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Hiya, you guys! Guess who's back~ :watame:

I spent last week reading through the entire common route of Majikoi and boy, did I enjoy it haha

First impressions


  • strong and dominant female cast
  • unique and diverse characters
  • good comedy
  • fast-paced without much info drop
  • the end skit hehe


  • the art and BGM are very average imo
  • I'm still not sure what to say here abt the vn itself; I had some issues with some characters, but I will dwell on that later


Miyako: She was fun at first, but the jokes got tiring and repetitive with time...

Wanko: I L O V E H E R ! ! ! I don't want to have to lewd her in her route uuuuugh... Ravioli, ravioli, don't lewd the doggo loli. A pal of mine described her as the mix of Kud and Masato (from Little Busters!) and it couldn't be any less true.

Chris: Hmm... I don't think she's a bad character, per se... but she is indeed the least interesting one, I'd say. She's kinda preachy and annoying - kind of a jerk, a lot of times lol

Mayu: Not gonna lie, I disliked her at fitst (I only liked "Matsukaze"), but she did grow on me, especially after both fights with Chris haha

Momoyo: Even though her actions are questionable - with the harassement and rape jokes and all, I am still a sucker for strong girls :footsip: sigh...

Shouichi (Capt.): I want to see my little boy...! Here he comes! I want to see my little boy...! Personally, I see him the same way as Wanko: just an innocent child running around hehe

Gakutou: I was expecting that first bad end to be with Gakutou ngl; it was disturbing, oof... Well, I love muscle idiots, he very much reminds me of Masato, except Masato doesn't think with his dick lol

Moro: I like him, he's the sane member of the group lmao He doesn't stand out though, not that I mind it.

Minamoto Tadakatsu (Gen-san): :100: Man, I just love this guy! He's the first tsundere I actually stand and like, woah 💕 He's such a sweetheart hehe

  • I couldn't bear Ikurou... He was too much; Oogushi was alright, I guess;
  • Man, I loved Azumi, even though she barely showed up lol
  • Aoi Touma... what a bi icon, I love him, heh; he wasn't a trash character and was clearly bi, so that's nice (yes, the bar is low)
  • Love for children aside, Jun is cool! That cool and smooth voice totally suits him lmao
  • Finally, for Yamato: he's a good balance between generic and OP (to the point of it being too much). I have to admit that amongst such a diverse and powerful cast, he is a bit underwhelming, but I like it. He doesn't need to be too excentring, since he is usually "watching" the story unroll (as the protagonist).


Well, then. I will read Chris' route tomorrow. I'm a little uncertain on how to feel about her, but at least now I know better than to actually read h-scenes lmao well, except this one is apparently needed for the plot


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13 hours ago, Leonor said:


Minamoto Tadakatsu (Gen-san): :100: Man, I just love this guy! He's the first tsundere I actually stand and like, woah 💕 He's such a sweetheart hehe


Well, then. I will read Chris' route tomorrow. I'm a little uncertain on how to feel about her, but at least now I know better than to actually read h-scenes lmao well, except this one is apparently needed for the plot


Gen-san is the best male tsundere ever, glad he showed you the light.

I don't recommend Chris as a first route since it's the most controversial by far and may give you a bad impression of the rest of the VN.

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I have finished Miazora Interstellar Focus in Japanese.

I ended up really really liking it. One of the best (the best?) fandiscs I've read.

The 3some true route was pretty much what I wanted: Pure comfy, just enough drama, made both girls happy, and kinda explored the difficulties.

It was also nice to see a bit of the other characters get epilogues and screen time even though it wasn't their route. It was nice to see characters like Hinami and Yoshioka get some nice scenes.

And the bonus Quiz thing was a really fun way to incorporate that in the plot. I especially liked the one with Take and Narue since it's the only case where you can just have 1 on 1 time with em and even have Narue's thoughts on Take.

I don't think this fandisc really changed my opinion much on the characters, but it did give many of them to shine again which is great. It did help get me more hilarious and sweet Hinami moments which I always appreciate.

Honestly after reading this, Miazora might be my 2nd favorite VN series (after MajiKoi) even if any of them individually aren't in my top 3. Each of the 3 Miazora VNs were just all really consistently enjoyable and my type of slice of life: comfy, heartwarming, nice romance, a decent amount of character development, a fun way to incorporate a theme (stargazing), nice music, and just fun to read in just about every route.

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On 1/16/2021 at 9:56 AM, NowItsAngeTime said:

I don't recommend Chris as a first route since it's the most controversial by far and may give you a bad impression of the rest of the VN.

I can understand why, oof... Too late, though, I'm almost finished. I mean, yeah, Yamato and his dick move unsettled me for sure but I was warned beforehand; besides, I tendo to only judge a vn after I finished it :kanpai: I'll talk more abt it after I do finish the route tho!

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Finally finished some titles...


It took a while, but Senren * Banka was very sweet. Probably my favorite Yuzusoft title so far (just played Noble Works and Dracu Riot before though) and ended up playing all routes except Koharu's. It still had the typical Yuzusoft problem that they come up with a decent plot (for a moege) in the common route, but then more or less drop it in the character routes. Only Lena's route somewhat built up on it. I think they could learn a lesson or two from 9-nine how to successfully keep things interesting with reasonable effort.

Nevertheless, as a moege it certainly succeeds. In that area, it's hard to argue that Yuzusoft know their trade. The characters were very likable and had a good chemistry with each other. You really got family vibes from them. Like usual in a Yuzusoft the sprite dynamics were most excellent and made the characters feel more lively than ever. It also had a competent and caring protagonist. I really liked his dedication to his sword fight training. It's a pity it couldn't be used more. It would have been great to see some *Chusingura action* with him.

Heroine ranking: Lena >= Yoshino = Mako = Murasame = Roka > Koharu

I really have a hard time picking favorites here, since I liked most heroines almost equally. Though I think I liked Lena a tiny bit more than the others.

Overall rating 7/10 (Could have been higher if they would have put more emphasis on story)


Also finished Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden 2, the second fan disc for Kyonyuu Fantasy. I don't think this can be called a nukige anymore. In the first two hours you don't even see a girl, and the first H-scene happens after eight hours or so. They literally *plundered* all their previous Kyonyuu Fantasy games, including KF2 to get the sprite and image resources necessary to realize a full cross-pseudo-European conflict involving Spain (Iberia), France (Fronce), England (Hillsland), the Holy Roman Empire (Edellandt) and probably Denmark (Nordland). It's actually pretty impressive that they managed to pull that off, full with intrigues and wars.

On the other hand, it's still rather 'cheaply' made, so it's essentially just more of the same. It also suffers from Lute's harem being too big with only Shamsiel, Gladys and Aphrodia having useful roles from the old cast. Lute's antics also slowly get old, especially in the later parts when every problem is solved by him just walking in range. It's a lot more interesting when he actually comes up with a crazy idea or turns an enemy into an ally.

Heroine ranking: Gladys > Aphrodia > Shamsiel > Emeralia > Rosalyn > Estoria > ... (too much effort to list them all)

Overall rating: 6.5/10 (I originally wanted to give a 7, but Lute's *demi-god* problem solutions were just lame)


Well, Iwaihime was an odd one. I read a few chapters and then had a look at VNDB again if this was really written by Ryuukishi07. While the structure of VN resembles his previous works, the writing itself... does now. I'm not the biggest fan of Ryu, but my usual problems with his writing is that he doesn't find an end and just goes on and on until he suddenly comes up with a troll twist I hate. But on the other hand, he can also come up with some really powerful writing.

In Iwaihime however, you get an almost lightning fast pacing. Considering I usually like fast-paced VN's, this should have been perfect for me. However, this wasn't simply fast-paced, there were just essential parts missing. No proper character introductions, scene build-ups to create tension pretty much didn't exist. The chapters show-casing the different heroine problems felt like copy & paste with slightly different scenarios. Overall, it felt like the VN was written by a complete amateur, since not a single thing was decently done - it was more like a rough draft of how the VN should be structured than the full thing. Ryu must have really hated working on this, probably because it was contract work and not his own. It was obvious that he just wanted to get it over with, so he could work on his own stuff again.

Heroine ranking: Meh

Overall rating: 2/10 (Seriously, this was just bad and not me being grumpy for a change...)

Next on my list are Kami no Rhapsody and Gekkou no Carnevale. Though Gekkou is so unstable under Windows 10 that you can only use hotkeys, because accessing the game menu via right-click freezes the game. Story sounds interesting, but I'm not sure if it's worth going through those hassles.

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20 minutes ago, ChaosRaven said:

Ryu must have really hated working on this, probably because it was contract work and not his own. It was obvious that he just wanted to get it over with, so he could work on his own stuff again.

To me it feels like somebody wanted to have him work on this since he was known for writing horror, but they didn't realize what made his previous works good and gave him too many constraints for the actual writing. It's funny how this VN completely contradicts what Ryukishi himself believes about writing good horror.

By the way, I'm currently at chapter 5, and it made my impression even worse than I wrote in my previous post. It just went in the most cliche direction possible. Honestly, I'll probably try reading it a bit more, but I'm very close to following @Silvz's advice and just dropping it completely.

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2 hours ago, Stormwolf said:

Ohh so this franchise shat on itself just like my girlfriends the president? "3P true route" Jesus christ, why would anyone want that in a more or less serious story about teenage romance?

That's why it was relegated to fandisc :P But yeah, it almost kills my interest for that FD.

What I'm really waiting for is Miazora's equivalent of Cruise Sign - all ages JP version of main VN plus stories from fandiscs - so I wouldn't have to deal with awkward h-scenes or Pulltop's random translation quality :P Win-win situation. I'd buy such release in a heartbeat, but I'm afraid they won't do it... It really puzzles me - Steam edition of Miazora is obviously translated from unreleased console version - so why not release it then?


@ChaosRaven - you make me more and more interested in Senren Banka :)

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24 minutes ago, adamstan said:

@ChaosRaven - you make me more and more interested in Senren Banka :)

Did you read a Yuzusoft title before? For moe you usually can't go wrong with them. On VNDB at least, the most popular Yuzusoft title seems to be Sanoba Witch, but it probably depends a lot on what people have already read and Senren * Banka is newer. The just recently released Riddle Joker seems to be rather strong in the plot department though, so that will probably my next Yuzusoft title (after a reasonable break).

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44 minutes ago, Dreamysyu said:

By the way, I'm currently at chapter 5, and it made my impression even worse than I wrote in my previous post. It just went in the most cliche direction possible. Honestly, I'll probably try reading it a bit more, but I'm very close to following @Silvz's advice and just dropping it completely.

If you've come this far I'd recommend finishing it if only for the epilogue, which has one of the weirdest genre shifts 80% into a piece of fiction I've had the pleasure (?) to witness.

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15 minutes ago, ChaosRaven said:

Did you read a Yuzusoft title before? For moe you usually can't go wrong with them. On VNDB at least, the most popular Yuzusoft title seems to be Sanoba Witch, but it probably depends a lot on what people have already read and Senren * Banka is newer. The just recently released Riddle Joker seems to be rather strong in the plot department though, so that will probably my next Yuzusoft title (after a reasonable break).

Yes, I read Noble Works, Sanoba Witch and Natsuzora Kanata - and liked them all. I intentionally skipped Dracu Riot because vampire setting puts me off. But Senren Banka and Riddle Joker seem interesting.

(I also have BraBan and Tenshin Ranman on my "to read" list)

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8 hours ago, Leonor said:

I can understand why, oof... Too late, though, I'm almost finished. I mean, yeah, Yamato and his dick move unsettled me for sure but I was warned beforehand; besides, I tendo to only judge a vn after I finished it :kanpai: I'll talk more abt it after I do finish the route tho!

Well as long as you haven't ragequit the VN because of it, that's good at least.

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So, as actually reading stuff is apparently beyond my mental capacities lately, I'm slowly watching through two long playthroughs.

The first one is Danganronpa and while there are things I definitely like about it, I kind of find most of its interactivity a bit obnoxious. While the limited game mechanics of Ace Attorney were more like tools to get you involved in the story, setting it much closer to visual novel territories, the Danganronpa trials, repetition involved and puzzles... I never felt they added to the experience. Also, the levels of dumb in characters' behaviour somehow got on my nerves a bit. I heard that the translation of the first game is generally considered poor, but I'm not how much that could break outside of some cultural appropriation that I was able to decipher and which didn't really change that much. It's stylish, well-produced and occasionally quite funny, but rarely genuinely smart or surprising. Shaping into something like a 7/10 rather than a real classic. And I'm kind of surprised by this impression, because I hold Ace Attorney in much higher regard and through it would be able to capture that charm in slightly more-mature format. Maybe the sequel will grip me a bit more? Now part of me just wants to replay euphoria for some genuine death game action. 😆

VA-11 HALL-A on the other hand do not disappoint me in the slightest. Non-intrusive game mechanics, massive focus on dialogue and atmosphere... It's gloomy with its cyberpunk setting, but at the same time massively a feel-good game that let's you immerse yourself in its world and slowly get to know its characters, building towards more meaningful developments with subtle hints and seemingly trivial conversations. I don't think there's a single character introduced so far that I didn't enjoy on some level and it's interesting to see the deeper stories developing from this mostly-detached perspective of a bartender. It's hard for me to find anything to complain about here – not sure whether the concept itself was done before by any notable game, but its execution is just so good here... I'll be surprised if I don't feel like giving it at least 9/10 by the end.

Oh, and by the way, VA-11 HALL-A in now available on game pass for PC. If you want to cheese it, the first month of subscription literally costs $1, so you can read VA-11 HALL-A and probably finish a few other games virtually for free if you cancel before 30 days. :D

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2 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

the Danganronpa trials, repetition involved and puzzles... I never felt they added to the experience.

Oh wow, that is a surprise! Personally, I feel like Danganronpa isn't Danganronpa WITHOUT the trials haha the puzzles could easily go away, almost nobody likes them (I do like the comic format conclusion) but yeah, I find the trials pretty entertaining. Maybe it isn't the most fun to watch, just because it's more interactive to the actual player, but oh well! I'd rec JohneAwesome if you want a fun gameplayer to watch DR :reasparkle:

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Annnnnnd I've read Chris' route! Man, this was a 6/10... I hope the others are better than this, I was so hyped for this VN lol



Sigh... I did finally start to enjoy Chris as a character but that rape scene...! That scene made me cringe a lot, ugh. What's wrong with you, dude? Couldn't you, oh I don't know, try to talk?? I know she's tsundere and all, but you could try to be sweet and do something romantic to her, not tie her up and rape her. After that, I couldn't stand the route, it was just so fucking weird. Usually, I'm neutral to h-scenes and I even read them just for the sake of reading everything, but this time (and I'm adopting this from now on, unless I need them for the plot) I skipped them all.

That "house arc" made me think of Clannad lol

Miyako made me sad throughout this entire route and I'm preeeetty sure the other ones are going to be similar (except Miyako's) since I'm not choosing her.

Oh yeah, those "fight scenes", oof. I was expecting way more, booooo~ I don't like how they shoehorned Momoyo's route in there as well, with that last scene between Momoyo and that Japanese fighter dude.


Next this week is Wanko's... I dun wannaaaa :sadsacchin: I wish Wanko's was just a friendship route, sigh...

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I actually enjoyed Danganronpa solely because of the loud, obnoxious, over the top characters and bombastic class trials :makina:, but can totally see how it can be off putting to some. Definitely think just watching the Class Trials is a bit of a disservice though, that stuff should be played!

Aaaand there's another person who vouches pretty heavily for VA-11 HALL-A, I'm definitely gonna bump it up priority wise on my to read list, it's been on my backlog for years now.


So I was supposed to read Flowers, but work started picking up again for me yay 2021 so I did jack all in terms of reading this month. Also realized that Flowers is not a trilogy, but instead a quadrilogy or w.e you wanna call four entries, so I've decided to hold off on it since the last entry le volume sur Hiver apparently isn't EN yet.

I did pick up some really random short VN called Prison Princess. It was aight. Just like Neko Para you expected a short VN about cute cat grills and !animated! pr0n, Prison Princess is a short VN about helping two princesses escape a dungeon. Some of the puzzles can put the heroines in some pretty... provocative situations, and there's standard live2D animations going on and !touch support! so if you get tempted enough you can totally just say fk the puzzle and tap away on the heroines to hear all of their moaning goodness. Which, not surprisingly, will lower your compatibility with said heroine(s) and lock you into the bad endings. Escape first, play later!





I also picked up Yumeutsutsu Remaster. I think this will be my first Yuri / girl's love VN? The protagonist is (first) Ai Ohtori, a 21 year old naive cutie country girl who moves to the city to work at a small game development company. You'd think this VN would thus be heavy game design jargon infodumpy and maybe Ai would be this genius programmer with mad skillz or perhaps SOMETHING technical, but unfortunately Ai's position is circumstantial: she has never worked a job in her life prior, has absolutely 0 game design knowledge, and she was mainly approached by the company's President, Honoka, to work as an Assistant Director under her younger sister, 19 y.o Director Kokoro Yanagiya who I guess has been in some sort of slump and so the President went out of her way to set this up to rectify things power-of-sisterly love-style.



Unfortunately, Ai and Kokoro are not on the greatest of terms, and that seems to be the core conflict of this VN:


Ai's a really nice girl, it's great to have a female protagonist with moege-tier / casual / first world problems inner monologues for once. Most of the otomes I've read were mature story based so the protagonists and their inner monologues often reflected that. 

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It's been exactly 3 years today since I finished first Majikoi. I think my favorite heroine routes were Miyako, Mayucchi and Momoyo. But the ultimate best was true route, and it was what gave the VN such high score in my list (8).

6 hours ago, Leonor said:

Usually, I'm neutral to h-scenes and I even read them just for the sake of reading everything, but this time (and I'm adopting this from now on, unless I need them for the plot) I skipped them all.

H-scenes in this one are numerous and while some of them were not bad, most are rather cringey. And Yamato's obsession with anal soon started getting on my nerves :P I think I might, just out of curiosity, check out the Steam edition, when JAST finally releases it ;)

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About Yumeutsutsu, I did remember that the writing between four routes are very different. By very different I mean looks like each writer did what they think it's the best when it come to narration, and therefore the perspective writing between four routes are vary. To elaborate, Saki's route didn't have perspective but instead there's only non-stop conversation (ie no monologue) just like the manga without narration, Nana's perspective is fully focused on Nana with few lines back to Ai, Marie route has standard everchanging perspective between Ai and Marie, and lastly Kokoro's route is goes as normal with Ai in charge of monologue just like common route. Also I like that the textbox color here is reflect on which character perspective that currently the reader read. As for the twist, let's just say that it's not as surprising as Hakuai although it's still quite wham in the VN itself. Either way have fun in regard of Yumeutsutsu.

For both of Carnevale and Rhapsody, well don't expect much in regard of those two is the good advice that I can give. Although it's less in regard of the VNs are bad and it's more that you better not expect something amazing in those two VNs because after all disappointment was born from high expectation. That said, those two VNs are still good on their own so have fun in regard of that. Also Carnevale engine here is really bugged, so it would be wise to follow the translator advice to not right click on it (Although admittedly it's quite annoying in that you can only use keyboard to access the menu). In case you have doubt on the translation thanks to translator infamous translation of Cross Channel in the past, I'll just say that the translation is okay despite some of awkward wording, or to make some comparison here I have more problem with typo at 11eyes than Carnevale's translation and yet I still say that it's nice to have 11eyes translated.

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@Eclipsed Under what rock did you pull out that yuri game I knew nothing of!?
I mean, not to say I always know about all releases or anything, but I know these developers (Nurse Love Addiction) and find it odd I never registered that this thing released, much less that it had a fandisc/sequel.
These guys have been escaping me, so I better register this all down.

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So, I'm done with VA-11 Hall-A, outside of the prologue chapters. I think it only lacks a more powerful ending and a bit more fleshing out of some secondary characters – with that it would be a 10/10 contender, but I still give it a strong 9/10. Even the gameplay showed a little bit more depth than I initially though – you not only get awarded for learning your clients' tastes, but also should actually care about making them leave as much money as possible, pushing bigger and more expensive drinks. It's a very low-key, but fun kind of puzzle, rewarding you with the ability to buy all kinds of thematic junk for Jill's apartment. And while I might complain about episodic characters being... too episodic, the game also surprised me with some stuff. Particularly with how deep the subplot of the ghost girl from the demo went. It was weirdly satisfying. ^^

On 1/19/2021 at 5:19 AM, Eclipsed said:

I actually enjoyed Danganronpa solely because of the loud, obnoxious, over the top characters and bombastic class trials :makina:, but can totally see how it can be off putting to some. Definitely think just watching the Class Trials is a bit of a disservice though, that stuff should be played!

To be fair, I don't hate them, I just never felt they had the same amount of substance as AA trials. Those were also over-the-top and silly, but felt more like an actual battle of wits, while the wit of anyone in that Danganronpa trial room was highly questionable. xD Also, some parts of the gameplay, like rhythm-game sections, are something I'm criminally bad at, so I think I'd end up playing on casual and still feeling they were pointless. Plus, while I generally like the cast, the whole thing lacks a proper focus on main characters. Kyoko is cool, but she's an enigma for most of the game and Makoto... Uh, he's hardly anything. I mean, he's somewhat believable as random dumb kid being used as a tool by Kyoko, so she can keep a low profile, but that's hardly a satisfying role to play. :P

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And continuing with unfair comparisons, I've started going through Coffee Talk, the VA-11 Hall-A rip-off... And I'm starting to think it was a bad idea to give it a try straight after finishing the latter. It's quite stylish and interesting with the modern-fantasy approach to the mundane theme of being a barista, but it's just really hard to compete with VA-11 Hall-A's writing and atmosphere. The biggest issue is probably the protagonist being a complete blank slate, at least as far as I've seen. While Jill is reserved in her interaction with her clients most of the time, the personality and backstory she brings into the game make everything that happens in it more meaningful. Her backroom interactions with Dana and Gil were always funny and build up to interesting side stories. Here, you have just this self-insert owner and clients who are quite often talking with each other rather than with the protagonist. It's a lot of subtle differences that result in the whole formula feeling tepid, rather than captivating, despite visuals and music that could possibly carry it. But maybe it will get better further down the line...

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Well, one more route completed! This time, Wanko's :heart:  :ezgif-2-df452814b3f1:

BOY, compared to Chris', this route was so much better! Although the beginning was a little boring and dragged, I had a lot of fun (and tears)! Maybe I felt it dragged because I was rushing and I had a huge headache on those two days of reading lol

Overall, I liked this route. It wasn't heavy on the romance, which is something I LOVE and find rare in eroge.


I cried during the whole drama parts (Wanko's mental breakdown after she gave up her dream and when she met again with Momo), my heart couldn't take it sobs

Well, her h-scene... wasn't bad. I mean, I only read the first 40 lines or so and skipped the rest but it didn't look too forced. I'd still rather have a friendship route with her, tho. Like, every little thing but they remained friends. That'd be perfect ❤️


I still haven't done her after story so I can't say much abt that, but I liked to see all grown up hehe :Chocola: she looked so professional!


Next is Miyako, which I'm already focusing on; :footsip:  

Let's see, Miyako isn't much of a favorite of mine... I hope this changes that!

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Recently I've been feeling strong urge to re-read Princess Evangile and Konosora for the third time. It seems that they have become my "comfort VNs" .


A comfort VN is a VN that you re-read several times regardless of knowing what's gonna happen and when. Maybe it's because you are getting tired or overwhelmed of deciding what to read next, or because you are feeling down, or just because you like revisiting those characters and stories.

While they aren't the greatest that I've read, my feelings about them are almost exactly as in quote above. But before that I have to finish Sorairo, and then I think I'll try Worldend Syndrome.

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