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  1. TexasDice

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    I'd rather spent 61 days in court, than publicly proclaim to watch fox news.
    5 points
  2. Zakamutt

    Tfw Thread

    Also used more freely as "that face when" >tfw you fail to read something properly in the last post and your post pointing out a supposed error is now pointless
    3 points
  3. Preface I’ve come to love Minori games as of late, and I’d like to share some of my thoughts on their games and see what you guys think about it. Recently, I had the pleasure of playing Eden* Plus mosaic, a short kinetic novel by Minori which has had an official English translation. Being the first of the Minori games that I had played, I was thoroughly impressed by the art, especially the backgrounds and the way characters were integrated into the environment seamlessly. Often times in other VNs, the characters sprites stick out like a sore thumb and stand out against the background. Now at the moment, the only other Minori game released in English is ef – a tale of memories, which I had already seen the anime for, and as such, is still on my backlog. I am however, anxiously awaiting the Supipara release by Mangagamer. As for the other Minori games, my Japanese is rudimentary at best, having only taken 2 semesters of beginner level Japanese in university so it’s difficult to attempt to read any visual novels in Japanese. Fortunately, being able to read Chinese, I discovered that the Chinese apparently love Minori games and have them all translated, which is quite impressive considering the latest game, Soreyori no Prologue, just came out several months ago. Mini-review (with minor spoilers) Over the past 2 weeks, I’ve slowly finished playing Soreyori no Prologue, which I personally thought was a fantastic read. It seems Minori likes to add a supernatural element into their games as the basis for their character interactions and drama to explore the themes that they present in their games. I suppose this is what differentiates it from typical high school setting visual novels. This game is medium length and probably took close to 30 hours for me to finish it, playing for a few hours each day. Pacing was spot on, and never felt like the story was boring and tedious. As for the characters, there are 3 heroines with one true ending/heroine which is unlocked after clearing the other 2 routes. The game plays out very straightforwardly and is essentially a kinetic novel, with only 1 choice for determining the order of the routes and it’ll automatically send you back to the point where the choice is made once you finish to save some time. Story Synopsis Our protagonist Miyasaka Shu, is an introverted high school boy who was born with the ability which they call ‘empathy’, to feel the emotions of everyone around him. They use the metaphor of waves to describe a constant onslaught of feelings that bombard him, whether they are tranquil feelings of peace which gently ripple outwards, or surging feelings of anger and hatred. Like the ebb and flow of a tide, the sensations of human emotion pour into Shuu’s mind. This unique power serves as the basis for Shuu’s character and as a central device in the story’s plot. Shuu lives alone, reflective of his introverted and weak-willed personality as he chooses to avoid contact with people to primarily diminish the effects of his power and the ‘noise’ that invades his mind. While he can feel emotions, he lacks experience and foresight to understand them leading him to see the contradictions and hypocrisy in human actions versus what is in their hearts. These repressive negative emotions induce an enormous burden on his mental health. Everything changes one day as he has a fateful encounter on the train to school. An irregularity from the usual whirlpool of emotions – a girl with a glass-like gaze and an expressionless visage standing amongst the hustle and bustle, as he could sense nothing from her… not a drop of emotion seeped out from her existence. And thus we are introduced to Himeno Towa, a name that means ‘forever’, opposite to Shuu, meaning ‘the end’. Like two sides of a coin, yin and yang, she has an innate ability to block out any emotion from reaching her, including Shuu’s power. However, the cost is that her own emotions are also sealed behind the impenetrable walls encompassing her heart. As if detecting each other through their abilities, they inevitably sought each other out and begin a warm and endearing relationship of mutual reliance. Art Art is one of the strong points of Minori’s visual novels. There are highly detailed backgrounds – almost photorealistic and crisp characters that mesh in well with the environment. As with previous works, there is no shortage of CGs, especially when reaching pivotal points in the story. It is important to note that the story does take place within a set area so the scenery and backgrounds won’t be vastly different. Instead of numerous backgrounds, they use a large amount of character centric CGs. Filters such as vignette, lens flare and depth of field effects are used nicely along with good camera angles and changing perspectives. Animated scenes are present, such as animated fire, rain, moving background on the train, background moving when walking (such as in Ef). A good word to describe their art would be ‘cinematic’. They even have a mini animation for when characters turn around. A minor grievance that I have is that while the characters are attractive and beautifully drawn, their designs aren’t particularly notable (mainly Towa being too similar to the sister in Perseus). On another note, the H-scenes are high quality as well (if you prefer large-oppais), being spread apart sparingly, ensuring that they’re not ‘wasted’. Multiple CGs are used for every scene and they explore a variety of provocative positions to keep things fresh and interesting. Body anatomy is slightly exaggerated, emphasizing the boobs and ass, although it is perfectly fine for me. I feel like considerable effort was put into these scenes and are better than scenes in many nukiges (they even added sound effects this time to help with immersion). Of course they may not be everyone’s cup of tea as the scenes are also quite vanilla so there’s nothing too kinky. Example of fire animation: http://gfycat.com/BrightLivelyDiamondbackrattlesnake Sound The OST by Tenmon is similar to previous works on Minori games. Generally the soundtracks fit the mood and key tracks are played during the right moments to bring out the atmosphere and emotions. For the most part, the tracks are tranquil and are easy on the ears and help to set the tone of the story. Melodic piano pieces play softly in the background for many scenes with a few upbeat tracks and slower darker melancholic tracks set in a minor key for dramatic moments. Sound effects are present and are not overly grating. They generally suit the purpose for whatever is being described in the text and situation so there is not much to complain about on this front. As mentioned earlier, they’ve added sound effects to H-scenes as well, which I feel is a plus to help with immersion, although not everyone may like it. They seem varied enough to not feel like the same effect is being looped over and over again. Voice acting was enjoyable to listen to and I felt they portrayed the characters well. Their voices were pleasant and emotions were properly conveyed at important points in the story. Lip sync was fairly accurate most the most part as well. I also appreciated the use of binaural/positional audio where if the characters were standing behind you to the right, then the sound would come for that direction (provided you are wearing headphones). Its little details like this that highlights the effort and work they put into this production. Characters and Routes Common Route (Spoilers) The common route is essentially the ‘prologue’ of the story where Shuu encounters Towa. Relying on each other and helping Towa understand emotions was a big part of their interactions in this part of the story. They had a lot of sweet and romantic moments together, and the whole route plays out like a heroine route. *MAJOR SPOILER* Himeno Towa Towa without a doubt is my favorite character in this visual novel. To be honest I'm a bit partial to softspoken girls like her so I was instantly sold when she first appeared. Being the opposite as our protagonist was important in letting them be foils for each other and experiencing a unique juxtaposition and relationship. Unsurprisingly, as the true route heroine, she has the longest route and at least for me, the most impactful. Their conflict and drama is not excessively complex with random twists and instead follows a natural and logical progression. Her interactions with Shuu felt believable and I felt did an adequate job of stimulating his character development. My only minor complaint with her route was that the resolution for the ending was a bit too easy although it fit thematically and logically. Overall I still really enjoyed this route. Sakurai Mayura She was the first route I completed and she fulfils the childhood friend archetype which I felt was the most simplistic and weakest route of the three. The plot is quite straightforward without many surprises. She has decent chemistry and a longstanding history with our protagonist. It was endearing to see how she helps Shuu out and let him grow and come to terms with his ability. It plays out very nicely like a youthful romance story and did have some heartwarming moments. Although I said it was the weakest route, it wasn't bad and I had a good time reading through it. Tsuzuki Haruka Appearances are deceiving as she is not what she seems to be at all. She's popular in school as well as coming from a prestigious family. I highly enjoyed this route as well. Her character design is more distinct which I appreciated and the conflict in this route is deeper and more complex than Mayura. As we enter her route, we immediately discover that she is a compulsive liar which leads to the question of why she became like this. In conjunction with Shuu’s ability to read emotions, a very engaging and interesting relationship was established between them. Her motivations were unclear and I found her character to be extremely fascinating. With some thought and foreshadowing, I predicted the eventual outcome and resolution of this route but it was still quite satisfying. Side Characters A few side characters are present over the course of the story and have some comedic interactions with Shuu to set the mood and lighten the atmosphere. At some points they also help move the plot along so they're not completely unrelated to the main story and do provide actual support for our protagonist. Conclusion To conclude, I feel that character interactions are the main driving force in Soreyori no Prologue. The best parts are the happy lovey-dovey moments that Shuu spends with his beloved girls. The plot is engaging and allows the player to become immersed in the world and see it from Shuu’s perspective. Minori’s outstanding work on the art and amount of CGs really helps bring their world alive and I would definitely recommend this VN to anyone who likes a story with some romance and drama, mixed with a tinge of supernatural. Discussion Let me know what you guys think of my mini-review on Soreyori no Prologue and maybe general things about Minori and their other visual novels. They’ve definitely converted me to a fan with their works. I’m also currently playing Natsuzora no Perseus and will likely play 12 no Tsuki no Eve after.
    2 points
  4. Note: Okami is no longer coming around (20/01/2015), so less he comes back I'll be taking care of the list -Eclipsed Note2: Okami is back (8/11/2015). The following list contains all VNs that have been translated into English and are non-nukige (aka the story is NOT focused solely on the sex). See the next post for the Nukige VNs!And the post after that for All-Ages / No Sexual Content VNs!Or Hackrabbit's list if you want to see VNs listed by Original Release Date!Lastly, visit Decay's thread for the Partially Translated VNs! Date Translated - Name of VN - Translation Group [Platform of Translated VN] /// [Status of the VN] [Licensed] means the VN was translated/localized true official means. [Fan Translated] means that fans have done translation and hold no rights over a VN. [Abandonware] means the developers no longer care or are no longer in a position to care about the product. You're free to basically do whatever with it. 1988.12.09 - J.B. Harold no Jikenbo #1 - Final Mystery - Murder Club - Riverhill Soft inc. [FM Toms] [PC Engine] [X6800] [DOS] /// [Licensed] 1993.10.25 - J.B. Harold no Jikenbo #2 - Manhattan Requiem - Yami ni Tobu Tenshi Tachi - Pioner LDC [Pioneer LaserActive system] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 1996.XX.XX - Sakura no Kisetsu - JAST USA [PC] [Web] [DOS] /// [Licensed] 1997.XX.XX - GLO-RI-A ~Kindan no Ketsuzoku~ - Himeya Soft [PC] [Web] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 1997.XX.XX - Sotsugyou 2 ~Neo Generation~ - Mixx Games [PC] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 1998.04.15 - Mugen Yasoukyoku - The Asenheim Project & RCY America & JAST USA [PC] [Web] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Licensed] 1998.04.15 - Divi-Dead - Himeya Soft [PC] [Web] [Xbox] [PSP] [Dreamcast] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 1999.01.XX - True Love ~Jun'ai Monogatari~ - Otaku Publishing, Ltd. & JAST USA [PC] [Web] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 1999.XX.XX - San Shimai - JAST USA [PC] [Web] [DOS] /// [Licensed] 1999.XX.XX - Desire - Himeya Soft [PC] [Web] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2000.XX.XX - Eve: Burst Error - Himeya Soft [PC] [Web] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2001.03.31 - Phantasy Star Adventure - Aeon Genesis /// [Fan Translated] 2001.05.07 - Snow Drop - Peach Princess [PC] /// [Licensed] 2001.07.XX - Viper-V16 - Hobibox Europe [PC] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2001.08.31 - Gin'iro - NekoNeko Soft [PC] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2002.07.02 - Kana ~Imouto~ - G-Collection [PC] /// [Licensed] 2002.08.01 - Love Hina Advance ~Shukufuku no Kane wa Naru kana~ - Unknown [GBA] /// [Fan Translated] 2002.11.20 - Private Nurse - G-Collection [PC] /// [Licensed] 2002.XX.XX - Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard - Rob Jinnai [PC] [GBA] /// [Fan Translated] 2003.04.11 - Brave Soul - Peach Princess [PC] /// [Licensed] 2003.04.15 - Radical Dreamers: Nusumenai Houseki - Demiforce [Super Nitendo] /// [Fan Translated] 2003.04.25 - Houkago Ren'ai Club ~Koi no Etude~ - Libido [PC] /// [Licensed] 2003.06.20 - Shinseiki Evangelion Koutetsu no Girlfriend - Unknown [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2003.09.12 - Bloody Bride Imadoki no Vampire - Bloody Bride Translation Project [PS1] /// [Fan Translated] 2003-10-21 - Crescendo ~Eien Dato Omotte Ita Ano Koro~ - G-Collection [PC] /// [Licensed] 2003.XX.XX - Phantom of Inferno - Hirameki International [DVD] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2003.XX.XX - Adam: The Double Factor - Himeya Soft [PC] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2004.02.17 - Yu-u-e-n-chi - Hirameki International [DVD] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2004.07.28 - Kuro no Tsuki - Levender Cross [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2004.07.XX - Natsuiro no Sunadokei - Hirameki International [DVD] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2004.09.XX - Majo no Ocha Kai - Hirameki International [DVD] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2004.10.10 - Famicom Tantei Kurabu Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo - Demiforce [Super Nitendo] /// [Fan Translated] 2004.11.17 - KoiYoubi - Hirameki International [DVD] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2004.12.07 - Ishika to Honori - Hirameki International [DVD] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2005.02.28 - Planetarian ~Chiisana Hoshi no Yume~ - Haeleth & Insani & Sekai Project [PC] [PSP] [IOS] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2005.03.01 - Castle Fantasia ~Seima Taisen~ - BTAxis [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2005.03.28 - Shiawase no Katachi - G-Collection [PC] /// [Licensed] 2005.05.15 - Natsu no Hi no Resonance - Insani [PC] [IOS] [Web] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2005.06.24 - Another Code Futatsu no Kioku - Nintendo [DS] /// [Licensed] 2005.08.21 - Narcissu - Haeleth & Insani 2005.09.15 - Gyakuten Saiban - Capcom [DS] [3DS] [Nitendo Wii] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2005.09.26 - Ai Yori Aoshi - Hirameki International [PC] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2005.10.04 - Chain Ushinawareta Ashiato - G-Collection [PC] /// [Licensed] 2005.10.08 - Words Worth - Fun Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2005.10.11 - Io [Christmas Eve] - Zalas [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2005.11.28 - Exodus Guilty・Virginal vol. 1 - Hirameki International [DVD] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2005.12.20 - Ever17 -the out of infinity- - Hirameki International [PC] [Android] [DS] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2005.XX.XX - Juusou Koujo Metal Princess - Fun Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2005.XX.XX - Fortuna - Fun Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2005.XX.XX - Yukibana -Kira- - Haeleth [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2005.XX.XX - Nineteen - Fun Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2006.04.02 - Tokoyo no Hoshizora - Insani [PC] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] 2006.05.19 - Flood of Tears - Insani [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2006.05.31 - Animamundi ~Owarinaki Yami no Butou~ - Hirameki International [PC] [Mac OS] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2006.06.21 - Wind -A Breath of Heart- No Name Losers & Insani [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2006.08.19 - Adagio - Insani [PC] [Linux] [Mac OS] [Android] [Web] /// [Fan Translated] 2006.08.19 - Mukou no Yume - Insani [PC] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] 2006.08.XX - Hitonatsu no Yume - Deja Vu [PC] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] 2006.09.15 - Exodus Guilty・Virginal vol. 2 - Hirameki International [DVD] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2006.10.26 - Gyakuten Saiban 2 - Capcom [DS] [3DS] [Nitendo Wii] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2006.10.30 - Yo-Jin-Bo ~Unmei no Freude~ - Hirameki International [PC] [Mac OS] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2006.12.10 - Exodus Guilty・Virginal vol. 3 - Hirameki International [DVD] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2006.12.28 - Tsukihime - Mirror Moon [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2006.12.31 - Zettai Fukujuu Meirei - Peach Princess [PC] /// [Licensed] 2006.12.XX - Gadget Trial - AstCd2 [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2006.XX.XX - Koisuru Oukoku - BTAxis [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2007.01.21 - Piece of Wonder - Hirameki International [PC] /// [Licensed] [Abandonware] 2007.02.06 - Ar Tonelico ~Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsuzukeru Shoujo~ - NIS America [PS2] /// [Licensed] 2007.04.25 - Yume Miru Kusuri - Peach Princess [PC] /// [Licensed] 2007.04.28 - Melty Blood - Mirror Moon [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2007.04.XX - 40 Nichi 40 Yoru no Ame - Deja Vu [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2007.05.07 - Jesus - Niahak [Famicom] /// [Fan Translated] 2007.06.07 - Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Kainz no Bouken - M.I.J.E.T. /// [Fan Translated] 2007.06.07 - Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Shilka no Bouken - M.I.J.E.T. /// [Fan Translated] 2007.07.19 - Kagetsu Tooya - Beast's Lair / Lunacy [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2007.07.20 - Youjuu Senki A.D. 2048 - Peach Princess [PC] /// [Licensed] 2007.08.23 - Gyakuten Saiban 3 - Capcom [DS] [3DS] [Nitendo Wii] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2007.09.12 - Tsukihime Plus-Disc - Mirror Moon & Beast's Lair / Lunacy [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2007.09.15 - One ~Kagayaku Kisetsu e~ - astCd2 [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2007.09.23 - ef - First Fan Disc - No Name Losers [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2007.10.24 - Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Anne no Bouken - M.I.J.E.T. /// [Fan Translated] 2007.11.06 - Kenshuui Tendou Dokuta 2: Inochi no Tenbin - DreamCatcher Interactive [DS] /// [Licensed] 2007.12.13 - Yukizakura - G-Collection [PC] /// [Licensed] 2007.12.14 - Yachoukitan - Deja Vu [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.02.09 - Utawarerumono - Mirror Moon & Soylations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.02.13 - True Remembrance - Insani [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.03.07 - Silver Chaos - Onadoru Euphoria [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.03.15 - Seirei Gari - The Snark [Famicom] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.04.09 - Maison Ikkoku ~Omoide no Photograph~ - Dave Shadof & Filler /// [Fan Translated] 2008.06.10 - Yokohama Minato Renzoku Satsujin Jiken - Aksys Games [DS] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2008.06.10 - Shinjuku Chuuou Kouen Satsujin Jiken - Aksys Games [DS] /// [Licensed] 2008.06.10 - Kiken na Ninin - Aksys Games [DS] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2008.07.02 - Men at Work! 2 ~Hunter Academy e Youkoso~ - Mirror Moon [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.07.10 - Hinatabokko - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2008.07.17 - Aoishiro - Shijima [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.07.17 - Kazoku Keikaku - G-Collection [PC] /// [Licensed] 2008.09.20 - Edelweiss - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2008.09.23 - Time Hollow ~Ubawareta Kako o Motomete~ - Konami [DS] /// [Licensed] 2008.11.01 - Fate/stay night - Mirror Moon [PC] [Android] [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.11.06 - Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Huey no Bouken - M.I.J.E.T. /// [Fan Translated] 2008.11.14 - Kujaku Ou - The Snark [Famicom] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.11.19 - Wanko to Kurasou - Yandere Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.11.20 - BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Aksys Games [PC] [PS3] [PSP] [Xbox 360] /// [Licensed] 2008.12.01 - Gogatsu no Sora - Insani [PC] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.12.02 - Leaves - Insani [PC] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.12.02 - Princess Waltz - Peach Princess [PC] /// [Licensed] 2008.12.11 - Silver Chaos Fan Box -Eternal Fantasia- - Onadoru Euphoria [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.12.13 - Brass Restoration Yandere Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.12.25 - D.C. ~Da Capo~ - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2008.12.31 - Tears to Tiara - Dakkodango Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2008.12.31 - Chaos;Head - TLWiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.01.15 - Jouka no Monshou - TLWiki [PC] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.01.20 - Ar Tonelico II ~Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica~ - NIS America [PS2] /// [Licensed] 2009.02.07 - Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! - Filler [PC-FX] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.02.24 - Saya no Uta - TLWiki & JAST USA [PC] [Android] [DS] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2009.03.27 - Lux-Pain - Ignition [DS] /// [Licensed] 2009.04.13 - Kujaku Ou II - The Snark [Famicom] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.05.21 - Moon. - TLWiki & Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.05.26 - Akai Me no Tora - Aksys Games [DS] /// [Licensed] 2009.05.26 - Inishie no Kioku - Aksys Games [DS] /// [Licensed] 2009.05.26 - Toki no Sugiyuku Mama ni - Aksys Games [DS] /// [Licensed] 2009.06.07 - Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Witch Hunt [PC] [Mac OS] [Android] [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.06.24 - Kira☆Kira - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2009.06.26 - Another Code: R Kioku no Tobira - Nintendo [Nitendo Wii] /// [Licensed] 2009.07.18 - Lamento Treasure Disc - Yaoi Forever & TLWiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.07.21 - Kanon - Haeleth & NDT [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.08.15 - Shuffle! - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2009.08.24 - Policenauts - The Policenauts Translation Project [PS1] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.08.26 - Cross†Channel - Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.11.02 - Gift - M-trix [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2009.11.04 - Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo - TLWiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.11.04 - Tonari no Kanojo: My Neighbor Girl - Dadai Ink. [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2009.11.09 - Moero Downhill Night -Touge Saisoku Densetsu- - Peach Princess [PC] /// [Licensed] 2009.11.24 - Hoshi o Sagashite... - Filler /// [Fan Translated] 2009.12.01 - Kaguya-hime Densetsu - The Snark [Famicom] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.12.15 - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2009.12.18 - Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People - Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.12.20 - Galaxy Angel - Seiha [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2009.12.28 - Soul Link - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2010.02.05 - Kikokugai - The Cyber Slayer - TLWiki & JAST USA [PC] /// [Licensed] 2010.02.16 - Gyakuten Kenji - Capcom [DS] /// [Licensed] 2010.03.01 - Road to Emerald - Imagecirius [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2010.03.10 - Kira*Kira - Zodiac [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2010.03.18 - Symphonic Rain - TLWiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.03.20 - Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2010.03.30 - Sakura Taisen V: Saraba Itoshiki Hito Yo - NIS America [Nitendo Wii] [PS2] /// [Licensed] 2010.03.31 - Narcissu Side 2nd - Haeleth & Agilis [PC] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2010.04.30 - ef - a fairy tale of the two. - No Name Losers & Mangagamer [PC] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2010.04.30 - Kira☆Kira Curtain Call - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2010.05.21 - Yuuzakura wo Mitsumete - m-kz [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2010.05.25 - Majo ni Naru - Natsume [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.06.08 - Disgaea Infinite - NIS America [PSP] /// [Licensed] 2010.06.22 - Swan Song - Yandere Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.06.29 - Moero Downhill Night 2 - Peach Princess [PC] /// [Licensed] 2010.07.10 - Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Amia no Bouken - M.I.J.E.T. /// [Fan Translated] 2010.07.10 - Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Eusis no Bouken - M.I.J.E.T. /// [Fan Translated] 2010.07.10 - Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Nei no Bouken - M.I.J.E.T. /// [Fan Translated] 2010.07.10 - Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Rudger no Bouken - M.I.J.E.T. /// [Fan Translated] 2010.07.27 - Muv-Luv - Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.07.27 - BlazBlue: Continuum Shift - Aksys Games [PC] [PSVita] [PS3] [PSP] [Xbox 360] [3DS] /// [Licensed] 2010.08.29 - Niji no Kanata ni - Tengu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.09.14 - Daibanchou -Big Bang Age- - Seiha [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.09.17 - Last Window: Mayonaka no Yakusoku - Nintendo [DS] /// [Licensed] 2010.10.06 - Mirai no Kimi to, Subete no Uta ni - Project Zoom909 [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.10.08 - Canvas 2 ~Akane Iro no Palette~ - Edger [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.10.11 - Remember11 -the age of infinity- - TLWiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.10.25 - Tokyo Alice - Seven Night Translation & Tengu Translation [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.10.31 - Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken - DvD Translations [Famicom] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.11.14 - Hanachirasu - TL Wiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2010.11.22 - Kyokugen Dasshutsu 9-Jikan 9-Nin 9 no Tobira - Aksys Games [DS] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2010.11.30 - D.C.I.F. ~Da Capo~ Innocent Finale - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2010.12.02 - Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side - TokimemoGS1 Translation Team [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.12.03 - Starry ☆ Sky ~in Spring~ - OGE [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.12.04 - Kusamura no Oku - Shii [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2010.12.24 - D.C. II ~Da Capo II~ - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2010.12.25 - G-senjou no Maou - TLWiki & Aegis [PC] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2011.01.23 - Quartett! - AstCd2 [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.02.10 - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2011.02.25 - Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers - Seiha [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.02.28 - Koihime † Musou ~Doki ☆ Otome Darake no Sangokushi Engi~ - Mangagamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2011.03.15 - Ar Tonelico III ~Sekai Shuuen no Hikigane wa Shoujo no Uta ga Hiku~ - NIS America [PS3] /// [Licensed] 2011.03.31 - Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo - TLWiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.04.27 - Real Taiwa de Manabu Jissen Eikaiwa Summer Story - Square Enix Holdings Co.,Ltd. [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.04.27 - Himegimi Koi Hana Emaki - NTT Solmare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.04.29 - Kotori Love Ex P - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2011.05.13 - Zanmataisei Demonbane - TLWiki & JAST USA [PC] /// [Licensed] 2011.05.16 - Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 2nd Kiss - gokusaishiki [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.06.14 - Mankai Chirarism Dai 1 Wa - Moogy [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.06.29 - Kara no Shoujo - TLWiki & MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2011.07.XX - Pirates In Love - Voltage [Licensed] [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.08.30 - Katahane - TLWiki & Ate the Moon Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.09.05 - Shikkoku no Sharnoth -What a Beautiful Tomorrow- - Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.09.05 - Muv-Luv Alternative - Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.09.13 - Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers - Seiha [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.09.16 - Rin ga Utau, Mirai no Neiro - Project Zoom909 [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.09.20 - Doki x 2 Konkatsu Party - NTT Solmare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.09.28 - Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO - TLWiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.09.30 - Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~ - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2011.10.04 - A Profile - Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.10.13 - Oji-sama Amai Rakuen - NTT Solmare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.10.14 - Nanashi no Game - Square Enix Holdings Co.,Ltd. [DS] /// [Licensed] 2011.10.19 - Koiseyo! Engeki Danshi - NTT Solmare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.10.07 - A Scar of the Doll - Child Dream [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.10.28 - Onegai Naisho ni Shite ne SS - Winlight [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.11.01 - Fate/Extra - Aksys Games [PSP] /// [Licensed] 2011.11.04 - Eien no Aselia -The Spirit of Eternity Sword- - Dakkodango Translations & JAST Densetsu [PC] /// [Licensed] [Fan Translated] 2011.11.04 - Love Plus - TLWiki & GBATemp Fan Translation [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.11.22 - Corpse Party BloodCovered - XSEED Games [PSP] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.11.22 - Heartful Kareshi ~Kibou no Gakuen to Shiroi Tsubasa~ - Hato King & S. Nezerine Zarib [PC] [Mac OS] [PSVita] [PS4] /// [Licensed] 2011.12.05 - Kisaragi no Hougyoku - Waithingforyouguys [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.12.13 - Koi Ninja Sengoku Emaki - NTT Solmare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.12.15 - Koenchu! Yonogi Seiyuu Monogatari ~Sora to Kimi to Ano Natsu to~ - Zero Zigen [PC] /// [Licensed] 2011.12.17 - Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Witch hunt [PC] [Mac OS] [Android] [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.12.17 - London Tantei Monogatari - Unknown [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2011.12.18 - Little Busters! - Fluffy [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2011.12.26 - Osananajimi wa Daitouryou: My girlfriend is the President. - TLWiki & JAST Densetsu [PC] /// [Licensed] 2011.12.XX - MoteMote – Love story for Girls - Dual Solution [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.01.14 - Forest - Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.02.04 - Boku no Shokora - Ouiratsuike [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.02.09 - Isogashii Hito no Tame no Koumakyou - Arknarok [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.02.14 - Hakuouki ~Shinsengumi Kitan~ - Aksys Games [Licensed] 2012.02.20 - The Second Reproduction - Ate the Moon Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.02.25 - Steins;Gate: Hen'i Kuukan no Octet - Unknown [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.02.27 - Kamidori Alchemy Meister - Seiha [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.03.02 - Deardrops - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2012.03.05 - Melting Pot - Magic House [PC] /// [Licensed] 2012.03.18 - Isogashii Hito no Tame no Koumakyou Extra - Arknarok [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.03.31 - Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star- - Staircase Subs [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.04.17 - PureLove ~Watashi no Kare wa Geinoujin~ - KOYONPLATE [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.04.27 - Manken! - Nyu Media [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.04.29 - Akira - Dank-Trans [Famicom] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.05.02 - Otometeki Koi Kakumei★Love Revo!! - jjjewel & AmuletCorss [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.05.16 - Asobi no Jikan - DLsite [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.05.16 - Maid Tantei Dille & Elle - DLsite [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.05.30 - Prince Maker - Braveness - Prince Maker Tanslation Project [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.06.01 - Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni - Dai Ichi Ya - Spider Lily Translations [PC] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.06.06 - Ouji-sama no Propose - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.06.07 - Clannad - Drama Club & Sekai Project [PC] [Android] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2012.06.22 - Dengeki Stryker - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2012.06.28 - School Days - Sekai Project & JAST Densetsu [PC] /// [Licensed] 2012.07.21 - Togainu no Chi - Yaoi Forever [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.08.06 - Tantei Opera Milky Holmes - Desuwa [PSP] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.08.13 - Period - Studio Oshaberi Nyanko [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.08.17 - Never7 -the end of infinity- - Lemnisca Translations [PC] [Android] [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.08.20 - Koi☆Gakuen - KOYONPLATE [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.09.14 - Totsugeki! Ningen Sensha =War of the Human Tanks= - Frutbat Factory [PC] /// [Licensed] 2012.09.18 - Nemuranu Machi no Cinderella - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.09.20 - Isogashii Hito no Tame no Youyoumu - Arknarok [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.09.21 - Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ - Doki Fansub [PC] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.10.01 - Duel Savior - Seiha [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.10.02 - Phenomeno - Mitsurugi Yoishi wa Kowagaranai - Pin201 [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.10.17 - Amaranto - Kamyu [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2012.10.24 - Kyokugen Dasshutsu ADV Zennin Shibou Desu - Aksys Games [PSVita] [3DS] /// [Licensed] 2012.10.25 - Chikai no Kiss wa Totsuzen ni - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.11.05 - Konya Anata to Nemuritai - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.11.09 - Koibito wa Senzoku SP - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.11.13 - Lonely Yuri - DLsite [PC] /// [Licensed] 2012.11.19 - My Lover's a Thief - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2012.11.23 - Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2012.11.30 - Dandelion - Neoege Buneun Balam - Cheritz [PC] [Mac OS] /// [Licensed] 2012.12.03 - Moero Downhill Night Blaze - Peach Princess [PC] /// [Licensed] 2012.12.25 - Heartful Kareshi HolidayStar - HatoKing [PC] [Mac OS] /// [Licensed] 2012.12.31 - Isogashii Hito no Tame no Youyoumu Extra - Arknarok [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.01.10 - Koi☆Gakuen BL Hen - KOYONPLATE [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.01.15 - Corpse Party: Book of Shadows - XSEED Games [PSP] /// [Licensed] 2013.01.15 - Paca Plus - Paco Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2013.01.25 - Rewrite - Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.02.02 - Shinsen Renki - Dual Solution [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.02.09 - Isogashii Hito no Tame no Bunkachou ~Koumakan Mashimashi Tengu Nuki~ - Arknarok [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.02.10 - Anaheim Girl's Love Story - Oppai Missile [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.02.28 - Darling wa Geinoujin - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.03.24 - Gensou Suikogaiden Vol. 1: Harmonia no Kenshi - Suikogaiden Translation Project [PS1] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.04.01 - Dra†KoI - TLWiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.04.06 - Steins;Gate - I-VNTP & JAST USA [PSVita] [PS3] [IOS] [PC] /// [Licensed] 2013.04.10 - Kindan no Koi ~Yurusarenai Futari~ - M&A Online [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.04.11 - Koi wo Sasagu Densetsu no Kishi - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.04.13 - Jurassic Heart - Hima [PC] [Web] [Mac OS] /// [Licensed] 2013.04.21 - Hadaka Shitsuji - Yaoi Forever & Yaio.Desu [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.04.25 - DRAMAtical Murder - Yaoi Forever [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.04.26 - Tick! Tack! - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2013.05.24 - Toushin Toshi - Arunaru [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.05.19 - Shanai Ren'ai ★ Futari no Himitsu - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.05.26 - Mamanyonyo - Rance Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.06.13 - Mirai no Uta to, Tsunagaru Hitomi - Project Zoom909 [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.06.16 - Shakadou-san no Jun'ai Road - Wairu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.06.19 - Miko Gakkou Monogatari ~ Sanae Hen - Xinoro [PSVita] /// [Licensed] 2013.06.23 - Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei - Project Zatcubou [PSP] [PSVita] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2013.06.28 - Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete - MoeNovel [PC] /// [Licensed] 2013.06.29 - Love Sniper - roseVeRte [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.07.04 - World End Economica Episode 1 - Spicy Tails & Kawa-Soft & Sekai Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2013.07.23 - Koi Ninja ~Ai to Yokubou no Heian Ranbu~ - NTT Solmare Corpotation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.07.26 - Grisaia no Kajitsu - TLWiki & Sekai Project [PC] /// [Fan Translated] [Licensed] 2013.08.07 - Akuma to Koi Suru 10 Kakan - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.08.09 - Harukoi Otome ~Otome no Sono de Gokigenyou~ - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2013.08.27 - Bakudan★Handan - Aksys Games [PSP] /// [Licensed] 2013.08.30 - Yumina the Ethereal - JAST Densetsu [PC] /// [Licensed] 2013.09.05 - Gensou Suikogaiden Vol. 2: Crystal Valley no Kettou - Suikogaiden Translation Project [PS1] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.09.05 - Air - Gao Gao Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.09.10 - Fukushuu no Kiss wo Anata ni - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.09.20 - Ikenai Keiyaku Kekkon - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.09.20 - Yoiyami no Koibito Vampire Honey - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.09.21 - 2/2 Kareshi - Tenshi to Akuma - Libre Publishing Co. [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.10.08 - Kichijouji Koi Iro Days - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.10.17 - Toushin Toshi 2 - Arunaru [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.10.24 - Boku wa Anata ni Koi wo Suru - Futari Dake no Love Song - Unknown [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.10.24 - Gyakuten Saiban 5 - Capcom [DS] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.10.26 - Toradora! Portable - verdelish [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.11.02 - Yuuwaku Office★Lover ~Boss wa Kiken na Playboy~ - OKKO Sweet Romance [Android] /// [Licensed] 2013.11.03 - DRAMAtical Murder re:connect - Yaoi Forever [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.11.11 - Nameless ~ Dangsin-i Gieoghaeya Hal Dan Hangajiui Geos ~ - Cheritz [PC] /// [Licensed] 2013.11.11 - Shall we Date?: Mononoke Kiss - NTT Somlare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.11.11 - Tennis no Ouji-sama: Doubles no Ouji-sama - Girls, be Gracious! - Amuletcross [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.11.20 - Shuugaku Ryokou ★ Naisho no Koi - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.11.27 - White Lies & Sweet Nothings - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.11.28 - Shall we Date?: Magic Sword - NTT Somlare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.11.14 - Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji - Kohaku Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.11.14 - Kaeru nyo Panyon - Rance Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.11.19 - Love Pledge Chi no Mei Yaku - [Android] /// [Licensed] 2013.11.20 - Shuugaku Ryokou ★ Naisho no Koi - Voltage [Android] /// [Licensed] 2013.11.24 - Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru - Ate the Moon Translation [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.12.01 - Isogashii Hito no Tame no Suimusou - Arknarok [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2013.12.02 - Haitoku Kobamenai Yoru - NTT Somlare Corporation [Android] /// [Licensed] 2013.12.08 - Lycoris no Kokuin - KOYONPLATE [Android] /// [Licensed] 2013.12.24 - Ikemen Mitchaku Shuzai - OKKO Sweet Romance [Android] /// [Licensed] 2013.12.25 - Shall we Date?: Hero in Love - NTT Somlare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.12.25 - Shall we Date?: My Fairy Tales - NTT Somlare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2013.12.XX - Shinju no Mimikazari no Otoko - KOYONPLATE [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.01.10 - Suzaku - Mystical Butterfly - KOYONPLATE [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.01.16 - Joushi to Himitsu no 2 LDK - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.02.03 - Sokubaku★Yandere Idol - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.02.03 - Shakunetsu Harem - Arab Migawari no Hanayome - arithmetic [Android]/// [Licensed] 2014.02.07 - Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni - Dai Ni Ya - Spider Lily Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.02.09 - Suite Room de Itazurana Kiss - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.02.18 - Arabian Nights Love Story - OKKO Sweet Romance [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.02.18 - Himitsu na Futari - Unknown [Android] /// [Licensed] 2014.02.22 - I/O - Lemnisca Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.03.02 - Zettai zetsumei Oukushon - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.03.05 - Otonari-san ni Goyoushin - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.03.25 - Tadaima! Uchi Kanojo~ - Unknown [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.04.01 - Ayakashibito - Ate the Moon Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.04.06 - White Album 2 ~introductory chapter~ - Baka-Tsuki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.04.18 - Air - Gao Gao Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.05.07 - Gyakuten Yoshiwara - D3 Publisher [Android] [IOS] [PC] /// [Licensed] 2014.05.07 - "Ibara no Yurikago" ~Otouto wa Boku Dake no Mono~ - KOYONPLETE [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.05.10 - Himitsuri no Lagoon - Kaijuu [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.05.14 - Ouji-sama no Propose Season 2 - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.05.16 - Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles Vol.1 - Alternative Projects [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.05.17 - Hey! Ren'ai Icchou - KOYONPLETE [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.06.04 - Starry☆Sky ~After Spring~ - Unknown [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.06.06 - Really? Really! - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2014.06.14 - Gyakuten Kenji 2 - Unknown [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.06.16 - Fragment's Note - Alvion & Ullucus Heaven [Android] [PSVita] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.06.20 - Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 3rd Story - gokusaishiki [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.06.20 - Shirahana no Ori ~Hiiro no Kakera 4~ - NTT Solmare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.06.21 - Koi iro Chu! Lips - Denwatls [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.06.23 - Koyoi, Ayashii Kuchizuke o - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.06.24 - Xblaze Code: Embryo - Aksys games [PS3] [PSVita] /// [Licensed] 2014.07.04 - Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ Fandisc - JAST Densetsu [Licensed] 2014.07.24 - Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku - Amaterasu Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.08.08 - Heart no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Wonder World~ - artmove, Inc [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.09.02 - Super Dangan Ronpa 2 Sayonara Zetsubou Gakuen - NIS America [PSVita] /// [Licensed] 2014.09.10 - Saigo no Koi, Boku ni Kudasai - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.09.11 - Dandy Shot - D3 Publisher [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.09.23 - Ar Nosurge ~Umareizuru Hoshi e Inoru Uta~ - Tecmo Koei [PSVita] [PS3] /// [Licensed] 2014.09.26 - d2b VS DEARDROPS -Cross the Future- - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2014.09.28 - Yanderella - teriiball [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.10.02 - Otogi no Ouji-sama to Yuuwaku Marriage - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.10.12 - Killer Queen - Lemnisca Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.10.14 - Tears to Tiara II: Haou no Matsuei - NIS America & Atlus [PS3] /// [Licensed] 2014.10.16 - Guilty Crown Lost Christmas - Zakobot [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.10.18 - Princess Nightmare - OGE [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.10.30 - Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shouganai!! First Limit - JOAT Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.10.31 - Mix Ore - teriiball [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.10.31 - Shinjitsu no Koi wa Amai Uso kara - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.10.31 - Cartagra ~Tsuki kurui no Yamai~ - TL Wiki & MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2014.11.13 - Miko Gakkou ~2-nensei - Xinoro [PC] /// [Licensed] 2014.11.17 - Sengoku Gekokujou Gakogase Koi no Honou - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.11.17 - Yuuwaku Sangokushi Renka Sakerarenu Unmei- arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.11.18 - Shinsengumi Amazing ~Hoteru Karada to Koien~ - D3 Publisher [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.11.20 - Manken! I! My! Girls! - Nyu Media 2014.11.20 - Koibito wa Kouan Keiji - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.11.21 - Fate/Hollow Ataraxia - TL Wiki & Lunacy [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.11.22 - Cannonball ~Neko Neko Machine Mou Race!~ - Studio Oshaberi Nyanko [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.11.25 - Himitsu Kareshi - Idol Hitotsu Yane no Shita - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.11.27 - Kimi to Boku to Kireigoto - teriiball [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.11.29 - Yutori Kyouiku - Alte [Web] /// [Licensed] 2014.12.15 - fault -milestone one- - Sekai Project [PC] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Licensed] 2014.12.22 - Shoujo Mahou Gaku Little Witch Romanesque - JAST USA [PC] /// [Licensed] 2014.12.25 - Ki ni Naru Otoko no Ko? - kudaratan [PC] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Fan Translated] 2014.12.25 - Twilight Romance - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2014.12.29 - Neko Para vol. 1 Soleil Kaiten Shimashita - Neko Works & Sekai Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2014.XX.XX - Bengo no Joou - NMG2 Limites [Android] /// [Licensed] 2015.01.01 - Dot Kareshi -We're 8bit Lovers- - Golden Spirit [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.01.03 - Psy-O-Blade - Eien Ni Hen & tryphon /// [Fan Translated] 2015.01.21 - Amadare ~Utsukushiku Saku Kimitachi e~ - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.01.24 - Millefiori - Terriball [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.01.25 - Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Blick Winkel [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.01.30 - Koi Shiteshimatta Hoshi no Ouji - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.01.30 - Eden* There Were Only Two, On the Planet (PLUS+MOSAIC) - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.02.01 - Ikusei Nikki - Twin Project [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.02.04 - Danna-sama ga 7-nin iru!? - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.02.12 - Tokyo School Life - Dogenzaka Lab [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.02.13 - Totsugeki! Ningen Sensha Alter - Fruitbat Factory [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.02.14 - Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai(PSP) - Rinjinbu [PSP] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.02.16 - Ouji-sama to Ikenai Keiyaku Kekkon - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.02.17 - My Sweet Roomies! - Fuji Television [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.02.20 - Gyakuten Kenji 2 - Unknown [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.02.27 - No, Thank You!!! - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.03.02 - Itsuwari no Kimi to Scandal - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.03.10 - Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! - Maji Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.03.10 - Mato Kurenai Yuugekitai: Tokyo Twilight Ghosthunters - Aksys Games & NIS america [PSVita] [PS3] /// [Licensed] 2015.03.21 - Ikiru to Iu Koto - Alte [Web] /// [Licensed] 2015.03.27 - Princess Evangile - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.04.02 - Chikai no Kiss to Nanatsu no Yuuwaku - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.04.07 - Grimm's Princess ~Douwa Hime~ - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.04.10 - Kougai Kinshi (Mitsu) Office Love - D3 Publisher [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.04.19 - Ikemen Oukyuu ◆ Mayonaka no Cinderella - Cybird [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.04.15 - Sunrider Academy - Sekai Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.04.17 - Hanahira! - George Henry Shaft & Yuri Project [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.05.09 - The Reject Demon: Toko Chapter 0 - Prelude - Sekai Project [PC] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Licensed] 2015.05.15 - Rosario to Vampire: Tanabata no Miss Youkai Gakuen - jjjewel [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.05.17 - Sengoku Himeka ~Jika no Chigiri~ - D3 Publisher [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.05.18 - Koi no Jiken wa Totsuzen ni - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.05.18 - Hitomebore(Love at First Sight) - Sekai Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.05.23 - Kinjirareta Mitsu Ai - KOYONPLETE [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.05.23 - Koi no Otogizoushi wa Butai Kara - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.05.31 - Rose Guns Days - Last Season - Witch Hunt [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.06.02 - Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.06.07 - Sakuya - Unknown [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.06.08 - Toki no Kizuna Sekigahara Kitan - NNT Solmare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.06.14 - Blue* - Kuoee [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.06.15 - Bad End - YOX-Project [Android] [IOS] [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.06.19 - How To Take Off Your Mask - roseVeRte [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.06.20 - Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 3rd Story - jjjewel [PSP] [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.06.29 - Reunion of Angel - LI Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.06.29 - Meitantei Conan - Unknown [DS] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.06.29 - Ikenai Koukyuu Yuugi ~Koutei Heika to Keiyaku no Hanayome~ - arithmetic [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.06.XX - Valentine no Shokeisareta Hi - Shinenkan [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.07.02 - Dahlia - Kinkan Edition [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.07.02 - Roomshare Sugao no Kare - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.07.04 - Mugen no Anastasia - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.07.12 - Ihou Ren'ai - Accela, Inc. [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.07.17 - Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! S - Maji Translations & Wairu [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.07.18 - Midgard Love - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.07.25 - Storm Lover - jjjewel [PSP] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.07.29 - Kimi ni Sasageru Kiseki - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.08.03 - PsychiXX -Kinki no Koi- - Accela, Inc. [Android] /// [Licensed] 2015.08.11 - XBlaze Lost:Memories - Aksys Games [PSVita] [PS3] /// [Licensed] 2015.08.16 - Neko Para Vol.0 Minazuki Nekotachi no Nichijou! - NEKO WORK's & Sekai Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.08.19 - Lamento -Beyond the Void- - Yaoi Forever [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.08.19 - Haruko Maniax - Alternative Projects [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.08.25 - Amnesia - Idea Factory & Gloczus, Inc. [Android] [IOS] [PC] [PSVita] /// [Licensed] 2015.08.26 - Private SP ~Himitsu no Kare wa Sennyuu Sousa-chuu~ - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.09.02 - Otona no Hatsukoi, Hajimemasu - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.09.06 - Ai to Inbou no Seridia - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.09.08 - Fault Milestone Two - Sekai Project [PC] [Linux] [Mac OS] /// [Licensed] 2015.09.08 - Gossip Girl ~Celeb na Kare no Yuuwaku~ - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.09.15 - Rose Cinderella - KOYONPLETE [Android] /// [Licensed] 2015.09.15 - Red Spider - studio wasp [PC] [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.09.19 - Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort - MDZANIME [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.09.23 - Shoujo Kakumei Utena ~Itsuka Kakumeisareru Monogatari~ - Unknown [Sega Saturn] /// [Licensed] 2015.09.25 - Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o - Deatta Koro no Omoide ni - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.09.25 - Shiny Days - JAST USA & Sekai Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.10.01 - Oukyuu no Shugosha-tachi - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.10.09 - Undead Destiny - Genius [Android] /// [Licensed] 2015.10.12 - Corpse Party: BloodDrive - XSEED Games [PSVita] /// [Licensed] 2015.10.20 - Code: Realize ~Sousei no Himegimi~ - Aksys Games [PSVita] /// [Licensed] 2015.10.23 - Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles Vol.2 - Alternative Projects [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.10.30 - Kara no Shoujo - The Second Episode - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.10.30 - Shizuku no Oto - Sekai Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.11.02 - Butler until Midnight - Voltage [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.11.03 - Norn9 ~Norn + Nonette~ - Aksys Games [PSVita] /// [Licensed] 2015.11.12 - Eiyuu*Senki - Fruitbat Factory [PS3] /// [Licensed] 2015.11.23 - Clannad - Sekai Project [Android] [PC] /// [Licensed] [Fan Translated] 2015.11.25 - Shirahana no Ori ~Hiiro no Kakera 4~ Shiki no Uta - NTT Solmare Corporation [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.11.30 - Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate - Basic Translations [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.12.06 - Twilight Hunters - Genius [Android] [IOS] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.08 - Mangetsu no Yoru ni wa Gojoushin - Genius [Android] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.10 - Shuukaku no Juunigatsu ~Fuyu~ - Circle Entertainment [3DS] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.10 - Shuukaku no Juunigatsu ~Haru~ - Circle Entertainment [3DS] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.10 - Shuukaku no Juunigatsu ~Natsu~ - Circle Entertainment [3DS] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.10 - Shuukaku no Juunigatsu ~Aki~ - Circle Entertainment [3DS] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.10 - Shuukaku no Juunigatsu - Circle Entertainment [3DS] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.15 - WAS ~Lepidoptera no Sunadokei~ - Sekai Project [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.15 - Psycho-Pass Sentaku Naki Koufuku - 5pb [Xbox One] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.23 - Ourai no Gahkthun ~What a Shining Braves~ - MangaGamer [PC] /// [Licensed] 2015.12.24 - Noble☆Works - theoxfordcomma [PC] /// [Fan Translated] 2015.12.24 - Red Spider2 - studio wasp [PC] /// [Licensed] Please PM Okami or Eclipsed for any error or missing game in that list if you find one.
    1 point
  5. Ka-Aniki

    No One But You

    Hey guys~ Been a while since I updated this post last. DEMO NOW AVAILABLE Links below: Direct DL Steam On sale now: http://store.steampowered.com/app/367020/ No One But You is a Visual Novel/Dating Sim about Hideaki, a high school student who has just returned to his hometown, Okutama. Upon returning, Hideaki re-discovers a town he knew from childhood, meeting new friends and reuniting with those he had long forgotten. He resumes his high school life in the big city, quickly adapting to the change in pace, and before he knows it, Hideaki begins to think of this city as his home once more. Hideaki's life in Okutama is upbeat and fun, thanks to the many friends he makes, including Megumi, an energetic student council member; Chinatsu, a reserved senior in the literature club; Shiro, an unsociable music-lover; and Yui, an obstinate girl who rarely expresses herself honestly. Surrounded by an interesting group of friends, Hideaki lives out his days without a care in the world, content to enjoy a normal high school life. Whether he's going out with friends or studying for exams, his new life is truly peaceful. But not for long. As Hideaki's stay in Okutama continues, ghosts from his past begin to come back, increasingly intruding on the new life he's trying to build. As if that wasn't bad enough, his new friends all have secrets of their own, and the more Hideaki involves himself with their daily lives, the deeper into mutual despair he sinks. Will you be able to put to rest the evils of the past and finally live out the normal high school life you crave? Will you be able to put your friends' minds at ease, erasing the trauma and misery ruining their otherwise peaceful lives? Because whether you like it or not, for this very task it can be no one but you. A little info: At the moment we are partnered with both Sekai Project and MangaGamer Characters: Screenshots:
    1 point
  6. Shikomizue

    Tfw Thread

    TFW you don't even have a PSVita.
    1 point
  7. Shikomizue

    Tfw Thread

    TFW you finally get a game rom to work and you play one of your favorite games from your childhood. TFW you realize it's not as good as you thought it was back then.
    1 point
  8. Katawa Shoujo was a native Android APK that just required placing a obb file somewhere, so about 5 minutes. I haven't tried others yet but I can't imagine it'd take more than 15 minutes.
    1 point
  9. Another really good episode It's silly how much I look forward to a 20 minute anime where not much really happens. Explaining to anyone who hasn't seen it why it's so good would be pointless I feel. Still waiting for Komari episode though... oh my god freaking adorable sailor suit outfit right at the end <3
    1 point
  10. Funyarinpa

    Tfw Thread

    tfw Transformer 1's credits roll and the lead role is played by Shia LeBouf
    1 point
  11. NutakuDev

    Dmm/nutaku games

    Proof: https://twitter.com/nutakugames/status/633705666952212484 Generally we go where the people talk about us. Hadn't come across your community prior to today. Thanks for the kind words! It's been a tough week, but the launch of Everlasting Summer has gone swimmingly and we're happy to be bringing a great visual novel to people who haven't experienced the genre before. Shameless plug: http://www.nutaku.net/games/everlasting-summer/for those of you who haven't tried it yet. The loli question is something that's decided by visa, mastercard, and paypal. We lobby them frequently to loosen their standards, but until they do, we have to toe their company line. I wrote a pretty extensive description of the problem on VNDB if you're more curious about the process. We're looking at new ways to include more loli characters, possibly with some of their sex scenes removed. Most people would rather have an important character without a sex scene than have it all thrown out, so that's an option for future titles.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for directing me to the link, there is some interesting stuff there. Not sure if this is legitly from people at Nutaku, since it seems a bit odd that this is the first post on this site on the same day the account was created. On the off chance that it is I would like to say that I do appreciate you guys's work, I might of kinda dissed Valkyrie and pero pero but I did sink a good amount of time into both games. Having said that while I do understand why lolis have to be taken out of western localizations of japanese games, (especially after the shiny days debacle) I don't believe the lack of mosaics compensates for the missing content. I don't really hold any ill will twords you guys, I enjoy Angelic Saga and I genuinely do want to see what you bring over next.
    1 point
  13. Confession: I am going through Sca-Ji withdrawal. Send halp.
    1 point
  14. Decay

    What are you playing?

    It only takes two hours because of the natural human instinct to close the game every time Chinami screeches out another "Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan!"
    1 point
  15. Guest

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    1 point
  16. Rose Guns Days. Well... events on this novel could happen in real only if you are a member of magliana's gang or similar organized crime groups (if you exclude the unrealistic gunfights). If you include sci-fi: Remeber11 -the age of infinity-
    1 point
  17. XReaper

    Denpa recommendations

    yoa i second sayooshi & euthanasia, both great experiences which broaden your horizon, where the first one mindfucks you badly & the second one lets say..hm it makes you hate family in general after reading through. other than that of course subahibi & you might want to look through cyc´s catalog of games
    1 point
  18. Ayana

    Denpa recommendations

    Tsui no Sora is a terrible experience that will forever ruin your vision of Subarashiki Hibi so don't read it. But in a way it's an absolutely unforgettable experience in this so read it if you feel like exploring the idea of ruination. Anyways about 95% of Tsui no Sora's script is basically copy-pasted as the first three chapters (excluding RH1) of SubaHibi, except it's extensively edited and polished to fluidly transition with the experience of the last three chapters. This makes it kind of meaningless to play it in the first place. About every Necessary denpa title that I can think of was already recommended here, which doesn't really tell any tale about the genre's library. From this list Sayooshi seems to be of the highest quality (I'd say Sayooshi is even as great as SubaHibi in parts), so I guess I'd recommend that first and foremost. Next would be Kusarihime since it's cool, and... That's honestly about all I can say lol.. Poor denpa the sub-sub-genre of an already niche corner in media that's part representative argument against Key's plots.
    1 point
  19. These threads are my favorite part of the Sakura series.
    1 point
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