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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 4 minutes ago, LightBladeNova said:

    Are tiers the bigger problem, or is it that not enough people even know about this Kickstarter in the first place? I know both aspects work together in a KS campaign, but if many people don't even know about the Kickstarter, then better tiers wouldn't help that much... whereas if the tiers are bad but many people know about it, then at least there'll still be a relatively decent accumulation of funding.

    It´s probably a mix of the two, but I think that few people know about it is the biggest issue right now. SP haven't done too much PR with this one. It´s kind of a shame. Then again, considering how popular they have gotten after Grisaia and Clannad there is still hope they get noticed more and more towards the end of the campaign. 

    Also, seeing as the tiers have been improved thats a plus for future backers. 

  2. Umm Euphoria, obviously:


    Three of the many scenes that got me.  


    Human washing machine. No .... No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no


    The tube ... poop exchange device... That thing is like a new level of WTF. Seriously did not know how to react to that scene. And of course to make it worse, Rinne´s limbs are freaking dislocated. Such a bizarre moment. 


    Both the scenes with cement blocks. Seriously grotesque stuff. 


  3. 10 minutes ago, gijimu said:

    I only know VNR when it comes to VN text hookers. What do you recommend? 

    This tutorial by Deep Blue is great. 

    Personally I run a mix of programs and only use that one ^ for the parser and furigana, but its overall a better program compared to VNR. Much more lightweight and incredibly simple to use. 

    OriginalRen also has a great guide on such programs and he talks in general about what they do and how to use them, though the guide is about a year old now. Still great though. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Forgetful Frank said:

    Thank you for you recommendations also! Do you mind if I ask why you wouldn't recommend those two VN's because my list only consists of that currently? What's 'eeeh' about Eden? Ahahaha!

    I'm going to check up on all of them though so thanks for giving me your input also. ^_^

    Well I can't speak for Kaguya-Senpai but I think just considering what kind of visual novel Kono oozora is compared to the story in Eden its not quite ... Well, it's a very different atmosphere. Eden is a little more heavy, it has a military theme making it very different from the moe feel you get from kono oozora, its a kinetic novel, which means no choices and no routes, but at the same time it still uses a lot of humor and romance. It's kind of an odd blend, but its fantastic nontheless.

    Personally I recommended both because they are a little shorter, I know Kono oozora takes a lot of time to go through, and a lot of the titles on this list are fairly long and time consuming. A backlog can quickly fill up when reading VN's, and if they are all long, time consuming titles you could end up being a little discouraged.

    I'd say take Kaguya's recommendations and add mine in second :P All the novels on this list are awesome, so you can't go wrong with any of them. Just pick a genre you like and go nuts basically.

  5. 1 hour ago, DarkZedge said:

    I don't really like Chiho, love Princess Evangile but i wasn't that into her and it surprised me since i love Tsunderes....Also I meant true Tsuns not rehearsed ones -looks at michiru- can't say i don't love her though xD

    How dare you speak ill about Michiru-Sama! Shame on you! :pyaa:

    I personally loved Chiho. She has twintails, is a tsundere, has twintails, is a tsundere, oh I like her twintails and she is a tsundere, so thats a plus.

    (I'm a very simple man.) :yumiko:

  6. 8 minutes ago, gijimu said:

    I will look on this one.

    I checked it at VNDB, and its Bayesian rating is not too good. Well, maybe it is based on personal taste. But honestly, I'm somewhat unsure of VN which Bayesian rating is below 7.

    Probably personal taste. It's not the deepest VN story wise but in contrast to similar titles it offers colorful and unique characters that have fairly enjoyable but fluffy routes. Also has a range of fun and entertaining supportive cast.

    I think one issue a lot of people have with it is that the drama that sets it towards the end of the character routes are resolved very quickly and feel a little predictable. Some people don't particularly care for that. Basically, don't go into it expecting something deep like Clannad. It's more comedy and slice of life romance oriented, though the fantasy genre has its play in the story as well.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    In my experience, it typically goes like

    [Random kissing ensues]
    Female A: "Protag-kun, I feel something hard against me"
    Male A: "I don't know how that happened."
    Female A: "It looks painful, I'll relieve it for you"
    [Oral sex follows]
    Male A: "I'm sorry I ejaculated all over your face, here's a tiss- oh wait you're eating it all up, why are you doing that pls stop"
    Female A: "It's okay, it tastes good because it's yours. But it looks like you're still hard, which is physically impossible, guess I have no choice but to have sex with you now even though I'm a virgin and know nothing about sex"
    Male A: "Guess it can't be helped"
    [Virgin protag proceeds to display his amazing sex prowess while the girl enjoys having her vagina bleed to death]

    Oh my God, I'm dying :wahaha:

  8. 54 minutes ago, Scorp said:

    I believe if you remove the obligatory high-school setting and 18-years old mental activity - story could evolve into something good. I very rarely see anything interesting and believeable happening in high-school . In real life all the fun starts right after high-school, in college dormitory, in part-time works, etc., which high-school is a day after day in same fashion. Dunno, who came with idea that each VN must have a high-school trend.

    Haha. Totally true of course; who the hell has an exciting high-school life? :makina:

    I guess the idea was that it would appeal to the reader. Like, "Hey, you're in high-school right? Well! Guess what! So is this main character, and he gets all the pretty girls!"


    For me I'd say that one generic childhood friend heroine who we see in LITERALLY .... EVERY .... SINGLE .... ROMANCE VN.... EVER.... :pyaa:

    Please just make it stop!

    On that note, one generic stereotype that I LOVE and want to keep around forever: Twintail tsundere heroines. They are the best. I don't care what you say. They rock!

  9. On 16.1.2016 at 5:41 PM, Forgetful Frank said:

    Thanks a lot for putting in the time and effort into writing this list. As someone who is new to VN's, this is very helpful to me.

    Once I'm done with my current VN's I'm definitely going to make a start on this list. ^_^

    Yeah this list is phenomenal.

    Obviously they are all great but I'd strongly recommend going through Eden* and Planetarian. It's two of the shorter titles in the list, and both have just fantastic stories.

  10. Just now, ヤミハナ said:

    I would rather like to get noticed by senpai.

    Well we all know, THAT isn´t the easiest thing in the world. 

    May I suggest trying to bribe senpai? Maybe that will work! :rimu:

    If that doesnt work there is always kidnaping

    (Dont kidnap your senpai.) 

  11. Just now, CLuBLioN said:

    Its funny. We just pick a random hentai and start watching. You know most hentai doesn't have a big production value so sometimes you hear really weird noises xD for example in one hentai we watched whenever a guy releases his cream it sounds like someone is farting or something and we couldn't stop laughing :wahaha:

    Ahahaha :wahaha:


    Well, I guess I´m old fashioned, but when it comes to watching hentai I´d like to be alone when I do it :makina: 

  12. 4 minutes ago, CLuBLioN said:

    So this was like a month ago or so. I was in a call with my friend and I don't remember what led him to do this but he started playing nekopara while we were in a call and he screenshared it. So you can imagine where this is going :D so we arrive at the h-scene with both cat girls and we are just laughing at the dialogue and then my parent come in the room while my screen shows naked cat girls :pyaa: I think I closed skype fast enough but I'm not sure since it was weird my parents did not say anything and left. Of course my friend heard my parents come in my room and he was laughing so much at the fact that I might have been caught :wahaha:


    Haha, wow. 


    "Some funny shit happens when you watch hentai in skype groups :holo:"

    But... why would anyone do this? :michiru: 

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