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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. So this is mine. Honestly though, I have like 900 waifus. Really hard to choose 8, and rank them. Basically, this:

    21 minutes ago, Kiriririri said:

    Order for waifus!? Hidoi :pyaa: 

    But yeah this is it. This becomes mainly who I would want in my harem and less about which of my waifus I like the most :miyako: (Yes I know two are lesbians... Shut up, don't ruin this for me! )


  2. So I finally finished strawberry panic. I had to stall it about halfway through because it got kind of boring, but I´m glad I stuck with it, as it really picked up again towards the end. Was a pretty good romantic drama anime overall, and one of the better yuri animes I´ve watched. (Kind of the exact oposite of Sakura trick, which is slice of life and cuteness.) The shoujo like build up in the show made me kind of pissed off at times, as every time the characters nearly kisse but were interrupted made me go: :saber: JUST FUC*IND DO IT ALREADY! Then again, it fits well with the nature of the show so thats not really something you can deduct points for. Giving it a 7. Definetily worth a re-watch sometime. (Totally wont skip straight to the fun scenes :makina: )

    Time to start something new. Will probably go with something more shounen, harem, action kind of thing. Need a break from all this dramatic romance goo.

    3 hours ago, Eclipsed said:

    I may pick up Sword Art Online soon 'cos I have Hollow Fragment and Lost Song collecting virtual dust on my Vita ._.

    Any thoughts on it

    The anime is very good overall, strongly recommend it.

    Though as for the games, do you have the broken engrish version of hallowed fragment, or the new, fixed version? The old translation is literally un-readable, the newer one is really good and professional. The game itself is very enjoyable and totally addicting.

  3. 1 minute ago, Orcka said:

    I'm confused, so there are multiple parts but is this the correct order? 


    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 1
    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 2 - My Dear Prince
    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 3 - Joined in Love with You
    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 4 - Photograph of my Beloved
    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 5 - The Joy of Loving You
    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 6 - Whisper With A Kiss
    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 7 - Sweet Enchanting Kisses
    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 8 - Dyed With An Angel's Petals
    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 9 - Sweet Grown-up Kisses

    -Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 10 - Lilly Platinum 


    Basically, as long as you play the first game in one of the couple´s story, its up to you.

    As an example, Yuuna and nanami first appear in game nr. 1, but their second game is nr. 6. So, 1, 6, then a different couple is an ok playing order.

    You could just play it from 1 and up, but my recommendation is: Find one couple, play their game(s), then pick a new couple, play their game(s) and continue. The most popular couples are Mai x Reo and Yuuna x Nanami. Though they all have their merits.

  4. 6 minutes ago, FinalChaos said:

    I'd say try Conquering the Queen.

    It's got a lot of forced h-scenes, and the h-scenes are arguably better than average. It even has a decent plot(for a nukige).         

    Oh thanks. I actually have that already as well, got it in that sexy girls bundle thing a while ago but never installed it. I´ll do that now then. :makina:

  5. I´m looking for some nukiges that I can add to my list.


    So what I am looking for is a nukige with kind of "forced oral" scenes. Example being:


    the first room in Euphoria with Natsuki.

    Alternatively just several good blowjob scenes, though the forced part is a +. (Everyone´s opinion of me just went down significantly, but I dont care :makina: .)

    Seriously feel like most games just either omit these or fail horribly at pulling them off.


    Already played:


    Hypno training my mother and sister

    - Got recommended already:

    Conquering the queen

    Maki Fes!

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