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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. 2 minutes ago, snowbell55 said:

    Ah thanks a lot! Is her route well done at least? It seems like it's tricky to add characters in well after a release without it going badly...

    Also there's one other thing I wanted to ask that I forgot to edit into the previous post - 

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    What's the deal with the robot lady in the shopping mall on I think 4 March? Is that a character, or? I've been through Konomi & Sasara's routes and I still can't quite figure out what's going on there...


    I don't know if her route's any good as I've only ever had the PC version.



    It's never made clear who the robot maid is that he meets at the mall since they don't even show her but given the timing, and her behaviour I suspect it's meant to be Ilfa. Perhaps they didn't want to show her since her arrival in the twins' route is meant to be a surprise. Milfa is still a teddy at that time, and Silfa is too shy to go shopping that early on.


  2. 6 hours ago, snowbell55 said:

    Since the thread has been bumped I may as well ask something I'm wondering here. 

    Does the VN have a way of pushing you onto a route of some sort no matter what you do? I've been using the walkthrough to get onto the desired routes, and it says basically to stalk the girl you're interested in. What if you go to random girls every day? 

    Also are there any other routes that were added in after the fact like the Sasara route? 

    If you don't score enough good karma with one of the heroines you end up with the Yuuji ending.

    Sasara was the only character added after the all ages version to X rated, however later versions added yet another character Mio Hanesaki who was never in the original games or anime or anything: http://aquaplus.jp/th2dxp/character11.html They also explained her conspicuous absence from the rest of the story by making her so bland that no one notices she exists most of the time. The continued popularity of the game a decade later is the reason they could still milk the franchise for another character as an excuse to make people buy the dx version when the rest of the game was unchanged (apart from removing the H content since the later versions were all ages.)

  3. 1 hour ago, adamstan said:

    Ruuko - out-of-this-world setting ;) , but very enjoyable route. Ruuko is easily one of the best girls in this game. "Ruu!" \o/

    Translation was decent - there were some missing or redundant words here and there, but no game-breakers.

    Overall - 8/10 from me.

    Now that's some good taste right there ;)

    Glad you enjoyed it.

    Ruu \o/

  4. 2 minutes ago, 1P1A said:

    Not disagreeing with this at all. I was more generalizing towards your everyday VN, as opposed to something requiring a high linguistic ability. I never said that you never need to refer to a dictionary, just that when you do you should already have a general idea of what the word/structure itself is symbolizing given the context (again referring to a general VN).

    Agree with you, I do.


  5. 30 minutes ago, 1P1A said:

    You translate when you're ready, which means you read it and understand it. Ultimately, you shouldn't have to look up much of anything, and those you do, you generally would be able to understand just from the context anyway.

    Japanese has a super rich vocabulary. Even the most confident translators would often look up words in translations, sometimes just for confirmation, but not infrequently simply because they've never encountered the word before or it's being used in a context that they've never seen it used before thus confirming what other possible uses of the word there may be. From what I've read, most tertiary educated native speakers know approximately 50,000 words. Literature, depending on complexity, often uses infrequently used words for colour, and even native speakers will encounter words they've never seen before - often they can surmise the meaning simply from context simply because it is their native language, but not always. Guessing at a word's meaning is not accurate enough for translation. By the time one is fluent in a second language, they usually know about 10,000 words. The likelihood of needing a dictionary is still high at that level, yet they clearly have the knowledge to translate. The most famous Japanese dictionaries have almost 500,000 words in them...

  6. On 21/04/2018 at 5:39 PM, ittaku said:

    Rewatching Cross Game - for the fourth time - with the whole family. Truly a remarkable anime and deservedly one of the few to score a 10/10 in my ratings.

    Finished it. Loved it as much as the first few times. Now moving onto watching Working!! with the family, for the 5th time maybe?

  7. 1 hour ago, Kurisu-Chan said:

    No no, part of me is overexagerating, the other is genuinely enjoying an actual good show that happens to have, so far, an excellent characterisation, also emo teenager, sure, suure, like you'd do better.


    Over-exaggerating is a tautology.

  8. 1 hour ago, Kenshin_sama said:

    You don't remember the complaints we got about monopolizing the Summer 2016 thread? Man that was fun! :wahaha:

    Things have gotten very quiet around here. Extensive posting would probably be quite welcome. Setting myself up for a massive flaming, I for one think SG;0 is good but not brilliant. I think @Kurisu-Chan is just living off the glow of reliving his favourite characters. Then again I never particularly warmed to Okabe in the first and he's just an emo teenager in an adult body this time around...

  9. Wow FMP, just wow... They pulled out all the stops in this one, and goddamn the dialogue is so good... shame the translation didn't capture it.


    Chidori and Sousuke both had a clear confession of their love for each other in Japanese as well as the fact they're scared of each other which was a beautiful moment, yet the subs watered it down by saying 'care for you'.  I've been waiting 4 seasons for this moment and the subs didn't capture it :(


  10. Prioritise according to how I rank the girls. I do them in reverse order except for the first heroine I choose which is my 2nd favoured because if I start with my least favourite there's a chance I might give up before giving the game a good enough go. So for example if there are 5 heroines, my play order is 2, 5, 4, 3, 1. Yes it is a conscious decision every time, though sometimes a heroine surprises me or disappoints me depending on the quality of the route of course.

  11. 1 hour ago, Kurisu-Chan said:

    Not only S;G 0 and FMP4, don't forget about stuff like legend of galactic heroes or the new captain tsubasa, or even the new SAO anime(yes i say it, it is not bad now that worst characters aren't here), This season is pure gold, we better cherish it.

    Yeah I mentioned the others earlier, though I've never watched Tsubasa so it doesn't hold the same history for me. I agree, SAO is currently awesome, let's hope it doesn't do what seasons 1 and 2 did.


  12. SG;0 looks great so far as everyone else has said. Oh thank god for more FMP as well - I've so missed it. Happy to have more shokugeki too; time for that to finally move forward with the plot. I actually didn't mind the new SAO either, though from history I know it'll be awesome for a while and then turn into a steaming pile of shit by the end of the series.

  13. 52 minutes ago, Thyndd said:

    We just value differently different points, that's all. In my case, I loved the setting and found some topics really interesting, but the series actually focus more on the adolescent drama and love n-polygons, which I personally find very tiresome. The music and animation were top notch, there's no denying that.

    Sure thing. I'm a sucker for romance, especially with happy endings.

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