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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. Great comments.


    Let's not forget that we are also talking about VNs here and not Murakami novels. Personally when I was translating I found it frustrating when I was dealing with a slice of life simple dialogue that would suddenly try and sound like serious prose with the vocabulary and grammar suddenly changing and then not long after it would revert back to simple language. Why bother trying to convey that you personally thought there was inconsistency in the original too? Any translation is always going to be a personal interpretation of what you read since this is an art and not a science, and when the material itself is inconsistent, what's the correct thing to do there? TH2 had 4 different writers and by the time I got to the end of the translation and looked back I noticed how different some of the routes were to the other ones. Since they were done over such a protracted period I didn't notice at the time and of course I wasn't that good a translator so I thought nothing of it, but if I were to have started again now, being faithful would have meant changing my own English style 4 times to match it. Fortunately I wasn't dealing with high art and I can't say I've ever read a VN that I thought was high art so that level of attention to detail means... you're probably in the wrong scene. It's a fan translation of a visual novel...

  2. In Japan, Manaka and Tamaki were the most popular characters.


    So far I've read Konomi, Yuma, Karin and Tamaki. Konomi was okay, Yuma had a bad final stretch and Karin and Tamaki were both amazing.


    I dropped Manaka, (because nothing happened after three hours and I got bored,) and paused Yuuki and the twins, due to previous technical difficulties. But before picking them up again, I have to \o/ first.


    Konomi's route was cute to me but hard to get particularly excited by her. There is appeal to the childhood friend winning though :)


    Yuma's route I really enjoyed because she really did do a great tsundere transformation.

    I don't recall a bad final stretch for her but it has been many years.

    She's my second favourite.


    Karin's route was fun overall so I enjoyed playing her.


    Tamaki is a little too overbearing for me to like her much, but she was kinda hot in other ways which made up for it ;).

    I think those who had a strong affinity for older sister types really enjoy her more which is common in the East but not so much for us in the West.


    Manaka, despite being a crowd favourite, was indeed plagued by having the most boring route. She was sweet enough though.

    Just how many days do I have to read about stacking bookshelves?


    \o/ Enough said.


    Finished it. Good game aside from Sasara's route being very frustrating to play through. 


    Indeed. I know what they were trying to do in terms of emphasise an aspect of the protagonist's character, but come on... I wanted to kill the protagonist and had trouble sleeping while I was translating the more frustrating parts of this route. Thank goodness Sasara herself was so sweet that I just had to have her.

    I also didn't find her epilogue as happy as I'd have liked.

  3. I understand your love of them as they're always fun to play. It's rare to find a harem VN that doesn't have a tsundere in it! ToHeart2's tsundere characters are Yuma and Ruri (one of the twins).

  4. Ittaku 一択


    According to edict: 一択 (いったく) (n) (sl) (only) one option (game slang); one possible choice;


    Because I set out to do what no one else would do. Originally it was for a fansub group but that never eventuated though I've kept the domain name and associated server to host files for random stuff and the ToHeart2 translation.

  5. Hi all. I've been out of the community loop for years thanks to life events but I've been slowly working away at the To Heart 2 X rated translation and only just posted the first new patch in years a couple of days ago. The project is basically just me by myself and is 80% complete.


    I posted a summary on reddit of the project progress here:



    Nero suggested I join these forums and it's probably a good idea since maintaining momentum and seeing enthusiasm from people using the patch helps keep me motivated. I guess I should probably start a project thread on this forum once I figure out how to.


    Edit: Here is a project thread for it now:



    I usually go by the name conman though that seems to be used a lot so I've used my project team (hah it's just me) name for the forum.

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