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Tay last won the day on January 4

Tay had the most liked content!

About Tay

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Archmage's Tower
  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Languages, Nerddom


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Tay's Achievements

Fuwa Master

Fuwa Master (10/11)



  1. Lots done, working with Nay and Emi for the next steps.
  2. Forums will go offline 01/20/2021 starting between 18:00 and 19:00 EST for an unknown amount of time while I update software, purge the party, and bring peace to our new Empire. - Tay
  3. Good morning everybody, Tonight I'm planning on finishing the update process for the forums (including all themes) as well as finalizing some back-end sharing necessary for Emi to take over my admin duties. I'm still alive and around, paying for the site (etc.), but enough is enough and this is what needs to happen. I'll post later today with more definite hours/timezones for the update, and will hop on Discord closer to the appointed FuwApocalypse hour. Much < 3, Tay
  4. Rolled everything back. Will wait for theme updates. You're safe for now, Fuwa.
  5. I lied. The update is happening NOW. Please panic.
  6. Forums update will be installed tonight at 8:30 PM EST. Weird time, I know, but c’est la vie. IPB 4.5.2 Stuff copy-pasted from Invision: Major New Features / Enhancements - New Front-End Design - AdminCP Dark Mode - Site Statistics, Search Insights, and Club Statistics - Marketplace now built into the AdminCP - Mobile App for iOS and Android (Beta) - Zapier Integration for Invision Cloud Communities UPDATE: Delaying update until the theme developer updates our themes. The update went fine, but 4.5 has a few rather large changes behind the scenes and our 4.4 themes aren't going to cut it. Rolled everything back to how it was pre-update. Shouldn't be too long before they're updated and we can try again.
  7. 8/25/2020 Update: Looking into the Spectrum bug. Fixed all the problems sent in the group DM on Discord Added NookGaming to the front site reviews hub
  8. Thanks for posting the announcement, Meru!
  9. Welcome! And I appreciated your comment on the meta thread the other day!
  10. This would be huge for me. I'm transferring to a new hospital starting next week and have over an hour of commute each way. I could definitely start there. Is there one audiobook you especially liked & would recommend?
  11. For those keeping score, I am still slowly going through the front site updates. Should be done within a few days. Eventually I'll be done with it and we can move on to more important things like community direction. Still here. Just cranky about the front site.
  12. Got burned out by organizing front site updates. Will resume tonight. Zaka will have his gosh darn shiny buttons.
  13. These LitRPGs are a bit of an acquired taste. Working on the Seeds of Chaos. Not giving up, just feel like a wanderer in a strange land.
  14. Going to download the Chaos Seeds right now. Can't wait. Edit: Apparently I own the first one, already, but never got around to starting it. Exciting!
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