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Finished the next "part" in Higurashi Sui. They completely ignored the whole Question/Answer Arcs deal and made their own structure, can be quite a mess at first, haha. But it does make sense given the crazy amount of new arcs they have, and I really like the way that each "part" the story is split into actually has a prologue and an epilogue set far into the future from the perspective of the detectives trying to solve the mystery. The first part is from Ooishi's point of view, second part is from Akasaka's, and the third... well, let's just say there are some new characters even way further in the future that are surprisingly badass.

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Entering the third part of the story, I've also unlocked the third OP, and it's so awesome!  There aren't really any spoilers in there, but it shows a lot of the new characters that weren't in the original. Speaking of the main characters, I'm really liking them. The two arcs focusing on completely new characters (save for Akasaka and Ooishi) were my favourite new arcs so far. Being completely removed from the original setting and characters for the most part, it allows them to do some crazy things while still managing to tie everything together nicely and even provide new hints to the overall plot for the slow story progression. Kageboushi was especially entertaining, being the answer arc to Someutsushi (the arc based on the manga only Onisarashi). Most of this arc was told from the side of the detectives, and the change of scale was a rrefreshing change from the usual isolated-case feeling. It was so refreshing that I'm almost not looking forward to reading Tsumihoroboshi now, but... hey, got to get into that old original plot again! :D 

Overall Sui is great so far, but I definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone with little patience. To say Sui is long would be the understatement of the century...

You've been playing that for like two months at this point

I would love to play it on Vita too, but no Fapanese. :(

2 months... haha, I am "playing" Sui all the way back from its launch, which was in Mach. :D Though to be fair I mostly just read it during my commuting times, and I tend to take huge breaks between the arcs (sometimes months), so the actual play time is "only" about 150 hours so far. I might even finish it before I die, if I'm lucky...

there are no words 

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Currently playing Evolimit. Finished the two side? routes. Working through the main heroine's route now.

...And done. Good story, more comedy than expected, but those main heroine endings were just way too out there for my liking -.-

Oh hey, I've playing Evolimit as well :D. Almost done first route (Kazuna). Evolimit has so much comedy everywhere the tone of the VN is really confusing. The fights are alright, visually impressive, but some of them not personal enough for my taste. The best part are the character bonds, there are also some pretty damn impactful scenes and sequences of scenes.

Edited by Chronopolis
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I've been looking around in circles for 30 minutes, can't figure out what to do. Talked to Officer Meek something something, presented the "crime photo" to him, got the "then I am innocent!" response, can't elicit a response from Gant, Angel or Meeks. FFS

Also I think that I might have spoiled the killer for myself...

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Good job with the spoilers.
While I would like to disagree with you and praise the game almighty, it is actually rather easy to get stuck.
And then the Ace Attorney veterans complain when they make the investigation sections easier...

Up until AA4 they're pretty easy to get stuck on, but from there on they're all sufficiently simple.

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While I would like to disagree with you and praise the game almighty, it is actually rather easy to get stuck.

Maybe If you're a scrub, lol. :Kappa: 

Game 1 case 5 had a really awkward part, in which after you gather all the evidence you can, the game just doesn't progress. For some reason, you have to talk to Ema in the office and click the two boxes that are optional in every other case. That triggers the next event.

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While I would like to disagree with you and praise the game almighty, it is actually rather easy to get stuck.

Maybe If you're a scrub, lol. :Kappa: 

Game 1 case 5 had a really awkward part, in which after you gather all the evidence you can, the game just doesn't progress. For some reason, you have to talk to Ema in the office and click the two boxes that are optional in every other case. That triggers the next event.

Yeah and I also found out that there's a glitch in the iOS version of the game that causes an item during the 2nd day of the trial to mysteriously "disappear" and it's needed to be presented to move forward... So pretty much you're stuck. Not sure if Capcom ever fixed this since the cases are in-app purchases....

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Finally finished the investigation part after the first day of trials in AA1 Case 5.

So far the game's cases trump Danganronpa's from 3 onwards. In terms of twists, at least.

Fucking hate how badly done the investigations are. I dislike handholding as much as the next guy, but trying to figure out what to do next for literally two hours is not fun. At all.

Oh well, had to stop for now. Will continue with the second trial segment tomorrow. There's so much evidence! Every theory seems to contradict itself... Looking forward to the trial. Doesn't feel like it could be tackled in merely two more days. Especially if there is more of that missing evidence BS that chugged the first trial so much.

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Well you might have the best observation skills in the world, but Ace Attorney can usually get around that using plot twists and the supernatural. And the plot twists usually stem from a fact that you cannot find from evidence during investigation parts and has to suddenly come out while you're interrogating the witnesses in the day of the trials. 

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