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UnlimitedMoeWorks last won the day on October 25 2018

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About UnlimitedMoeWorks

  • Birthday 03/08/1994

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  1. I take it that's because of me. Welp. I might as well be a self-certified troll at this point.
  2. If one of those haters you trolled happens to be Digibro, then sure. I wouldn't mind hearing your story.
  3. Oh yeah, I remember this little thing a few years back. Well, since I'm back, might as well go festive again. #13 please?
  4. Well uh... Good luck on your transition from EOP to JOP. Note to self: Perhaps I should start relearning Japanese just to read VNs, light novels, and manga untranslated.
  5. Oh no... I did it again did I? Fuck! Drunk on my own derpiness again. Just when I thought I finally cut my ties with Fuwanovel, I up and returned to make a fool of myself. Yeah... Waking up the next morning only to find out that I made recent activity on a forum I never want to be in again is not the most pleasant thing for me. I'm sorry for wasting your time. I really need to get off my computer.
  6. I swear that this is my curse. I leave, then return, then leave, return, leave, return, leave, return... Honestly, I must be insane at this stage. Probably so insane that I forgot what being insane feels like.
  7. Ok seriously, is this about an unwarranted ban issue or not? Now it seems like it's a completely separate loli issue.
  8. Honestly, I'm confused at this point. Is this about an unwarranted ban by two ban-happy employees, or a loli issue?
  9. Does Hello Goodbye have a literal loli heroine? If so, then the ban could be justified.
  10. You may be right. TBH, I'm not sure what my feelings towards VNs are. I claim I don't like them, yet, I do like them on a very deep level. It's like I'm afraid to admit I actually like VNs. I'm a tsundere!
  11. Well uh... I never really intended to come back to Fuwanovel all of a sudden, but thanks to this thread, it lured me back in. And yes, I was genuinely angry at the news. I guess this means that I still care for VNs even if I claim I don't. I'm a tsundere! Funny how I always end up back here even if it's unintentional. Fuwa must be a black hole or something. I can't escape even if I try. But since I'm back in Fuwa's event horizon, might as well stick around. I've already botched my farewell. Also, @Kiriririri was half-right about me returning in a week. I say half-right because I didn't make an alt account this time.
  12. I wouldn't go down the anti-SJW rabbit hole if I were you. I've already been down there, blaming everything on SJWs once, and it was not pretty.
  13. Well, this is a special occasion, because this news pissed me off. I just had to come back on to give my two cents, or it would've bugged me for days to come. While I don't care for VNs very much, what Valve is doing is going way too far, and it may very well affect the future of all anime games on Steam.
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