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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. 44 minutes ago, Shaun said:

    Does $29.99 seem like a good price for this visual novel?  I got it via other means which I won't mention here but I feel like actually buying it now (I might be able to, I'd have to check with my dad) I'd obviously have to manually apply the restoration patch (which I've followed and bookmarked) and this patch to it after I purchase and downloaded it.


    I'm asking because from what I've seen from the Fakku page a lot of problems happened.

    That's a tricky question. $30 for a game of this size properly localised I think is a very decent price. However a lot of people are angry about Sekai Project screwing up the adult version by accidentally including all the censored in-game CGs from the all ages version in the adult game, even though it then has the actual H scenes afterwards. Many would say you shouldn't buy it on principle until they fix these issues if you're after the adult version. On the other hand, if you buy it and download the patches provided here you get the whole lot anyway, and who knows when SP will get around to fixing it... It's your call.

  2. 2 hours ago, Nier said:

    So let me get this straight, are none of the H-Scenes part of the routes, they are all just extras (like Chrono Clock and Corona Blossom)?

    The first H scene in a route happens during the game at select moments and is consistent with that point in the story - you just save and then go that H scene. The second H scene happens after the end of the story and its timing is consistent with happening after the story. Subsequent scenes are there purely for fapping at your leisure, and take chronological order from the second H scene.

  3. 2 hours ago, HoplessHiro said:

    Later today gonna upload the 4th scene.... should i make an separate topic for the mosaic patch, if yes. I dont know where because on the forum everything is about fan translations ? Or should I keep posting here the updates?

    If you're going to keep posting and plan to do a lot more, I suggest doing your own post and update the download in the opening post that way. In this projects section is fine.

  4. 23 minutes ago, AndrianP said:

    Hi there, total newbie here, I have a question.

    What's the difference between the Temp Patch and the Restoration Patch?
    And If I have the Steam version, which version(s) should I download?

    If you have the steam version you still need to buy the DLC patch from Fakku first before applying any of these.

  5. 1 hour ago, molitar said:

    Is this even working?  I have the adult.xp3 patch and put this patch in and went through a skip to test and I did not see a single sex scene even on the Hibiki patch.

    So am I doing something wrong?  I skipped through the entire Hibiki and not once did a see anything beyond bathing.  When I manually choose the H-Scene for Hibiki it's like it's not using the patch2.xp3 as it's all censored with mosaics.

    Works fine. Both the opening poster's patch and the decensoring patches. What exactly are you expecting them to do? They decensor existing CGs, they don't add anything to the game.

  6. 1 hour ago, Hiashi said:

    Just a hunch, but I don't think SP paid much attention to the spoken parts of the H-scenes when they translated them. This is evidenced by the times the heroine is speaking with her mouth full, but the voice still comes across as intelligible, albeit muffled, Japanese while the text window is filled with "fuhehigefu's"  :wahaha:

    That's a style choice in my opinion. When I translate H scenes I feel stupid trying to recreate the sound of talking with a dick in your mouth. Nonetheless, if you do it one way and are inconsistent, then yes, that is a failure.

  7. 10 minutes ago, HoplessHiro said:

    Sry for the misunderstanding. What i meant is that in the game the picture is uncensored and not like the screenshot with heavy mosaics which i made as a joke.

    Actually i have redrawn the parts which had mosaics. So the answer is no. Everything is censored. So it has to be redrawn... but... because it uses the emote engine in the resource files there is sometimes less mosaics than in the actual game. Because they added 2 layers of mosaics ( which is stupid itself, one layer is enough )

    Ah sorry my mistake, so you're drawing it yourself as Blake did/does for my projects. That's very time consuming and I laud you. Well even just removing a layer of mosaics is worthwhile - do you think that sort of patch would be worthwhile on its own?

  8. On 18/07/2018 at 3:22 PM, HoplessHiro said:

    (* the actual ingame picture is uncensored *)

    Please leave comments/critics/ how do you like it or don't.

    I salute anyone who helps uncensor things. Does this mean all the in-game CGs are uncensored and mosaics are added by the engine, but SP never bothered to use them, or didn't even know they were there? How many things did they fuck up again?

  9. Watamote came up a lot in discussions on reddit and it rated pretty highly so I decided to try watching it. I can't stand shows where the writers seem to hate their own protagonists and seem hellbent on spending the entire series making them suffer as some form of entertainment, which is the premise for this show. I abandoned it. 4/10

  10. 47 minutes ago, El Mugaro said:

    Is this the project you're talking about?

    If a big part of the time spent on team discussion is on how to remove honorifics while keeping relationship nuances, you're better off trying to convince the project leader that is better to not remove them. Like you said, charage doesn't tolerate the loss of honorifics and if you are all having a hard time trying to remove them then you're better off leaving them in.

    That's the only project I'm currently working on. However we've nutted out most of the issues; that was the point of the discussion. I played the entire game through first to get a feel for how much localisation it would "tolerate" and then we tackled the parts that wouldn't work in team meetings and added our agreed upon solutions to our style guide.


    39 minutes ago, adamstan said:

    On the other hand - if they come up with good solution, that will make really interesting read.

    I hope you think so when we're done.

  11. What needs to be accepted is that translation is a lossy process and will never be a 100% faithful reproduction since it's impossible to convey all nuances, cultural references etc in another language. On that I'm sure most of us agree. What isn't understood well enough, unless you've been a translator yourself, is something that Clephas has said - the honorifics themselves may serve a purpose in the story and often do. To that end, what matters more - to weigh in with my opinion - is how much localisation the original text can "tolerate". Given translation's "lossy" nature, if honorifics are a huge part of the story - and they often are in charage where characters alter their speech according to familiarity and over time - then there will be far more loss in the story should the honorifics not have an English equivalent (and they usually don't.) That still doesn't make it wrong to remove honorifics if that's the style one wishes to go with; it's just much harder to convey the nuance in the original text without them. I've done it both ways now, and leaving honorifics in makes it extremely easy while removing them when they're a big part of the story itself is many many times trickier to get right without losing a significant part of the story. So in my case, I'd say it depends entirely on how important they are to the story as to whether I'd prefer to leave them in. I'm currently working on a translation without them and most of the team discussion is spent trying to nut out what would otherwise be a simple part of the translation as they actually play a big part in this charage. This one doesn't "tolerate" the loss as well as other ones might, so we have to work much harder to try and fill that loss.

  12. Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro so far is the only show that's mildly amusing. Everything else new is boring me to to tears. I'm going to end up watching the least new shows this season than I have in about 5 years, and it's not for lack of time. Even hataraku saibou is actually not really that entertaining beyond the platelets being cute with its complete lack of any story (plus I know physiology backwards so I'm not learning anything.)  Please don't lewd the platelets.

  13. 7 minutes ago, bakauchuujin said:

    I wonder about something, don't they have dildos in Japan shaped like penises? Are they unaffected by the law or do they simply not have them? From what I remember Kisara in Eroge Sex and Games Make Sexy Games looked at a dildo for how to draw a penis for their Eroge.

    At the various places I visited in Akihabara, I noted lots of anatomically correct sculpted things for various uses, and any artificially added protrusions were there for a different purpose, not censorship...

  14. 1 hour ago, Kiriririri said:

    Sekai Project never really pushed for mosaic free games but even they have at least 1 mosaic free title from what I remember.
    Mangagamer seems to push for more mosaic free stuff but even they recently released 1 game with mosaics because sometimes you just can't get art without mosaics.
    JAST (the old guys that were probably the only ones during your time) refuse to release anything with mosaics and this reason made them lose Baldr Sky license lol

    +some other newer and smaller companies that just do whatever to stay relevant

    but overall no mosaics is what people are pushing for but it is not a reason to not release a game anymore


    In Maitetsu's case though everything is animated so getting it without mosaics would probably take huge amount of work too

    Thanks. Well there's not much point in me getting English releases at all then unless the language is so hard I can't tackle it :\ I feel like going and buying a whole lot of stuff from JAST just to show how I feel about it... shame I don't like anything they have to offer now. As for animated or not, the mosaics are still added afterwards so I don't really think that's any different, emote or not. It's just a matter of getting their hands on the originals. It's only if they actively decensor it themselves that it's virtually impossible to do animated stuff. Sigh.

  15. 26 minutes ago, tymmur said:

    I'm not aware of any official localization with de-censored HCGs. A number of them have used pre-censored versions of the HCGs. In other words it's a question of getting existing images from the developer. When pixel blur is used in an English release, the reason is most likely that the original pre-censored images have been lost or drawn horribly because nobody will see anyway. One approach is to not draw anything at all and then just add severe pixel blur and the viewers will assume there is something. Think about it this way: why should an artist spend time on something, which the customer won't see anyway? Do you want 10 HCG with nice graphics behind the pixel blur or do you want 11 made in the same time without anything worth watching behind the pixel blur? For many Japanese developers the answer to this is fairly simple, particularly if western licensing seems unrealistic at the time.

    In other words official localization will try to get uncensored images if they are available, but lack of access to those will not prevent a title from getting an official western release.

    That's not correct either. Where possible, you are right, they do try to get pre-censored images from the original devs but they're not always available. There are actual de-censored HCGs in some releases. I'm no repository of information to give you examples unfortunately but they definitely exist. They pay their own artists to draw in stuff just like we do on our amateur fan releases.

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