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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 1 hour ago, Vorathiel said:

    [again - I don't know how to edit my previous post to add a new quote, somebody will teach me? :paranoid:]

    Ohhh :makina:

    Spammer desu ka? :sachi: 

    Well, if you just go back into the post by clicking edit and then click under your current text, (or above it, depending on where you want the quote), then hit the quote button and it should paste the quote into the edit post and not a new post. 

    Hope my instructions are understandable ... :vinty:

  2. 37 minutes ago, Forgetful Frank said:

    While I'm still new to reading VN's in general, my favourite thing (which I'm sure a lot of people who have been reading for longer are probably fed up with) is the high school slice of life setting. I just like seeing them do stuff I used to do or things I never did, and if there happens to be a H-scene, I see it as a small reward for reading.

    But I prefer the accidental walk in on someone changing or something nudity, it always makes me laugh. In fact if anyone can recommend any high school VN's like that, I'd appreciate it! ^_^

    Shuffle! https://vndb.org/v28

    Primula route. Fits perfectly and its a pretty good read. :sachi: 

  3. 2 hours ago, gijimu said:

     No one is hoping for Miagete Goran and Konosora fandisc translation, I guess? 

    Oh thanks for reminding me! Yes to both! 

    Well, I've already read flight diary and started miagete goran but I would still love to see them translated. I'll gladly re-read them. 

  4. Really hope that Angel Beats gets annoucned for a translation.

    Another one I would like translated is Tayutama. Give me all the kitsune heroines! :pyaa:


    As for releases I'm looking forward to, Harmonia.

    I would love to see Grisaia no Rakuen come out this year, but we probably won't even see Meikyuu for months so thats extremly unlikely.

  5. Just now, DarkZedge said:

    :pyaa:  I'll gladly accept such polite and nice Imouto..

    Stealing you from @Dergonu  is just a bonus :holo:

    I always wanted to be an Onii-Sama :kosame:

    Steal my imouto and you will regret it. Trust me. :pyaa:

    (Boy this introduction thread has gone kind of off topic :illya:)

  6. Just now, DarkZedge said:

    Careful with that power! don't want to end up in a situation like Imouto Paradise......Maybe you do....

    Didn't know you held such secret intentions on your agenda! Hentai! Baka! :pyaa:

    :makina: You have no idea. Muhahaha!

  7. 13 minutes ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    Back in high school, I joined an anime club. We had one guy brought in a complete set of La Blue Girl to watch for movie night. It does feel awkward when you watch hentai with a group of people. One dude had to excuse himself and go to the bathroom to do "it". He didn't specifically say what he was going to do, but it was already a give away when he was slightly rubbing his crotch and had a rape face while watching the whole thing. 

    Haha :wahaha: Awesome

  8. Congratz on 1000 posts :sachi: !!!

    6 minutes ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    @Dergonu: All of a sudden, I end up liking you a lot. All this heartfelt feelings… what should I do with them? Ahh! What are you making me say! You idiot! Pervert! Stop! Do I need to confess in front of all of Fuwanovel that I have a crush on you? It's embarrassing! /tsundere :saber:

    I-It's not like I'm h-h-happy to hear that or anything... :yumiko: T-The only reason I'm here now is that I clicked the thread by accident, thats all!! Don't get the wrong idea! 

  9. 51 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    Ps: @Dergonu  Your post reminded me of the Moe genre so i'm adding that one aswell x.x , had to edit just for this :michiru:


    How can you forget about moe!!! Moe is the essence of life! Moe is the thing that makes you get up in the morning! Moe is what makes the world turn as fast as it does! Moe is... Uh... P-Pyaa? :pyaa:

    @Kiriririri @Flutterz Back be up here. Say a few more things about why moe is awesome so people wont forget ever again!

  10. 1 minute ago, Forgetful Frank said:

    I can't wait! Ahahaha! I admit, I'm glued to it. ^_^

    Yeah like Kawasumi said, you will probably love it then. The true route is incredible. 

    http://www.otakulair.com/euphoria-walkthrough-mangagamer/ Walkthrough if you dont have one already. It´s quite hard to get all the endings without one.


    Thought of a few more from Euphoria that made me go :michiru: 


    Frank, dont open this :makina: 


    The Nemu tongue scene. Its kind of weird but its also so hard to watch... (play? Read?) When he takes out the big metal pliers and starts pulling and twisting it I was like ... :pyaa: S-S-Stahp! 


    Makiba´s bad end, when she gets pressed between he plates. The sound effects, the screaming ... ugh ... It isn't very graphic in the form of CGs as they cut away before the actual squishing but damn, it left me quite depressed. 

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