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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. Chapter 5, Defiance-  finished and uploaded! 

    Also, I´ve now finished making up names and full plans for the rest of the chapters. I´m not quite sure when I´ll finish them as I am approaching exam periods, but I write whenever I have time and hope to get them out within the next few months! As of right now, I´m thinking that the book itself will land on about 125 pages give or take a little bit. Wont know for sure until its done though! 

    I´ll start on a volume 2 as soon as I´m done, as I´ve fallen completely in love with writing about Kitsune and Sakura. 


    Chapter 6: The Queen´s power - Finished and released.

    Chapter 7: Confrontation - Finished and released

    Chapter 8: A broken world- ETA: Have started writing on it. Don't really know yet. Hopefully soon!

    Epilogue - TBA


    Thats it for now!

  2. 2 hours ago, LiquidShu said:

    About to finish Noble Works then I need to decide what I will read next, Demonbane, Cartagra, or continue with my School Days play through (stopped midway, I couldn't handle the amount of drama, so I stalled). 

    Can I get some Fuwan thoughts and what to read next? Just for reference I need some romance in there, but I want something heavier at the same time, since the last 4 vn's I read were moeblobs. 

    If school days got you to stall because of the drama it won't get any better later on :P Drama is pretty much what you get. 


    I haven´t read it myself, but I hear good things about Cartagra. At least if you are going for something a little heavier. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Stormwolf said:

    Hmm.. Seems i've missed out by not playing Majikoi. Was put off when i read that it has a multiple endings for each heroine and that you can get a bad ending even when you thought you did everything right. And dat walkthrough...

    Well I was like ... holy shiet... When I started too, but the choice system is actually very simple and easy to figure out. Most of the choices don't matter that much, the only thing you need to watch out for is the timed choices, (and they auto save so u can just re-load the save and re-do them if you fail :P ), and the bold ones in the walkthrough that lead to bad ends, (if you click one, you wont really know until the end, so ... yeah just stay clear of those.) The normal choices are usually just small and silly and lead to tiny changes in dialogue but that's it. For the most part. Also, the heroine choice screen was really confusing at first, but its also extremely simple. Just ... Click the girl you want to do, (pun intended,) and don't click anyone else. If she isn't there, simply go home for the day and click her again when she is back.


    As for the game itself, I've only done the prologue and the wanko route, but oh man do I love it. Can't speak for the other routes yet, but Wanko's route was truly beautiful.

  4. Ok, still playing majikoi. Finished Wanko's route now, (the first route I played)

    Oh man it was beautiful. I cried like a little girl.

    This one is definitely going on my "favorite heroine route" list.



    This moment... Oh my God the feels.



    Not 100% sure on which one I'm doing next. Kind of torn between Momoyo and Yukie. Gonna take a break and wipe away my tears and decide.


  5. Ok so I could not find info on the tomoyo after but the Clannad memorial is fully voiced. I would immagine the tomoyo is as well, but cannot confirm it.

    As for the rating on Clannad being 15+ on some versions, from what I can see that is for the non PC versions and it might simply be because those platforms use a different age rating system. Maybe some light violence, mature langauge or romantic parts bump it up on those platforms due to them being primarily owned by children. Don't quote me on this, as its just my guess.


    Do keep in mind though that if you buy the memorial edition and not the steam edition you do have to patch the game with the fan translation, which is a lot worse of a translation compared to the one available on steam, and I do not think the content in the two is very different. Might be smarter to get the steam version, though it's your call of course.

    As for tomoyo after, I believe it can be patched with a patch available online if you want to restore the cut content.

  6. 6 hours ago, gijimu said:

    Choosing only one is hard, though, because I have one favorite heroine for every VN I played. But this comes to mind when thinking about the most favorite one. 



    My choice as well pretty much. I have one for like every novel I've read too but ... Kotori will always have a special place in my heart

    19 minutes ago, ヤミハナ said:

    Wait, I just realised. People who post their favourite heroines here have a high chance probability of being their waifu......

    Damn, why didn't I realise this sooner!

    I've accidently shown my personal waifu to you guys!



  7. 9 hours ago, Forgetful Frank said:

    I'm gonna' be up front... I don't think I've ever watched a harem anime before... :unsure:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Care to give me one YOU would recommend to watch as a person who has yet to experience a good harem anime? ^_^

    I suppose there's a few good harem VN's as well, eh? :makina:

    Well Shuffle! is a good harem anime but if you are going to play the visual novel, the anime will spoil some of it.

    Trinity seven and Sekirei are good. Have a million more, but if you watch those and dont enjoy them then the harem genre isnt for you :P

    9 hours ago, Abyssal Monkey said:
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    Thats complete bullshit, about him going for "one girl"

    All the girls in Issei's harem recognize the fact that they are in his harem and acknowledge the other members of that same harem.  They just don't care that he has a harem because he stated up front he wanted one and they are pretty much complying.  The only reason why Rias is the focus per se is that she is Issei's bottom bitch.  They aren't going to go full gung ho in seducing Issei until he finally cements their relationship.  

    This is pretty much what separates DxD from every other harem out there.  The girls know and acknowledge that they are in his harem and cooperate instead of cockblocking him.


    :pyaa: I will not let such a comment about her slide! I challenge you to a duel my friend! 


    Well he obviously doesn't do it right away, and you are right about the way the harem works and the girls in it. It is also one of the reasons why I love DxD. :P But towards the later volumes, he does pretty much choose Rias and she chooses him. 


  8. 7 hours ago, Zenophilious said:

    Why do you hate me?  :pyaa:

    500's not nearly enough.  I believe that you can spam hard enough to reach @Eclipsed's level one day.  Just go to the Love Live thread and let the magic work itself.


    DAMNIT! I knew it! I forgot someone. Pls don't ban me :kosame:

    10 hours ago, ヤミハナ said:

    I'm the last person mentioned..........? *sighs* :amane:


    Anyways, sorry I haven't been stealing your waifu. I just got busy with another Fuwan's waifu and that led to another problem and another one aaaaand another one. So, life's good here. Plus, you've given me a big hint. "And you haven't stolen any of my waifuS yet" It seems like you have more than one waifu :illya:. I'll greatly take the chance to steal one, especially when you've unconciously posted one here..........Ehehe :sachi:


    Also, my name is going to eventually change.............somewhere, sometime.

    I will never tell you my waifus! :pyaa: Stay away evil creature!

    4 hours ago, Shikomizue said:

    Eyyy, I actually got mentioned in one of these! Although it's for a weird reason... But whatever. I changed my avatar a lot before you joined, but I haven't found any cool characters since then. My reputation is the guy who has avatars of anime characters smoking.

    Anyway, congrats on reaching 500 posts faster than me like everyone else.


    I-I'm not a spammer, I swear :pyaa:

    6 hours ago, Valmore said:

    No need to be jealous. Just copy his image location and you can use it as well.



    Damnit! Don't teach my kohai about the super secret ways of the sRC42OJ.jpg emoticon!!!


    9 hours ago, gijimu said:

    Congrats, maybe 500 posts more and I will start calling you Dergonu-senpai :wahaha:

    Thank you! :sachi:

    Wait! I'M NOT SENPAI YET?! Damnit!

    6 hours ago, Eclipsed said:

    I try my best :upupu:

    Happy 502, err, I guess 513 at the time of this post~

    Thank you :sachi:


    8 hours ago, 12kami said:

    they will reach you...... soon fufufu


    I must improve my matrix style dodging skills!!!

    9 hours ago, Jade said:

    The feeling is mutual i assure you :sachi:

    And don't worry, the material for the blackmail would only keep on increasing :holo:

    Here's your present for the 500th post! It's a Moe!

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    :makina: Moe you say?




    10 hours ago, john 'mr. customer' smith said:

    congrats, filthy spammer equally awesome person!

    thank you thank you :sachi:

    I try my best at spamming

  9. 4 minutes ago, Yoake said:

    Thanks a lot! Do they have a strong protagonist presence? I don't mind bad graphics or no "cute" moments for a nice story about overcoming adversity and the like!

    Hmm. I would say that the protagonist in princess evangile is pretty "strong" in a sense. I like him a lot. He overcomes a lot of hurdles, protects his loved ones when he has to and has a strong sense of morale and justice. He is also a jack of all trades, he knows how to do pretty much everything from past work experience and the likes. It is kind of a light read, just as the other 2 I recommended though.

    The protagonist in Nekopara is quite interesting as well, he is a young adult moving out from home to start his own bakery. Its a very "cute" VN, not very serious, but he does do something quite impressive on his own I guess. :P

    As for the protagonist in Shuffle! Eh... He is funny and I like him a lot but I wouldn't say he is a very "strong" protagonist in any way really.

  10. 1 minute ago, Zebhra said:

    T-tomodachi confirmed :wafuu:


    But seriously...your hugs are too strong :pyaa:

    Ok ok, I'll make sure they are just under the lethal level. Don't want to blow you up agian. Then I would lose my tomodachi! :pyaa:


    44 minutes ago, SajkoWolfe said:

    @DarkZedge @Dergonu


    Cant we just share? <3 <3 <3

    Ohhhh, I like it! :makina:

    But no. Kohai can find someone else, I'm your onii-sama forever now! :illya:

  11. 2 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    EXCUSE MEH, it was decided that @SajkoWolfe was my Imoto...you can't just come and steal my Imoto....it'll be WAR


    I swear i'll have my revenge....oh sweet Sweet Sweet REVENGE

    Had you made your title that, you'd be floating facing down in a nearby gutter full of swamp water and with a lot of trap & yaoi Vn's scattered around you for your enjoyment :holo:


    Hey, she called me onii-sama before you made her your imouto, so she is mine. Back off kohai.

    5 minutes ago, Forgetful Frank said:


    Thank you so much for your kind words, Dergonu! ^_^

    I feel exactly the same as you, even though I've only been in this community for a couple of weeks, I feel right at home here ,and I feel that I've known you for much longer. Editing your book has been really fun and I'm grateful you let me! ^_^

    And I'm really impressed with your writing so far! I'm admittedly really into the story so far even though I'm not really into the Yuri genre. :pyaa::makina:

    Congrats on your 500th+ post! Here's to 500 more! :mare:

    Wow, thanks, I appriciate that :sachi:

    5 minutes ago, Kiriririri said:

    I did not spend 10 minutes finding a SFW pic okay? :makina: 

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    Sasuga Kiri-senpai :makina:

  12. 1 minute ago, Kawasumi said:

    oh shieeeet got mentioned! I lub u <3 (and stuff) Dont worry me and my country will come back for you and your oil soon :sachi: 

    (then we can be together FOREVER) 

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    1 minute ago, DarkZedge said:

    As long as you understand it... - changes to serious mode- Congratz man, you may not be a "pro" but you're amazing and fun :mare:

    I see i'm your.....Kohai?! KOHAI!? what are you saying?!...that'd make you my....my......Senpai?! what do i do with this new found feelings here? you can't do this to meh!

    What What are you making me say?! it's not like it makes me happy to be mentioned....I only happened to get the notification....Don't missunderstand it!...Baka..

    Yes! Kohai! Muhaha! Call me senpai from now on! :mare:

    Should have made my title "DarkZedge's senpai!" :makina:

  13. Hello hello ladies and gentlemen of fuwanovel! Today I reached 500 posts! Yaay! Now I'm a pro right? ... Right? No...? Ok... :vinty:


    I came here in september of 2015, I think it was about Yosuga no Sora or something like that. I don't really remember. But after making an account and posting a couple of times, I got hooked. I fell in love with the community pretty much instantly and started spamming posting frequently. Since then i've read tons of VNs, many of which you awesome, awesome people recommended me, and I've been a part of many fun discussions and hilarious roleplaying scenarios in the chat and in threads.

    I thought I'd take this opportunity to thank some of the people who have helped make these past 4 months totally freaking awesome.

    Before I start naming people, know this: I will probably forget a few names because I am an idiot. Please don't get offended if I forget your name. I love you all. <3


    First off all, @Nosebleed Thank you so much for answering all my stupid, noob questions when I first joined. I was kind of awkward and didn't know much and I ended up asking you a bunch of stuff. But you replied to all of them quickly and politely and for that I salute you. You are awesome. :sachi:

    @Kaguya Your top 50 VN list was one of the places I went for recommendations when I joined and it's provided me with a lot of good reads. Also, thanks for inviting me into the goofy and hilarious chat group. It's given me a lot of laughs.

    @Flutterz I still keep the moe picture you gave me when I joined in a special folder on my computer <3 You've taken my soul a couple of times when I summoned you but hey, no hard feelings.

    @Eclipsed Haven't had too many talks with you directly but reading your posts always makes me smile, (thats a compliment by the way. Not bullying you. Dont ban me :pyaa: )

    @Tay I haven't had any direct encounters with you but thank you so much for keeping the site ... Well ... Alive. :mare:

    and to all the other moderators / staff members, thank you guys for keeping this site free of spammers like myself. Wait ... :michiru:


    @Kawasumi You are the main reason I ended up playing Euphoria and started liking Clock up games. Thank you for scaring me for life :sachi:

    Seriously though, you are awesome. You were pretty much one of the first people I started stalking on this forum after I joined, (just realized I never actually followed you. :michiru: it was my intention to do so though! :pyaa:  Forgive me! )

    @CeruleanGamer I love you. Erhem, I mean... Marry me! ... :makina: ... This is going well. I've used the word awesome 100x so far in this thread, so I'm giving you the title of: epic! :P I'm kind of bad with words but thank you for making threads hilarious and educational. You taught me how to read! :pyaa: ... Kind of!

    (Do people really want to be mentioned by me? I feel like I suck at this.)

    @DarkZedge You've made me laugh countless times and you were my first kohai on the forum! (Yes you are my kohai. Deal with it.) Also a fellow tsundere lover, which makes you one of the cool kids!

    @Forgetful Frank You joined fairly recently and yet it feels like you have been here for months. You are a really cool guy and your motivation and determination is really impressive. Also, thank you x1000 for helping me out with my book. :sachi:

    @VirginSmasher We joined almost at the same time and I feel like we are quite similar in a lot of ways. Lets start a "joined in the winter of 2015 club" together!!! :sachi:

    @Kiriririri You taught me the beauty of moe and you also helped bring :pyaa: to the forum. As a reward, I give you +11 awesome points. Also, thanks for linking me adorable videos in the chat all the time.

    @Zebhra You were my first tomodachi!!! BEAR HUUUUUUG! :mare:

    @Jade Oh Jade. Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade. We joke around in the chat a lot and it's all fun and games. You are a great guy and thank you for blackmailing me. Wait ... I mean ... No, you know what! TRAP LOVER! BAKA! HENTAI! :pyaa:

    (Really though Jade, thanks for making my stay at fuwa 10x more fun :P )

    @XReaper I haven't really talked too much with you but you are one of the awesome senpais on fuwa, and I wanted to thank you for service. *salutes you*

    @12kami You keep threathening me with ban hammers but they wont ever reach me! MUHAHAHA! You are the fuwanovel's chat guard dog and we all thank you for it.

    @Totodile I see you around the chat all the time, you are funny. Also you roleplayed pokemon with me once and for that I will love you forever!

    @Clephas You have taught me a lot of stuff and for that I thank you. You know more about VNs than God himself. You also ate some of my organs but hey, I'll forgive you for it. Thanks for making the chat group absolutely hilariious with insane roleplaying :wahaha:

    @Decay You are also one of those people on this forum that I really look up to. You make a lot of great points, your reviews are helpful and well formulated and, well your profile pic is awesome.

    @OriginalRen Haven't really talked much to you but I watch your videos from time to time and they are awesome. So thanks for that :sachi:

    @SajkoWolfe I love you <3 You were the first to call me onii-sama and will now forever be known as my imouto. No is not an acceptable answer :sachi:

    @Ryechu You are an awesome guy. ( Wow there, I said awesome again. Someone, go write down the awesome count in this thread :pyaa: ) Anyways, yeah, I haven't talked to you much but the little we have talked has been a blast and I wanted to thank you for your work at fuwareviews.

    @Valmore Onii-chan, how do I make a thank you thread? :illya: Also, daisuki!!!

    @KaoDoroSesu You made me the king of slime and put me in your game. Thank you for that :makina: Well, seriously though, always cool to chat with you. High five!

    @Velociraptor Thank you for teaching me about birds and science!

    @Nashetania Uhh.. BANZAAAAI! :pyaa: EDIT: BEEEEEAAAR HUUUUUUUUUUUG! :mare:

    @Shikomizue You changed your profile pic! :pyaa: I think it has been unchanged ever since I first joined. I don't like change. It's scary :michiru:

    Finally, Hanana banana tomato! I can't manage to link your name because of the Japanese characters. The page wont recognize the Kana when I try to tag you. But! See you in the chat from time to time, always fun to talk to you there and in threads where you pop in. We've had our fun! And you havent stolen any of my waifus yet, so thats good. (If you do, I'm going to have to kill you :holo:) Also, you nickname is brilliant, (and no, its not going anywhere :sachi: )

    6 hours ago, ヤミハナ said:

    Cant tag you so I'll throw in a quote.



    Once again, thanks to everyone here on the forum for making it such a wonderful community. If I didn't mention you, feel free to slap me. :pyaa: I have a nagging feeling I've left out people. I'm really sorry, my ability to remember names is horrible.

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