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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 47 minutes ago, Forgetful Frank said:

    I just finished all the routes of If My Heart Had Wings! ^_^

    Kotori was definitely my favourite with Amane coming second. Such a beautiful story!

    I've now started The Fruit of Grisaia as that's one of the other VN's I purchased during Steam's Christmas Sales. I have to say I'm quite interested so far, a little weird though! Ahahaha! ^_^

    You sir, have good taste! My favorite route is Kotori as well. Also love Amane.

    Look forward to Grisaia. It is very, very long, but its also very good. The common route is 95% humor, so it can be a little repetative, but its hilarious. Once you start the routes the VN flips on its head and becomes mostly dramatic. (And its goooooood!)


    As for me, I´m now starting the final route in Majikoi (agave route). I´ve done the last heroine route, Chris. I liked it, but it wasnt as good as Momoyo, Wanko and Yukie. Looking forward to starting S eventually, but I´m going to do some shorter titles before I start it, as these VNs sure are long.

  2. 9 hours ago, DavidB said:

    Yup, we've past the goal. Now just need a few dozen (37 to be exact) people to hop on the Thunderclap and maybe we can hit some of the stretch goals. I can't thank the Fuwa community enough. You've all been super helpful and awesome! http://thndr.me/T7lwJD


    *Dergonu raises his glass*

    Awesome work everyone! Now I'll get to see this collector's edition sitting on my shelf next to the others :miyako:

  3. 17 minutes ago, Mugi said:

    Oh, Meikyuu is already almost finished? Welp, good to know

    Almost is a little vague. Last update was 75% completed TRANSLATION. So we dont know about any other things like editing etc. Hopefully it´s coming soon, but yeah, we dont have anything too specific yet.

  4. 7 minutes ago, VirginSmasher said:

    That is a reason why I want more companies, but also more exposure for your VN and your company if you bring your content over to the West.

    Well it would mean their sales would increase, and it would cut down on pirating somewhat. It might not be the case for every western consumer, but I know that some would jump at the oportunity to legally buy the Japanese VNs if they had the chance. (Me being one of those people.)

    So yeah it is rather strange... Why block out some parts of the world? It only means they get less profit for their game...

  5. 2 minutes ago, Zenophilious said:

    No problem ^_^

    By the way, if you already haven't, I'd recommend going back and reading Makina's bad end as well.  There's no important plot details in it, but it's one of the better bad ends.  IMO, all of them suck besides Makina's and Amane's, especially Sachi's.  Sachi's bad end is pretty funny, but it's still garbage.

    More Kajitsu spoilers

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    The choice to reach it is to kill Makina's mom at the end of her route.

    Something something something garbage bag.


    Aw no the garbage bag :marie: ... Why did you remind me!!!


  6. Ohh, great review. Kinda skimmed through it as even if there are no spoilers I want to keep it a little bit of a mystery, but yeah, great stuff.

    Hyped for the anime now. (And kind of worried, in case it sucks. :amane:  Sounds like it will be kinda hard to make this into an anime and pull it off.) But hey, it seems like the original steins;gate anime was a fairly good adaption, so let's hope this will be as well.

    Hyped for something even more dark than the original.

  7. 9 hours ago, AaronIsCrunchy said:

    I finally finished Grisaia no Kajitsu today. It's kinda disappointing having finished it to be honest, as I now have to find myself a new visual novel to get reading; that being said, for £26 (as I believe it was at the time) I'd call it bloody good value for money.

    Some of my thoughts on routes and shiznit:

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    My favourite part about Grisaia on the whole was Yuuji, if I'm honest. I grant I haven't played as many visual novels than most others here, and so this opinion may be taken lightly, but he's far and away the most interesting '1st person protagonist' I've come across. It's nice to have one that's not utterly vapid, and can display a modicum of social intelligence, however forced it may be.

    I'm unsure whether or not it was because hers was the first route I played through (this does seem to be a common theme) but Sachi's route remained my favourite... just about. Her cutscene was kinda frustrating, but necessarily so - it certainly helped make her a much more complex character than it otherwise could have been. However, it was over 4 months ago that I finished her route, so it may be worth playing through it again to familiarise myself with it once more :sachi:

    My next route I played through was Yumiko, and I really wanted to like her story more. It wasn't bad by any means, but it just didn't grab me in the way Sachi's, and eventually the other routes as well, did. Seemed a bit too action based and not enough psychological shiznit for my liking.

    Michiru I don't actually remember a huge amount about to be honest. I seem to recall it was a better story than I was led to believe, and that the basic premise of it was just weird, but I remember very few details. There was a cat? Fucking cat.

    Amane takes the runner-up spot for me, and her 'cutaway arc' was actually my favourite of the entire VN. While the seemingly never-ending mire of H-scenes nearly made me give up on it, I'm so glad that I stuck with it. While I'm maybe slightly disappointed with the ending (never did find out what Kazuki left...) I suppose in another way perhaps it's more mysterious this way? The bit with the 'ghouls' still makes me shudder.

    Finally, Makina. I found her story incredibly engrossing, although I must admit the whole 'will you be my papa? Let's bang dude' thing was slightly jarring to begin with. Still, I think the 'on the run' factor was much better done here than it was on Yumiko's route, and it had an altogether satisfying ending (though they never did go back to Mihama, lying shits).

    I've also taken a shine to the darker, more morose tracks on it. Soles of My Shoes, Scab (a particular favourite, partially because of the Amane cutscene) and Deadlock work perfectly with the story when they're used. Is there an obtainable soundtrack to this?

    Not sure what I'm going to play through next. I'm thinking another reasonably sized one, maybe Umineko no Naku Koro ni, or Kara no Shoujo. Do you read Cartagra before or after Kara no Shoujo? Or are they just linked by characters?

    Cant seem to be able to open your VNDB so I don't know if you've read it, but if you want a VN with a MC that kind of reminds you a little of Yuuji and at the same time has a very good plot I recommend Eden*. It's really good, though a lot shorter than Grisaia.

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