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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 5 minutes ago, Arcadeotic said:

    I cried like a baby in Sachi's route in Grisaia no Kajitsu.



    The letter... Ugh I cried. 

    Aslo, michiru´s route:


    The moment that always gets me is when Sakaki breaks down when she thinks Michiru is dead. Like, she starts clawing on the coffin and screaming. I cry like a baby during that scene every time. When she yells "michiru!" I literally look like this: :kosame:


  2. So I am not 100% certain on the specific details yet, but https://vndb.org/v16262 is apperantly getting one new VN with each individual couple. The first one, https://vndb.org/v18754 released not too long ago, and I think the next one or the one after that will feature Ai and Aya, yuri twincest. I am not certain of the title name yet or when its coming out sadly. If we look at the release dates of nyuu jene and rinagisa being just one month apart, the new ones should not be too far off.

    (If you want a twincest VN you seemingly havent read yet, I´d recommend picking up nyuu jene, as Ai x Aya is a route in the game, and its awesome.)

  3. My list would go on forever so I'll keep it as short as I can.

    Its quite funny, when I came to this forum there was a lot of fetishes I thought of as "gross" and "disgusting." Now I like many of those, and those that I don't personally like I can still tolerate. I don't really look at anything as absolutely disgusting at all anymore. People have different likes and dislikes, that's just how it is.


    I guess the biggest ones that I had no idea I would get turned on by would be:

    * Futanari

    * Peeing

    * Incest

    * Rape

    * Tsunderes (might be a little less weird but I'm adding it!!!)

    * Maids (Like, just ... Maid uniforms. It's extremely effective.)

    * Onee-san characters

    * Just generally stuff that is "wrong." Like the twisted logic in Euphoria, "I know its wrong but we have to do this to get out. Might as well enjoy it!" When its like this, I can enjoy stuff I don't usually like, simply because it being "wrong" is a turn on.

    * Mind breaking, not too overboard, but like in https://vndb.org/v6346

  4. 1 minute ago, DarkZedge said:

    We could always go to my original suggestion "Imouto Paradise" though :makina: that's as "safe" as it gets...definately all ages and not taboo or anything

    You monster! Just read this and feel shame! :pyaa:

    11 minutes ago, ロル ビち said:

    i dunno. i know she dislikes sad endings and she was pretty scared with gakkou gurashi. also she looks me with a strange look everytime an ecchi scene pops out in shokugeki no souma


  5. Just now, DarkZedge said:

    It might be but it also might be not, just tried to step out of the safe zone a lil since it's all ages version is pretty mild all things considered albeit for the language as for the heavy plot well there are much more complex out there or heavy topic dealers so it might be a good place to start once she's over  some of her first moeges

    I'll counter this with three words:


    the trash bag


    Yeah you have a point though. Just figured since she likes cute girls and the fact that its a 13 year old girl, the excessive language like the continious refrences to prostitutes that Yuuji has slept with etc might be over the top. (Not to mention makina's hilarious and crude sexual jokes :wahaha: )

  6. 5 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    Imouto Paradise?:makina: 

    Savage :wahaha:

    6 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    The all ages version of nekopara, grisaia , Princess Evangile, Kira Kira aswell  among some that could interest her and are relatively age safe

    I'd say grisaia might be a little over the top (very excessive language, heavy and mind bending plot during the later parts, especially the bad ends), but the rest would prolly be good. Nekopara and princess evangile has pretty girls out the as*.

  7. 6 minutes ago, ロル ビち said:

    but then, as i know her, she would wanna read the fandisc and the snow presents, but those are untld, then shed try to force me to tl them, except im lazy so i dont wanna, and then shed be angry.

    Well it is a pretty long game, so maybe she will be happy with just the main game. I think its a very good pick for newbies :)


    Dont know if this makes me a monster, recommending yuri to a 13 year old, but how about a kiss for the petals: remembering how we met? Its all ages, cute and fluffy. 

  8. Just now, Hanako said:

    Maybe, tbh I didn't check the tl since I started reading them in japanese :holo:


    Michael Otome tachi :illya: 

    Yeah Ik, I just dont like that art style they started using in that game :vinty: I´ll have to man up and read it though as I hear its good :wahaha: 

    My poor nanami and yuuna got changed! :pyaa:

    So glad they went back to the "oldschool but slightly more HD" style again in nyuu jene.

  9. 1 minute ago, Hanako said:

    Well with the tled one (so 1 to 9) you should be above 15 hours, and then the untled strike in and you triple this time xD


    I actually did a Sonohana marathon and was longer than expected ^^

    I believe the 10th is translated now actually. :illya:

    I really want some more longer titles like nyuu jene. Enjoyed several routes in SonoHana quite a lot. :miyako:

  10. 13 hours ago, Hanako said:

    Of course play all the Sonohana, because they may be short most of the time but there is a lot and for example Sonohana 6 is the sequel to Sonohana 1 (same waith 2 and 4, 3 and 5), so at the end of the day it may be quite long ;)

    This actually makes me want to re-play the SonoHana series, time it and see how long the entire franchise ends up being :wahaha: Then again, once I hit the untranslated bunch my reading pace drops so ... I guess I´d give it a go for the translated on their own first. :illya:


  11. 14 hours ago, DarkZedge said:

    Nice job and welcome to Fuwa!, hope you enjoy your time here and i'll be sure to check some more of your reviews out :sachi: don't doubt to ask anything

    Yeah just ask anything. Like, for instance, is this ^ guy a tsundere? The answer is yes. Yes he is. :makina:


    Flutterz hasn´t arrived to deliver moe yet! :pyaa:

    Well then, let me try this. Erhem *Clears throat*

    H-Have a moe!




  12. 2 minutes ago, ロル ビち said:

    can u link those, plz?

    Hmm, honestly cant think of any. Said it that way because I havent played them all, but yeah there might just literally not be any. 

    For one of my favorite, long yuri VNs I say katahane, but thats not a nukige. 

  13. Hmm, yeah like cerulean said, something like this really doesn't exist. First off there are few yuri VNs with this length, period. Then add the nukige and ... Yeah. 


    Well, it's pretty much the best I can think off: https://vndb.org/v16262

    Its pretty much a nukige in that there is essentially no plot other than the H-Scenes, though it's not a straight up nukige. It's also not as long as you requested, prolly sitting on about 15 hours, depending on the reader. Also no NTR.


    When it comes to yuri VNs, they tend to be a lot shorter, epsecially the nukige ones.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Vorathiel said:

    Good luck! :D You'll need it. ;d

    RIP :vinty:

    Nah the VN has this so I'll be fine :P :


    Blood related sister, twintails and tsundere. SCORE! :makina:


    10 hours ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    Trust me, your backlogs will start adding up and you wont finish as many VNs as you want if you read VNs this way. I learned this after my 100th completed VN and 50+ backlogs still sitting unread.... Dont underestimate your brain. It is capable of knowledge absorption far more than what you expect and the plot isnt always as clear in the beginning so it's better to analyze and piece everything together when youre on the last half of the VN.

    - CeruleanGamer the veteran VN reader of 850+ visual novels.

    Someone put this somewhere on a sticky on the forum. :miyako:

    Cerulean has a point, I read like that before too, waiting for the voices. But it's just unecessary and slow. It just makes reading VNs a constant losing battle against the never ending backlog. I followed some tips she gave me on reading faster and ever since I've been clearing VNs a LOT more efficiently than before.

    I will not lose the battle against my backlog! :pyaa:

  15. So, finally finished majikoi. It was one hell of a ride. The agave route was fantastic, and it's hyped me up for Majikoi S. I know it's not as good, I've been told several times, but I'm still really looking forward to it.

    This is probably one of my favorite VNs of all time. It's so silly and goofy, but at the same time its so bloody good.

    Some of my thoughts on the Agave route:


    It was simply fantastic. The VN did a really great job of hyping up Shakadou and his students, just giving them a tiny bit of screen time in each route, and then they come out in full badass mode in the agave route. (Angel, I love you!!!)

    The story itself was really good, and although I instantly figured out that Touma was the big bad guy, it still came as a shock when it was revealed, simply because of the way he has been shown as the good guy in the previous routes. I figured it out, but I didn't really believe it until they gave us the big reveal.

    I do remember one thing though, I think it was Chris' route, that when the story of what happened to the characters after was displayed, for Touma it simply said "Dissapeared somewhere." That made me go ... Huh... Fishy. Also, Yuki NEVER fought at all during the main routes. It all supported the fact that something big was going to be revealed, and damn, it was awesome. This CG made me cry. (I cry a lot during VNs ... )


    Honestly, the story of Yuki being the girl who was never saved by the Kazami family was so heart breaking ... It was obvious something was a little wrong with her throughout the story, but damn ... I NEVER saw that coming. Made me look at her in a whole new light.


    So, it's time to start ikikoi. I know, it's apperantly crap. But to quote Kawasumi, "you love AF tsunderes so you'll be fine." So, I'm playing it anyways :wahaha:

    Tsundere is love, tsundere is life!

  16. Hey hey, welcome to the forum! :sachi:

    I don't think posting a video from your channel in an introduction breaks any rules. Shouldn't be a problem.


    I watched the one you linked and I really enjoyed it; its good. You do a good job of keeping it entertaining and you have a good introduction, it made me chuckle :wahaha:

    One thing, you end up talking a little too fast, which makes it a little hard to hear what you are saying. Maybe try slowing down a tad bit, and it will be even better.

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