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  1. Hm... "...a visual novel where a guy enters a new school and has to choose between multiple girls". Darn it... I can't really think of anything that fits this category, except every visual novel ever made... Nah, just kidding; there are other kinds of VNs too . All jokes aside, Key's VNs you probably suit you. Personally I believe Little busters and Clannad is something you might enjoy. Hoshizora no Memoria could also be worth having a look at, if you can take it's "loli"-esk nature. Yeah, these are all extremely long, but you don't actually need to finish them to get a decent ending. They work a bit like Katawa Shoujo in that you can stop playing after finishing any one single route and feel like you got a mostly satisfying conclusion. In all of these you would miss out on the unlockable final route if you read like that though, so keep that in mind. Sharin no Kuni and G senjou no Maou would be pretty good choice too, but they incorporate other elements them just pure slice-of-life romance. Oh, and welcome to Fuwanovel, a.k.a. best visual novel related forum on the internet!
    4 points
  2. Monmon

    Yoroshiku! ^ ^

    Osu!Osu! welcome n have fun enjoy a pun What do you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft? A flat miner for your monkeys
    1 point
  3. One of the things I've noticed over the years I've spent as a gamer (almost twenty-two years now, to one degree or another) is that a technically superior game (such as Final Fantasy XIII) is not necessarily a 'good' game. I've frequently asked myself why this is... and I've yet to come to a full conclusion. So, I decided to use an example of a truly great game that wasn't necessarily technically superior to everything around it. Dragon Force- It was the release that interested me enough to pick up the Sega Saturn, a Working Designs localization of a conquest-strategy/rpg. There were eight different nations you could start out leading, each with their own storyline (leading to the same endgame, but meh) with a different protagonist for each. There were a lot of different units you could use, ranging from generic footsoldiers and cavalry to gorgon-like dragons and zombies. You could recruit generals by capturing them after defeating them in battle, and the object of the game was to crush the other large nations, capture their leaders, and recruit them into your army. Now why was this game great? First, it was downright addictive. The gameplay was never the same two playthroughs in a row (though the methodology was) and considering the limited capabilities of the Saturn, it startles me what they did with the limited resources they had available to them, looking back at it now. Second, it had ridiculously catchy songs. I found myself humming along for hours while I fought battle after battle, never really getting bored with it. Third was the story... while - like all conquest-strategy games with story - it was mostly activated by your conquest of certain castles/areas, it nonetheless managed to draw you in nicely. The desperation of the shattered Kingdom of Izumo, the ambition of Junon, the mix of isolationism and a sense of duty driving the elf queen Teiris... All of these things served as a nice beginning, and the endgame was surprisingly poignant (despite being extremely predictable story-wise from a veteran rpg-gamer's point of view). Also, I rofled constantly at the beastmen and the really weird music they stuck on their story sequences. Now, those are ELEMENTS of what made the game great... but by themselves, all of them could be matched to one degree or another in a number of other games. Generations of Chaos (the first one released in the US) was a direct spiritual tribute to Dragon Force, and it seemingly had a similar level in each individual area... but it failed to be as addictive or interesting. Why? Because a truly great game is like a puzzle, its elements fitting so well together that it creates a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Games like Dragon Force and Chrono Trigger are unusual more for this quality than for any individual aspect of their gameplay or story. They are almost works of art, rather than simple merchandise. Needless to say, I was fortunate to grow up in the early era of video games, because it gave me an appreciation for this kind of masterful game artistry that I doubt I could have obtained if I had begun in the PS2 era or later, where technology began allowing the creation of games with an unbalanced emphasis on a one or a few aspects of a game while still managing to gather in mainstream and casual gamers. I'm not saying such artistry is dead, because that would be patently ridiculous. It is just a lot rarer, proportionately, because of the simple fact that it IS so much easier to produce relatively high quality games under current technological conditions. To be blunt, gaming has suffered from the same thing that happened to every cottage industry after it hit assembly-line mentalities... predictability. Of course, some indie companies are reviving what was best about the old era, but they are also indulging in nostalgia far too often. Yes, I do like the FFVI style... but is it really necessary to copy it or Dragon Quest for EVERY SINGLE new jrpg-imitation that comes out? *Clephas rolls his eyes in exasperation* I'm not saying that the 'golden age of the jrpg' (the SNES and PS1 eras) was absolutely unequivocally better than the modern era of games... it was just oh so much easier to recognize a truly great game when you saw it, lol.
    1 point
  4. AnimalSoundss

    youtube - Most random

    you brought in the big players Boon College Humor and ERB! I'll bring out another one then Cyanide and happines!
    1 point
  5. Ezeefreak

    What are you playing?

    I just finished two routes of Grisaia no Kajitsu. After i read here some thoughts about the VN i started with a "good" Route and choose Makina and followed that by a "bad" route with Michiru. But so i thought... Makina was REALLY(!) disappointing... This and the fact that i found Yuuji very uncongenial was almost a reason to drop the VN. But i put all my willpower together and tried the Michuru route. Maybe it's only my Opinion, but i think that was one of the best routes i read so far (though i don't really read so many VN's). So i'm now pleased and can continue with the other ones. But i still think Yuuji is not likeable and really an asshole . Am i the only one who think so?
    1 point
  6. MDruidd

    Yoroshiku! ^ ^

    Welcome to FuwaForums ! Enjoy your stay ! please read G-Senjou no Maou and Grisaia no kajitsu
    1 point
  7. Boon

    youtube - Most random

    One of my favorite epic rap battles. Edit: Just had to share this no matter what... RIN'S DOUBLE-CHAINSAWS!
    1 point
  8. Hello, sir! I like the monkeys. Don't mind the generic comments, they're all probably in monotone anyways. Did you know Danganronpa was originally a VN? And that it had a sequel recently? Personally, I found the original better, but Komaeda makes everything better.
    1 point
  9. Boon

    youtube - Most random

    Still a classic till this day. "The 'H' is silent."
    1 point
  10. Stop calling me Nekonyan. The name is Sakamoto-sama!
    1 point
  11. Flutterz

    Yoroshiku! ^ ^

    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! Have a moe:
    1 point
  12. cryofrzd

    Yoroshiku! ^ ^

    Welcome to fuwanovel! From another VN + anime + Vocaloid fan.
    1 point
  13. HMN

    Yoroshiku! ^ ^

    フワノベルにようこそ(^-^)/ ヨロシクネ☆★☆@ どうぞよろしく!
    1 point
  14. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay here.
    1 point
  15. Welcome to the forums! Have fun, and don't be shy!
    1 point
  16. It's all about design and gameplay. You'd first have to ask yourself what truly defines a game and perhaps - what remains a "good", or rather - a meaningful game. Back in the old days, we were much more limited; higher emphasis often went not into the graphics, or sound, but mainly the game mechanics and simple ideas were often the most fun. Take Archon for example. I spent days and days playing it with my dad and sis back in the old days when C64 ruled the world; it had simple graphics and sound, and in overall was nothing more than a variation on a chess game - but with such a twist! When two pieces clashed, the game turned into arena-styled battle game and each piece had it's distinct pros and cons. It was even possible to beat such dangerous foes like a bishop with a mere pewn, provided a player was good enough to do so. Ideas are often important as well. I'm not saying they are the soul of a game, since in the end only execution matters, but good games are often works of art; they always remain stylish and distinct in that sense that even if the graphics are simple, they will have that something "special". It's what made games like Cave Story very succesful as well; people fell in love with it's retro stylistics and simplified gameplay, which still managed to sport so much variety within the gameplay. I'd say that good games are often very challenging; they don't need to be ridicolously hard, but there's always that "line", visible within that distinguishes casuals from hardcore gamers, while still allowing everyone to enjoy everything. I won't say modern games are bad, not at all. We still get very nice titles that prove the game industry is progressing onwards and there's a lot more to discover; the only issue is that most creators nowadays create games that don't contain any real content, only form. They have nice graphics and everything, stories written by the biggest scenario writers, scores composed by famous musicians but they always lack something, including a soul. It's perhaps why I reverted to retro gaming over the last few years and generally hold older games in much higher regard than any of the new titles; there's something in it, indeed, since most of modern games don't amuse me anymore.
    1 point
  17. I have to dye my hair again tomorrow, huh? *sigh* It's tough keeping up this tsundere act...
    1 point
  18. I wonder if Madoka is happy being MadoKami... Maybe I should devise a plan to find out and in turn change her back to a normal girl, become AkumaHomura, and get revenge on Kyuubey all at the same time... Naaaaaah. That's impossible.
    1 point
  19. Stray Cat

    Webcomic Topic

    Super Effective, although it updates rarely. Found this today, 4kids in a nutshell.
    1 point
  20. I didn't have a clue about it, sorry. Oh, it's the on-yomi of 裸? Well I don't know about the Japanese meaning and nuance, but from the context you'd just want some way to reference "being nude" in a way which is so general that no one would get what it meant out of the blue. "Being free", or "becoming free"
    1 point
  21. Define "sexual norm". In the end, what you get is actually just a voice of majority. It's the exact same as with democracy being an opressive state of the masses against the rest. Even if we're talking about moral norms, they have nothing to do with sexuality, since everything is purely subjective and each place on this planet abides by different sets of rules. You can't convince people raised in a strict moral enviroment; the same thing that feds people with arguments to justify homophobic and xenophobic behaviour towards everything which is different to protect their blessed state of affairs. I find it funny people always take those lighthearted topics so seriously. Learn to enjoy what you get and don't forget that something you may not like, isn't necesarilly something, someone will dislike as well; Having choices is good.
    1 point
  22. Zoom's stance on sexual perversion is that sexual acts outside of the fulfilling the action of procreation = sexual perversion from what I understand. That's why homosexuality is sexual perversion. This also means of course, that anal sex is sexual perversion. I don't see this view as hating on homosexuals or people who like particular fetishes or anything, I think he was simply providing something that would hopefully (?) close out the off topic discussion earlier. (Although maybe ignoring off topic things would be best. People all have their own thoughts and opinions on the definition of terms). Regarding H-scenes being necessary in VNs, it really depends on how they are implemented. If they are implemented in a way that actively damages the story since they were obviously pushing boundaries in order to include H-scenes inside the game, then the game would've been better off without them. (Solid example would be "Sex under the necessity" which is like mandatory sex in order to restore magical energy or something. Showcased in Fate stay night, also in sora wo aogite.) That doesn't mean that all H-scenes are bad. There are games in which the h-scenes actually fit in to the story and aren't retarded, for example the singular H-scene in Aiyoku no Eustia. (That doesn't mean the writing for it wasn't fucking terrible and I ended up skipping through it anyway.) However that h-scene actually fit (and it's the only one you get in about 50k+ lines of text soo) in to the story. Another example would be the Rance series in which the protagonists drive to do stuff is literally to have sex with women. The h-scenes are usually pretty short (well not in Rance 9... but lol), but obviously the game wouldn't be complete at all without them.
    1 point
  23. No. A perversion, all pejorative connotations put aside, is a deviance from the sexual norm. Not just unusual sexual interests, something intense, consisting of the majority of one's sexual arousing, and potentially distressing. And homosexuality isn't recognized as a perversion. Because homosexuality is recognized as within the sexual norm. Not in every country, but that's well on its way. I don't like the idea of "norm", but I don't like either the idea of light forms of sexual deviance being called 'deviance'. Thus if we use the word "perversion", let it be used for something of the order of magnitude of a mental disorder, not just some casual unusual sexual interest. Then maybe we can claim that none of the things that were cited are actually perversions, but that's still very arguable because I don't think the words 'pedophilia' or 'bestiality' are merely describing tastes. As for fetishes, they're on the contrary something lighter than that most of the times, although they can lead to sexual disorder. A lolicon just happens to be aroused by drawn little girls in sexual situations. Nothing to do with a pedophile who is aroused quasi-exclusively by little girls, and whose sexual drive can cause distress for himself and become a mental disorder. Of course the cut-line isn't clear, but you get the idea.
    1 point
  24. Is this discussion about perversion still going? I agree with maef, trying to justify H is really hard and most of the time it just goes around in circles, and why do you need to try to justify it anyway? You can just straight up admit you want H for the faps. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, everyone has sexual drive for different things (I'm sorry if I offend anyone that feels so strongly about hating hentai that they consider themselves asexual) and that is perfectly fine. You can say you think H adds to the plot and that you sometimes find some h-scenes romantic and whatnot, that's fine too. They are still at the end of the day h-scenes and everyone sees them differently. For those that don't like H. Skip the h-scenes, almost every single VN has a skip button. If more VNs added the "remove h-content" button, that'd be even greater. You'll still get your story in all its glory and you won't have to look at things you don't like. If you like h-scenes then enjoy the entirety of it. Is this such a hard thing to do? The industry doesn't need to change anything, they're trying to target more people, even if some/most of those people just want to fap to something, what matters is they are costumers that buy the product and that supports the creators regardless of the intentions. Is that a little lazy/cheap? Perhaps, but it's not going to change in the near future and the fact is the story is still going to be there if you want to read it, just don't look at the h aspect of it, plain and simple. I won't deny some vns do utilize h-scenes in a better way like Katawa Shoujo or Saya no Uta but you know most of them are just there for fanservice, that's a fact. All this discussion about trying to justify h-scenes and calling people who enjoy them perverts is beyond the point in my opinion. You like something that's different than what someone else likes? So what? We have the ability to think on a subjective level. You're never going to agree on the same aspects. And this whole morality thing is the same, everyone has different morals, nothing new to see here. You might strongly disagree with someone's morals but hey welcome to the 21st century.
    1 point
  25. I'm afraid not. All of them are perversions. Or none of them are. Your choice. I'm going to edit this so I don't have to come back into this thread anymore. You may or may not be aware of it, but sexual morality is based on the principle that sex should be used to procreate the human race (ideally in wedlock). The pleasure involved is just a side effect. Hence the traditional rules against sexual activity which is not going to result in procreation. I am well aware that many in modern society reject this notion of sexual morality. If you do, nothing I type here matters. That's why I prefaced my original comment with "if you care about morality..."
    1 point
  26. People are constantly conflating ordinary human lust with sexual perversion, so for those of you who care about morality, here it is: A guy desiring naked girls or sex acts, real or.in pictures, that's called "lust." Perversion is something more profound. I am sure you all know what sexually perverse acts are, but I'll give you some examples nonetheless. Pedophilia. Homosexuality. Bestiality. Incest. And so on. And, I too feel it is a good idea not to just call people who like H-scenes "perverts". I would not make that kind of judgment on a person so easily...
    1 point
  27. I've sidestepped around this topic for quite a long time, though I guess I throw in my opinion as well. I can actually think of a VN where the h-scenes are absolutely pivotal to the whole work itself - though, to be fair, that whole work is a deconstruction of eroge itself, which, obviously, is a medium full of h content. Sure, the h-scenes are there for the usual reasons, but even that fact itself is used in favour of its whole concept. I'm not going to name the VN since that'd probably completely spoil it, but the people who read most of Nitro+ work should know what I'm talking about. That said, that is just a rare exception, and one that pretty much just proves the rule. The VN itself flat out admits that you are supposed to fap to that, which is why the scenes are so detailed in the first place, it's silly to deny that. Sure, I can think of some VNs where the h-scenes could be used to disturb the reader, such as Saya no Uta or Muramasa - but honestly, I think you could fap to that too if you tried (some people might even without trying ). I generally dislike h-scenes and they get worse the longer they are, but I'd be lying if I claimed I never liked any. I really don't like them when they clash with the story, but if they are worked in well enough (or, in some cases even manage to add to it), it isn't so bad. Lets not forget that VNs definitely are not the only medium with sex in it, there are plenty of other works - books, movies, games - with those themes depicted one way or the other. Can it fit to a specific kind of a story? Yes. Can it add to it? Yes, it can. But is it necessary? No, I wouldn't say so. Because h is what sells in Japan? That's my guess, anyway.
    1 point
  28. Yea nice your phone has an option to take screenshots but my has a light stronger than most small flashlights.
    1 point
  29. You're missing the point. Someone already said this before. Those all ages versions that companies make are original. The author wrote them, they are adapted properly into all ages by the author. They're not censored versions, they're not cropped, they're written in a way so that h-scenes are not included and it makes sense when you read it. And the existence and translation of those is fine because that's an original work, it's unadulterated. You're not changing anything you're translating the entirety of the product which came out as all ages. However, trying to make an all ages version of an eroge that doesn't have one already, that's not okay because you're cropping and editing on your own, the author didn't do it, you did, you're not respecting the original product and the original author's intent by cropping their work, thinking it's okay because there's other eroge that have all ages versions. It's not. And you're removing the full experience that eroge would be. If the company didn't release an all ages version of that vn, you shouldn't go ahead and try to make one thinking it's all cool. If a translator tries to crop out h-scenes because they don't like it, they'll also have to live with the fact that their translation is not complete. It's partial and more importantly, it's censored and that's where the main problem lies and what I simply can't agree with.
    1 point
  30. The original work had h-scenes. Cutting them off doesn't change the fact it originally had h-scenes. If you're saying translators cut them off because they're for perverts then you're admitting the original work was for perverts as well so why are you interested in it? A translator that respects a work of literature would try and translate everything. H-scenes are part of an eroge. It's not a matter of being a pervert or not, it's a matter of stepping out of your comfort zone and translating h-scenes. If you don't like h-scenes why are you trying to translate a vn with h-scenes? There's plenty of great all ages vns out there, you don't need to go and cut off h-scenes of an eroge that has them there for a reason. If you liked an eroge's story and want to translate it, then respect the original work and translate the h-scenes as well since they were intended to be there. Calling translators half assed when they don't translate h-scenes because they don't like them is not such a wrong term. It's like a kid that doesn't want to eat their vegetables because they don't like it but want the rest of the dish. It's that childish in my opinion. I get that you really hate h-scenes. You've said it plenty of times. But then you shouldn't try and read vns with h-scenes, there's many all ages vns for one to enjoy, you don't need to go after works that have h-scenes and feel that it's your duty to bash the fact they have sexual content. Are there people who enjoy it just for the faps? Yes, I'm not denying that by any means. But are there people who like it as part of the story? There certainly are as well. But whichever the reason, the work had those scenes to begin with, regardless of the target audience, so don't try and delete stuff that isn't meant to be deleted.
    1 point
  31. Well there is at least the partial patch of the common route I believe so that should ease any future projects. I might organize a project for it.
    1 point
  32. Grisaia no Kajitsu Licensed by Sekai Project Summary Mihama Academy - on the surface, a closed learning environment established to nurture students who find themselves at odds with the world around them; in actuality, an orchard-cum-prison built to preserve fruit that has fallen too far from its tree. Whatever the circumstances behind its establishment, Mihama Academy is at present home to five female students, all with their own reasons for "enrollment." For better or worse, each girl has established a routine obliging of her current situation; life moves at an idle, yet accommodating pace within the walls of Mihama. Yet with the arrival of the institute's first male student, the nearly preposterously opaque Kazami Yuuji, the students at Mihama begin to fall out of step with their predetermined rhythms. Will Yuuji prove to be the element the girls around him needed to take hold of their lives once more, or will the weight of their pasts prove too steep a wall to overcome? And in the first place, just who is Kazami Yuuji? While the true nature of the "job" he is wont to alight to at the most haphazard of moments remains shrouded in secrecy, one thing is for certain - his encroachment upon the quiet orchard known as Mihama Academy will prove itself momentous in one way or another. And of course, one cannot discount the possibility that perhaps Yuuji himself carries the weightiest past of any of the students... Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order The game has a similar structure to G-Senjou no Maou in that its plot branches into a heroine's route at certain choices, although each of them is valid in its own as there's no true end. After entering a heroine's route the choices boil down to a single one for good/bad end. Following the flow of the story and entering each route as soon as you encounter them would lead to the following order: Makina -> Amane -> Sachi -> Michiru -> Yumiko. That said, Route Guideline Amane Good End Bad End Makina Good End Bad End Michiru Good End Bad End Sachi Good End Bad End Yumiko Good End Bad End Attribution A mysterious source. Aaeru formatted the original version of this post. It has since been updated and reworked several times by various staff members and admins.
    1 point
  33. Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo Rated 18+ In the near future. In a not so distant place. There exists a society where law is based upon deterrence and criminals are assigned "obligations" fitting for their crimes. Within this society, a man named Morita Kenichi aspires to the position of Special High Class Individual, one who holds authority over said criminals. For the purpose of fulfilling his ambition, Kenichi returns to the town he once called home. There he will encounter three girls bearing "obligations" and there he will encounter the past he left behind. Won't you join him in this story about how people relate to their society? In this story about how a society relates to its people. In this story about the girl amid the sunflowers growing in the country spinning like a wheel. ENDING GUIDE Sharin no Kuni doesn’t have the kind of routes you might except from a Visual Novel. Rather, after the introduction you will see the girls’ stories in the following order Sachi, Touka, Natsumi. Entering a heroine’s route doesn’t affect anything except the epilogue after the ending (and in the case of Sachi and Touka you get some extra scenes during the main story). After you’ve begun a relationship with Sachi or Touka you won’t be able to switch in later chapters. If you’re planning to do several routes it is definitely recommended to do Natsumi’s route first. ***Game Routes*** Natsumi Hinata Sachi Mitsuhiro Touka Oone Harem End Secret Heroine For a spoiler-free walktrough simply follow the walktrough for Natsumi or Harem End and instead of choosing (2) Live peacefully with Natsumi and the others, choose the other choice. For a more detailed walktrough (but with spoilers) read this: This walktrough is based on info aquired from GameFaqs.com and This Walktrough with some editing and additional info by me. Edit: Some stylistic changes made for posting in walkthrough section. -Tay
    1 point
  34. Tay

    Katawa Shoujo

    Katawa Shoujo Summary Hisao Nakai is a normal kid living a normal life. A senior in High School, things seem to be going his way until, in the middle of a love confession, his heart seizes up and he collapses. Upon waking, Hisao is informed that he has a heart arrhythmia: a condition which will require major lifestyle changes if he wants to stay healthy. Katawa Shoujo is the story of a boy, force-transferred to a school for disabled kids, and his special friends who open his eyes to what life is truly about. Ending Guide Katawa Shoujo is divided into five story arcs (one for each of the central characters), or "routes": Lilly Hanako Emi Rin Shizune You will encounter each of these girls several times in the course of Act 1, and depending on your choices, the game will select a route for you to take. Act 2 (through the end of the game) will be different for each story arc, or "route". What this means, of course, is that Act 1 is extremely complex in terms of choices (and the computer variables and flags associated with them). This complexity makes for an awesome story, but is difficult to explain in a textual walkthrough. Consequently, please consider the following advice: I recommend playing through Act 1 making the choices that come naturally to you, and observing each of the girls carefully. By the end of Act 1, you'll more or less know in your heart which route you want to start with. If you made choices by listening to your heart, you'll probably have already ended up in the route you want! If that's not the case, or you're playing through the game again and want to follow a different route, please see the individual route walkthroughs: they will guide you from the beginning of the game until the end, and will faithfully see you through to your chosen heroine. Thank you for using this walkthrough. Katawa Shoujo is the first visual novel I ever played, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. Also... Lilly forever! Route Walkthroughs PROLOGUE Katawa Shoujo opens to a prologue of sorts (a snowy confession) which leads immediately into Act 1: Life Expectancy. Lily Good and Neutral Endings Hanako Good and Neutral Endings Bad Ending Emi Good and Neutral Endings Bad Ending Rin Good, Neutral and Bad Endings Shizune Good and Bad Endings Note: Katawa Shoujo features notifications on choice screens which will help you see whether or not you've made a choice before. This will help all of the 100%-Driven players out there. As an added resource, please see this incredible flowchart, made by Feuver. If you're missing scenes, I'd focus on getting all the bad ends -- especially in Act 1 (they're probably what you're missing). Attribution This guide was based heavily on both Feuver's flowchart as well as information gleamed directly from personal experience as well as the official Katawa Shoujo site. A big thanks to Four Leaf Studios, the creators of the game, for the wonderful memories and powerful stories they've left us
    1 point
  35. Down

    Your top 10 websites

    10 most visited websites? Hell no.
    1 point
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