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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 7 minutes ago, Okarin said:

    "Angel Beats" was a mess, foreshadowing the disaster of "Charlotte" -their weakest work I've consumed-, but I salvage Yui's episode, I liked it a lot.

    Wait .. Whoa.. Charlotte isn't even a VN!

    And it's so beautiful...  :kosame: How dare you insult it! :pyaa: 

  2. So I often find myself kind of annoyed at visual novels that gives you a set in stone, uber long common route that you cannot get out off until you finish reading it (AKA no meaningful choices during it). Like, I love Grisaia no Kajitsu to death but damnit frontwing, the common route is way too long!!!

    Honestly, I just get so happy when I see a visual novel with "early branching plot" as it lets me explore the different routes a lot quicker and it just makes the experience a lot better for me.

    I'm not saying there shouldn't be a common route, in fact without one I don't really see how the game would work very well, but something like Yosuga no Sora or Majikoi is exactly what I want. There is a common route / prologue, but its not TOO long and you get a choice to enter a route pretty fast after. Then its all about the heroine stories and not about the repeated content that you cannot escape in the common route of death until you finally reach the heroine choice screen after like 30+ hours in the game.


    Anyways, those are my thoughts on it, what are yours? Early or late branching plot, whats the best?

  3. Gotta be honest, not a big fan. Well, in theory I am as I really do enjoy feels in visual novels, but I feel like the normal "romance/comedy nakige" trend just ... Ugh, can't really take it.

    I'm more about the moe to be honest. Less drama, more moe. :sachi:

    If I'm gonna read about feels I want it to be more in the form of action or pshychological stuff, not romantic goo.


    Won't say no to a nakige every once in a while, but there is a reason why I haven't gone very deeply into the bag of key nakiges. Just aint mah thing.

  4. Still playing majikoi, just finished Yukie's route. I really enjoyed it, though it wasn't as good as Kazuko's in my opinion. It was good in a more slice of life kind of way. Momoyo's route was all action and fighting, Kazuko's was all about the feels, but Yukie's route was more just slice of life relaxation.

    Ended up getting the towel version of the last choice CG which annoyed me :makina:  Had to go back to re-do the choices with a guide to make sure I got the one without. Damn those towels! :pyaa:

    Now, on to Miyako's route and then finally Chris' route to finish the main heroine ones. Really looking forward to the Chris one.


  5. Just now, BookwormOtaku said:

    Finished Rinne's route in euphoria, which can be best summed up by this:


    Say what you want about Rika but at least her route made sense and had a conclusion. Now to decide whether to proceed to Nemu's route or resume Kara no Shojo 2 and hope we get back to the present sooner rather than later.

    Trust me. You should finish it. Rinnes route will make sense once you play the true ending. And its bloody fantastic. 

  6. Welcome to the forum, nice to meet you! :sachi: 

    Long walks in the city? Ugh .. so many people though. Scary stuff :makina: 

    EDIT: Damnit. Ninjaed. I´m losing my touch here. Need to improve my instant response powers. 

  7. Similar in what way exactly? Are we talking plot wise, chracter wise, or that its just an eroge with light story focusing on chracter interaction? Depending on the answer, a LOT of eroge fit this requirement.


    From what I gather, Noble works fits quite nicely in a general sense, being fairly similar.

    If you are looking for something that is literally the same premise, this has a very similar setting, (I.E, male attending an all girls school) but the plot is quite different.


    Again though, maybe specify a little more exactly what you mean by "similar to princess evangile."

  8. 4 hours ago, Arcadeotic said:

    1. Hoshizora no Memoria

    2. Ourai no Gahkthun

    3. Dracu-Riot

    4. Irotoridori no Sekai

    5. Grisaia no Kajitsu


    And I know, I'm weird

    Hey, its your subjective opinion that matters. If it wasn't, this list would be "the top 5 VNs fo all time according to the parts of fuwanovel that chose the right VN." :makina:

  9. 5 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    Is it any good? i like the yandere archetype and characters but not many animes or Vn's make them quite right and that much if at all for that matter, so when i heard that there was a Vn solely dedicated to yanderes i had to wonder wether it was any good or not.

    What are your thought on it guys if you've played it or heard of it? is it worth a go?

     As always thank you :sachi:

    It's this one

    What the ... Well I haven't played it but based of the NSFW pictures on VNDB I kinda want to now :wahaha:

    Looks fu*ked up.


    This is just my guess as a person who hasn't read it, but if you like yandere characters, go for it. The game seems to be short so it shouldn't be too much of a time consumption, though don't expect anything amazingly deep (based off the reviews).


    "Please be aware that there are elements in the story that the faint of heart may find too grotesque."

    Cmon though, let's face it... This makes us all want to play it :mare:

  10. I don't know what level this machine translation is on, but considering what Decay said and the fact that it is a machine translation I wouldn't expect anything amazing.


    Will you understand what is going on? Probably. But again, like Decay said, the essence of things like humor and also drama etc will be lost. If you really want to play it to the point where losing some of the essence is okay then go for it. If not, just don't put yourself through it.

  11. Alright, this sounds kind of cool. :sachi: My five picks as of right now:


    1. Grisaia no Kajitsu

    2. Kono oozora ni tsubasa o hirogete

    3. Maji de watashi ni koi shinasai (Guys, is it written "koishinasai" or koi shinasai?" Both seem to be used quite commonly.)

    4. Planetarian

    5. Eden*


    8 minutes ago, Ariurotl said:

    I'll postpone my vote until I have read every single visual novel in existence. Watch this space.

    :amane: ..

  12. 6 hours ago, Decay said:

    The opinion was from Blick Winkel. He obviously loves S;G, but he likes Root Double more and wrote a little on why. I don't think anyone but the posters here looking for something to complain about were offended. I haven't seen much in the way of negative reaction elsewhere.

    Yup to be honest it seems like I'm the only person who misunderstood it. Which is odd because I'm usually (never) very smart! :pyaa: 


    The kickstarter is really close to 81k at the moment. Seems like the giveaway kinda worked. Hopefully it keeps going steady for a while during the last stretch. Really hope this makes it.

  13. Alright, done with Momoyo's route in Majikoi. Loved it! Not as impactful as Wanko's but it was still great. Like:


    Holy crap, the war at the end was so freaking good. Kazuko's route had the feels, but Momoyo's route had the badassness. I mean ... Seriously. It was so badass.


    Also, this just killed me.


    Next up, Yukie! Yaay! Totally not looking forward to it because of this: :yumiko:




  14. I figured everyone would jump at this instantly, yelling out their favoirte romances but ... Guess not.

    Well, since you said

    20 minutes ago, InvertMouse said:

    I am not looking for something with a deep story.

    I'll do this

    Romance is pretty much the one thing you get :wahaha:

    Well, seriously though, in my opinion the romance and character interaction in those games is the one thing that makes them very enjoyable. Might not be very "authentic" romance but its entertaining and adorable.

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