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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/17 in Posts

  1. I have absolutely no interest in Grisaia Phantom Trigger and the more than 3 volumes bullshit just means I won't support it (unless they say how long each volume is going to be). It's obvious Frontwing has realized thanks to Corona Blossom that they can piecemeal vns for better profits. Hell the only reason I bought the entire Corona Blossom is because I wanted a conclusion after getting scammed via the first one. It's not going to happen again. I might consider backing a full game but not going to go anywhere near something with volumes. Hell both Corona Blossom and Karakara really soured my experience on new visual novels and I likely won't back any further ones from any company.
    4 points
  2. Note: We are 100% funded on kickstarter and we are trying to raise enough funds for our stretch goals. If you can please talk to your friends about pledging and possibly pledge yourself! Our first stretch goal is eroge scenario for the Kachuna! Plot: You are a Game Designer! Play as Jun Mizushima, a gaming school student who suffers from "chuunibyou", or "eighth grade syndrome", a condition in which the afflicted genuinely believe that they posses superpowers. Aside from that, Jun is a charismatic young man, who is really determined to create a video game of his own. Join Jun and his eccentric, yet talented, group of friends to win the annual International Youth Game Development Competition! Kachuna Demo Demo Kickstarter Kickstarter link Steam Greenlight Steam Greenlight Link Video Who is the character of Kachuna? Features: 1920x1080 resolution. Ability to switch between English and Japanese in text. (Japanese text is now be a stretch goal) Japanese VO(Stretch Goal) Map feature( Players are allow to clicks in map for different scenarios) Screenshot: Development Staff: 馬洽卡Yan - Character artist Bo Ri - Background & CG artist & Logo artist Ran08 - Writer & Programmer Avagrande (Ayano) - Gui programmer Nyanime - PM, Composer, Gui artist & Graphic Designer UPA - Editor Bat-tan/Zero -Project Leader Comments Fill free to leave your comments and feedback here.
    3 points
  3. A shame this will not have a 18+ option as the last series did. I think Steam is starting to influence this company more and more in no longer making eroge. As far as I am concerned, Steam is a cancer to visual novels and their fans.
    2 points
  4. You won't have to wait much longer.
    2 points
  5. THE GRAND BALL PLAY ON The year is 1882 and Queen Victoria has sat on the British throne for 45 years. The British Empire is at the height of its power and over a quarter of the world’s population lives under her reign. Sadly House Blakely, one of Britain’s oldest noble families, does not share in the Empire’s good fortunes and has seen a strong decline in its riches over the past few years. Edgar Blakely, the eldest son and heir apparent to the Viscount Blakely, has just received an invitation to one of the most lavish and opulent events in all of England; Lady Amelia Camberwell’s Grand Ball. Edgar’s father, the Viscount Blakely, has informed Edgar that their estate is nearly bankrupt and that Edgar is to see this gala as an opportunity to secure himself a wealthy bride to save House Blakely. Can Edgar restore his family’s position in Britain? Will he find true love? The only way to find out is to attend “The Grand Ball”… “The Grand Ball” is a Visual Novel like none other that will whisk you away on your most indulgent Victorian dreams. Choose your own adventure and see which of the eight endings you end up with!
    1 point
  6. Hey Fuwanovel, New here, although I've been playing visual novels for a while. I, like I imagine most of the community here, am interested in anime, manga and games, particularly visual novels. I occasionally help translate things, but I am by no means as skilled as I would like, I need to improve my skill in Japanese for that. I have known about Fuwanovel for a while, and occasionally read a review or found a useful thread on these forums, but have never interacted with them before. I hope I can get along with the other users here! - Jean
    1 point
  7. Kawasumi

    Birthday thread

    well NOW i have birthday, its funny that fuwa says 25 even though im 26 now, gg fuwa
    1 point
  8. Akimoto Masato


    Welcome officially to the community, I'm probably not the best welcome party because of my avid shit posting and my known possible retardation, but I shall do for now, until more "qualified" people show up, anyways welcome (I'm also an dank meme enthusiast)
    1 point
  9. Mr Poltroon

    What are you playing?

    Yes. Unfortunately, in S. I say 'unfortunately' for S actually produced some of the worst routes -- not only short, they had an excessive focus on sex -- exempting a couple. Kokoro's is not one of the exceptions.
    1 point
  10. I think I've clarified this elsewhere before, but the situation was that Corona Blossom was selling less than expected, not that it wasn't selling at all (and, to be blunt, the expectations that the higher-ups had were just a little bit overly optimistic).
    1 point
  11. LinovaA

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    Confession: I feel that because so much time has gone by, my image here is no longer what I had once built it up to be. Therefore, I feel it is safe to use a different avatar, despite my long track record of it always being Fuuko. Confession 2: I'll probably make a signature banner with her in it, so I don't feel naked... xD
    1 point
  12. I liked atmosphere and the art. It's a nice little romantic drama. I just finished one branch. At first I thought the characters were pretty scummy/vain, but depending what you pick in the options they're pretty sympathizable. The English translation's a little clunky in places, but it seemed to convey things decently enough. One thing that stood out is how the narration is omniscient: it shows thoughts from multiple characters in the same scene. That kind of added to the sense of being an audience, watching from on above. If you like watching a story that's like a play, you'd like this. Like I said, I've only finished one branch... In the UI department, the text skip is painfully slow, and you can't set the text to show without delay. But maybe I can forgive this, since the start game screen is so nice. Edit: Spotted @Dergonu in the credits O.o. Thanks to him I got to experience the pain of expecting my name to show up and not having it show up (it's a *gasp* higher-tier reward!). Curses!
    1 point
  13. I only recognize one title 妖姫のとむらい, but, nice taste you got there.
    1 point
  14. Planetarian, without a doubt.
    1 point
  15. To be honest, I might be looking forward to Island more than SubaHibi. SubaHibi is one of those VNs that's been hyped too much. I've taken enough philosophy classes to know that "philosophical" means different things to most people than it does to me, and I mostly find the thing other people usually mean when they call something "philosophical" to be annoying, so given how often that label is affixed to SubaHibi, I'm leery of it. I'll play it, and I honestly expect I'll enjoy it, but I'm trying to intentionally tank my hopes for it so I can be pleasantly surprised.
    1 point
  16. I didn't expect my gurl to show up in the ratings at all. Praise Kaori-sama, we didn't come last!
    1 point
  17. makes sense...
    1 point
  18. Decay


    They can, sure, but why should they pick Dracu-Riot over the million other VNs out there? However, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a group out there who actually picks this up and gives it a serious go, eventually.
    1 point
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