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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. 1 minute ago, Thyndd said:

    Now the next one I'm going to say is probably going to cause some controversy as well... but for me it's mediocre at best. So much lost potential...

    Another polarising one? It's easy to be liked when you shitcan something like I did with Guilty Crown but in fact I absolutely loved Nagi no Asukara...

  2. 7 hours ago, tahu157 said:

    Like I said, Guilty Crown isn't too too bad. I was pretty dissatisfied with the ending though. I also sometimes think it's more of an animation showcase than an anime but I guess that's not really fair either.

    GC polarises people. Me, I'm firmly in the "this is a steaming pile of shit" camp.

  3. 23 hours ago, Thyndd said:

    I'll suggest Shinsekai Yori. It has not exactly a happy ending... but it's satisfying in a way in its own right. It really makes you think and concludes the story majestically. It's not that it's incredibly sad either, so I think it might be fitting... though I dunno, I'm one of those utsuge fuckers who wallow in sadness, so take any recommendation from me with a grain of salt.

    As good a series as Shinsekai Yori was, it was a mindfuck and not remotely an ultimately happy ending. Heck you said it's not exactly a happy ending yourself. My opening post was pretty clear, it should be an ultimately satisfying AND happy ending.

  4. 1 hour ago, Darklord Rooke said:

    Oh crap, thanks for reminding me. I've been meaning to watch this anime forever and never got around to it :( People keep telling me it's amazing :3

    You're welcome. I wouldn't go so far as to call it amazing, but it's a solid rendition of what a romance of this type in the Victorian era would have played out like. There are very few moments in it that feel like you're actually watching anime.

  5. 1 hour ago, VirginSmasher said:

    Hello again. Today, I have what should be a weekly update in progress. Here is what has been done so far.


    Prologue - 20% (350/1791)


    Prologue - 20% (350/1791)

    Some pretty good progress here. We're planning on releasing a prologue patch eventually as well, so look forward to that.

    That's all for this week. See you later.

    Luckily it's proving a lot of fun to translate this one so fingers crossed for all of you that I still have plenty of time and it remains this much fun to translate and progress should be good speed compared to previous projects. Kudos to @VirginSmasher for being persistent enough to find the necessary staff to get this project underway. Some experienced people there who have a history of success so it bodes well for this project.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Clephas said:

    He isn't wrong... if I had time, I could probably serve as the full TLC, but I have other obligations...  I can usually get 98% of all aspects, but I don't have the time for a full TLC anymore...

    Thanks, and I was surprised you offered to help at all so we appreciate the gesture and provided the project goes ahead we'll definitely be relying on you to help us with the curlier parts of the translation checking. I wanted to both like and weep in response to that post but alas could only choose one :s

  7. 4 hours ago, Infernoplex said:

    Yeah, I think he already did a lot for this community. Making him do one whole translation again, and of such great length would be too much. I hope somebody volunteers, but I know it's hard to find anybody who would be interested, and especially of a VN that has so many lines. I consider even 7.5k a lot, much less to speak of 100k.

    Actually I am able to do the whole translation, however I will NOT work without a translator that is better than me to translate check what I've done. Doing To Heart 2 without a checker was very soul destroying since I simply could not be sure that I got it all right. I'm a decent translator, but not professional quality, and two translators back to back checking over a script has a massive effect on accuracy. Back when I finished To Heart 2, I described my accuracy at the time as 95% literal accuracy, 85% nuance. 85% nuance isn't good enough for this game; it simply has to be over 95%. Even if there was another translator that could do 85% nuance, that would have made a massive difference because every translator has different areas they know well, and two 85% translators back to back ends up with about 98% accuracy. This is the main reason I want another translator. I don't want people reading the final translation and going "well he fucked that kamige up", and this game as you can see increasingly from those who read Japanese that are posting on this thread truly is god tier status. I'm confident in my writing skills which is why I feel up to doing this but I want the final version to be a solid representation of the original work so English writing and editing that looks fine but isn't entirely accurate isn't going to cut it.

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