I willingly look up gore videos and whatnot) but that really messed me up for awhile. Speaking of higurashi, found an old screenshot of my desktop when I still used vista and had 1 monitor (still one of my favorite wallpapers too) Kek the good ol' days of windows live messenger and xfire.
    1 point
  16. crunchytaco


    Shortly after the birth of the internet, god decided to balance out the powers that be. He bestowed every newsgroup and message board with their resident troll. Tired of life under dreary bridges, these trolls emerged from their habitats to play mischief on humanity. They would often stir up debates, played devil's advocate, and disguised themselves as opposing sides of an argument. It was an art form to behold these trolls deliberately baiting people into full circle until one realized they've been had . That was how the idiom, "Don't feed the trolls" came about. Before his identity was understood, Stephen Colbert was a classic example of old fashion trolling. That art form is now lost. Having a personal computer was once a privilege owned by those with higher education, professionals and computer nerds who specialized in the science. It's now become a right to anyone but those still living in wood shacks and those still eating mud cookies. No doubt, when god gave the world internet, he advised them to multiply and be merry; and he saw that it was good. With more humankind however, invited more trouble. Trolling is now reduced to malicious attacks resulting from immaturity and well... mean spirited people in general. Repeatedly harassing others and flaming people for no good reason are now what falls under the category of trolling. The last bastion have retreated to places like 4CH, Reddit, Yahoo answers, and online gaming. May their sinful souls be cleansed in purgatory.
    1 point
  17. Sir! Yes, sir! Continuing the assault at full force! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RIlql7FHQg
    1 point
  18. Very good Private Roach. Continue the assault at full force. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovzr0zl0h1Q
    1 point
  19. I actually found that spin-off to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen and ranked it higher than the second season.
    1 point
  20. Christfall

    Lot's of Choices

    Ever17 has a lot of choices, it lacks in the amounts of ending department however, if you don't mind. All ages and translated, the best game for beginners. My best recommendation that fits what your need : If you can read Japanese, will be Root Double: Before Crime, After Days by the writer of Ever17. It has massive amounts of choices, 30+ endings. Oh, it is all ages as well. It uses a very unique choice system not seen in any other VN. Even if you can't I recommend you do it anyway with translation tools, it is just that good.
    1 point
  21. OriginalRen

    Cocoro@Function! NEO

    I should convince Mephisto to play Hijiri's afterstory for the laughs, but I know he'll say no.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Yes, sir! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azeGKxjw_Os
    1 point
  24. Chewy

    Hello everyone!

    Hahaha, that is always great to hear
    1 point
  25. Insania


    Trolls can troll for a number of reasons. The exact nature of these reasons can be varied and expansive so it's hard to say exactly 'why' Trolls troll. Trolls, in my experience, are similar if not identical to a run of the mill bully. Bullies or Trolls simply insult, enrage or attack someone due to (generally) a insecurity about themselves or their lives. In reaction to these insecurities they pick on others weak points to feel better about themselves. Most people, if not all, will point out and ridicule some aspect of a person to deter thought of their own insecurities. Unfortunately even I acknowledge I do so. It's a defence mechanism to help deal with the society we live in. Trolls are similar but are more prevalent as, like others have stated before, have the strength of anonymity as they are behind a computer screen, and as such do not have to face the consequence of their actions. If you think about it, a mask can give someone an incredible amount of 'courage' to do things they most often would not; and the internet is one hell of a mask. To summarise my rant, bullying and trolling share a common factor, ridicule and riling people up to cover for imposed insecurities. It's an annoying part of our culture and nature, trolling is just the internet's version of it.
    1 point
  26. Kimanor


    I thought this thread would be filled with a deep and engaging debate. Seems I was wrong.
    1 point
  27. Zenophilious

    VN elements

    ...why would you sit through a long storyline if you just wanted to see boobs? That'd be like buying the Mass Effect games just to see the sex scenes. There's boobs everywhere on the internet, after all.
    1 point
  28. Satsuki

    VN elements

    I just find it strange that people don't give much care about visual in a VISUAL novel. Visual is not everything for me, but yeah, if it's suck, then it's likely that I will drop it soon or later (except that it has incredible story or such)
    1 point
  29. They also keep the tradition with stable releases despite taking up so much space, Summer Days crashed so often they re-released it as Shiny Days with one more arch-route. Sadly they got milder on the bad-ends and yandereness
    1 point
  30. You should check out Swan Song and maybe Corpse Party
    1 point
  31. I just assumed this was historically accurate because it was an Anime. Underwear for male and female were the same in the old days. Edit* After doing actual research, I found out about Jubans. They're worn underneath kimonos. There's one for guys as well.
    1 point
  32. Keep it coming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkcdT_dHJVg&index=5&list=PL6jBmlqgKJ9kY7Rbq9AM9oRSuMHve05TQ
    1 point
  33. Just saw this and am dying. I think they're fan creations. The community that makes them are superb.
    1 point
  34. hilbi

    Sad music/songs

    Here are some that I like (: Yiruma - River Flows in You Broken Moon - Suika's theme Two Steps from Hell - Heart Ludovico Einaudi - In un'altra vita Clint Mansell - Lux Aeterna (From the movie Requiem for a Dream) Wanko to Kurasou OST - Missing feelings Chopin - (Op. Posth.) Nocturne in C# Minor (well yeah it's classical music, but I really like this one because I play it too on the piano ) Some Katawa Shoujo OST: Moment of Decision, Painful History, Cold Iron, Breathlessly, Shadow of the Truth Mirai Nikki -Track 05 Secret Garden - In Our Tears Secret Garden - Song From A Secret Garden Ao no Exorcist - Blue A sort of piano cover of Elfen Lied - Lillium
    1 point
  35. Household 2 Murphy Rynne Noah Aniki Minako (I did the best I could short of downloading mods and what not.) Nagisa Emi The beginning of the tale of these two households will begin soon.
    1 point
  36. Household 1 is completed. Might add one more person to this house. We'll see. Cruel NINI Rose Fuwa Down Fuwan Zaka Mutt
    1 point
  37. Arguing with fanboys is like asking a wall what's the meaning of life. I also agree with Insania about SAO 1 and 2. They have reoccuring flaws and it seems that they won't get fixed anytime soon, it's just the way it is, but it doesn't make SAO the worst anime of all time, definintely not, however it also doesn't make it the best anime of all time either. SAO is just a good anime that you can watch, not be bored by it most of the time and be done with it and you won't feel dissatisfied, it's easy to watch because it's straightforward and pretty shallow most of the time which makes it good especially if you don't want to think too much and just want some easy entertainment. It's flashy and some characters are interesting. But that's it. For me it's a 7 or 8 out of 10 which is not bad at all. Yet apparently for fanboys if I don't feel like it's a god tier anime I just didn't understand the deepness of it and I don't understand anything about anime..
    1 point
  38. However I do like the set up of GGO, which is relatively good world building because of the season's pace. But I would rather it happen a bit more immerse rather than getting simple 'this-that' explanations. SO that is my two cents. Needed to get the rant off somewhere and everyone seems to be discussing SAO, so there we go. If I repeated discussions I am sorry, and I am a terrible person worthy of lynching. Exactly my thoughts. Though I just can't understand how some people think SAO to be the best anime ......
    1 point
  39. Kyoroto

    Hello everyone!

    So far loving this community!
    1 point
  40. And more Gumi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1v_Q9QHbtY
    1 point
  41. Oh god the CG's, I can already imagine. You're going to give us a bunch of generic classrooms with no characters in them right?
    1 point
  42. I think there's actually another podcast, called the eroge podcast. It's pretty long as well. I've never listened to it because I don't care about podcasts though. EDIT: found it. Damn this thing looks pretty pro. http://reisengoestoschoolbybus.blogspot.com/ VNAer actually used to post a link whenever a new episode of the eroge bus came out, I suggest we resurrect this tradition if it's any good.
    1 point
  43. Because there's never enough FIFA games If this was in the announcement i'd actually lose some more hope for humanity, even if most of it is already gone.
    1 point
  44. From SONY I only ask that they dump a bunch of games both original ones and localizations for the VITA. I want the VITA to have more love. The good news is that Freedom Wars is coming to the west.
    1 point
  45. Overview - A tl;dr summary of what the document will be about. It will be modified to respond to the community's critiques. Intro: The goal of this sample document is to examine the goal of Fuwanovel as dictated by Tay, and to construct a sample strategy for Fuwa moving forward that aligns with the stated goal. This is a sample document because it was not written by Tay, and therefore anything recorded inside is subject to his approval. It should be fairly easy to remove unwanted sections, add additional pages or sections, or modify the text. This is a long term goal for the Fuwa Community (emphasis on long-term.) Part 1 - Define Tay's motto. What does 'making VN's popular' involve. Identified 2 components to this goal, increasing the fanbase and ensuring the Industry's survival. Recognised influencing the industry requires power and influence, power Fuwa does not yet have. Suggest 2 phases to Fuwa's progression going forward, the first phase concentrating on increasing the fanbase and collecting the VN fanbase to Fuwa. Collecting the VN fanbase to Fuwa will increase its influence, which will be needed for phase 2, which will aim to assist in the health of the industry. Part 2 - Before we start, a short piece of analysis is necessary. This analysis will be performed on the definition of the term 'visual novel'. It will detail why current definitions are inadequate, what sorts of games are usually identified as a VN, and the opportunities the flexible definition of the genre presents in attracting different types of gamers to the genre. On a side note, I posted a thread in the VN section a month ago introducing a piece of Interactive Fiction to the participants of the forum. However, because this piece of IF conformed to VNDB’s definition of a VN, people accepted the game without a second thought. This presents an opportunity, which will be addressed fully later on, but will revolve around tapping into the fanbase of existing gaming genres. Why try and build a fanbase for visual novels if you have the ability and opportunity to tap into existing ones. It will require a definition of Visual Novel which can coexist with other genres. Something to think on. Part 3 - Phase 1 described here. This will include: Making Fuwa a 'one shop stop' for the Visual novel (type game) consumer. This means including all the information a consumer could want - Like up to date news/analysis on Japanese and English VNs (and possibly some specific IFs) Improve the VN database on Fuwanovel by providing in depth information on each game (both Japanese and English VNs... possibly some IFs too) including reviews, synopsis, gallery, walkthroughs, a tagging system, availability (pirate locations or locations on where to buy,) an embedded 30 minute demo Youtube video just above the torrent link, ratings systems (EGS and VNDB... and possibly a unique Fuwa rating system down the track which may or may not be linked to a Users profile,) related series (whether the VN has ties to an anime, a manga, a LN or so forth,) and related merchandise available to buy. Also Fuwa could put together a monthly magazine recapping all the projects, news and events of the past month. A community section for the site. Representing things relating to the Visual Novel community’s contribution to Fuwa’s goal. This could include a noticeboard which would contain requests for help concerning projects (translation, development, help with the lexicon etc) Showcasing the lexicon, the bundling together of VN introduction kits. A friendly place to chat (forums.) We already have this. Restructing is needed though. Consider having an admin in charge of each area (content, user stuff, tech) so when the leader needs a break the site doesn't ground to a halt (I'm not implying anything here.) Also maybe a news area which links to the blog... Piracy. People like free stuff. I should note that if Fuwa plans to create relationships with the industry, it may need to reconsider its views on piracy at that point. But that's a very long way away. Obviously these torrent links will be taken down if official versions are available in english. A comprehensive, aggressive and continuous outreaching program. This will include Tay's outreach program to other sites. It would also recognise certain opportunities outlined in part 2 of this document, targeting gamers of different genres (I point to how many people are currently being introduced to VNs through adventure games.) Targeting anime fans by bundling together VNs of existing anime may or may not be necessary. This may also include suggesting certain VNs to small game sites to review. Like, for example, suggesting Yumina to some smallish RPG sites. Problem - how to get gamers to sample the introduction packages in significantish numbers? The distribution of Fuwa's monthly magazine to showcase what the VN industry offers gamers. The construction of certain committees. One such committee could be in charge of the identification of short-medium length VNs that groups of Western gamers would likely enjoy. VNs with RPG gameplay, or strategy gameplay, or untranslated VNs which have anime tie ins, for example. They could then advertise for people to translate these VNs. An overhaul of the main site. The main site will be used to service the visual novel consumer. But that would be pointless if the site is difficult or confusing to manage. An update, reducing redundancies on the site, and making the the about section up-to-date is necessary. Reducing clutter, streamlining the design etc. This section will be added to once Nayleen posts on this thread in detail, and in language I can understand - 100. *These pages are placeholders* XD Part 4 - Phase 2 is described here. The beginning of phase 2 is a ways off, Fuwa first needs to build influence. These ideas are not complete, and are geared towards supporting the industry. Create significant relationships with developers and localisation studios. For example, interviewing Japanese doujin developers and the same for their English counterparts, eventually get some spokespeople for developers to sign up to the Fuwa forum. Building support for commercial VN development and localisation on the site/forums. For example, Fuwa could add a page to members user profiles where users can show off their visual novel collection. This idea is based around the idea of a gamer tag. Organising Fundraising campaigns on Fuwa, for Japanese or English development. Maybe Fuwa can get an Easter Egg inserted in the game in Fuwa's name :3 Using influence to aid publicity in the West (*examples go here*) -100 *these pages are placeholders* XD Phase 2 is very rushed atm, and feels very bareboned. It will gradually be fixed and strengthened in the days to come.
    1 point
  46. A little announcement, thanks to the new people we've been recruiting during august concerning the different assets creation, we might be able to release some playable content (ie a very short demo) relatively soon! I can't promise for sure, but you can expect it for second half of September if everything goes well (well, everything goes well only in an ideal world, so there might be some delay). Content will be Day 1 of common route, and there should be around 20 minutes of reading content. Hopefully day 1 will be a good introduction to our world setting, to the story and to some of the characters! Get hyped (or not)! Also, we just made some new blog posts : One about writing, an interesting explanation about "method writing" from our lead writer Megan : http://lucid9.weebly.com/blog/off-the-record-method-writing And another post with a Rui presentation, and a new OST from Greg! http://lucid9.weebly.com/blog/when-it-rains-it-pours
    1 point
  47. Fan Art of the Tay x Batman Chapter By: Emi
    1 point
  48. Tay

    Fate/Stay Night

    Fate/Stay Night The Holy Grail War. That hellish, great ritual that offers the ultimate prize for the one who claims it: a wish. There are two conditions to participate: one must be a magus (magic user), and one must be chosen by the Holy Grail to participate. There are seven chosen Masters, and seven classes of Servants. Only one master may seize the grail. This is the story of a boy who wanted to be a superhero. It's the story of three warring families. It's the story of an ultimate prize and ultimate sacrifice. OVERALL ENDING GUIDE *(Read!)* Fate Route Ending Guide Unlimited Blade Works Route Ending Guide Heaven's Feel Route Ending Guide Individual Walkthroughs PROLOGUE FATE ROUTE UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS - "TRUE" ROUTE UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS - "GOOD" ROUTE HEAVEN'S FEEL - "TRUE" / "NORMAL 1" / "NORMAL 2" ROUTES This walkthrough was heavily based on Mirror Moon's amazing Flowchart.pdf walkthrough packaged with the English patch. A huge thank you for their amazing work. The VN community is made more for it. Thanks!
    1 point
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