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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. I've been waiting for this particular game to get a project going so that I could translate it, but I didn't want to be project lead (and everything else) as well as translator this time. Luckily no one noticed I was free for translation between finishing Clover Day's and now so I could jump straight into it. I'm really looking forward to translating this and hope we get enough staff to make it a great release. Given my history with my previous projects I'm sure you all know I definitely see things out to the end, so at the very least you have one translator that is dedicated to it, however we do need another translator as this is a well known kamige and the standard required really needs the highest quality translation and checking to do it justice. Translators and editors step up and join in.

  2. Well episode 12 of Sora yori mo tooi basho certainly was not remotely how I expected it would play out given its tone so far.


    Boy did I shed some tears on that one. :( I was going to rewatch it with my wife and kids because its tone was so upbeat but that episode just ruined me and no way could I sit through it again and show it to others as something allegedly upbeat. I can't remember the last time a show made me cry so much.

    I wonder where episode 13 will take us from here.

  3. Shafted, I started playing VNs in about 1998 and never once thought to rate anything back then and only relatively recently joined a community that expects ratings so I have no documentation of what I thought of 20 years of them. It was all too long ago to try and backdate the ratings now so I'm not even trying now.

  4. 51 minutes ago, bakauchuujin said:

    If we go back to translation quality a company should try to make sure the translator is capable by having the translator present previous work or test translate something.

    They all do. They don't just employ someone without knowing if what they translate is accurate or not. Even with our fan translations we test the translators and editors to make sure they're doing a job up to our standard. That doesn't translate (pardon the pun) into them always creating good works in the real world.  Translation is an art form, not a science, and there are two main ways to get a good translation - either the translator themselves knows the language itself well and is a writer in their own right and can produce something that is polished from their first pass and only really needs proofreading, OR the translator knows the language itself well and produces something relatively literal and stilted but has a superb editor who is a writer in their own right and is masterful at massaging a stilted translation into a polished written work. Either way, the translator MUST know the language they're translating from very well, AND the last person to put stylistic touches to the work is a writer themselves. The finest novels always get this treatment, and some of the most popular novels have had multiple translations that people debate about which version is the best. The movie world is mixed, with high profile film getting good translators but kids movies, animation etc. getting wildly variable treatment. In the low budget world of VNs there may well be people who know the language well through study, experience, and exposure, but it's unlikely these translators are writers. It's even less likely the localisation companies will find and employ a high quality editor who's also a writer. However the VNs were clearly written by people with writing skills (at least the better ones.) I'm currently working on a new fan project that I happily subjected myself to a translation test for since it's a high profile work and even I wasn't sure if my translation was good enough to do the work justice.


    To answer the OP's question - in short the quality of work you're reading simply doesn't match what was written. Translation is a lossy process and the worse the translation and editing is, the more is lost. If it starts out a masterpiece in its native language, you want the localisation to be one, but a masterpiece may end up coming across as a mediocre read. A decent work could end up being substandard, and an average work could end up being unreadable trash. In the worst case scenario, with the most lossy translation process, a masterpiece ends up being unreadable trash.

  5. 3 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    But that's the point, usually Hentai don't try to be anything more than straight-up porn, so it has much less ability to fail epicly. And I don't like hentai porn, so it would just be boring, unless it has good comedy or is completely outlandish in its themes. :)

    Actually as a counterpoint, try watching the 2 Mezzo Forte OVAs. They're clearly hentai but with infinitely better execution than Hand Shakers. They're actually a good watch and were so good that they decided to make a TV series out of the story (alas without the hentai.)

  6. 6 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    I've just finished Hand Shakers, intrigued by @ittaku's anti-recommendation. And boy, it did deliver in so many ways! Barfy animations with weird, motion-sickness-inducing perspective, horrible CGI, over-the-top, tropy characters, nonsense motivations, etc, etc. The wannabe idol character was one the most horrifying things I've seen in anime recently, especially when the animators tried to show her "dancing". Oh, and random BDSM in the first episode. And the main characters having to hold hands all the time during the first few episodes, even on the toilet. Brilliant. :Chocola:

    If anyone can't tell by this point, I really like over-the-top, horrible anime. Most bad anime are just extremely boring harem/ecchi stuff though. But I'll always remember Hand Shakers as one of those rare, genuinely amusing disasters. <3

    EDIT: Oh, and the opening song has a bit of charm to it.

    Glad it un-delivered as I promised. You'll be hard pressed to ever find anything that shit again. I think the only thing in anime I've ever rated lower was Peeping Life which I couldn't even sit through one episode of, but that never had high aspirations whereas Hand Shakers did. What a legend.

  7. 1 hour ago, tymmur said:

    This isn't the biggest issue in that regard. There are some VNs where the heroines needs to be rescued. When you enter a route, you save the heroine in question. Sounds strait forward and ok at first glance until you realize that it means not saving the other heroines and they end up in various bad situations. One example I saw at one point is a heroine, who is raped unless you pick her route, but if you pick it, two other heroines are raped. I don't really feel like making such a choice. I'm not too happy about heroines being raped either, optional or mandatory.

    That's why the original True Love '95 was such a legendary game - on a perfect playthrough you got to date every girl, save the idol from being kidnapped, discovered the catgirl, helped her ascend to heaven, fucked them all and still ended up with the best girl.

  8. 56 minutes ago, snowbell55 said:

    Oh wow this is by Aquaplus? Do you need to have read the first in the series before jumping in or?

    Definitely not. It's entirely standalone as @Kabu has said below.

    47 minutes ago, Kabu said:

    Nope. Any references made to the first are very minor and unassuming at best. It's entirely unconnected in all ways that matter.


    26 minutes ago, MarcomiX said:

    If you want to play toHeart2, stay away from Sasara's route. Best girl, worst route.
    Anyway, toHeart2 has got a '90s anime feeling that's quite enjoyable. A good common route and nice artworks.
    I was utterly disappointed by the ending of my route of choice, tho.

    One thing about the routes in To Heart 2 is most of them have a different feel from each other. Routes and their endings tend to polarise people. What one person loves another hates with a vengeance. While I agree with @MarcomiX about Sasara's ending, I don't think she's the best girl (just look at my avatar :P ), and others really enjoy her route. Either way, you're bound to find something you like, and something you hate in To Heart 2. You'll also then have about a dozen anime OVAs to watch that are much funnier after you play the game.

    Project link:


  9. If you know the two languages, believe it or not doing Chinese to English is infinitely easier than doing Japanese. Japanese could well be the LAST language where translation to English becomes accurate. Sorry but it's still time for the rest of you to learn Japanese. As a software engineer that knows Japanese, I'd say give it another, oh, say 30 years (which is what @Clephas said about all Asian languages though I disagree)?

  10. On 11/03/2018 at 10:27 AM, Nandemonai said:

    I've been around for awhile, long enough that I remember the types of games that got officially translated in the late 90's.  There were a handful of gems in that era (like Eve Burst Error and Nocturnal Illusion) but also a huge pile of really bad nukige.  Bad by 1998 standards nukige.  Any of the following have pretty much no entertainment value whatsoever:

    This game has everything: terrible writing, uninteresting characters, really short, bad plot, and just being really old and awful.  I think it's the first yurige ever officially translated, but there's a reason nobody remembers it: https://vndb.org/v1189 

    SLGs are rare nowadays; they died out because they're terribly repetitive.  This one straight up lies to you about its own mechanics, telling you sex training the maids is optional.  It isn't.  The only way to get money is forcing the maids to service men who randomly show up and demand to sleep with them, because they'll pay.  If you've trained the maids 'correctly'.  At the end, if they aren't trained well, you get ragged on for doing a bad job by the same character who told you it was optional:  https://vndb.org/v11014

    This game at least tries to be funny, but between the generic badness of the story, the cast of 100% stock characters, and the awful wooden localization (which was standard for h-games back then), it's pretty dire: https://vndb.org/v1444

    One of G-C's first releases took several really old plot-what-plot games from way back in their back catalog (from back when really short pointless sex games were standard, because games with plot hadn't been invented yet) and stitched them into this.  None of the scenarios are interesting, and the whole thing was already too dated to be hot 15 years ago: https://vndb.org/v159

    Being one of the few people old enough to be around when these things were released, I played all of the above and by god did you get it right with Pro Lesring aka Ring Out. You're wrong, I remember it vividly (in a bad way.) That was the biggest pile of steaming shit I ever played. Since VNs were so few and far between and hard to get hold of, I even read the whole damn thing even though it was appalling. It predated my ability to allow myself to mash the ctrl key. I'm so ashamed.

  11. 1 hour ago, Happiness+ said:

    Are we a fan translation group?

    Is there any other community where fan translations can be coordinated, announced, discussed regularly etc. without dropping off the "front page" of reddit to be forgotten till the next time they post? There is much more permanency to a forum thread for posts and others seeking information than any other community type. I came to fuwa for this - once the other community I posted on died it was the most suitable place, and I'm still here for this. I post more about anime since that's what I spend more time on, but there's nowhere else for me to discuss the fan translation aspect (especially my contribution there.) Now the fact is that fan translation is also getting more and more fringe and less common compared to official localisations, but there's no sign of localisations reaching the epic proportions that anime did that virtually killed off fansubs. With trillions of VNs (okay maybe an exaggeration, and most are likely crap, but you get the point) there will always be material that only fans have a chance of localising. If the fan translation scene dies off, is this a good thing for VNs? I don't think so, unless we get 100x more official releases than we currently are getting. Fan translations are what spawn a much larger whole official localisation market in the first place. To me this is what fuwa has to offer that nothing else does. That may or may not be how the admins and much of the audience sees it, but that's why I'm here.

  12. 11 hours ago, Dergonu said:

    Finished watching Konohana Kitan. I was expecting pure fluff, and got hit right in the feels instead. Was not prepared / 10. Ugh, man, especially episode 8. Muh feels.

    Well it was fluff... but nice touchy fluff. If ep8 was the one I'm thinking of, I understand ...

  13. 2 minutes ago, Soulless Watcher said:

    Are you saying that you were sexually attracted to many teachers in your high school days or are you saying that the "sexy teacher" is an outlier fetish? Granted my tastes are quite deviant when compared to conventional fetishes, but I had thought that the "sexy teacher" was a common theme in porn and trashy romance novels. 

    I was in an all-boys school and most of us had a few teachers we would have died to have boned in high school.

  14. On 28/11/2017 at 12:48 PM, Soulless Watcher said:

    On a side note, I always chuckle when I see someone say it is creepy or disgusting because they have a corresponding family member in their family. I have sisters, a mother, and a father and I have never considered any of them in a romantic way. I'm actually quite horrified by the idea actually. To me it is akin to someone disliking a first person shooter because they don't think they would do well in a combat situation or, for a metaphor more close to the subject matter, stories of a romance between a student and teacher because they don't have a teacher they want to bone. It just seems odd that some people are all to eager to insert themselves in some works of fiction and mentally distance themselves in others.

    To me this comment made by far the most sense about why it works... until he mentioned not having a teacher they want to bone. High school was a long time ago for me but this...

  15. Finished watching Polar Bear's Cafe. Kids loved it. It remained very relaxed, harmless, and pointless right to the end. Did the same thing with Flying Witch - I never thought much of this the first time around but kids loved it again and it was pretty much the same as PBC.

    Watched the No Game No Life Zero movie. It was pretty good but not exactly awesome. Looked great and had a few very enjoyable moments.  Mandatory watching for any fan of the series, but being backstory there's very little of the characters from the original.

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