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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 27 minutes ago, Forgetful Frank said:

    I have to add to this and say, if it wasn't for Steam, I wouldn't of discovered VN's like If My Heart Had Wings, The Fruit of Grisaia, and other VN's that are currently on my wish-list that I haven't purchased yet. If it wasn't for these games being on Steam, I wouldn't have searched for how to restore IMHHW and found Fuwanovel's awesome community. I definitely wouldn't be into VN's as much as I am now if those games weren't on Steam, because I wouldn't have found them.

    I use Steam for pretty much like 99% of my PC gaming, I definitely don't agree with everything about Steam, but I like that it's convenient to me personally and I can have all my games and account information in one place, instead of on several different places, which is why I buy all my PC games on Steam. And millions of other people are exactly the game, which is why Steam is such a powerful platform to have games on, because that's where mostly every PC gamer is like it or not.

    Yes good point actually. In fact, a lot of people play their first VNs on steam. 

    Although it might not always be the best advertising for what VNs there are out there, (sakura games, I´m looking at you...), but we do have a lot of big titles there now, Clannad, G-Senjo no maou, Grisaia no Kajitsu, Nekopara (Its big in the moe world!!! :pyaa: ), If my heart had wings, Eden*, Planetarian, Princess Evangile and more. 


    Steam is kind of special because its so well known. Like Decay has stated, when someone like Mangagamer releases a game on their site vs a release on steam, the "censored" version on steam still usually sells more, simply because it hits a much bigger, already existing user count/ fanbase. 

  2. So I´m looking for some animes with a harem tag that has a romantic harem ending. (Basically, the MC gets together with everyone. NOT a harem ending where the harem just goes on with no romance.) 

    An example is the ending in... 


    asobi ni iku yo


    Grisaia no rakuen

    Please put the anime in a spoiler, just in case someone clicks this and sees the animes, going "oh ..well, ending spoiled." :amane: 

  3. 46 minutes ago, Jade said:
      Reveal hidden contents




    For me it's no doubt Useless aka Hetare Protagonist. That one VN where MC can be described with two word: Kind and Hardworking

    That shit it's boring, why would i want to read the story of the most cliche personality of all time?

    Nothing turn me off than that.

    Oh no.... my moment of weakness! :pyaa: 

    N-Nosbleed! Kaguya! Someone! DELETE IT! :pyaa: 

  4. Yeah so we have been doing this like all week now; make an opposite thread. So yeah, this one is the opposite of favorite visual novel genres by virginsmasher. 


    What are your least favorite visual novel genres? Doesn't have to be something you absolutely hate of course, but one you are just fed up with at this point for example. 


    Personally I´m really not a fan of nakige. It usually just ends up feeling forced. TAKE OUR DRAMA! TAKE IT!!! Ohh and then, happy end. :sachi: So basically, unnecessary drama tags. 

    Oh and trap. :makina: Yes Jade. You heard me. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, LightBladeNova said:

    Well, unfortunately it looks like the Uchikoshi promotion effect is wearing off... yesterday only accumulated like $2500 compared to the ~$4000 of the two days before that... and it'll probably continue to decrease unless we get some more major press and/or Vita/tier updates.

    Maybe the game being on steam now will cause another spike. They have been continuously pushing out different promotions since it started so hopefully they have  a few more tricks up their sleeve. Too early to give up! :sachi:

    I plan on upping my pledge when I get my paycheck. Can´t exactly push it up in the thousands on my own though :mare:

    (Unless I win the lottery. :makina: ) 

  6. 1 minute ago, Lumaria said:

    No. You did say it. You might have not thought it through. But you definitely said it. 

    You see, what you are confusing is the culture of VNs vs what essentially makes a VN.

    If bringing VNs to the west and making them more popular needs to come with the otaku-japanophile culture, then you don't truly want VNs to be popular in the west. You like the idea, but you don't want it.

    You are twisting my words here mate. But I´m not going to argue with you. You are too defensive and won't listen to what I´m actually saying. Just re-read it again and hopefully my point will get through. :sachi: 

  7. Just now, Lumaria said:

    So should VNs be only targetted to your tastes because that's what you define as a VN despite not actually being the major definition of a VN?



    No and thats not what I said either :P 

    Like I said in my original post, I like your ideas, but you are too dead set on changing everything about what makes a VN a VN. 

    "They are too anime like."

    Most if not all VNs use art like this. You are suggesting literally changing the essence of the game with such statements, which just defeats the point of bringing such VNs to the west, as they would be something different entirely. Thats my point ;) 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Lumaria said:

    Why are you all so threatened by the idea of having different types of VN or more importantly VNs that fit the definition far better than the games you call a VN? I get it, you like the VNs you play. But I've never seen a community so determined NOT to innovate. 


    Well, what I said was that I don´t want the genre I know as visual novels to be changed drastically in order to make it appeal to a different demographic. Why should I want that? I want VNs, like they are now, to become popular in the west. That´s the point. 

    "The games I call VNs" is what I love. I don´t want something different. Shouldn't that be fairly obvious? 

  9. 56 minutes ago, Decay said:


    No One But You is quite bad. It's short but somehow I still can't finish it, it just repels me with every fiber of its being. My only regret is that I couldn't finish my review sooner to save some people's money. Apparently some people here are buying it?? Madness. Don't do that, it's not worth it.

    It's just poorly written, to get the most important aspect out of the way. It enters into this weird uncanny valley-like territory where they mix in some natural-sounding english expressions into a sea of bland and unnatural dialogue. The few bits of stuff that isn't bad just highlights how bad the rest is. I think I'd prefer stiff J -> E translations over this. Simply put, the dialogue is absolutely cringeworthy. Maybe if the plot was good, I could stand to suffer the constant cringing, but it's really not. 

    Maybe I could easily power through this if the production values were good, but they're not. NOBY is obviously a half-finished VN that really has no right being sold as it is. The art is pretty bad. The sprites are okay, but the backgrounds are literally half-finished and are full of horrible-looking placeholder art. The music is really grating and some of the songs sound so amateurish I wouldn't be surprised if much of it were placeholder tunes composed by someone who has never made music before. And there are occasional typos in the script, too.

    It all makes me kind of reluctant power through and finish it so I can write a proper review, but if people here are actually buying this turd then maybe I should just grit my teeth and get back to it.

    Aw, well that sucks to hear. Based off the art and how the kickstarter went I had high expectations for this. 

    I´ll skip on buying this title then. Save the money for better VNs :makina: 

  10. Just now, atorq said:

    I bought No One But You, hopefully it will be good but my hopes are quite low, other OELVNs have really dragged down my expectations. The art seems quite nice so far though.

    Do tell us what you think of it when you get a little further. I've been planning on picking this up but .. Ehe, well, I have to wait until Febuary.

    (I might have spent all my money on VNs and kickstarters already :yumiko: )

  11. Finished the majikoi prologue. Loved it! It's one of the better common routes I've read.

    The route choice system is ... A tiny bit terrefying though :michiru:

    Going to start on Wanko's route first. She is my favorite girl after the prolouge. So cute :sachi: Welll, they all are. (Not Momoyo, she is terrefying. Afraid she might rape me :pyaa: )

    The opening movie is really awesome; I love animated openings like that.



    I am so going to go buy a strap for my phone and start talking to it! :pyaa:

    Oh and ...



    Heh... She isn't exactly what you would call normal, is she? :P


  12. 4 minutes ago, VirginSmasher said:

    That reminds me of the time my parents discovered that I watch hentai. I didn't expect them to come to my room in the middle of the night so I decided "why the hell not" and pulled up some random hentai and started "watching." Then my mom walked in, saw what I was watching, and just closed the door and walked away.

    Needless to say, I had the most awkward conversation after that.

    Haha, wow

    Yea I always lock my room when I ... "watch" hentai. :makina: (And play VNs. So because of that, my room is like, always locked :P )

    At first I was like, "they know why I lock my room! its awkward!" but then again, the chance of them actually walking in and seeing it would be 10x worse :wahaha:

  13. Whoa... This forum really is quite diverse in the form of us member's country of origin. 

    Had no idea this thread was here so I'm kinda late I guess. 

    Norway! The good old (not Denmark!) nation! :sachi: 

    seriously ... WE AREN'T DANISH! :pyaa: 

    We are also no longer vikings and we have no polar bears. Please... 

    (Not true, we actually have some but they are like, on an island. No polar bears on the mainland.) 

    Seems there is a lot of Europeans in the active members here. Thats pretty cool. 

  14. 1 minute ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    As much as I love several girls in Parasite Eve, I mean Princess Evangile, Noble Works just seems a lot better in most aspects. 

    Well I personally really enjoyed princess evangile, so the fact that most people says this is better seems promising indeed. :sachi: 

    *looks at his backlog*

    Heh... Well... I'll get around to it eventually :amane: 

  15. Alright so I didn't think I´d get a story to put in here but now I do have one actually. My childhood friend who has been in the military for a year finally came back to our hometown and of course he came over to hang out. Thing is, we haven't seen each other in ... Well a while and that meant he doesnt really know about me liking VNs. He knows I´ve liked anime, light novels and manga for ages but VNs is kind off on a different level.

    Anyways, so he came over to my house, we walk into my room and I figure I´d show him some of my book that I´m writing cuz ... Well I´m excited about it and show everyone :makina:

    So my computer was in sleep mode, and I had completely forgotten about what was on it before. And so as I open it an H-Scene from SonoHanabira revolution - Rinagisa pops up, right in the middle of the act. (Why did I save it in the middle? :michiru: ) The look I got from him then was a mix of: :amane: and :michiru:


    After I took my time explaining what VNs are and why I love them, which I think he understood in the end. But I think his general opinion of me went down a couple of notches after that :wahaha:

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