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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. 15 hours ago, OriginalRen said:

    I recommend giving your book a free trial for a limited amount of time. In my opinion, your limited description of the book and the amount of pages (roughly 130 of actual story) does not warrant a $15 price range, more so $15 without shipping included. Seeing how you structured the actual paragraphs, the actual length of the book could be read in less than an hour, and that's for the average reader no less.

    That being said, I wish you the best and hope it all works out!

    I have to say I agree to this, especially the price for the amount of content. It simply doesn´t seem that justified. 

    It is also difficult to know much about the story based off simply that short summary, and the little information one can get from the pages available in the preview. 


    Still, best of luck on your project! 

  2. Just now, Arcadeotic said:

    >Not getting mentioned

    Well, it's not like it was even in your mind back then, as I was just starting out, in the forums and in the chat, where mind you, you never visit.

    Anyways, belated congratulations.


    Didn´t really know you back then :miyako: 


    Whoa. With this, my 1000th post is under my 500th post thread. 

    It´s like I stumbled into the matrix! Nothing makes sense anymore! :pyaa: 

  3. 1 hour ago, Arcadeotic said:

    Except the grinding and luck aspects.

    Honestly, it's fine, but those aspects make it not fun at all

    That is true, those parts were very annoying, but they had the waifu mode there so you could skip those parts completely. 


    Would be interested in seeing a full review of Liberation day. Anyone want to offer their review services? :makina: 

  4. 1 hour ago, Decay said:

    You rate games on VNDB too, so what does that say about you? :makina:

    There's no crowd specific to VNDB, the entire western VN community contribute to the ratings there. So blame all of us, not just VNDB.

    Yes but when I give a yuri game a 10 rating, it´s ok, because they clearly deserve it :makina: 

  5. Just a heads up, translators will very rarely just pick up a translation project because someone asked them too.

    A fan translation takes a long time and a great deal of effort, and it's something people usually do because they honestly want the game translated for others to enjoy.

    It is rarely something they do just because a person told them to. They are much more likely to pick up something that motivates them on a personal level.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    Just finished playing this...

    Wow...I have no words. Bravo is all I have to say.

    I was seriously depressed with the way things were ending, but I didn't expect the game to have something like this up its sleeve. It completely caught me off guard, which is not something many stories do nowadays.

    For anyone wondering whether or not this game has some sad as fuck ending, all I can say is play it. You will not regret it.

    I'm sure a lot of people could consider the way this develops sort of "Key"-like, but honestly, I think the way the game handles the delivery was pretty satisfying and was very enjoyable to read for me.

    Wow, that sounds awesome. Really hyped now.

    Won a key from Eclipsed's giveaway, (you didn't pick me in yours:jinpou:)

    Got the game downloaded and ready, now I'll just have to get over my Beat blades haruka no-lifing session and I'll start it :P

  7. 43 minutes ago, The Striker said:

    Congrants.. one day mabye i reach this number too...

    Thanks. Yeah, keep at it! Start spamming! :makina:

    33 minutes ago, Asonn said:

    congratulations on spamming fuwa for the 100th time. 

    Thanks :miyako:

    16 minutes ago, TexasDice said:

    Do you really think that I have any shame left at this point? elinafaceemoticon41kaba.png

    No of course not :makina:

  8. Just now, VirginSmasher said:

    Thanks for mentioning me yuri fag hypocrite moe douche cock massaging prick.

    Congrats on the 1000th post. :sachi:

    :wahaha: Good luck.

    Thank you :makina:

    I love you. No homo. (In before Mitch makes another yaoi fanfic)

  9. 7 minutes ago, mitchhamilton said:

    .........no one likes you here, they just pretend to like you.

    I knew it! :pyaa:

    5 minutes ago, Arcadeotic said:

    Great use of my time :makina:

    Thanks for the useless nomination

    Anyways, awfully great serious-not-so-serious "Looking back at"-post

    It's been a pleasure looking yu writhe and struggle, and I'm glad to be a part of your Fuwa experience

    Good going, you Yuri freak

    :miyako:  Love you too sweetheart

    5 minutes ago, Kiriririri said:


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents


      Reveal hidden contents






    Another one of these! :pyaa:

    Oh wow, there was actually a reward at the end :kosame:  Thank you :kosame:

    4 minutes ago, Nosebleed said:

    Funny thing is, I actually do have a sequel to the Salami story about a figure I got 2 weeks ago, but it's not as exciting so I'm not sure I want to write about it.

    Well, congratulations on the milestone.


    Write it! :pyaa: Everyone are waiting for the exciting sequel!!! :miyako:

    2 minutes ago, XReaper said:

    oh shut up & get yourself raped by a massive twin-dicks owning futa. cheers - cu upon reaching 1500posts!


    1 minute ago, Zenophilious said:

    Not enough groveling.  You still have some dignity left.

    'grats, man!  Hope you stick around for quite a bit longer.  Who knows, you might convince me to give moe another try through spamming screenshots.

    Damnit, I knew it!

    H-Here, look! 20 dollars! :miyako:

  10. Hello fellow members of fuwanovel! (Just gonna say it now... I'm writing this all in one go and I suck at proofreading. There is probably a typo or ... 900. Just try to not rip all your hair out. Thank you. :miyako: )

    Man, it feels like just yesterday that I reached 500 posts and made one of these threads. When I finally got my title, I was so excited. I was one of the cool kids :makina:

    I reached 500 posts the 22nd of january 2016, and I joined fuwanovel 25th of september 2015.Today, 4th of march 2016 I reached 1k posts.

    Now, I call myself a spammer a lot for kicks, though it's not like I actually actively try to spam threads with useless banter. ( most of the time :makina:   )

    Honestly, the reason I've made so many posts over such a small period of time is: I love this community. I spend most of my free time here on fuwanovel. When I'm reading a VN, fuwanovel is always open on my other monitor. When I'm at school, I keep checking the site when I have time, and it's just become that place I always go when I don't have anything to do. It's literally been set as my homepage at this point, and so when I go on my PC to check my email or whatever and I notice a notification on fuwa, I'll always go and check what it is. It's really become a habit now. :wahaha: 

    Fuwanovel has really been an important part of my life these past few months and it's been something that's actually helped me figure out what kind of education I want moving forward. If it wasn't for fuwanovel, I never would have gotten this much into learning Japanese, and I never would have dreamed of going for a bachelor degree in Japanese language and culture, (which is what I have now actually applied for. If everything goes well, I'll be starting my studies in august, and by next year, I'll be studying in a university in Japan.)

    Visual novels was something I didn't know much about when I came here. I had played like two and knew essentially nothing about … Well, anything surrounding VNs. Heck, when I first finished Makina's route in Grisaia and got the bad end, I thought that meant I wouldn't be able to get a different outcome as I had no idea all you needed to do was load the save and re-do the choice :wahaha: 

    I really was a noob back then. Now, @Kawasumi and @CeruleanGamer have corrupted me, and XX of the dead, Maggot baits and such is on my reading list :makina: 


    Really though, I wanted to make this thread to give a huge, heartfelt thank you to everyone on fuwanovel. I feel like I've gotten to know most of the users here by now, and it's rare that I'll see someone who isn't actually new for the first time. Not everyone will know me, as I haven't been here that long yet, though I do hope that people have started to notice me, going "ah right, that weirdo from Norway who is obsessed with yuri". :P 


    Not only have I met a lot of really cool people here that I've gotten to know fairly well, but I've also written my first ever light novel / book, whatever you want to call it. I've loved writing for a long time, but I never finished anything before. I just kind of made up the story in my head and left it there.

    With the motivation I got from you guys here, I kept on going and actually finished the book in just a few months. Thanks to the surprisingly positive reception of my story, I just kept on going and wrote almost 140 pages in a few months. I even had someone offer to make a scetch of the main character for free, simply because they wanted to.


    I've had an absolute blast here so far, and I'm looking forward to spending more time here, (that is, as long as @Tay doesn't break the site again anytime soon :makina: Sorry. Just had to say that. We all appreciate your hard work Tay.) That also applies to every single staff member on this site of course, be it board mods, global mods, admins or chatmods. You guys are great, really. You keep this site alive and I think I can say on behalf of everyone, thank you!!!


    This thread got a whole lot more serious than the first one, (which we discovered had the word "awesome" used 13 times, thanks to @Flutterz counting them up :makina: )

    I'd just like to say thanks to some of the people on this site, though once again, like in the last thread, don't take any offense if I don't mention you. (Let's face it, no one wants to be mentioned by this weird yuri freak anyways :makina: )

    First off, @VirginSmasher, @mitchhamilton, @DarkZedge, @Arcadeotic, @Kiriririri, @TexasDice, @Kawasumi, @CeruleanGamer, @XReaper, @Forgetful Frank, @Nashetania. You guys are all spammers and you should be ashamed of yourself! :pyaa:

    Naw, seriously though, I love all of you. Especially you kiri-senpai. Now gime back my lolis :yumiko:

    @Kaguya You have called me a lot of names, though I just take it that means you love me :miyako: (Oh, you don't .. Ok :wafuu:  Oh, and I WILL read Dies Irae one day, mark my words! :pyaa: )

    @Nosebleed Pretty much the same that I told you last time, you are a great person and ... Um, the salami story you made made me cry. Please write a sequel. I demand a sequel!!!

    @Flutterz, @Eclipsed, @Zenophilious, @Down, @Kurisu-Chan and all the other staff members, I love you guys. (So pls don't ban me :pyaa: )

    @12kami Stop trying to butcher me. I'm just a poor little yuri fan :kosame:

    @Jade Traps are still evil. Yuri prevails. :makina:

    And a special thanks to [Deleted member] RIP. Chatmod-chan, poor little chatmod-chan. (Yeah did you guys forget? I was a chatmod for a whole week! HAH! Don't worry though, no one were accidentaly banned by me :miyako:  ... Probably. :illya: )


    That is it.

    If you didin't get mentioned, I obviously hate you. /sarcasm.

    Thanks again to everyone on the forum, new members, old members, staff members, everyone!. Yes, even you Jade. :miyako:

    Cheers guys! Here is to another 1k posts! (Since I'm a spammer and all, see you in 2 weeks with my 5k posts thread :makina: )

  11. Just started watching Tantei Opera Milky Holmes. It's been on my list for quite a while, and I was like ... Meh, why the hell not. It seems cute :miyako:

    Watched 3 episodes and it's pretty decent. Funny and cute is a good way to describe it so far.

    (Not gonna lie, the reason it got on my list was because of the 10 hour Kokoro, kokoro! song on youtube :wahaha: )

  12. Beat blades Haruka! :pyaa:

    Taking a break from G-senjou to play this. Need to fufill my ... Dark desires :holo:


    Just started it a little bit a go, got through the first day. The art is good, the action is pretty badass, the H-scenes are ... Yum :illya:

    The minigame interface seems pretty good, though the way the RNG seems locked is rather strange. No matter how many times you load the save, the "RNG" is already decided. Seems a little bit harsh. Like, if you get a bad roll, you are stuck with that forever? .. Don't really like the idea of that.

  13. I get the idea with an animal mascot instead of a human, though I still think an original human character would be the best. 

    Maybe a set of them, one male and one female human character, each on one side of the logo. So like "Female" Fuwanovel "male" or the other way around. 


    A fairly plain character, something along the lines of the Amagami SS artstyle is my suggestion. I realize it´s quite "boring", but making a characrter that´s supposed to NOT be directed at one specific type of people, but instead something that can represent VNs etc as a whole, the more "plain" the character is the better. 

    That´s what I think at least. 

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