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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/16 in Posts

  1. Deep Blue

    Food Porn Thread

    there, we don't want to break the Japanese law
    6 points
  2. I finished demo, and it was quite long, actually. Overall - it is surprisingly good, I definitely look forward for next week release. First, about backgrounds - actually the game gfx is quite surreal, and photos are not just "photos", but were processed the way I would not really tell if this was photo or a drawing. So it did not bothered me the way it was in Tsukihime or in Higurashi, it blended with sprites quite good further in the story. About sprites - I do not know, why you think they are ugly, I liked them. But back to the story, what is good and why. There are two scenarios in demo, so I could only base my opinion on them. Basically premise is that you are master of the house (more like castle), at least Maid insists that you are, but you cannot remember anything. To deal with this amnesia Maid decided to show you some episodes, related to house, to make you remember something... But as this house is cursed - you got the idea what stories would be? Prepare for twisted tragedies, gruesome murders, insanity and inner ways of human nature. This demo somehow reminded me Valkyrie Profile:Lenneth stories, which all ended in death. Here it is more like tragedy, but it is really heavy - well, this should be expected from a gothic tales. First story is about... love in the noble society, I guess? Androgynous-looking boy Mell is coming of age, meet a strange girl and fell for her, but as she is of different social state and moreover - he have a little sister Nellie, with whom he was unseparable since childhood... Probably would be a happy ending? Then second story... That's is really quite graphical, not like you will see lot of corpses on the screen, but intense text and sound effects could make you shiver. A bit disturbing, but as it is told in omake, this is the most violent story, so do not expect it to go Kara no Shoujo style. Story is somewhat like perversed "Beauty and the Beast", mixed with "Phantom of the Opera" (the book I mean, not the musical). A beast somehow manages to become master of the house, and, I forgot to mention - house grants his master's wishes. So insane beast who only wants bloodshed gets what he wants. But then two girls come to our sight - one was blind and seek shelter in the house, other was searching for her belowed, killed by the beast... You will see the conclusion yourself This concludes the demo, but ritobito wrote a review for a whole game, so you can check his views - he seems sort of fan of this game, at least I never before saw him writing articles about games he edited http://blog.mangagamer.org/2016/05/06/a-look-into-the-house-in-fata-morgana/#more-12791 I would like to see, how they are supposed to tie in all the stories, including beast and wheeping whelp Mell. Should be fun So, I will definitely read full version. Game is somewhat unique, at least I never read anything like this in VNs (probably only old titles like Nocturnal Illusion and Divi-Dead had similar vibes, but they were less depressing), so I believe ratings are trustworthy. Of course, if you are not in the mood for the above, it would not get any big impact - as you probably drop the game in first chapter. But I would recommend to give game a try, as indeed it was something else.
    3 points
  3. Eclipsed

    Food Porn Thread

    I love me some Phở
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Virdion


    Hi new user here Just an average person who play some visual novels and stuff Been playing visual novels since 2 years ago^^ Now that i'm here, i might as well ask for VN recommendations, Well i don't really need some specific visual novels, but if you have some favorite visual novel, i will appreciate it if you tell me some good stuff:^) So yeah, Hello
    2 points
  6. Thanks! And yes, I am indeed well aware of that, haha. I don't know about the "unusual" part, as the novel is just a simple harem story with the instant fiancée trope, together with themes of love triangle and some dramatic undertones. The thing about the popularity poll is indeed pretty funny, haha. Just imagine something like that happening to you in real life: Dad: "Hey, son. I think it's well about time that you and I had a bit of a talk." Son: "Alright, fine with me, but what about exactly." Dad: "Your future, son. You're currently in the middle of the most important part of your life. The time wherein the decisions you make will have the most influence on the final outcome of your life. I'm talking about finally getting yourself a gf, son. One with good looks, money and a well-endowed chest. And no ordinary one at that, so an A won't do. I'm talking big here, like a D or even higher." Son: "Say what??" Dad: "I'm completely serious, son. Therefore, I'll help you out here. I even came up with an idea already. Why don't we start a "bride poll"? The one with the most votes will officially become your fiancée. Oh, and of course, you'll be the prize. Sounds pretty smart, right?" Son: "..." (leaves the room) Anyway, I hope so too! I'll try to make steady progress as time passes by. But, I'll make sure that my health doesn't deteriorate because of the project, so you don't have to worry. Thanks for the concern, though, that's really nice of you! Alright, that's one down then. I'll be making a Wordpress for the project sometime soon too, so we can collect all the staff credits and progress there instead of here. I'll probably update here as well, though. And no, I don't really deem that necessary. You don't have to be a professional editor with lots of experience or anything, even being a beginner is fine to me. You'll learn as you go, so you're welcome to join anytime! With that said, glad to have you on the team! If you've got any contacts that suit the jobs needed to be filled in my first post, gather them together if you want. The more the merrier! I've already gotten some down, not everything. I'll send you a quick message with what I already have, we might even be able to fill up our own gaps. And yes, I'll get down to it real soon. Likewise!
    2 points
  7. Seiso is a route in Maji Koi A-2. You have been updated.
    2 points
  8. Flutterz

    Food Porn Thread

    Pirozhki, Russia's version of nikuman (or whatever-else-you-put-in-it-man)
    2 points
  9. OriginalRen

    Food Porn Thread

    Share some of the best meals and dishes from your hometown in this thread, simple as that. Including yourself equates to bonus points. Make me hungry Fuwanovel! To start, there's nothing quite like getting up at 7:00am and heading to a true American breakfast joint run by a family business: Bacon, eggs, and toast slathered in butter? The true American way.
    1 point
  10. Confession: I have $30,000 in student loans
    1 point
  11. wait, fate has status and weapons and descriptions to discover about old gods and legends.... that's so fucking cool, it very much reminds me of the persona compendium except smaller... and more detailed... and much smaller edit:ok what the hell is this, a vn or a dnd game??? this has more stats and rules than most rpgs nowadays
    1 point
  12. Chiptune is great, and if you like it as well, you'll also love Adhesive Wombat. Some of the new tunes he released that I didn't even notice until today that are my favorite: 1:47 seconds is where the above song picks up and really gets good.
    1 point
  13. Zidan209

    Food Porn Thread

    This pile of sweet is awesome
    1 point
  14. My lazy breakfast.
    1 point
  15. Even worse.
    1 point
  16. Hello, everyone! We would like to return to updating this topic regularly and keep folks here and Fuwanovel up-to-date with the situation with LMRnR. In the time since our last post here, we have released a bunch of stuff, including an early alpha promo video, new art, and other news. You can find more information about how we've been doing by reading through our blog. In the most recent of our updates thus far, we have talked about the situation with the alpha builds and the upcoming demo (it should be ready fairly soon!) and a thing very important for any game – the GUI. We are also glad to show everyone a sample of our in-game menu: And we would be extremely grateful for any kind of feedback. Please, tell us what you think! More news, GUI, and other interesting stuff coming soon™!
    1 point
  17. Yuuko

    Food Porn Thread

    We only eat snow here. Sryy
    1 point
  18. Lancashire hotpot from... well, Lancashire. Just as a side note, I was really scared this thread was gonna be something totally different. There was always that risk that it was gonna be so incredibly lewd
    1 point
  19. Confession: I kind of want to pledge $2,000 to the ChuSinGura 46+1 Kickstarter just so I can post "oh my god, look at that guy!" over in the thread where people are marveling at the one $1,000-level backer. I still don't understand the fascination with discussing other peoples' use of their money. Newsflash: some adults have large amounts of disposable income, and among those, some have small amounts of self control.
    1 point
  20. Good luck with the project, although the first step should be gather some staff though. For the VN, the premise was quite unusual to said the least (Although in regard of bride poll thing I could made a joke about politic here though). And hopefully you'll be able to finish this, but don't push yourself too much, okay.
    1 point
  21. I've been playing Rebirth 2 and damn, this got pretty dark really fast. Neptune is the best girl, by the way.
    1 point
  22. How about mexican? I miss these so much but there's nowhere around me that does them. They're potato tacos in case someone was wondering.
    1 point
  23. Seeing how much I enjoyed Kara no Shoujo I just couldn't keep my hands off the sequel. KnS2 is going to be my entertainment for the weekend. So far I read the prologue/Hitogata part. It was surprisingly interesting, although somewhere in the middle I almost forgot I was reading KnS. Still I really enjoyed the chemistry between the children and the secluded village had it's own pretty cool atmosphere. I really wouldn't have minded reading more about that. If I had to complain about something, then why wasn't Nanako&Naori a thing. But yeah, it's still nice to get back to the normal flow of the game. I heard the investigation systems were improved, so looking forward to that. And voiced Reiji, and more Yukari... Also, damn KnS2 is pretty. Graphics aren't that important to me in VNs, but what can I say. Really beautiful art is just really damn beautiful.
    1 point
  24. The whole 'you're ignorant' thing is just a way to attack an argument without actually attacking an argument. For the record, I think non-Australians who take an interest in Australian politics are far more qualified to talk about our Federal system then my ignorant, bogan neighbour named Bob who spends all day getting smashed off his face before collapsing on the ground scratching his ballsack. These are the type of people who shrug their shoulders and say 'I dunno' when you ask them who the head of State is. These are the people who shrug their shoulders and say 'I dunno' when you ask them how they managed to set their arse-cheeks on fire. The idea that the common people of America will have a more fundamental understanding of the Federal electoral system in America, its pros, its flaws, and so on because they live there is very, VERY flawed. I know this for a fact because I've had to lecture quite a few Americans on why their country is a Republic. Yes, that's right, they had no clue what their country was and I, an Ozzie bloke, did. It's very simple, and yet somehow they remained clueless for a number of decades. Sure, they knew the culture of America at a local level very well, but they were pretty ignorant about America as a nation. Conversely, I acknowledge interested people in other countries (oh say, like the UN ahahaha) could be quite well informed about Australia's immigration policy (AKA could be quite miffed about Australia's immigration policy,) and could talk in detail about it if they wish, and yet I doubt they'd know much about the local council mergers affecting NSW, and which previously affected Vic and QLD. In those instances, people on the ground would probably have more knowledge. To keep ramming home the point, I can rattle off the problems China's facing with their aging population in a fairly detailed manner without having to 'live there,' and in a way the majority of their poor farmers would never be able to (despite living there) because those poor farmers have more pressing concerns on their mind (like survival.) So it depends on who you're talking about in each country and it depends on how local the matter is. Many people living in a country are just unaware and ignorant of what's going on around them, and they're ignorant by choice, sometimes they have other priorities or it just doesn't interest them. Someone who takes an interest in Australian politics and news undoubtedly knows more about what's going on at a 'nationwide level' than many inhabitants who spend all day on their 'Facebook' taking photos of food or cats or whatever people take photos of these days. Sure, Neighbour Bob may know what's going on at a local level (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here,) but I doubt he knows what's happening at a regional, or State level ... unless it directly impacts his wallet, or his safety, and few things do. But talking about America's system of Government, well anybody who's interested can easily analyse THAT. Just like Frenchies can easily analyse Australia's system of Government.
    1 point
  25. Miyako is love. ^^ Totally best girl.
    1 point
  26. Currently playing Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai. Enjoying it so far, I really like the characters, my favorites include Yamato, Miyako and Capt.
    1 point
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