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500th Post: The Journey: The Regret: The Movie


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It finally happened.


I hope you like redundant [insert number here] post "looking back at"-topics, because we're at it again, ladies and gents.


I found Fuwa in June 2014, when torrents were still a thing around here. It was a neat site back then, but I really didn't visit it that often, only a few times in the span of the rest of 2014.

Then when 2015 rolled around, the changes to the site sort of pushed me away, and I slowly forgot about it.

I never really fancied Fuwa, and I liked r/visualnovels much more, and thus spent the majority of 2015 there.

And then December of 2015 rolled around. I was talking to a few of my friends and decided to make an account on here, though the account was only for the sole reason to post my partial save file of KoiChoco, to skip Chisato's route. I soon after forgot about Fuwa again. However, I did check the comments on the thread every now and then.

Some time after that, I was thinking about translating the first game in the Bishoujo Mangekyou series, but as this kind of topic would be kind of stupid on r/vns, I posted that query here, and got quite a positive reception. That was a little over 3 months from now.

A few days later I noticed how Fuwa had a option for chatting, so I decided to give that a try. From that point on my Fuwa experience was only about chatting and doing my translation project. I never would've thought about being active in the Forums.

But then things changed. Mainly Kaguya's little experiment, Chatmod-chan. I decided to volunteer for it, and met a few good people. It was fun, for the week it lasted.

Soon after that, I was invited to my very first PM chat/conversation. From there I met even more people, and decided to also become active on the Forums. This was at the mid-point of January, I think.

From that I steadily rose with my posts, had some laughs, had some disputes, gushed about Gahkthun, it was mostly good.

Then, in the mid-point of February, I got to know some new personalities, including some of the mods.

Soon after that OriginalRun made a certain topic about the under-staffing of the chat, mainly the moderators there. Soon after I was elected to the rule of a chat mod, thanks to Kaguya.

Through that I met some new people, and gained even more of a rich experience.

I felt like I had reached a good point in Fuwa in a such short period of time.

That's the sweet and short version of my history here.


Now for the part you all love oh so much, the nominations.

@Kawasumi You're one of the two users I knew before coming to Fuwa. I hope to see you around even more.

@12kami One of the major chat personalities I've interacted with. You're a lot of fun, I'm looking forward to more.

@Dergonu The first person I ever had any long conversations with aside from Kawasumi. You're a nice guy, keep doing what you're doing, yuri-freak

@CeruleanGamer I haven't talked to you a lot, but you have interesting opinions and our interest align a lot, so I like you.

@Kaguya The mod I've talked the most with. I respect you, hope it continues that way.

@VirginSmasher You're a cool guy, our interest don't always align, but I usually like to hear what you have to say.

@DarkZedge I like you. You haven't talked about your tastes that much outside of Comyu, but I do like the fact you're an avid neko lover.

@gijimu Another fun person from chat. I like your output most of the time, and you're an overall very nice to be around.

@Zebhra You always have a some fun input in the chat. Keep being a massive pervert, old man.

@mitchhamilton I like our little master-servant relationship we have. Good going, trap lover.

@Kiriririri Other good guy/gal from Northern Europe. I like your obsession of moe, you're a good guy.

@Ayana Good ol' Zealty. You're still fun to be around, and your obsession with traps is entertaining to watch.

@Poinu You are always entertaining in the chat. Be it your moaning about Chinese or just starting Poi trains.

@SajkoWolfe You're the last of the majoj chat personalities important to me. You're fun to be around, never change.

@Tay Haven't really interacted with you that much, but we all are thankful to you for keeping the site alive, and so am I

@Nosebleed I can definitely see why you're so popular and respected around here. Keep on breaking the site.

Other fellow chat mods @Kurisu-Chan, @Nimbus and @Makudomi.

Honorable mentions for people I've interacted to some amount, but not enough.

Templarseeker, TexasDice, XReaper, Canicheslayer, Forgetful Frank, Aleister, Funyarinpa, Vorathiel, Palas, Deep Blue, Okarin

And with that, this post has reached its conclusion. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to figure something clever for my title.

Until we meet again.

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57 minutes ago, gijimu said:

congrats for your 500th posts, spammer :makina: 

keep up the good work as a chat mod and enjoy the forum :sachi:


49 minutes ago, 12kami said:

grats lol

please take care chat while im gone (busy with 5 projects :komari:)

Thanks, you two

Hope to see you in the chat

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1 hour ago, Black Sands Entertainment said:


Thank you

57 minutes ago, mitchhamilton said:

thank you for the mention, goshujin-sama. im glad you stayed here on fuwa since your presence has changed, not just everyone elses life but certainly my life for the better.

You're welcome, this has been fun, being on Fuwa

55 minutes ago, VirginSmasher said:

I think this is the first time I've ever been called cool.

Anyways, congratulations on the 500th post. :sachi:

Eh, yeah, you're decent in my eyes. Thank you

10 minutes ago, Dergonu said:

Eyy, gratz Arc!!! :miyako: 

Looking forward to seeing what title you pick :rimu: Make it something amazing! :sachi: 


I don´t feel right not giving you a present, so here, from the yuri freak: 


Hidden Content


Thanks for the present, I guess.

I'll give the title some thought

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22 hours ago, Jade said:

The fact that i didn't get any mention whatsoever displease me Arc, how could you?! :pyaa: 

Eh, you've never really affected me in any major or tiny way, even in chat.

22 hours ago, Nimbus said:

Congratulations on the milestone champ. 

Thank you, I'm looking forward to our continued interactions :sachi:

22 hours ago, Deep Blue said:

I'm on the Honorable mentions list! :illya: I will work hard to reach the nomination list now :Teeku::wafuu:

I'd love to see that, maybe in the future

22 hours ago, Templarseeker said:

Congratulations for achieving your 500th post!:sachi:

Hope to see more great stuffs from you and many thanks for the custom sig by the way:mare:.

You're very much welcome, and thank you

21 hours ago, xToki said:

Congratzu on your 500th post!

And to think our accounts are about the same age! Q_Q

Teach me your ways senpaii!! :wafuu:

Less lurking, more posting.

Oh and just speak your mind in a lot of posts

And yes it is kind of suprising too see us joining atalmost the same time, the difference is shocking.

18 hours ago, Funyarinpa said:

May you  have many more landmark posts! 

I'm aiming for that

I ain't leaving anytime soon

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