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Auto mode - do you use it?


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Rarely use it. 

Simply because the speed at which a character speaks and the text shows up varies, some lines take forever, others take too little and more importantly it rarely matches the text, and when it does match the text (some VNs have this option), the same problems surface, I like reading at a constant speed, so when a character is speaking slowly it's just annoying to me because i'm reading slower than i enjoy, thus I prefer to just use my own pace manually rather than rely on the VN's pre defined pace.


I'm the one reading, the VN is not reading to me


Only situation i use Auto Mode is when i'm eating and reading a VN  :lol:

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Huh, it looks like I'm in the minority. I almost always use auto mode if the game has specific enough settings to match my reading speed (multiplier by amount of letters in each line, minimum time to pause after the line is finished, etc.). Some games apparently don't cater to those few who use auto mode consistently and therefore have bad settings, like Grisaia no Kajitsu that can go to the next line even when the voice isn't finished. I guess I play VNs primarily when I'm lazy, because I don't feel like moving my finger to press a key or the left mouse click.

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I don't like auto mode, I always feel like I have to read faster than I normally do, and always end up having to wait for a while at the end of the text part o.o I tried it a few times because eating and playing at the same time is hard, but I just can't really read in peace when I don't control the pace ^^;

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I use it most of the times. Current vn's have a lot of tweaking options, which makes setting up appropriate reading speeds easy. As long as apropriate adjustments can be made to match my prefered reading speed, it's fine. Otherwise I prefer to hit space or enter; I rarely use mouse in story-based vn's, unless it's some kind of a hybrid with game elements.

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Does anyone actually use the auto-mode while reading visual novels? Some of them have pretty neat settings specifically for that mode, but I always find it either going too slow or too fast. How about you?

Yes I always tend to use it, especially if it's a good novel game that I'm willing to sit through patiently. I adjust the speed enough that I can read it without pause and not have to wait too long until the next text shows up. The only parts that might be slow, is when the voiced parts have to finish even when I've already finished reading. But that's okay, since it's almost like watching an Anime with voices.  So, yeah I adjust the speed enough that the pace is pretty similar to watching an anime.


When I get impatient though or it's a boring part, I'd turn Auto off, and just click through quickly as I finish skimming/reading.

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Only use Auto when I'm eating, otherwise it just feels too slow to wait for the VAs to finish the line, because I read pretty fast since I kinda skim lines and the meanings come into my head like a second after I hit enter. My mind is weird like that :P

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I know a lot of Japanese people who use it... but I don't.  For one thing, my reading speed varies wildly depending on my mood and how much food I've eaten recently, and for another, I dislike being completely hands-off. 

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I use it just about all the time, because clicking with my mouse or enter makes too much noise for me to enjoy the story. And then there is Ef, my current visual novel. If I am not on auto mode, I use the enter key to progress the text, but that is right below the backspace key... which I click far too often... crashing my game.

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