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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. On 29/03/2018 at 5:39 AM, Toranth said:

    Cobra Mission in 1994, followed by Knights of Xentar in 1995.  Amy's Fantasies, Seasons of the Sakura, Divi-Dead, Nocturnal Illusion, Runaway City, Desire, True Love... all the classics.

    First Japanese language VN was Kanon in 1999.

    Ho boy, someone who predates me; I wonder if you're as old as I am. They be some mighty fine classics you list there.


    10 hours ago, adamstan said:

    For me it was True Love Jun'ai Monogatari - somewhere around 2001 I think. I managed to finish it using walkthrough. I didn't know back then the term "VN" - that was, as Frullo NDE pointed out - "dating sim" or "hentai game". I also remember Nocturnal Illusion, Three sisters story and Fatal Relations from that time, but never finished them - they were too convoluted or too long for horny teenager ;).

    Same here, in about 1998. I still have fond memories of True Love '95 as it was called back then, and play it every few years just for nostalgic value. I remember all those older games too and played them through religiously, though I'm not sure I ever unlocked everything except for True Love. I played every single English translated VN/dating sim available back then so all the VGA classics. Walkthroughs were hard to come by back then. The concept of unlocking everything didn't come till about mid 2000s to me. By the latter half of the 2000s I finally fell off the curve, unable to keep up with English translated releases and had moved to native Japanese ones so the sheer number available made it overwhelming, just at about the same time I dramatically decreased the number I played. Nowadays I only get to play 3 or 4 a year. Having a full life with career, family, kids etc. made it a relatively low priority but I never lost the love for them.

  3. For what it's worth, I haven't found seasons 2 or 3 of SnS to be as good as season 1. Season 2 just felt repetitive after 1, and season 3 the production values seemed to have nosedived. The story only finally got interesting halfway through the second half of season3; i.e. the last couple of weeks.

  4. 20 hours ago, cro-mag said:

    lol same tbh. But i'm still on S2 for now, combining it with playing YS VIII. Really great show with cool MC for a change. The only thing i despise -

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    everything that surrounds Nakiri Erina. She's the worst imo, hate these types of characters, she's utter trash.





    You're meant to hate her, that's kind of the point of such characters. Of course she'll soften and end up being his love interest that pushes him further as hinted in season 1 - no this isn't a spoiler, this is my prediction. Having said that you can make characters you hate without them being stereotypical and largely uninteresting as she is.


  5. I keep forgetting to say how awesome it is to have more High School DXD. It's such a great show managing to successfully combine such genres.


    2 hours ago, Kurisu-Chan said:

    As always, another week, another great S;G 0 episode.

    By the way, I've been working on the Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no translation and discovered one of the heroines (the best one in fact) has the same VA as Kurisu. I had no idea she'd done so much H voice acting, but it's fantastic ;)

  6. 14 hours ago, ManteR said:

     I surrender at ep14 of toji no miko (if someone can explain why they didn't wrap if after the 1st cour), and at ep2 of hand shakers (I certify its unwatchableness).

    Alas you're right. I gave up on Toji as well about 2 episodes after you. Glad you agree on shit shakers, but you'll find we're not alone.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Archangel said:

    Garo: Carved Seal of Flames (or known by its awful localized name: GARO: The Animation)

    Leon's character arc is amazing and REAL, German is hilarious, Ema is a badass, one of the best out there.

    The Dub isn't that bad either.

    Thanks. I haven't watched it so I'll add it to the other recommendations.

  8. Well I keep being conflicted on Hinamatsuri. It's a show with a stupid premise that starts with scifi and turns pure character comedy drama. Given the material I expect to give it up each week but each time I watch an episode I find myself honestly laughing out loud which almost never happens with comedy. Thus I have to admit, it's actually a good comedy.

  9. On 14/05/2018 at 12:01 AM, Jun Inoue said:

    Is it weird that it bothers me how a female character has a silly reaction (like Kaos saying "thank you god" when another of the girls pushes her against her breasts) or her enjoyment of being scolded by a sexy mature woman, and there's a horde of fans that do not suggest, theory or wonder, but immediately exclaim smth along the lines of "Man, Kaos is such a lesbian". Just like one could say "Kaos likes wearing trousers".

    I don't know. I get super irked by people who throw lesbianism around like a buzzword for absolutely any female being to ever display any amount of interest or curiosity, be it sincere, fake or for pure comedic relief. Or, basically, for any female character that's not eating dick 24/7.

    Well said. I got sick of this joke in this series before I had a chance to find the series funny and promptly dropped it. It's capitalising on the recent rise of the yuri which is, of course, all done in the wrong way in anime; it's to titillate guys instead of be a meaningful portrayal of it (even when it tries to be the latter it has to be mostly the former.) Oh well, it is just anime and I can drop it and watch something else.

  10. 18 hours ago, iambobokay said:

    That sounds like more than enough for me. Could you go into more detail? Like, do I just add a text file with the function to the .pak file? And did you write it in a specific programming language? Since I am still rather new to this, it'd really help me if you could maybe show me the function you wrote (If you still have it.)

    The reinsertion code for To Heart 2 was very specific for the game engine itself and was written in python. Unless you're a programmer yourself there's not much point in describing how I did it, and if you are a programmer then no doubt you can work it out for yourself anyway. My code is unique for the one game engine so it won't be of any use to you. You need a dedicated programmer to do the same thing for you.

  11. On 09/05/2018 at 9:52 AM, Darklord Rooke said:

    A while ago I thought I'd give Gintama a go, because it was supposed to be really funny and popular. I dropped it midway through the first episode. It just seemed really stupid to me.

    Just recently though, as the popularity of Gintama doesn't seem to be waning at all, I thought maybe it's me. Maybe I'm just being really uptight and anal about stuff. So I sent it to my sister saying "give this a try, it's supposed to be really good". If she says it's good I'll give it another go.

    I got a message back today. "This is, most likely, without a doubt, the worst show I've ever seen."
    "I know", I said. "I thought it was pretty terrible also."
    "Then why did you pass it on for me to try!"

    So yeah, now I can safely ignore Gintama without thinking I'm missing something special. Happy days!

    No, ignore all the others here. I think they've got it completely backwards. If you can enjoy the first two episodes of Gintama, you'll enjoy the show. It is a good example of the baseline of humour and lack of plot that defines the show. The plot is made up on the spot repeatedly to make it look like there's some kind of continuity in there based on random character arcs they keep adding, and the humour doesn't really change much from episode 1 and 2, only intensifying in absurdity. If that's your cup of tea then this is the perfect show for you. My wife loves it, so I've watched every single one of the 350+ episodes. I sleep through half of them since I rarely find it funny, and the serious "story" parts of it are contrived add-ons at all times. People seem to be blown away by the fact that the most absurd  show on TV also has serious moments that look totally out of place - but that's actually all they are to me; out of place. In fact the serious story arcs bore me to sleep every time and the humour only occasionally invokes a grin out of me at best. No belly laughs for me I'm afraid. I've sat through all of it and unless it magically hits a nerve for you, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I'm about as clued up about Japanese culture and language as anyone gets, and I listen mostly to the raw Japanese so that's not the reason it doesn't work for me...

  12. I wrote a custom function to do line breaks in the reinsertion code for To Heart 2. It was aware of the on-screen line length and had some basic rules regarding spaces, periods, commas, quotation marks, and hyphens. Since the player got to insert their own name at the start of the game the best I could do there was to use the default name space and accept it would break for longer names. I also merged all previous lines instead of keeping all the original line breaks; English is far more verbose than Japanese and needs more screen real estate so it couldn't afford the extra line breaks.

  13. 40 minutes ago, adamstan said:
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    She could as well be just some random standard robot maid, used to introduce the concept of robot maids to the player.



    Indeed it could, but the advanced nature of her behaviour is suggestive of HMX 17 :)


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