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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. Just now, VirginSmasher said:

    So he's one of those protagonists. I also hate those protagonists who can't tell when girls obviously like him. Masaya is a recent example of that kind of protagonist. It annoyed me at times.

    Yeah. Cero is actually very nice. He is one of those people who just honestly has absolutely no idea and can't help it. But still... It's fucking annoying :makina:

    Also, again, Yuri cockblock. Wait ... Vagina ... Block? ... :michiru: ...

  2. I guess this comes as no suprise but Makoto from school days. I want him to burn in the pits of hell for all eternity. Kind of.


    Hmm... I can't say I hate him, because well he is quite the nice guy, but Cero from Katahane kind of pissed me off at times. He is just too much of an airhead. You know, the normal "did you say something, girl who has a crush on me?" His "I dont give 2 shits" attitude in the early game is just annoying :wahaha:

    Also he gets in the way of my yuri :makina:

  3. 3 minutes ago, solidbatman said:

    chilll he said he hopes he doesn't die, just that his stories are shit. Acting like you suddenly like someone just to match popular sentiment is nothing but lying to look good. I hate Maeda too, and I too hope he does not die, and can continue writing shit VNs for me to get salty over for many years to come. So lets not take the high horse and act like people who don't like him and say as much are "disgustingly childish". Far from it, I ffeel that people who suddenly act like they like someone when illness happens are the childish ones


    If Ren came out and said, "Good, I hope this worthless, talentless, uncreative piece of shit writer dies a slow and agonizing death in his hospital bed," then you might have a point. 

    Don't know why you included me in the quote and made this as a general statement to both me and Babiker, but your attitude kind of irritates me.


    A person is in the hospital for an unkown reason. It could be serious. That's all I see. I don't care if he is a famous VN writer or a homeless man; its equally tragic. This thread just happens to be dedicated to Jun Maeda, and most people on this forum knows about his work. It's logical that they will say "I hope he gets better, I like his VNs." It's not shallow or anything like that. Saying you enjoy his work doesn't mean you automaticly put him above anyone else who might be in the hospital.


    Your attitude, and Ren's, is extremely juvenile. I hope you see that. I get it, jokes, bla bla, but this is a person's life and it's not really something to joke about.

  4. Basically, I can take the place of any VN character? 


    Think I´d go with Aoi from Kono oozora as well. Because ... Twins! Kotori! Amane!...  :pyaa: 


    Mitch, I´m sorry to have to do this, but there isn´t room for two of us in there...  :jinpou:

    *Stabs Mitch and dumbs his body in the ocean* 

  5. 1 minute ago, Arcadeotic said:

    Well yes, it has its moments, but the grind was so god-awful that it made me drop it :komari:

    Ah yeah. That part was a little meh. Also, the stupid ass luck system. (I had to play on waifu mode because constantly getting bad ends in like exam week and shit pissed me of :wahaha: )

  6. Ugh among those 3 pretty specific choices I guess the first one is mostly correct.

    Honestly, I have nothing against OELVNs. Not at all. If it´s good, I´ll gladly play it. I´ve backed several and have a few others I´m currently looking forward to. 

    But yeah I guess, compared to many of the high budget Japanese VNs, OELVNs tend to be a little ... "Bad". I´ll gladly play the good ones, but there is definitely a bunch that are just cringeworthy. 

    Again though, I have nothing against OELVNs in general. 


    My favorite is Sunrider Academy. (I´m one of those weirdos who hasn´t actually played katawa shoujo, and probably never will :makina: )

  7. Well hypothetically, if steam was to start selling the VNs they have available currently uncensored it would be quite interesting. It makes it possible for Mangagamer, Sekai Project and the likes to use steam even more actively when selling games. One problem they encounter is that the uncensored version of their game will simply sell more than the original version, simply because steam has a much bigger user base compared to their own homepage. If steam now allows them to release the other games they currently only have on their own homepages, it would be pretty good for them and for western VN comsumers.


    I do believe some companies that have so far been reluctant to release their games uncensored in the west would be more willing to do so if steam opened up to their games. 


    I know one reason why steam doesn´t do it is linked to paypal´s policy, though they could simply make it so that the 18+ games cannot be purchased trhough paypal to eliminate that problem. Quite a lazy excuse to hide behind. 


    Really though, this is something that they have been quite stern on for a long time and I doubt they will actually open up for serious uncensored sexual content on steam. It at least wont become a platform for uncensored VNs any time soon. 

    Still, with releases like patchable Nekopara and compeltely uncensored kindered spirits, they are taking a step in the right direction. 

  8. On 28. februar 2016 at 10:23 PM, Black Sands Entertainment said:

    Yeah. We changed timelines a bit to fit this narrative but WHO CARES lol. It will be great.

    Thank goodness we aren't getting boring over time. This is an expensive game so I gotta constantly build momentum for the KS.

    Yeah based on everything in here, it looks like it´s going to be epic! :miyako: 


    Speaking of the KS, you guys have any ETA on when it is going to go live? 

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