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Everything posted by TexasDice

  1. Can I buy it as a full game on a different store? I don't purchase VNs on Steam anymore after Nekonyan shat the bed. EDIT: Ah, I figured it out. For some reason Johren hides the full game when browsing the Premium games category https://i.imgur.com/KnOOkC3.png. By searching for the tag, you can find the full title.
  2. I think Konosora would be the best Moege, if someone ever went and fixed the English text.
  3. I'm done with Clover Days. That was fun. Very cutesy.
  4. Appreciate that, Johren is abhorrent. The only nice thing I can say is that their download speed is ahead of Denpasoft and Mangagamer.
  5. There we see it; make a stink loud enough and you shall be rewarded. No, really thank you. There is only one problem... I, uh... bought it on Denpa, not steam. So how do I get it? Redownload everything?
  6. In a weird turn of events, we are both correct? The JP version of Eternal Heart HD HAS a window option, but it is locked at 1080p (can't drag-drop it to less than that). Eternal Heart REFUSES to bend. Even outside-apps like Altsnap or Winsplit Revolution can't win against superior nihongo-resolution coding. I am equally offended and impressed. The window CANNOT be downscaled.
  7. I'm genuinely just flabbergasted. Even the JP original has a windowed mode setting. How did nobody notice? I know a lot people read VNs in their intended resolution, because some poll gave 42% or something. EDIT: keyboard shortcuts like alt+enter, F11 or alt+F also don't put the game in windowed mode. Neither does adding a command line to the shortcut execution like "-w", "-window" or "-windowmode"
  8. Howdy there I had to freshly buy Hoshimemo *just* to check (only owned the old version from days long passed) and... The regular game absolutely has a window mode! In over 10 years of reading chinese powerpoints have I not seen a VN without a Window mode setting until today.
  9. I think it's been over 8 years since the community effort was dropped and TL was abandoned and given to Sekai Project (which is the same thing as dead forever, tbh). But it actually and finally came out; The Hoshimemo Fandisc! I would like to tell you fine folks more about it, but in some wild turn of events, the HD Translation up for sale (the only version available for purchase) can ONLY be run in FULL SCREEN. There is NO windowed option in SIGHT. So I can't read it, because I can't read fullscreen VNs. But maybe someone else who still cares about Hoshimemo can tell me if it's a good release. For me, it failed straight in the options screen.
  10. This is the closest thing I will ever get to an Elina Fandisk.
  11. No/yes. This scene is the hottest thing to ever be written down in human history. Imagine being this much of a cuck. It's a Chinese powerpoint porno-game, jesus christ. I hope for your sake that you never accidentally buy a Purplesoft title.
  12. Do you know that guy, who in help forum threads always goes "works for me" and never contributes anything meaningful? That guy every single google searcher hates and despises? You are that guy.
  13. On the technical side: Their stuff is mosaic'd. So uncensored Smee games from Nekonyan stand side by side with the censored HaremKingdom, which Smee somehow gave to Shiravune instead. For tech stuff, Primal Hearts 1 and 2 are absolute banger VNs and have 0 issues. But Study§Steady is actually unplayable and they will NOT refund you, even if it crashes every 10 lines.
  14. Reading HaremKingdom. We're dangerously close to actual kamige territory, I'm laughing so much. Peak Smee content.
  15. Moege reports: Koikari is incredibly entertaining. That's it. It's not high art and it's not deep, nor world changing. But regardless, I cannot stop reading through at breakneck speed. Oh and the nonstop meme-barrage from the other localized ASaproject title, Suki to Suki is not in this one, which I personally appreciate. Primals Hearts 2 is even better than the first game. And as weird as it seems to see sequels in the medium, what is even weirder is that 2 directly references the events of 1. Like a real sequel. Very raunchy, but also pretty funny. Study § Steady is still a broken piece of shit. Don't buy it if you own an AMD card, the VN will not work and crash every 10 or so lines. Shame, because the Art is the most fantastic thing I have ever seen.
  16. Primal Hearts and Primal Hearts 2. My verdict:
  17. The last VN I bought was 40$ and I had to contact my bank for a strange and incredibly niche credit card authorization system that nobody else uses. What did I get? A piece of shit that crashes every 15 lines because nobody cared to do any quality control. Experiences like THAT bring the willingness to spend money down. Especially when said retailer refuses to respond to support inquiries and refund requests.
  18. What a coincidence, I was just on the phone with a VN developer located in Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. They had this amazing concept about a VN featuring a Black protagonist. But I unfortunately had to tell them, that this guy called Nenor5VB only wanted something like this from a European or American developer. So they obliged and cancelled the whole project.
  19. I don't think it's a completely hopeless cause. For one, cash in on the vtuber craze. Modernize the formula with animated sprites, moving backgrounds and other gimmicks. And speaking of cashing in, it always felt to me that the medium has completely missed it's opportunity to cash in on anime trends in the past. The amount of Isekai VNs is laughable, even according to me JP reading friends. Manga, Anime and LNs milked that trend for every penny and VNs just... didn't even bother?
  20. It's not just the sprite mode and technical marvel of the flowcharts: Kobuichi and Muririn have improved a lot as artists over the course of time. I would bet on Yuzusoft commissioning brushed up (if not fully redrawn) CGs and Sprites for this remaster. I can't believe it took this many posts to mention the HD remaster blog post. Nekonyan didn't get that memo through to the public, huh?
  21. While it probably doesn't do very well financially, I always love it when an announcement is ~10 minutes away from the full release. Based.
  22. Just dropping by to say that Kinkoi is absolutely based. Literally every single moege scenario that makes me go "why didn't they just do X / say Y" is actually subverted here. Also, big applause to Nekonyan, for keeping the bad Sprite layering and other bugs from the original JP version. Keeping honorifics to preserve the original experience? - I sleep Keep the wrong face layer for the wrong sprite pose? - Yes please
  23. No H. I will pay for everything and anything that has H. H and a "continue voice at click" option.
  24. It's an art novel and doing something like this is exactly what a pretentious artist couple would do, lol.
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