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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. 54 minutes ago, VirginSmasher said:


    Prologue - 100% (1791/1791)

    Main School - 70% (1895/2691)

    Branch School - 10% (572/5846)

    Total - 6% (4258/68206)

    As you can see, the translation for the main school has been going well.

    Yes I've been busy beavering away at the main school translation. I should make it clear that's the common part of the main school route. The bulk of the translation is unique heroine path text, and that's what's not listed there, and why the total is only 6%.

  2. Went and saw Mary and the witch's flower in a deckchair cinema with the family. Unfortunately the only screening scheduled was the English dub. However when it started playing it was in Japanese with subtitles... for the first 10 minutes until they realised their mistake and started screening it again in the dubbed version. This once again showed me in the space of just 5 minutes of dialogue how much artistic license they take with translation where whole lines were completely changed - not just the nuance of the original, but they said completely different things. I've seen this before for big screen releases where they dumb down the dialogue and make it more explicit because they think English speaking audiences are stupid and have to have everything explained to them. (On Kiki's delivery service, I even noticed they added dialogue in parts where she's flying on a broom quietly saying nothing in Japanese for example.)


    But anyway Mary and the Witch's Flower was a nice enjoyable rendition of a British fantasy novel called The Little Broomstick, and to their credit, they dubbed it with British accents which was somewhat of a relief. It was fairly predictable and a little childish but appealed enough to my inner child to enjoy it enough with the kids almost as much as Maquia that I reviewed a couple of posts ago. The important thing about this film is it's the first successful film from Studio Ponoc which was an attempt to break free from the curse of living in the shadow of Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki films from one of its old staff and did an admirable job. 8/10

  3. 1 hour ago, bakauchuujin said:

    I felt that the ending was really rushed.

    I didn't say it was awesome, just that it was satisfying enough, which is all that's required to be recommended here. It was still overall a fun watch. It could have done with maybe yet another season or perhaps it would have actually dragged if they did that since they didn't have more material? Who knows. To me it seemed they only had a simplistic idea for the ending and executed it. I didn't feel they had more material even if a lot of viewers wanted more. Sometimes if you get what you ask for, you'll be disappointed. I still gave it an 8/10 overall.

  4. Watched the film Maquia - when the promised flower blooms, the other day. It's a story about long-lived (eternal but mortal?) humans and their relationships with regular humans but is obviously far more than that, without spoilers. While I was watching it I thought initially it was only pretty good but as it progressed it grew on me more and more till I thought it was very good and quite moving by the end. I also haven't been able to get its story out of my head the last few days showing the story was quite strong. 8.5/10. The only catch was that the long-lived humans are the magic 15 high school age for their entire lives which was quite amusing given every other anime everyone is that age too.

  5. Tada-kun wa koi wo shinai had a happy ending so it should have made it to my ultimately satisfying anime list but the show itself and its characters were so bland and meh that it didn't rate highly enough in my eyes to get there, while Umamusume pipped it at the post ;)

  6. Sensitively written love stories and characters that instantly turn into the protagonist with superhuman physiology that torments the heroine during H scenes and... well actually just about everything in the H scene that is in complete contrast to the rest of the story and character development. Considering how much I love H scenes, it's sad how rarely it blends in with the story and characters.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Mr Poltroon said:

    No, it does not.

    Additionally, I'm fairly sure this game contains content that actively make me uncomfortable, so it's quite nice to know any such content was side-lined to a different menu even if circumstances lead me to opt for the adult version.

    Except for the bath scenes I mentioned which are quite innocuous, although clearly meant to titillate indirectly, but have lots of story dialogue.  It may be worth waiting to see if the all ages version has these removed completely as Derg and I have been discussing and if so, go for the adult version and just don't bother bringing up the hard core scenes separately.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    I see it even has a decent rating on MAL! Interesting, I was definitely scared off by the absurd premise, but I might give it a chance after all. :)

    Although the fact all the girls are named like racehorses is super weird... :michiru:

    That's because they are racehorses, though the only thing horse about them appears to be the ears and tails...

  9. On 11/06/2018 at 12:28 PM, ittaku said:

    I finished watching Ranma ½. Not even sure why I did in the end, but it started out because it is a classic comedy still revered today, and when I first started watching it I found myself actually laughing at it. Well it tired quickly and for whatever reason I kept watching till I watched all 161 episodes. If anyone else has this much spare time on their hands and is considering it, all I can say is: don't do it. It was a good way to put me to sleep at the end of the night when I was still buzzing and needed something that would make me want to go to bed. The slapstick gets tired very quickly, the same plots get rehashed a dozen times over, and there is virtually no forward progress in the story. About its only redeeming feature was showing nipples before they were considered too raunchy for even ecchi shows on TV, though there's nothing titillating (heh) about how they're presented here :P

    I made it that far I figured I'd go all the way. I ended up watching the 2 movies and 12 OVAs as well. Still nothing happened, but at least I can say I've seen it all now.

  10. 19 minutes ago, snowbell55 said:

    Excellent! :D. So it's definitely her and not Tamaki then, because of the above-listed reasons?

    2 - 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Wow really? Admittedly the Ruuko and twins routes are the ones I skipped, but looking at the walkthrough, it seems like the split is Ruuko -> twins, and it's either you do Ruuko or you do the twins but you can't stay with either all the way from the start, hence how come I called it a half route.


    1. I dunno lol.

    2. You... skipped... Ruuko? I'm not your friend anymore D:

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