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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. 2 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    Meh, I've watched the whole thing without much effort. I actually like watching really horrible shows, observing why and in what ways they fail, but Smartphone was so trashy and shameless that it was funny in a way. The real challenge comes with horrible shows that takes themselves seriously. This season's Toji no Miko is, in my honest opinion, the stinker of the century and I won't look away from its grotesque trainwreck glory until the 24th episode is over. :nico:

    I disagree. Toji no miko is watchable trash as evidenced by the fact I'm watching it. Smartphone was completely pointless trash. Now if you want absolute garbage of recent times, something like handshakers takes the cake.

  2. 1 minute ago, Mr Poltroon said:

    I can appreciate how very much the show doesn't give a damn about anything. Every scene seems to be 5 seconds long. But even if I can appreciate and laugh at a lot of things, scenes like that one that badly parodies detective stories are so poorly made I can't watch them. I made if for four episodes.

    Impressive. I got about 1.2 episodes in, and I thought I had strong intestinal fortitude for lame arse anime.

  3. 1 hour ago, NowItsAngeTime said:

    What exactly do you need a hand with?

    If it's editing, I could help if it just requires making sure the scripts read well and grammar consistency and stuff.

    Can't do TLC since I'm don't know Japanese 

    It is TLC.

  4. 2 hours ago, bakauchuujin said:

    I don't really see anything new that seems interesting for this season. Everything interesting seems to be sequals, not that it is bad to have sequals of good series but it is always nice to have something new.

    I'd say the opposite. I've had enough of new isekai, magic school, cute girls sol and so on that offer nothing. It's time to make some room for all the great series that desperately need sequels, continuation, and/or completion.

  5. 11 hours ago, skrewball717 said:

    I was one of the many who jumped on your beta patch of To Heart 2 who then also read through your full patch when it was released as well. I can say that the Beta patch did not stop myself from wanting to read your full release, nor did it make me judge To Heart 2 poorly because what I had originally read. I do think there is an essence of time involved as well. If I remember correctly, there was quite some time between the beta patch and full patch of To Heart 2. In situations like this where there is going to be a long lapse between said beta patch and the full release, I don't think there is much to lose by releasing the unfinished patch.

    Now if the full patch would be ready in 6-ish months or so, it is definitely not worth it. But when talking years in some cases, a beta patch can help tide people over. And frankly, it would be like experiencing the VN anew once the full patch comes out because of the time between. Situational for sure, but as Astro has implied, this could be quite the long haul if no help is brought in before we do, eventually, get a full patch of Clover Days, this might be worth exploring. I feel that this holds true for all fan-TLs, not just this specific case. The downside of course is peoples' impressions of your quality of work, but if a patch is labeled beta and it's said that the patch is an unedited, non TLC version and people still complain about the quality, their opinions probably aren't worth much in the first place.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Thanks, but I'd say you're the exception.

  6. 5 hours ago, Benji Price said:

    On the other hand, is there a chance of a partial patch with the work done this far ?? Maybe this is asking too much and you want a full release after TLC and Proofread are done thoroughly, but well... that's entirely up to you, and I will respect your decision.

    Alas my experience has been that releasing a full un-tlc, unedited, un-proofread patch dilutes the impact of the game since people are often desperate to read it that they won't wait for the final patch and then many pass judgement on the game by its beta patch. Sure the purists are patient enough to always wait since they don't want to have a diminished experience, but ask yourself why you want the unedited patch and what effect reading it in that form will have on your experience of, and opinion of the piece of work in question.

  7. On 09/02/2018 at 2:14 AM, Mr Poltroon said:

    I don't know why, exactly, I so frequently enjoy Shougi anime, especially given that I do not know how it is played. Yet, The Ryuo's Work is Never Done! is very much my sort of thing. I'd perhaps prefer it if the loli elements were less prevalent or removed outright, but they do allow a number of funny scenes to ensue. Most notably, one of the emotional scenes actually got to me. As I can't empathise with this sort of 'sports' anime I generally am quite detached from most scenes, thinking 'why are they making such a big deal' and such things. The anime succeeded in conveying their passion and ability in such a way that it neither broke my suspension of disbelief nor remained simply boring.

    Ryuou didn't work for me at all. It seems to only be about the rori cuteness and very little convincing about the sport which doesn't work for me on any level.

    On the other hand if you want to watch a sport anime about an obscure sport you know nothing about and are likely to never play but will get you actually involved in the sport, and is an exceptional watch, Chihayafuru is brilliant.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Stormwolf said:

    Man, unless they're waiting to get a deal somewhere i'd be really fucking pissed if all my hard work was handled in this way. A team effort reduced to the whims of one person.

    Well the "team" really did consist of just Astro trying to recruit people. He got one other translator and myself, and I did the bulk of the work. So once our component was done, that leaves only Astro as the "team". I've tried intermittently prompting him because I certainly want to see this come to conclusion some time in my lifetime. What you say has some merit so perhaps I should ping him more frequently. If no one reminds you regularly about something that isn't high on your priority list, a project can easily become out of mind out of sight.

  9. Watching Polar Bear Cafe with my wife. A harmless watch, one of those soothing anime genres with some amusing characters, very gradual flow in story amongst a bunch of animals and some humans, just animal takes on slice of life and puns and character interactions. Many people love it, and the kids occasionally are happy to drop everything and watch an episode or two with us. It's decent enough but hardly riveting watching.

  10. 3 minutes ago, -soraa said:

    I have no problem with waiting and I am really looking forward to read Clover Days but I have a question: 

    The current problem is that astro is really busy and you need someone to help out with TLC or editing.
    In other words the probability that the patch will come out this year is really low, or not? 

    Looking at what astro's up to, I'd say really low.

  11. 2 hours ago, El Mugaro said:

    Most likely waiting for license talks to end before announcing that it got picked up by SP. Nothing new.

    Nah, you're being far too optimistic. Your prediction implies progress is happening when in fact nothing is.

  12. 58 minutes ago, Mr Poltroon said:

    I'm surprised by Saekano.

    Sakurasou no Pet, huh? What did you like about the emotionlessness here?

    I didn't per se, I just liked the show mostly. I didn't like the protagonist because all did was shout the whole time, but the rest was solid. As I said, you put me on the spot and I had to put my money where my mouth was; it was meant as a throwaway comment :P Saekano was more S2.

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