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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/16 in Posts

  1. I've been saying for years that simply because you like reading VNs with rape, incest, or sex with a minor; it doesn't mean you want to participate in those actions in real life. It would kinda be like saying FPS gamers want to shoot up actual human beings or that people who play the Sims want to be slavers.
    4 points
  2. They should just make a game with Audrey and the premise of the game is to last for as long as you can from her verbal assault.
    3 points
  3. I don't feel guilty about any of my pleasures. In fact, I parade them instead of hiding them. What's the point of feeling guilty over them? They're what you like and if people make you feel guilt over liking them, tell them to fuck off.
    2 points
  4. seconded, I would play the shit outta a VN with audrey as the main character (actually, someone should just hijack the artist and make an audrey kinetic novel and just make it one of those "okay haha this is funny audrey is such a bitch, no...wait...WAIT NO STOP MAKING ME CRY NOOOO!!!! Games.)
    2 points
  5. Fuwanovel is just the best website in the universe. That's all you're missing out anyway.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. I thought we already had
    2 points
  8. What are some of your favorite visual novel artists? Which artist left an impression on you as you read through a certain vn? Which one made you wish to see more of their work? For me, it is either Tony Taka, who's done "Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro" "Fault!" "After..." and many others. Another is Happoubi Jin. whos done stuff such as "KanojoxKanajoxKanojo" and its sequel, "Boin" and its sequel, as well as the Bishoujo Mangekyou series. what about you? whos some of your favorite vn artists?
    1 point
  9. MG blog post: http://blog.mangagamer.org/2016/02/15/pay-processor-issues/ tl;dr Because of people making fraudulent purchases in order to obtain Steam Keys and re-sell them, MangaGamer has been forced to remove their Steam Key offers for the foreseeable future until a better solution comes. It really sucks that people pull this kind of shit off. On top of that, because of the currently existing chargeback policies, whoever is returning the money is always on the losing end no matter what they do. I totally understand and agree with MG's move here and I even sympathize with them, but it's still sad I won't be able to get a Steam key to give to a friend (or giveaway) whenever I buy a game from them anymore. Really hope this helps mitigate the damage for them though.
    1 point
  10. VirginSmasher

    YouTube Gameplays

    Based on bigger channels like Lost Pause and The Anime Man, you won't be able to play the really good novels on Steam which means you'll be stuck with the Sakura Games. Oh joy
    1 point
  11. Lol, that's an idea..Audrey was awesome I know you would Senpai
    1 point
  12. Dergonu

    YouTube Gameplays

    This would depend on the VN and the company that made it. In a general sense, monetizing videos of the entire game in pure form, with no voice over, cuts etc would literally just be stealing the game and is of course not allowed. Reading up on fair use and actually cutting the video correctly / turning off potentially copyrighted music etc might make it a bit less of a problem. Again though, it really depends on what VN it is and what exactly is in the video.
    1 point
  13. Of course you like it. I'm in the game w
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Definetly, I just knew this was gonna be awesome as soon as I heard this. And, my favorite main menu theme so far, so many hours spend on just the main menu screen alone
    1 point
  16. ZERO TIME DILEMMA TO BE FULLY REVEALED AT GDC NEXT MONTH WHY THE FUCK AM I THOUSANDS OF KILOMETERS AWAY FROM SF GOD DAMN IT also does anyone want the five character portraits that have been revealed so far? follow @_crash_keys_ to get those teasers in time!
    1 point
  17. It's looking great plus i digged the voice from the video you posted too, nice update and look forward to the realease. Keep up the great work
    1 point
  18. Over the Rainbow. It is terrible, so maybe you'll like it
    1 point
  19. Story (duh)>Characterization>Art=>BGM Did you really expect it to be any other way with me?
    1 point
  20. Professional as always, eh Orcka
    1 point
  21. plz dont talk about torrents they hurt the lolis and make jesus sad torrents bad bad, if you pirate a game you are going to the otaku's hell where there are only nukiges and bad OELVN and you are force to watch the tsukihime every day (yes it actually exist there), no dies irae for you mister
    1 point
  22. Do you have CCCP codex installed, it might be that
    1 point
  23. DarkZedge

    Pick my avatar!!!

    Because i was there when that dangerous picture was born!....you were so proud of it and everyone cheered
    1 point
  24. Indeed, those are a few of the great things about Fuwa Also a good point by supporting the official releases you help the companies that make the games you enjoy so much
    1 point
  25. mitchhamilton

    Pick my avatar!!!

    butt? what are you talking about, i chose her because i like chefs. thats all.
    1 point
  26. Ike

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    "Why don't you come to the planetarium? The beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter what. All the stars in the sky are waiting for you." Yes, I had to do it. On a serious note, planetariums are cool af. I've been in some before and they're a great experience. Now I'm jealous
    1 point
  27. Just finished G-Senjou no Maou. Brief thoughts on the closing chapters: Onward to Demonbane!
    1 point
  28. Yeap... 100% agree with you on that. Was hoping for more in terms of Koyuki, but it didn't go far into her development with Yamato :[ Have a Koyuki: http://minatosoft.com/majikoi/voice/koyuki1.mp3 As soon as A-1 is released, I'm going to drop everything I'm currently reading/watching/playing and go straight to Azumi route xD
    1 point
  29. Dergonu


    Hey welcome, its nice to meet you Backer right of the bat; that is awesome! You rock!
    1 point
  30. Dergonu

    Pick my avatar!!!

    I should change it to oppai overlord! I have more posts so people will think I am the real one and you are the fake!
    1 point
  31. I agree aswell..it's sad to see a company betrayed when they actually tried to offer convenience to their customers...people never learn though and the greed gets the best of them. In the end we all lose because of some bad people who chose to fuck people over to make money...as you said i hope Mg is able to recover from the damage
    1 point
  32. DarkZedge

    Pick my avatar!!!

    I'll take all of your yuri waifus after i beat ya brah
    1 point
  33. No, this is untrue, CryingWestern is misinformed on this particular subject. We very rarely have had CGs redrawn. The only game in recent memory that we had to do this for was Cartagra because a handful of uncensored assets were lost (I believe it was less than 10% of the CGs). Generally if the uncensored CGs do not exist, the game is released with mosaics intact. I believe some of the confusion may be coming from the fact that we do some de-mosaicing in-house, but this simply involves reprocessing the original PSD files (namely, turning off the mosaic layer and re-generating all of the variations), not redrawing anything. Occasionally, our image editors will do some minor touch-ups (shifting some elements around so they line up correctly with the mosaic removed or adding a bit of shading if the underlying art was left flat or was miscolored) because quite frequently very little care is put into the art beneath the mosaics because it isn't meant to be seen in the first place. A few companies do put a lot of effort into what's beneath the mosaics (ClockUp for example), but many don't bother because the art was always intended to be censored.
    1 point
  34. mitchhamilton

    Pick my avatar!!!

    Saya seems more like you. i vote for saya.
    1 point
  35. I think I've progressed far enough with AkaGoei do drop some comments about it. Overall, I think this is the most difficult Japanese VN I'm reading so far. I guess that doesn't say much considering I didn't read that much Japanese VN's and the ones I've read are probably more on the simple side. But at least the Atlas translation often spits out stuff that resembles more what one would expect after several rounds of binge drinking or from a three year old kid that got his lollipop taken away. Which means I have to directly translate the sentences myself more often than usual. Anyway, I'm really liking this VN so far for several reasons. First, it's one of the rare VN's with a balanced cast of female and male characters. All of the girls have an individual bodyguard assigned to them and all of them know each other. And although the VN has comedy parts I definitely wouldn't call it a comedy VN. This is an AkabeiSoft title and there's some pretty fucked up stuff going on below the sugar coat. In contrast to many pure comedy titles, this one always maintains a certain serious undertone. Some characters might be quirky and excentric but all of them can get very serious if they consider it necessary. The comedic parts are mostly because the characters are intentionally joking or teasing each other. I really appreciate that, because all too often characters in comedy titles ridicule themselves to a point that I can't take them serious anymore with the consequence that the VN looses impact. It's also very refreshing that there are several male side characters the protagonist can hold an actual serious conversation with even if they are also joking with each other. They are still class mates after all. And the protagonist is certainly one of a kind. He's almost unpredictable, chaotic and a bit naive sometimes, but he also knows when it matters and can get pretty badass when he wants to. A really great scene was... I also like all the heroines and will probably play all their routes which is pretty uncommon for me. The scenario also has a serious background of a city being dominated by violence and crimes. And Kaito, the protagonist has a rather wicked sense to teach the rich girls of the school about the dangers of street life by making stuff like... Overall, so far this is definitely a VN at least a level above what we usually get translated. If it continues that way, it might even get into my top five on G-Senjou level.
    1 point
  36. I was kinda sad too. Then again, it was facing off against Eustia aka one of the most hyped VNs that isn't translated.
    1 point
  37. Finally a story where they say the word that comes to everyone's mind when playing magical banana.
    1 point
  38. Hey I've 100%-ed the entire thing and played a good amount of the alpha mode Not saying its not entertaining ... But its still stupid Stupid awesomeness
    1 point
  39. Sekai strikes me as a bunch of morons. I completely agree, they should not release a already translated title. People who are interested in it have probably already read it anyway.
    1 point
  40. Drug Use, Bad Endings with Story, Suicide, Bad Ending(s) Seems legit
    1 point
  41. TO BE CONTINUED! dun dun dun!
    1 point
  42. This sounds really awesome, and I love the character designs!
    1 point
  43. VirginSmasher


    Why not have redhead sisters as your fetish? I believe I know a good one. Yes I know she isn't technically his sister, but she plays the bigger sister role in her route
    1 point
  44. Nashetania


    Yes. Yes it is.
    1 point
  45. I have a Rewrite theme that changes the desktop wallpaper every 10 min. heres a couple Screenshots. The Theme actually has more then 25 wallpapers, Music and sounds from the VN.
    1 point
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